Can optic handle VERY big wfk files?
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:19 pm
Dear Researchers,
I'm trying to calculate the optical properties of Barium Titanate in it's P4mm phase. Following the optics tutorial, I calculated the linear response with 4 * 4 * 4 and 8 * 8 * 8 K-grid. Obviously, they were not very accurate. For accuracy, I decided to use 24 * 24 * 24 kpoint-grid. To make sure my computer (Intel core i5, 4 GB RAM, Win 7 32 bit) can handel the memory need, I used mffmem 0 mkmem 500 mkqmem 500 mk1mem 500. After 21 hours, I got the WFK files necessary to run the next optics run.
But the problem is that the wfk files are 6~7 GB in size and optic is crashing with this error:
"Operating system error: Can not allocate memory Out of memory."
At this point I'm lost. Is it at all possible to handle a wfk file that big on a single PC (keeping my computer's specification in mind)?
Here is the input file to abinit:
Here is the input file to optic
Any help or comment would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to calculate the optical properties of Barium Titanate in it's P4mm phase. Following the optics tutorial, I calculated the linear response with 4 * 4 * 4 and 8 * 8 * 8 K-grid. Obviously, they were not very accurate. For accuracy, I decided to use 24 * 24 * 24 kpoint-grid. To make sure my computer (Intel core i5, 4 GB RAM, Win 7 32 bit) can handel the memory need, I used mffmem 0 mkmem 500 mkqmem 500 mk1mem 500. After 21 hours, I got the WFK files necessary to run the next optics run.
But the problem is that the wfk files are 6~7 GB in size and optic is crashing with this error:
"Operating system error: Can not allocate memory Out of memory."
At this point I'm lost. Is it at all possible to handle a wfk file that big on a single PC (keeping my computer's specification in mind)?
Here is the input file to abinit:
Code: Select all
#Prepare the computation of linear and non-linear optic properties
#of GaAs crystal : ground-state with few bands,
#then non-SCF with a larger number of bands, then ddk for different directions
#Note that the k point sampling shoud be finer for significant results. The cut-off energy is also too low.
ndtset 6
#First dataset : SC run with kpoints in the IBZ
iscf1 3
nband1 40
nstep1 1000
kptopt1 1
nbdbuf1 0
prtden1 1 getden1 0 getwfk1 0 ! Usual file handling data
#Second dataset : NSC run with large number of bands, and points in the IBZ
iscf2 -2
nband2 40 ! This number of bands might be too low for non-linear optics and real part of linear optics
nstep2 1000
kptopt2 1
getwfk2 1 getden2 1 ! Usual file handling data
#Third dataset : NSC run with large number of bands, and points in the the full BZ
iscf3 -2
nband3 40 ! This number of bands might be too low for non-linear optics and real part of linear optics
nstep3 1000
kptopt3 3
getwfk3 2 getden3 1 ! Usual file handling data
#Fourth dataset : ddk response function along axis 1
iscf4 -3
nband4 40 ! This number of bands might be too low for non-linear optics and real part of linear optics
nstep4 1 nline4 0
kptopt4 3
nqpt4 1 qpt4 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0
rfdir4 1 0 0
rfelfd4 2
getwfk4 3
#Fifth dataset : ddk response function along axis 2
iscf5 -3
nband5 40 ! This number of bands might be too low for non-linear optics and real part of linear optics
nstep5 1 nline5 0
kptopt5 3
nqpt5 1 qpt5 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0
rfdir5 0 1 0
rfelfd5 2
getwfk5 3
#Sixth dataset : ddk response function along axis 3
iscf6 -3
nband6 40 ! This number of bands might be too low for non-linear optics and real part of linear optics
nstep6 1 nline6 0
kptopt6 3
nqpt6 1 qpt6 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0
rfdir6 0 0 1
rfelfd6 2
getwfk6 3
#Data common to all datasets
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.5 0.5 0.5
ngkpt 24 24 24 ! This is much too low : should be at least 24x24x24
mffmem 0
mkmem 500
mkqmem 500
mk1mem 500
acell 7.5124752684E+00 7.5124752684E+00 7.6906441898E+00
amu 1.37327000E+02 4.78800000E+01 1.59994000E+01
diemac 4.00000000E+03
ecut 10.00 ! This is also too low
iscf 3
ixc 11
natom 5
ntypat 3
rprim 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
xred 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
5.0000000000E-01 5.0000000000E-01 5.1430000000E-01
5.0000000000E-01 5.0000000000E-01 -3.0760000000E-02
5.0000000000E-01 0.0000000000E+00 4.8481703472E-01
0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E-01 4.8481703472E-01
nbdbuf 10
# tnons 72*0.0
typat 1 2 3 3 3 tolwfr 1.e-20
znucl 56 22 08
Here is the input file to optic
Code: Select all
0.002 ! Value of the smearing factor, in Hartree
0.0003 0.3 ! Difference between frequency values (in Hartree), and maximum frequency ( 1 Ha is about 27.211 eV)
0.000 ! Scissor shift if needed, in Hartree
0.002 ! Tolerance on closeness of singularities (in Hartree)
3 ! Number of components of linear optic tensor to be computed
11 22 33 ! Linear coefficients to be computed (x=1, y=2, z=3)
2 ! Number of components of nonlinear optic tensor to be computed
123 222 ! Non-linear coefficients to be computed
Any help or comment would be greatly appreciated.