.. _abistruct.py: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``abistruct.py`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This script reads a |Structure| object from file and performs predefined operations depending on the ``COMMAND`` and the ``options`` specified on the command line. The syntax of the command is:: abistruct.py COMMAND FILE [options] where ``FILE`` is any file from which AbiPy can extract a Structure object (this includes the majority of the nectdf output files, Abinit input and output files in text format as well as other formats supported by pymatgen_ e.g. CIF_ files, POSCAR_ etc. The documentation for a given ``COMMAND`` is accessible with:: abistruct.py command --help Use e.g.:: $ abistruct.py spglib --help to get the list of options supported by the spglib_ COMMAND. The ``convert`` command is quite useful if you need to convert the crystalline structure from one format to another one. For example, one can read a CIF_ file and print the corresponding Abinit variables with:: $ abistruct.py convert si.cif .. note:: The script can fetch data from the materials project database and the COD_ database http://www.crystallography.net/cod`_ To access the materials project database, please register on to get your personal access token. Then create a `.pymrc.yaml` configuration file inside your $HOME and add your token with the line:: PMG_MAPI_KEY: your_token_goes_here It is possible to analyze the structure object either a jupyter_ notebook with e.g.:: abistruct.py jupter si.cif or directly inside the ipython_ shell with:: abistruct.py notebook si.cif Several other options are available. To get the full list, use .. command-output:: abistruct.py --help Complete command line reference .. argparse:: :ref: abipy.scripts.abistruct.get_parser :prog: abistruct.py