Source code for abipy.core.mixins

# coding: utf-8
"""This module provides mixin classes"""
import abc
import os
import collections
import tempfile
import pickle
import numpy as np

from time import ctime
from monty.os.path import which
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from monty.string import list_strings
from monty.collections import dict2namedtuple
from monty.functools import lazy_property

__all__ = [

class BaseFile(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    Abstract base class defining the methods that must be implemented
    by the concrete classes representing the different files produced by ABINIT.
    def __init__(self, filepath):
        self._filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)

        # Save stat values
        stat = os.stat(filepath)
        self._last_atime = stat.st_atime
        self._last_mtime = stat.st_mtime
        self._last_ctime = stat.st_ctime

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s, %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.relpath)

    def from_file(cls, filepath):
        """Initialize the object from a string."""
        if isinstance(filepath, cls): return filepath

        #print("Perhaps the subclass", cls, "must redefine the classmethod from_file.")
        return cls(filepath)

    def filepath(self):
        """Absolute path of the file."""
        return self._filepath

    def relpath(self):
        """Relative path."""
            return os.path.relpath(self.filepath)
        except OSError:
            # current working directory may not be defined!
            return self.filepath

    def basename(self):
        """Basename of the file."""
        return os.path.basename(self.filepath)

    def filetype(self):
        """String defining the filetype."""
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def filestat(self, as_string=False):
        Dictionary with file metadata, if ``as_string`` is True, a string is returned.
        d = get_filestat(self.filepath)
        if not as_string: return d
        return "\n".join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in d.items())

    def close(self):
        """Close the file."""

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        """Activated at the end of the with statement. It automatically closes the file."""

    def remove(self):
        """Close the file handle, remove the file from disk."""
        except FileNotFoundError:

class TextFile(BaseFile):

    #def from_string(cls, s):
    #    return cls.from_file(filepath)

    def __enter__(self):
        # Open the file
        return self

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._file)

    def _file(self):
        """File object open in read-only mode."""
        return open(self.filepath, mode="rt")

    def close(self):
        """Close the file."""
        except Exception:

    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
        """Set the file's current position, like stdio's fseek().""", whence)

[docs]class AbinitNcFile(BaseFile): """ Abstract class representing a Netcdf file with data saved according to the ETSF-IO specifications (when available). An AbinitNcFile has a netcdf reader to read data from file and build objects. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary_string(cls, bstring): """ Build object from a binary string with the netcdf data. Useful for implementing GUIs in which widgets returns binary data. """ workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".nc") with open(tmp_path, "wb") as fh: fh.write(bstring) return cls.from_file(tmp_path)
[docs] def ncdump(self, *nc_args, **nc_kwargs): """Returns a string with the output of ncdump.""" return NcDumper(*nc_args, **nc_kwargs).dump(self.filepath)
[docs] @lazy_property def abinit_version(self): """String with the abinit version: three digits separated by comma.""" return self.reader.rootgrp.getncattr("abinit_version")
@abc.abstractproperty def params(self): """ :class:`OrderedDict` with the convergence parameters Used to construct |pandas-DataFrames|. """
[docs] def get_dims_dataframe(self, path="/"): """ Return: |pandas-Dataframe| with the dimensions defined in the `path` group. """ grp = self.reader.rootgrp if path == "/" else self.path2group[path] d = {k: len(v) for k, v in grp.dimensions.items()} # Since this is a Series but we want a dataframe to faciliate interoperability. # we have to call init with additional kwargs. import pandas as pd return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index', columns=['value'])
#def get_abinit_input_str(self, path="/"): # group = self.reader.rootgrp if path == "/" else self.path2group[path] # input_string = group.get_varname_set("input_string") # return input_string # from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput # return AbinitInput(structure, pseudos, pseudo_dir=None, abi_kwargs=None) class AbinitFortranFile(BaseFile): """ Abstract class representing a fortran file containing output data from abinit. """ def close(self): pass class CubeFile(BaseFile): """ .. attribute:: structure |Structure| object .. attribute:: mesh |Mesh3d| object with information on the uniform 3d mesh. .. attribute:: data |numpy-array| of shape [nx, ny, nz] with numerical values on the real-space mesh. """ def __init__(self, filepath): from abipy.iotools.cube import cube_read_structure_mesh_data super().__init__(filepath) self.structure, self.mesh, = cube_read_structure_mesh_data(self.filepath) def close(self): """nop, just to fulfill the abstract interface.""" #@classmethod #def write_structure_mesh_data(cls, path, structure, mesh, data): # with open(path, "wt") as fh: # cube_write_structure_mesh(fh, structure, mesh) # cube_write_data(fh, data, mesh):
[docs]class Has_Structure(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin class for |AbinitNcFile| containing crystallographic data.""" @abc.abstractproperty def structure(self): """Returns the |Structure| object."""
[docs] def plot_bz(self, **kwargs): """ Gives the plot (as a matplotlib object) of the symmetry line path in the Brillouin Zone. """ return self.structure.plot_bz(**kwargs)
# To maintain backward compatbility show_bz = plot_bz
[docs] def export_structure(self, filepath): """ Export the structure on file. returns: |Visualizer| instance. """ return self.structure.export(filepath)
[docs] def visualize_structure_with(self, appname): """ Visualize the crystalline structure with the specified visualizer. See |Visualizer| for the list of applications and formats supported. """ from abipy.iotools.visualizer import Visualizer visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname) for ext in visu.supported_extensions(): ext = "." + ext try: return self.export_structure(ext) except visu.Error: pass else: raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for appname %s" % appname)
def _get_atomview(self, view, select_symbols=None, verbose=0): """ Helper function used to select (inequivalent||all) atoms depending on view. Uses spglib to find inequivalent sites. Args: view: "inequivalent" to show only inequivalent atoms. "all" for all sites. select_symbols: String or list of strings with chemical symbols. Used to select only atoms of this type. Return named tuple with: * iatom_list: list of site index. * wyckoffs: Wyckoff letters * site_labels: Labels for each site in `iatom_list` e.g Si2a """ natom = len(self.structure) if natom == 1: verbose = False if verbose: print("Calling spglib to find inequivalent sites. Magnetic symmetries (if any) are not taken into account.") ea = self.structure.spget_equivalent_atoms(printout=verbose > 0) # Define iatom_list depending on view if view == "all": iatom_list = np.arange(natom) elif view == "inequivalent": iatom_list = ea.irred_pos else: raise ValueError("Wrong value for view: %s" % str(view)) # Filter by element symbol. if select_symbols is not None: select_symbols = set(list_strings(select_symbols)) iatom_list = [i for i in iatom_list if self.structure[i].specie.symbol in select_symbols] iatom_list = np.array(iatom_list, dtype=int) # Slice full arrays. wyckoffs = ea.wyckoffs[iatom_list] wyck_labels = ea.wyck_labels[iatom_list] site_labels = ea.site_labels[iatom_list] return dict2namedtuple(iatom_list=iatom_list, wyckoffs=wyckoffs, wyck_labels=wyck_labels, site_labels=site_labels)
[docs] def yield_structure_figs(self, **kwargs): """*Generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.""" yield self.structure.plot(show=False)
[docs] def yield_structure_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): """*Generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user.""" yield self.structure.plotly(show=False)
[docs]class Has_ElectronBands(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin class for |AbinitNcFile| containing electron data.""" @abc.abstractproperty def ebands(self): """Returns the |ElectronBands| object.""" @property def nsppol(self): """Number of spin polarizations""" return self.ebands.nsppol @property def nspinor(self): """Number of spinors""" return self.ebands.nspinor @property def nspden(self): """Number of indepedendent spin-density components.""" return self.ebands.nspden @property def mband(self): """Maximum number of bands.""" return self.ebands.mband @property def nband(self): """Maximum number of bands.""" return self.ebands.nband @property def nelect(self): """Number of electrons per unit cell""" return self.ebands.nelect @property def nkpt(self): """Number of k-points.""" return self.ebands.nkpt @property def kpoints(self): """Iterable with the Kpoints.""" return self.ebands.kpoints
[docs] @lazy_property def tsmear(self): return"Ha")
[docs] def get_ebands_params(self): """:class:`OrderedDict` with the convergence parameters.""" return collections.OrderedDict([ ("nsppol", self.nsppol), ("nspinor", self.nspinor), ("nspden", self.nspden), ("nband", self.nband), ("nkpt", self.nkpt), ])
[docs] def plot_ebands(self, **kwargs): """Plot the electron energy bands. See the :func:`ElectronBands.plot` for the signature.""" return self.ebands.plot(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_ebands_with_edos(self, edos, **kwargs): """Plot the electron energy bands with DOS. See the :func:`ElectronBands.plot_with_edos` for the signature.""" return self.ebands.plot_with_edos(edos, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_edos(self, **kwargs): """Compute the electronic DOS on a linear mesh. Wraps ebands.get_edos.""" return self.ebands.get_edos(**kwargs)
[docs] def yield_ebands_figs(self, **kwargs): """*Generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.""" with_gaps = not self.ebands.has_metallic_scheme if self.ebands.kpoints.is_path: yield self.ebands.plot(with_gaps=with_gaps, show=False) yield self.ebands.kpoints.plot(show=False) else: edos = self.ebands.get_edos() yield self.ebands.plot_with_edos(edos, with_gaps=with_gaps, show=False) yield edos.plot(show=False)
[docs] def yield_ebands_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): """*Generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user.""" with_gaps = not self.ebands.has_metallic_scheme if self.ebands.kpoints.is_path: yield self.ebands.plotly(with_gaps=with_gaps, show=False) yield self.ebands.kpoints.plotly(show=False) yield self.ebands.kpoints.plot(show=False) else: edos = self.ebands.get_edos() # TODO #yield self.ebands.plotly_with_edos(edos, with_gaps=with_gaps, show=False) yield edos.plotly(show=False)
[docs] def expose_ebands(self, slide_mode=False, slide_timeout=None, expose_web=False, **kwargs): """ Shows a predefined list of matplotlib figures for electron bands with minimal input from the user. """ from import MplExpose, PanelExpose if expose_web: e = PanelExpose(title=f"e-Bands of {self.structure.formula}") else: e = MplExpose(slide_mode=slide_mode, slide_timeout=slide_mode, verbose=1) with e: e(self.yield_ebands_figs(**kwargs))
#def plotly_expose_ebands(self, **kwargs): # """ # This function *generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user. # """ # chart_studio = kwargs.pop("chart_studio", None) # verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", 0) # kwargs.update(dict( # renderer="chart_studio" if chart_studio else None, # title=f"Band structure of {self.ebands.structure.formula}", # with_gaps = not self.ebands.has_metallic_scheme, # )) # self.ebands.plotly(**kwargs)
[docs]class Has_PhononBands(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Mixin class for |AbinitNcFile| containing phonon data. """ @abc.abstractproperty def phbands(self): """Returns the |PhononBands| object."""
[docs] def get_phbands_params(self): """:class:`OrderedDict` with the convergence parameters.""" return collections.OrderedDict([ ("nqpt", len(self.phbands.qpoints)), ])
[docs] def plot_phbands(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the electron energy bands. See the :func:`PhononBands.plot` for the signature."" """ return self.phbands.plot(**kwargs)
#def plot_phbands_with_phdos(self, phdos, **kwargs): # return self.phbands.plot_with_phdos(phdos, **kwargs)
[docs] def yield_phbands_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. Used in to get a quick look at the results. """ units = kwargs.get("units", "mev") yield self.phbands.qpoints.plot(show=False) yield self.phbands.plot(units=units, show=False) yield self.phbands.plot_colored_matched(units=units, show=False)
[docs] def yield_phbands_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user. Used in to get a quick look at the results. """ units = kwargs.get("units", "mev") yield self.phbands.qpoints.plotly(show=False) yield self.phbands.plotly(units=units, show=False) yield self.phbands.plot_colored_matched(units=units, show=False)
[docs] def expose_phbands(self, slide_mode=False, slide_timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Shows a predefined list of matplotlib figures for phonon bands with minimal input from the user. """ from import MplExpose with MplExpose(slide_mode=slide_mode, slide_timeout=slide_mode, verbose=1) as e: e(self.yield_phbands_figs(**kwargs))
class NcDumper(object): """Wrapper object for the ncdump tool.""" def __init__(self, *nc_args, **nc_kwargs): """ Args: nc_args: Arguments passed to ncdump. nc_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ncdump """ self.nc_args = nc_args self.nc_kwargs = nc_kwargs self.ncdump = which("ncdump") def dump(self, filepath): """Returns a string with the output of ncdump.""" if self.ncdump is None: return "Cannot find ncdump tool in $PATH" else: from subprocess import check_output return check_output(["ncdump", filepath]) _ABBREVS = [ (1 << 50, 'Pb'), (1 << 40, 'Tb'), (1 << 30, 'Gb'), (1 << 20, 'Mb'), (1 << 10, 'kb'), (1, 'b'), ] def size2str(size): """Convert size to string with units.""" for factor, suffix in _ABBREVS: if size > factor: break return "%.2f " % (size / factor) + suffix def get_filestat(filepath): stat = os.stat(filepath) return collections.OrderedDict([ ("Name", os.path.basename(filepath)), ("Directory", os.path.dirname(filepath)), ("Size", size2str(stat.st_size)), ("Access Time", ctime(stat.st_atime)), ("Modification Time", ctime(stat.st_mtime)), ("Change Time", ctime(stat.st_ctime)), ]) class HasNotebookTools(object): def has_panel(self): """ Return panel module (that evaluates to True) if panel is installed else False. """ try: import panel as pn return pn except ImportError: return False def make_and_open_notebook(self, nbpath=None, foreground=False, classic_notebook=False, no_browser=False): # pragma: no cover """ Generate an jupyter_ notebook and open it in the browser. Args: nbpath: If nbpath is None, a temporay file is created. foreground: By default, jupyter is executed in background and stdout, stderr are redirected. to devnull. Use foreground to run the process in foreground classic_notebook: True to use the classic notebook instead of jupyter-lab (default) no_browser: Start the jupyter server to serve the notebook but don't open the notebook in the browser. Use this option to connect remotely from localhost to the machine running the kernel Return: system exit code. Raise: `RuntimeError` if jupyter executable is not in $PATH """ nbpath = self.write_notebook(nbpath=nbpath) if not classic_notebook: # Use jupyter-lab. app_path = which("jupyter-lab") if app_path is None: raise RuntimeError(""" Cannot find jupyter-lab application in $PATH. Install it with: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab or: pip install jupyterlab See also """) else: # Use classic notebook app_path = which("jupyter") if app_path is None: raise RuntimeError(""" Cannot find jupyter application in $PATH. Install it with: conda install -c conda-forge jupyter or: pip install jupyterlab See also """) app_path = app_path + " notebook " if not no_browser: if foreground: return os.system("%s %s" % (app_path, nbpath)) else: fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) print(tmpname) cmd = "%s %s" % (app_path, nbpath) print("Executing:", cmd, "\nstdout and stderr redirected to %s" % tmpname) import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), shell=False, stdout=fd, stderr=fd) cprint("pid: %s" % str(, "yellow") return 0 else: # Based on notebook_name = os.path.basename(nbpath) dirname = os.path.dirname(nbpath) print("nbpath:", nbpath) import socket def find_free_port(): """""" from contextlib import closing with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: s.bind(('', 0)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return s.getsockname()[1] username = os.getlogin() hostname = socket.gethostname() port = find_free_port() client_cmd = "ssh -NL localhost:{port}:localhost:{port} {username}@{hostname}".format( username=username, hostname=hostname, port=port) print(f""" Using port: {port} \033[32m In your local machine, run: \033[0m {client_cmd} \033[32m NOTE: you might want to replace {hostname} by full hostname with domain name \033[0m \033[32m Then open your web browser, copy and paste the URL: \033[0m http://localhost:{port}/notebooks/{notebook_name} """) if not classic_notebook: cmd = f'{app_path} {notebook_name} --no-browser --port {port} --notebook-dir {dirname}' else: cmd = f'{app_path} notebook {notebook_name} --no-browser --port {port} --notebook-dir {dirname}' print("Executing:", cmd) print('NOTE: make sure to open `{}` in your local machine\n'.format(notebook_name)) return os.system(cmd) @staticmethod def get_nbformat_nbv(): """Return nbformat module, notebook version module""" import nbformat nbv = nbformat.v4 return nbformat, nbv def get_nbformat_nbv_nb(self, title=None): """ Return ``nbformat`` module, notebook version module and new notebook with title and import section """ nbformat, nbv = self.get_nbformat_nbv() nb = nbv.new_notebook() if title is not None: nb.cells.append(nbv.new_markdown_cell("## %s" % title)) nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_code_cell("""\ import sys, os import numpy as np %matplotlib notebook # Use this magic for jupyterlab. # For installation instructions, see #%matplotlib widget from IPython.display import display # This to render pandas DataFrames with #import qgrid #qgrid.nbinstall(overwrite=True) # copies javascript dependencies to your /nbextensions folder # This to view Mayavi visualizations. See #from mayavi import mlab; mlab.init_notebook(backend='x3d', width=None, height=None, local=True) from abipy import abilab # Tell AbiPy we are inside a notebook and use seaborn settings for plots. # See abilab.enable_notebook(with_seaborn=True) """) ]) return nbformat, nbv, nb @staticmethod def _write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath): """ This method must be called at the end of ``write_notebook``. nb is the jupyter notebook and nbpath the argument passed to ``write_notebook``. """ import io, os, tempfile if nbpath is None: _, nbpath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="abinb_", suffix='.ipynb', dir=os.getcwd(), text=True) # Write notebook import nbformat with, 'wt', encoding="utf8") as fh: nbformat.write(nb, fh) return nbpath
[docs]class NotebookWriter(HasNotebookTools, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Mixin class for objects that are able to generate jupyter_ notebooks. Subclasses must provide a concrete implementation of `write_notebook`. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None): """ Write a jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If nbpath is None, a temporay file is created. Return path to the notebook. A typical template: .. code-block:: python # Preable. nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None) ##################### # Put your code here nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("# This is a markdown cell"), nbv.new_code_cell("a = 1"), ]) ##################### # Call _write_nb_nbpath return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath) """
[docs] @classmethod def pickle_load(cls, filepath): """ Loads the object from a pickle file. """ with open(filepath, "rb") as fh: new = pickle.load(fh) #assert cls is new.__class__ return new
[docs] def pickle_dump(self, filepath=None): """ Save the status of the object in pickle format. If filepath is None, a temporary file is created. Return: The name of the pickle file. """ if filepath is None: _, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pickle') with open(filepath, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(self, fh) return filepath
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. Used in to get a quick look at the results. """
#@abc.abstractmethod #def yield_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover # """ # This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. # Used in to get a quick look at the results. # """ def _get_panel_and_template(self): # Create panel template with matplotlib figures and show them in the browser. import panel as pn pn.config.sizing_mode = 'stretch_width' from abipy.panels.core import get_template_cls_from_name cls = get_template_cls_from_name("FastGridTemplate") title = self.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(self, "structure"): title = f"{title} <small>({self.structure.formula})</small>" template = cls( title=title, header_background="#ff8c00 ", # Dark orange ) return pn, template
[docs] def expose(self, slide_mode=False, slide_timeout=None, use_web=False, **kwargs): """ Shows a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. Relies on the ``yield_fig``s methods implemented by the subclass to generate matplotlib figures. Args: use_web: True to show all figures inside a panel template executed in the local browser. False to show figures in different GUIs """ if not use_web: # Produce all matplotlib versions and show them with the X-server. from import MplExpose with MplExpose(slide_mode=slide_mode, slide_timeout=slide_mode, verbose=1) as e: e(self.yield_figs(**kwargs)) else: # Create panel template with matplotlib figures and show them in the browser. pn, template = self._get_panel_and_template() pn.config.sizing_mode = 'stretch_width' from abipy.panels.core import mpl for i, fig in enumerate(self.yield_figs()): row, col = divmod(i, 2) p = mpl(fig, with_divider=False) if hasattr(template.main, "append"): template.main.append(p) else: # Assume .main area acts like a GridSpec row_slice = slice(3 * row, 3 * (row + 1)) if col == 0: template.main[row_slice, :6] = p if col == 1: template.main[row_slice, 6:] = p return
[docs] def plotly_expose(self, **kwargs): """ This function *generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user. Relies on the yield_plotly_figs method implemented by the subclass in order to generate the figures. """ #print("in plotly expose") pn, template = self._get_panel_and_template() pn.config.sizing_mode = 'stretch_width' from abipy.panels.core import mpl, ply # Insert figure in template.main. from import is_mpl_figure, is_plotly_figure for i, fig in enumerate(self.yield_plotly_figs()): row, col = divmod(i, 2) # Handle both matplotlib and plotly figures since we dont' support plotly everywhere. if is_plotly_figure(fig): p = ply(fig, with_divider=False) elif is_mpl_figure(fig): p = mpl(fig, with_divider=False) else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to handle type: `{type(fig)}`") if hasattr(template.main, "append"): template.main.append(p) else: # Assume main area acts like a panel GridSpec row_slice = slice(3 * row, 3 * (row + 1)) if col == 0: template.main[row_slice, :6] = p if col == 1: template.main[row_slice, 6:] = p return
[docs]class Has_Header(object): """Mixin class for netcdf files containing the Abinit header."""
[docs] @lazy_property def hdr(self): """|AttrDict| with the Abinit header e.g. hdr.ecut.""" return self.reader.read_abinit_hdr()
#def compare_hdr(self, other_hdr):