downfolding and LDA+DMFT
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:07 am
Dear all
As a new user of abinit, I have a few questions concerning the usage of the LDA+DMFT interface. The central question is actually simple, how can I get the band structure of an interacting system from LDA+DMFT. These concern a few more detailed questions, which may help you to get what I really want to know. The general logic of abinit LDA+DMFT calculations seems to be the following: For a given interacting system, by specifying the band indices and atomic orbital characters to abinit, abinit projects the Bloch bands to a hamiltonian with dimension of the # of orbitals specified. Then, this Hamiltonian is solved in DMFT by certain impurity solver. The standard output of the entire LDA+DMFT calculations is the impurity self-energy. Now, my questions are
(1). How can one tell the quality of projection? Is there any way to visualize the projected band structure and compare them to the original Bloch band from, e.g. LDA?
(2). Is it possible to visualize the characters of the projected orbitals from, e.g. the wannier function plot? Plotting the orbital basis functions in real-space would be a straightforward way to understand their characters. In another projection scheme based on the so-called Maximally Localized Wannier Functions, one can plot the MLWFs to get a feeling of the orbital nature. I am looking for something similar to help me to understand the resulting orbital basis functions. Can the same plot be done in Abinit?
(3). I am very interested in the electronic structure plot in the LDA+DMFT calculations. As far as I understand, I need two ingredients: the projected LDA band structure (the"non-interacting" Hamiltonian in LDA+DMFT) and the DMFT local self-energy. The latter is a standard output of the impurity solvers. I am wondering, how the former, i.e. projected LDA band, can be obtained from the interface? Where are they stored, or is there any script that can help me to generate them? This should not be of principle problem as, in any case, it is also an input to the DMFT circle.
I would be very thankful to you guys for valuable explanations.
Gang Li
University of Wuerzburg
As a new user of abinit, I have a few questions concerning the usage of the LDA+DMFT interface. The central question is actually simple, how can I get the band structure of an interacting system from LDA+DMFT. These concern a few more detailed questions, which may help you to get what I really want to know. The general logic of abinit LDA+DMFT calculations seems to be the following: For a given interacting system, by specifying the band indices and atomic orbital characters to abinit, abinit projects the Bloch bands to a hamiltonian with dimension of the # of orbitals specified. Then, this Hamiltonian is solved in DMFT by certain impurity solver. The standard output of the entire LDA+DMFT calculations is the impurity self-energy. Now, my questions are
(1). How can one tell the quality of projection? Is there any way to visualize the projected band structure and compare them to the original Bloch band from, e.g. LDA?
(2). Is it possible to visualize the characters of the projected orbitals from, e.g. the wannier function plot? Plotting the orbital basis functions in real-space would be a straightforward way to understand their characters. In another projection scheme based on the so-called Maximally Localized Wannier Functions, one can plot the MLWFs to get a feeling of the orbital nature. I am looking for something similar to help me to understand the resulting orbital basis functions. Can the same plot be done in Abinit?
(3). I am very interested in the electronic structure plot in the LDA+DMFT calculations. As far as I understand, I need two ingredients: the projected LDA band structure (the"non-interacting" Hamiltonian in LDA+DMFT) and the DMFT local self-energy. The latter is a standard output of the impurity solvers. I am wondering, how the former, i.e. projected LDA band, can be obtained from the interface? Where are they stored, or is there any script that can help me to generate them? This should not be of principle problem as, in any case, it is also an input to the DMFT circle.
I would be very thankful to you guys for valuable explanations.
Gang Li
University of Wuerzburg