We are pleased to announce the first:
"Yambo hands-on tutorial on electronic and optical excitations: from
basic to advanced applications"
that will take place from April 8 to April 12, 2013 at the CECAM
headquarters in Lausanne (Switzerland)
This 5-day hands-on tutorial will give participants the chance to learn
both state-of-the-art approaches (GW, TD-DFT and BSE) as well as cutting
edge topics and applications (electron-phonon coupling, magneto-optical
effects and surface spectroscopies) as implemented in Yambo, a powerful,
open-source ab-initio code interfaced with several DFT packages
(including Abinit and quantum-ESPRESSO).
Lectures on the foundations of the theoretical methods will be
complemented by technical ones on numerical and computational aspects. A
significant part of the school will be dedicated to hands-on tutorials,
where participants will be given the opportunity to carry out excited
state calculations on several paradigmatic systems under the guidance of
the Yambo code developers themselves.
Deadline for application is on March 1, 2013.
The number of participants will be limited to approx. 30.
The organization will partially cover living expenses of the participants.
Acceptance decisions will be made within 1 week after the deadline.
For more details, please follow the above links.
With kind regards,
The Yambo Team