I try to go through the tutorial of wannier, so I compiled wannier90-2.0.1 and then recomplied abinit.
I used configure command as follows:
Code: Select all
./configure \
--enable-wannier90 \
--with-wannier90-libs="-L/home/lrl/Desktop/wannier/wannier90-2.0.1/libwannier.a" \
--enable-mpi=yes --enable-mpi-io FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc
But as-maked abinit did not support wanner90, with error "prtwant==2 is only relevant if wannier90 library is linked Action: check compilation options".
I searched the installation file and forum to find some related topics, but none could tell me how to configure with details.
Another question is what should I install before abinit, I use
Code: Select all
apt-get install openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev libfftw3-mpi-dev liblapack-dev libxc-dev
What else should I install to make abinit better? The config-log told me that my pthon can not be used, will this be harmful?
I am looking forward someone will reply.
Rulin Liu