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Problem with run abinit-6.6.3 in parallel

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:00 pm
by wumindt2
Dear All,

I compiled abinit-6.6.3 on 24-core AMD cluster, with mpiifort.
However, when i tried to test an example with 4 CPUs, i met an problem as shown below:
"WARNING: Unable to read mpd.hosts or list of hosts isn't provided. MPI job will be run on the current machine only."

The job can be succesfully run, but it only ran on one processor. Anyone can tell me what's the problem and how to solve it?
Any help will be appreciated!

Min Wu

Re: Problem with run abinit-6.6.3 in parallel

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:34 pm
by mverstra
The message is clear - you have not set up your mpi run correctly, and it does not know where to send the other jobs, or how many etc... Nothing to do with abinit - check your mpi installation and how to use it, make batch files, etc...
