I just tried to compile my 6.1.2 branch...
... and I cannot compile the new wannier90 1.2.
I'm using gfortran 4.1 ; I know, I know, this version of the compiler is not recommended and obsolete but this is the one installed by our support...
The error I got is the following:
Code: Select all
In file transport.F90:1446
real(kind=dp),allocatable,dimension(:,:),intent(out) :: signatures 1
Error: ALLOCATABLE attribute conflicts with DUMMY attribute at (1)
If I understand correctly, the problem is the simultaneous use of allocatable and intent attributes. In other words, the compiler refuses a dummy argument with the allocatable attribute.
If I remember correctly, gfortran 4.1 is not Fortran2003 compliant.
And this "allocatable dummy argument" is probably a Fortran2003 feature, isn't it ?
Or, we decided (in Autrans) that Abinit has to be Fortran90 compatible; so, we have here a problem: if one of the plugins is not compatible with Fortran90, Abinit looses this characteristic...
OK, so what should we do:
1- abandon the Fortran90 constraint ?
2- patch every non Fortran90 compliant plugin ?
3- ???
Can someone propose a solution, in order for me to compile the code with gfortran 4.1 (and --enable-wannier90) ?
Thanks in advance,