Hello everyone:
I tried to install abinit 6.12.3 binary on Win7 64 bit, simply I extraced the zip file "abinit-6.12.3_i686_cygwin_gnu4.5" to /usr/local in my cygwin.
However when I try to run abinit, it says:
/usr/local/bin/abinit.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This looks quite weird for me. Could you please shed some light on this point?
Many thanks!!
Abinit 6.12.3 on Win7 64bit [SOLVED]
Moderators: fgoudreault, mcote
Forum rules
Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.
Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.
Abinit 6.12.3 on Win7 64bit
Last edited by ljludwig on Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
[CORRECTED/UPDATED] Re: Abinit 6.12.3 on Win7 64bit [SOLVED]
abinit run natively under the "command prompt" of Windows and ALSO under cygwin...
the DLL were missing in the package : a new package is available !
abinit run natively under the "command prompt" of Windows and ALSO under cygwin...
the DLL were missing in the package : a new package is available !
Last edited by jbeuken on Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jean-Michel Beuken
Computer Scientist
Jean-Michel Beuken
Computer Scientist
Re: [Solved] Abinit 6.12.3 on Win7 64bit
Thank you very much!! It is really amazing that it can run directly under windows not cygwin!
Well I already used Cygwin and source package to compile it, so I'd like to list the procedure for Cygwin for future reference (I'm also new to Cygwin):
1. Install Cygwin with full function, not default
2. Install mpich2
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/project ... =downloads
configure and make
3. Install Abinit with 4 cpus.
#./configure --prefix=/home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3 --enable-mpi=yes --with-mpi-prefix=/home/usrname/software/mpich2
#make multi multi_nprocs=4
#make install
4. Add environment variables:
open ~/.bashrc, then add:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3/lib
export PATH
5. Run Abinit in parallel
mpiexec -n 4 /home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3/bin/abinit.exe <t3x.files>& log
Well I already used Cygwin and source package to compile it, so I'd like to list the procedure for Cygwin for future reference (I'm also new to Cygwin):
1. Install Cygwin with full function, not default
2. Install mpich2
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/project ... =downloads
configure and make
3. Install Abinit with 4 cpus.
#./configure --prefix=/home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3 --enable-mpi=yes --with-mpi-prefix=/home/usrname/software/mpich2
#make multi multi_nprocs=4
#make install
4. Add environment variables:
open ~/.bashrc, then add:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3/lib
export PATH
5. Run Abinit in parallel
mpiexec -n 4 /home/usrname/software/abinit-6.12.3/bin/abinit.exe <t3x.files>& log