Source code for abipy.core.testing

# coding: utf-8
# flake8: noqa
Common test support for all AbiPy test scripts.

This single module should provide all the common functionality for abipy tests
in a single location, so that test scripts can just import it and work right away.
import os
import numpy
import subprocess
import json
import tempfile
import unittest
    import numpy.testing as nptu
except ImportError:
    import numpy.testing.utils as nptu
import as abidata

from functools import wraps
from monty.os.path import which
from monty.string import is_string
from pymatgen.util.testing import PymatgenTest

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

root = os.path.dirname(__file__)

__all__ = [

def cmp_version(this, other, op=">="):
    Compare two version strings with the given operator ``op``
    >>> assert cmp_version("1.1.1", "1.1.0") and not cmp_version("1.1.1", "1.1.0", op="==")
    from pkg_resources import parse_version
    from monty.operator import operator_from_str
    op = operator_from_str(op)
    return op(parse_version(this), parse_version(other))

def has_abinit(version=None, op=">=", manager=None):
    True if abinit is available via TaskManager configuration options.
    If version is not None, `abinit_version op version` is evaluated and the result is returned.
    from abipy.flowtk import TaskManager, AbinitBuild
    manager = TaskManager.from_user_config() if manager is None else manager
    build = AbinitBuild(manager=manager)
    if version is None:
        return build.version != "0.0.0"
        return cmp_version(build.version, version, op=op)


def has_matplotlib(version=None, op=">="):
    True if matplotlib_ is installed.
    If version is None, the result of matplotlib.__version__ `op` version is returned.
        import matplotlib
        # have_display = "DISPLAY" in os.environ
    except ImportError:
        print("Skipping matplotlib test")
        return False


        #matplotlib.use("Agg", force=True)  # Use non-graphical display backend during test.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    backend = matplotlib.get_backend()
    if backend.lower() != "agg":
        #raise RuntimeError("matplotlib backend now is %s" % backend)
        #matplotlib.use("Agg", warn=True, force=False)
        # Switch the default backend.
        # This feature is experimental, and is only expected to work switching to an image backend.

    if version is None: return True
    return cmp_version(matplotlib.__version__, version, op=op)

def has_plotly(version=None, op=">="):
    True if plotly is installed.
    If version is None, the result of plotly.__version__ `op` version is returned.
        import plotly
        # have_display = "DISPLAY" in os.environ
    except ImportError:
        print("Skipping plotlyt test")
        return False

    if version is None: return True
    return cmp_version(plotly.__version__, version, op=op)

def has_seaborn():
    """True if seaborn_ is installed."""
        import seaborn as sns
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_phonopy(version=None, op=">="):
    True if phonopy_ is installed.
    If version is None, the result of phonopy.__version__ `op` version is returned.
        import phonopy
    except ImportError:
        print("Skipping phonopy test")
        return False

    if version is None: return True
    return cmp_version(phonopy.__version__, version, op=op)

def get_mock_module():
    """Return mock module for testing. Raises ImportError if not found."""
        # py > 3.3
        from unittest import mock
    except ImportError:
            import mock
        except ImportError:
            print("mock module required for unit tests")
            print("Use py > 3.3 or install it with `pip install mock` if py2.7")

    return mock

def json_read_abinit_input_from_path(json_path):
    Read a json file from the absolute path ``json_path``, return |AbinitInput| instance.
    from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput

    with open(json_path, "rt") as fh:
        d = json.load(fh)

    # Convert pseudo paths: extract basename and build path in abipy/data/pseudos.
    for pdict in d["pseudos"]:
        pdict["filepath"] = os.path.join(abidata.dirpath, "pseudos", os.path.basename(pdict["filepath"]))

    return AbinitInput.from_dict(d)

def input_equality_check(ref_file, input2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False):
    Function to compare two inputs
    ref_file takes the path to reference input in json: json.dump(input.as_dict(), fp, indent=2)
    input2 takes an AbinintInput object
    tol relative tolerance for floats
    we check if all vars are uniquely present in both inputs and if the values are equal (integers, strings)
    or almost equal (floats)
    def check_int(i, j):
        return i != j

    def check_float(x, y):
        return not numpy.isclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan)

    def check_str(s, t):
        return s != t

    def check_var(v, w):
        _error = False
        if isinstance(v, int):
            _error = check_int(v, w)
        elif isinstance(v, float):
            _error = check_float(v, w)
        elif is_string(v):
            _error = check_str(v, w)
        return _error

    def flatten_var(o, tree_types=(list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
        flat_var = []
        if isinstance(o, tree_types):
            for value in o:
                for sub_value in flatten_var(value, tree_types):
        return flat_var

    input_ref = json_read_abinit_input_from_path(os.path.join(root, '..', 'test_files', ref_file))

    errors = []
    diff_in_ref = [var for var in input_ref.vars if var not in input2.vars]
    diff_in_actual = [var for var in input2.vars if var not in input_ref.vars]
    if len(diff_in_ref) > 0 or len(diff_in_actual) > 0:
        error_description = 'not the same input parameters:\n' \
                            '     %s were found in ref but not in actual\n' \
                            '     %s were found in actual but not in ref\n' % \
                            (diff_in_ref, diff_in_actual)

    for var, val_r in input_ref.vars.items():
            val_t = input2.vars[var]
        except KeyError:
            errors.append('variable %s from the reference is not in the actual input\n' % str(var))
        val_list_t = flatten_var(val_t)
        val_list_r = flatten_var(val_r)
        error = False
        #print(val_list_r, type(val_list_r[0]))
        #print(val_list_t, type(val_list_t[0]))
        for k, var_item in enumerate(val_list_r):
                error = error or check_var(val_list_t[k], val_list_r[k])
            except IndexError:
                #print(val_list_t, type(val_list_t[0]))
                #print(val_list_r, type(val_list_r[0]))
                raise RuntimeError('two value lists were not flattened in the same way, try to add the collection'
                                   'type to the tree_types tuple in flatten_var')

        if error:
            error_description = 'var %s differs: %s (reference) != %s (actual)' % \
                                (var, val_r, val_t)

    if input2.structure != input_ref.structure:
        errors.append('Structures are not the same.\n')
        print(input2.structure, input_ref.structure)

    if len(errors) > 0:
        msg = 'Two inputs were found to be not equal:\n'
        for err in errors:
            msg += '   ' + err + '\n'
        raise AssertionError(msg)

def get_gsinput_si(usepaw=0, as_task=False):
    Build and return a GS input file for silicon or a Task if `as_task`
    pseudos = abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc") if usepaw == 0 else abidata.pseudos("Si.GGA_PBE-JTH-paw.xml")
    silicon = abidata.cif_file("si.cif")

    from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput
    scf_input = AbinitInput(silicon, pseudos)
    ecut = 6
    if usepaw:
        scf_input.set_vars(pawecutdg=4 * ecut)

    # K-point sampling (shifted)

    if not as_task:
        return scf_input
        from abipy.flowtk.tasks import ScfTask
        return ScfTask(scf_input)

def get_gsinput_alas_ngkpt(ngkpt, usepaw=0, as_task=False):
    Build and return a GS input file for AlAs or a Task if `as_task`
    if usepaw != 0: raise NotImplementedError("PAW")
    pseudos = abidata.pseudos("13al.981214.fhi", "33as.pspnc")
    structure = abidata.structure_from_ucell("AlAs")

    from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput
    scf_input = AbinitInput(structure, pseudos=pseudos)

        shiftk=[0, 0, 0],

    if not as_task:
        return scf_input
        from abipy.flowtk.tasks import ScfTask
        return ScfTask(scf_input)

[docs]class AbipyTest(PymatgenTest): """ Extends PymatgenTest with Abinit-specific methods. Several helper functions are implemented as static methods so that we can easily reuse the code in the pytest integration tests. """ SkipTest = unittest.SkipTest
[docs] @staticmethod def which(program): """Returns full path to a executable. None if not found or not executable.""" return which(program)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_abinit(version=None, op=">="): """Return True if abinit is in $PATH and version is op min_version.""" return has_abinit(version=version, op=op)
[docs] def skip_if_abinit_not_ge(self, version): """Skip test if Abinit version is not >= `version`""" op = ">=" if not self.has_abinit(version, op=op): raise unittest.SkipTest("This test requires Abinit version %s %s" % (op, version))
[docs] @staticmethod def has_matplotlib(version=None, op=">="): return has_matplotlib(version=version, op=op)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_plotly(version=None, op=">="): return has_plotly(version=version, op=op)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_seaborn(): return has_seaborn()
[docs] @staticmethod def has_ase(version=None, op=">="): """True if ASE_ package is available.""" try: import ase except ImportError: return False if version is None: return True return cmp_version(ase.__version__, version, op=op)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_skimage(): """True if skimage package is available.""" try: from skimage import measure return True except ImportError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def has_python_graphviz(need_dotexec=True): """ True if python-graphviz package is installed and dot executable in path. """ try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError: return False return which("dot") is not None if need_dotexec else True
[docs] @staticmethod def has_mayavi(): """ True if mayavi_ is available. Set also offscreen to True """ # Disable mayavi for the time being. #return False # This to run mayavi tests only on Travis if not os.environ.get("TRAVIS"): return False try: from mayavi import mlab except ImportError: return False #mlab.clf() mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.options.backend = "test" return True
[docs] def has_panel(self): """False if Panel library is not installed.""" try: import param import panel as pn import bokeh return pn except ImportError: return False
[docs] def has_networkx(self): """False if networkx library is not installed.""" try: import networkx as nx return nx except ImportError: return False
[docs] def has_graphviz(self): """True if graphviz library is installed and `dot` in $PATH""" try: from graphviz import Digraph import graphviz except ImportError: return False if self.which("dot") is None: return False return graphviz
[docs] def has_phonopy(self, version=None, op=">="): """ True if phonopy_ is installed. If version is None, the result of phonopy.__version__ `op` version is returned. """ return has_phonopy(version=version, op=op)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_abistructure_from_abiref(basename): """Return an Abipy |Structure| from the basename of one of the reference files.""" from abipy.core.structure import Structure return Structure.as_structure(abidata.ref_file(basename))
[docs] @staticmethod def mkdtemp(**kwargs): """Invoke mkdtep with kwargs, return the name of a temporary directory.""" return tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def tmpfileindir(basename, **kwargs): """ Return the absolute path of a temporary file with basename ``basename`` created in a temporary directory. """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs) return os.path.join(tmpdir, basename)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tmpname(**kwargs): """Invoke mkstep with kwargs, return the name of a temporary file.""" _, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(**kwargs) return tmpname
[docs] def tmpfile_write(self, string): """ Write string to a temporary file. Returns the name of the temporary file. """ fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) with open(tmpfile, "w") as fh: fh.write(string) return tmpfile
[docs] @staticmethod def has_nbformat(): """Return True if nbformat is available and we can test the generation of jupyter_ notebooks.""" try: import nbformat return True except ImportError: return False
[docs] def run_nbpath(self, nbpath): """Test that the notebook in question runs all cells correctly.""" nb, errors = notebook_run(nbpath) return nb, errors
[docs] @staticmethod def has_ipywidgets(): """Return True if ipywidgets_ package is available.""" # Disabled due to: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'session' return False # Disable widget tests on TRAVIS #if os.environ.get("TRAVIS"): return False try: import ipywidgets as ipw return True except ImportError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=7, err_msg='', verbose=True): """ Alternative naming for assertArrayAlmostEqual. """ return nptu.assert_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal, err_msg, verbose)
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg='', verbose=True): """ Alternative naming for assertArrayEqual. """ return nptu.assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose)
[docs] @staticmethod def json_read_abinit_input(json_basename): """Return an |AbinitInput| from the basename of the file in abipy/data/test_files.""" return json_read_abinit_input_from_path(os.path.join(root, '..', 'test_files', json_basename))
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_input_equality(ref_basename, input_to_test, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): """ Check equality between an input and a reference in test_files. only input variables and structure are compared. Args: ref_basename: base name of the reference file to test against in test_files input_to_test: |AbinitInput| object to test rtol: passed to numpy.isclose for float comparison atol: passed to numpy.isclose for float comparison equal_nan: passed to numpy.isclose for float comparison Returns: raises an assertion error if the two inputs are not the same """ ref_file = os.path.join(root, '..', 'test_files', ref_basename) input_equality_check(ref_file, input_to_test, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan)
[docs] @staticmethod def straceback(): """Returns a string with the traceback.""" import traceback return traceback.format_exc()
[docs] @staticmethod def skip_if_not_phonopy(version=None, op=">="): """ Raise SkipTest if phonopy_ is not installed. Use ``version`` and ``op`` to ask for a specific version """ if not has_phonopy(version=version, op=op): if version is None: msg = "This test requires phonopy" else: msg = "This test requires phonopy version %s %s" % (op, version) raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def skip_if_not_bolztrap2(version=None, op=">="): """ Raise SkipTest if bolztrap2 is not installed. Use ``version`` and ``op`` to ask for a specific version """ try: import BoltzTraP2 as bzt except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest("This test requires bolztrap2") from BoltzTraP2.version import PROGRAM_VERSION if version is not None and not cmp_version(PROGRAM_VERSION, version, op=op): msg = "This test requires bolztrap2 version %s %s" % (op, version) raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
[docs] def skip_if_not_executable(self, executable): """ Raise SkipTest if executable is not installed. """ if self.which(executable) is None: raise unittest.SkipTest("This test requires `%s` in PATH" % str(executable))
[docs] @staticmethod def skip_if_not_pseudodojo(): """ Raise SkipTest if pseudodojo package is not installed. """ try: from pseudo_dojo import OfficialTables except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest("This test requires pseudodojo package.")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mock_module(): """Return mock module for testing. Raises ImportError if not found.""" return get_mock_module()
[docs] def decode_with_MSON(self, obj): """ Convert obj into JSON assuming MSONable protocolo. Return new object decoded with MontyDecoder """ from monty.json import MSONable, MontyDecoder self.assertIsInstance(obj, MSONable) return json.loads(obj.to_json(), cls=MontyDecoder)
[docs] @staticmethod def abivalidate_input(abinput, must_fail=False): """ Invoke Abinit to test validity of an |AbinitInput| object Print info to stdout if failure before raising AssertionError. """ v = abinput.abivalidate() if must_fail: assert v.retcode != 0 and else: if v.retcode != 0: print("type abinput:", type(abinput)) print("abinput:\n", abinput) lines = v.log_file.readlines() i = len(lines) - 50 if len(lines) >= 50 else 0 print("Last 50 line from logfile:") print("".join(lines[i:])) assert v.retcode == 0
[docs] @staticmethod def abivalidate_multi(multi): """ Invoke Abinit to test validity of a |MultiDataset| or a list of |AbinitInput| objects. """ if hasattr(multi, "split_datasets"): inputs = multi.split_datasets() else: inputs = multi errors = [] for inp in inputs: try: AbipyTest.abivalidate_input(inp) except Exception as exc: errors.append(AbipyTest.straceback()) errors.append(str(exc)) if errors: for e in errors: print(90 * "=") print(e) print(90 * "=") assert not errors
[docs] def abivalidate_work(self, work): """Invoke Abinit to test validity of the inputs of a |Work|""" from abipy.flowtk import Flow tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() flow = Flow(workdir=tmpdir) flow.register_work(work) return self.abivalidate_flow(flow)
[docs] @staticmethod def abivalidate_flow(flow): """ Invoke Abinit to test validity of the inputs of a |Flow| """ isok, errors = flow.abivalidate_inputs() if not isok: for e in errors: if e.retcode == 0: continue #print("type abinput:", type(abinput)) #print("abinput:\n", abinput) lines = e.log_file.readlines() i = len(lines) - 50 if len(lines) >= 50 else 0 print("Last 50 line from logfile:") print("".join(lines[i:])) raise RuntimeError("flow.abivalidate_input failed. See messages above.")
[docs] @staticmethod @wraps(get_gsinput_si) def get_gsinput_si(*args, **kwargs): return get_gsinput_si(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod @wraps(get_gsinput_alas_ngkpt) def get_gsinput_alas_ngkpt(*args, **kwargs): return get_gsinput_alas_ngkpt(*args, **kwargs)
def notebook_run(path): """ Execute a notebook via nbconvert and collect output. Taken from Args: path (str): file path for the notebook object Returns: (parsed nb object, execution errors) """ import nbformat dirname, __ = os.path.split(path) os.chdir(dirname) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ipynb") as fout: args = ["jupyter", "nbconvert", "--to", "notebook", "--execute", "--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=300", "--ExecutePreprocessor.allow_errors=True", "--output",, path] subprocess.check_call(args) nb =, nbformat.current_nbformat) errors = [output for cell in nb.cells if "outputs" in cell for output in cell["outputs"] if output.output_type == "error"] return nb, errors