I have trouble for SCF convergence for an anion in a vacuum box.
Does anyone have suggestions? Below is my input file.
Thanks you.
# Definition of the unit cell
#The length of the primitive vectors
# 1 Bohr=0.5291772108 Angstroms
# acell 10.497600 10.497600 25.000000 Angstroms
acell 19.837589 19.837589 47.243153
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
#Definition of the atom types
# 10 kind of atoms
# ['H', 'C', 'O']
ntypat 3
znucl 1 6 8
#Definition of tha atoms
natom 10
typat 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
0.54953 0.488194 0.263709
0.597746 0.44301 0.198492
0.40342 0.654867 0.224919
0.436457 0.598672 0.159489
0.558207 0.677447 0.197446
0.477334 0.610456 0.199734
0.516663 0.480623 0.22194
0.409358 0.378494 0.219028
0.345217 0.374438 0.176113
0.396924 0.306535 0.25944
#Basis definitions
ecut 20
ecutsm 0.5
pawecutdg 30.
#geometry optimziation
ionmov 2 # Use the modified Broyden algorithm
ntime 100 # Maximum number of Broyden "timesteps"
tolmxf 5.0d-5 # Stopping criterion for the geometry optimization : when
# the residual forces are less than tolmxf, the Broyden
# # algorithm can stop
#SCF cycle parameters
tolvrs 1.0d-10
nstep 200
#K-points and sym
kptopt 0 # Enter the k points manually
nkpt 1 # one k point
diemac 1.5
charge -1
pawovlp 15.0
usepotzero 2
#parallization parameters
autoparal 1
#I/O parameters
prtwf 1 prtden 0 prteig 0
getwfk -1
SCF convergence problem with one anion in a box
Re: SCF convergence problem with one anion in a box
I would suggest to look at the eigenvalues to understand what's happening.
If there are degeneracies, you may try to use tsmear and a "metallic occupation scheme.
See: http://www.abinit.org/doc/helpfiles/for ... tml#occopt
If there are degeneracies, you may try to use tsmear and a "metallic occupation scheme.
See: http://www.abinit.org/doc/helpfiles/for ... tml#occopt