Added to compute ZSISA-QHA for systems with two degrees of freedom (2DOF).
Capable of calculating anisotropic thermal expansion and lattice constants for uniaxial configurations.
Requires PHDOS.nc and DDB files for GSR calculations or _GSR.nc files.
If PHDOS.nc is available for all structures, normal interpolation for QHA will be applied.
Supports the use of six PHDOS.nc files for specific structures to employ the EinfVib2 approximation.
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import abc
import numpy as np
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline #, RegularGridInterpolator
#from monty.collections import dict2namedtuple
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from abipy.tools.plotting import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt
from abipy.tools.typing import Figure
from abipy.tools.serialization import HasPickleIO, mjson_load
from abipy.electrons.gsr import GsrFile
from abipy.dfpt.ddb import DdbFile
from abipy.dfpt.phonons import PhdosFile # PhononBandsPlotter, PhononDos,
from abipy.dfpt.vzsisa import anaget_phdoses_with_gauss
class QHA_2D(HasPickleIO):
Quasi-Harmonic Approximation (QHA) analysis in 2D.
Provides methods for calculating and visualizing energy, free energy, and thermal expansion.
def from_json_file(cls,
filepath: PathLike,
nqsmall_or_qppa: int,
anaget_kwargs: dict | None = None,
smearing_ev: float | None = None,
verbose: int = 0) -> Vzsisa:
Build an instance from a json file `filepath` typically produced by an Abipy flow.
For the meaning of the other arguments see from_gsr_ddb_paths.
data = mjson_load(filepath)
return cls.from_gsr_ddb_paths(nqsmall_or_qppa,
data["gsr_relax_paths"], data["ddb_relax_paths"],
data["bo_strains_ac"], data["phdos_strains_ac"],
anaget_kwargs=anaget_kwargs, smearing_ev=smearing_ev, verbose=verbose)
def from_gsr_ddb_paths(cls,
nqsmall_or_qppa: int,
anaget_kwargs: dict | None = None,
smearing_ev: float | None = None,
verbose: int = 0) -> QHA_2D:
Creates an instance from a list of GSR files and a list of DDB files.
This is a simplified interface that computes the PHDOS.nc files automatically
from the DDB files by invoking anaddb.
nqsmall_or_qppa: Define the q-mesh for the computation of the PHDOS.
if > 0, it is interpreted as nqsmall
if < 0, it is interpreted as qppa.
gsr_paths: list of paths to GSR files.
ddb_paths: list of paths to DDB files.
bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
anaget_kwargs: dict with extra arguments passed to anaget_phdoses_with_gauss.
smearing_ev: Gaussian smearing in eV.
verbose: Verbosity level.
phdos_paths, phbands_paths = anaget_phdoses_with_gauss(nqsmall_or_qppa, smearing_ev, ddb_paths, anaget_kwargs, verbose)
new = cls.from_files(ddb_paths, phdos_paths_2D, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, gsr_file="GSR.nc")
#new.pickle_dump(workdir, basename=None)
return new
def from_files(cls, gsr_paths_2D, phdos_paths_2D, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, gsr_file="GSR.nc") -> QHA_2D:
Creates an instance of QHA from a 2D array of GSR and PHDOS files.
gsr_paths_2D: 2D list of paths to GSR files.
phdos_paths_2D: 2D list of paths to PHDOS.nc files.
bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
energies, structures, phdoses , structures_from_phdos = [], [], [],[]
#shape = (len(strains_a), len(strains_c))
#gsr_paths_2d = np.reshape(gsr_paths_2D, shape)
#phdos_paths_2d = np.reshape(phdos_paths_2D, shape)
if gsr_file == "GSR.nc":
# Process GSR files
for row in gsr_paths_2D:
row_energies, row_structures = [], []
for gp in row:
if os.path.exists(gp):
with GsrFile.from_file(gp) as g:
elif gsr_file == "DDB":
# Process DDB files
for row in gsr_paths_2D:
row_energies, row_structures = [], []
for gp in row:
if os.path.exists(gp):
with DdbFile.from_file(gp) as g:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {gsr_file=}")
# Process PHDOS files
for row in phdos_paths_2D:
row_doses , row_structures = [],[]
for path in row:
if os.path.exists(path):
with PhdosFile(path) as p:
return cls(structures, phdoses, energies, structures_from_phdos, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac)
def __init__(self, structures, phdoses, energies, structures_from_phdos,
bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac,
eos_name: str='vinet', pressure: float=0.0):
structures (list): List of structures at different volumes.
phdoses: List of density of states (DOS) data for phonon calculations.
energies (list): SCF energies for the structures in eV.
bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector.
eos_name (str): Expression used to fit the energies (e.g., 'vinet').
pressure (float): External pressure in GPa to include in p*V term.
self.phdoses = phdoses
self.structures = structures
self.structures_from_phdos = structures_from_phdos
self.energies = np.array(energies, dtype=np.float64)
self.bo_strains_ac = bo_strains_ac
self.phdos_strains_ac = phdos_strains_ac
self.eos_name = eos_name
self.pressure = pressure
self.volumes = np.array([[s.volume if s else np.nan for s in row] for row in structures])
energies_array = np.array(energies)
energies_array[energies_array == None] = np.nan
# Find the indices of the minimum values
self.ix0, self.iy0 = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(energies_array), energies_array.shape)
# Extract lattice parameters and angles
self.lattice_a = np.array([[s.lattice.abc[0] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures])
self.lattice_c = np.array([[s.lattice.abc[2] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures])
self.lattice_a_from_phdos = np.array([[s.lattice.abc[0] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures_from_phdos])
self.lattice_c_from_phdos = np.array([[s.lattice.abc[2] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures_from_phdos])
# Find index of minimum energy
self.min_energy_idx = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(self.energies), self.energies.shape)
def use_qha(self) -> bool:
"""True if we are in full QHA_2D mode."""
return len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos) == len(self.lattice_a) and len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos) == len(self.lattice_c)
def use_einfvib2(self) -> bool:
return len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos) == 3 and len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos) == 3
def get_initial_guess_ac(self) -> np.array:
"""Return the initial guess for (a, c):"""
initial_guess = [1.005 * self.lattice_a[self.ix0, 0], 1.005 * self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0]]
return np.array(initial_guess)
def plot_energies(self, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot BO energy surface and visualize minimum in a 3D plot.
ax: Matplotlib axis for the plot. If None, creates a new figure.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create a 3D subplot
a0 = self.lattice_a[:,0]
c0 = self.lattice_c[0,:]
X, Y = np.meshgrid(c0, a0)
# Plot the surface
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, self.energies, cmap='viridis')
ax.scatter(self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0], self.lattice_a[self.ix0,0], self.energies[self.ix0, self.iy0], color='red', s=100)
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a0, c0, self.energies, kx=4, ky=4)
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
min_x0, min_y0, min_energy = self.find_minimum( f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
x_new = np.linspace(min(self.lattice_a[:,0]), max(self.lattice_a[:,0]), 100)
y_new = np.linspace(min(self.lattice_c[0,:]), max(self.lattice_c[0,:]), 100)
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(y_new, x_new)
energy_interp = f_interp(x_new, y_new)
ax.plot_surface(x_grid, y_grid, energy_interp, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.6)
# Set labels
ax.set_xlabel('Lattice parameter C (Å)')
ax.set_ylabel('Lattice parameter A (Å)')
ax.set_zlabel('Energy (eV)')
ax.set_title('BO Energy Surface in 3D')
return fig
def find_minimum(self, f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) -> tuple:
Gradient descent to find the minimum of the interpolated BO energy surface.
f_interp: Interpolating function for energy.
xy_init (list): Initial guess for [a, c].
tol (float): Convergence tolerance for gradient norm.
max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations.
step_size (float): Step size for gradient descent.
tuple: Optimized [a, c] coordinates and minimum energy.
xy = np.array(xy_init)
dx = dy = 0.001
for it in range(max_iter):
grad = [
(f_interp(xy[0] + dx, xy[1]) - f_interp(xy[0] - dx, xy[1])) / (2 * dx),
(f_interp(xy[0], xy[1] + dy) - f_interp(xy[0], xy[1] - dy)) / (2 * dy),
xy -= step_size * np.ravel(grad)
if np.linalg.norm(grad) < tol:
#print(f"Converged after {it} iterations with {tol=}")
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not reach {tol=} after {max_iter=}")
min_energy = f_interp(xy[0], xy[1])
return xy[0], xy[1], min_energy
def plot_free_energies(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=5, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot free energy as a function of temperature in a 3D plot.
ax: Matplotlib axis for the plot.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create a 3D subplot
tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num)
ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num)
a0 = self.lattice_a[:,0]
c0 = self.lattice_c[0,:]
if self.use_qha:
tot_en = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.lattice_c[0,:], self.lattice_a[:,0])
for e in ( tot_en.T ):
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis')
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
min_x, min_y, min_tot_en = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num)
for j,e in enumerate(tot_en.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a0, c0, e, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_en[j]= self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
ax.scatter(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en, color='c', s=100)
ax.plot(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en, color='c')
elif self.use_einfvib2:
a0 = self.lattice_a[1,1]
c0 = self.lattice_c[1,1]
da = self.lattice_a[0,1]-self.lattice_a[1,1]
dc = self.lattice_c[1,0]-self.lattice_c[1,1]
dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5))
for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T):
d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc)
tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC
a = self.lattice_a[:,0]
c = self.lattice_c[0,:]
a_phdos = self.lattice_a[:,0]
c_phdos = self.lattice_c[0,:]
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
min_x, min_y, min_tot_en2 = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num)
for j, e in enumerate(tot_en2.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a, c, e, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_en2[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
X, Y = np.meshgrid(c, a)
for e in tot_en2.T:
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7)
ax.scatter(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en2, color='c', s=100)
ax.plot(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en2, color='c')
raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch")
ax.scatter(self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0], self.lattice_a[self.ix0,0], self.energies[self.ix0, self.iy0], color='red', s=100)
ax.set_zlabel('Free energy (eV)')
#ax.set_title('Free energies as a 3D Plot')
plt.savefig("energy.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
return fig
def plot_thermal_expansion(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=81, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plots thermal expansion coefficients along the a-axis, c-axis, and volumetric alpha.
Uses both QHA and a 9-point stencil for comparison.
tstart: Start temperature.
tstop: Stop temperature.
num: Number of temperature points.
ax: Matplotlib axis object for plotting.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8)) # Ensure a valid plot axis
tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num)
ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num)
min_x, min_y, min_tot_energy = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num)
if self.use_qha:
tot_energies = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
# Initial guess for minimization
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
# Perform minimization for each temperature
for j, energy in enumerate(tot_energies.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum( f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
# Calculate thermal expansion coefficients
A0, C0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0], self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0]
scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0
min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale
dt = tmesh[1] - tmesh[0]
alpha_a = (min_x[2:] - min_x[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_x[1:-1]
alpha_c = (min_y[2:] - min_y[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_y[1:-1]
alpha_v = (min_volumes[2:] - min_volumes[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_volumes[1:-1]
ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_a, color='b', label=r"$\alpha_a$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_c, color='r', label=r"$\alpha_c$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
#ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, color='purple', label=r"$\alpha_v$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
elif self.use_einfvib2:
a0 = self.lattice_a_from_phdos[1,1]
c0 = self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,1]
da = self.lattice_a_from_phdos[0,1]-self.lattice_a_from_phdos[1,1]
dc = self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,0]-self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,1]
dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5))
for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T):
d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc)
tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2
tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC
gradient = np.zeros(2)
# Initial guess for minimization
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
for j, energy in enumerate(tot_en2.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
A0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0,self.iy0]
C0 = self.lattice_c[self.ix0,self.iy0]
scale = self.volumes[self.ix0,self.iy0]/A0**2/C0
min_v = min_x**2*min_y*scale
dt = tmesh[1] - tmesh[0]
alpha_a = (min_x[2:] - min_x[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_x[1:-1]
alpha_c = (min_y[2:] - min_y[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_y[1:-1]
alpha_v = (min_v[2:] - min_v[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_v[1:-1]
ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_a, linestyle='--', color='gold', label=r"$\alpha_a$ E$\infty$Vib2")
ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_c, linestyle='--', color='teal', label=r"$\alpha_c$ E$\infty$Vib2")
#ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, linestyle='--', color='darkorange', label=r"$\alpha_v$ E$\infty$Vib2")
raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch.")
# Save the data
data_to_save = np.column_stack((tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, alpha_a, alpha_c))
columns = ['#Tmesh', 'alpha_v', 'alpha_a', 'alpha_c']
file_path = 'thermal-expansion_data.txt'
print(f"Writing thermal expansion data to: {file_path}")
np.savetxt(file_path, data_to_save, fmt='%4.6e', delimiter='\t\t', header='\t\t\t'.join(columns), comments='')
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True)
ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (K)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Thermal Expansion Coefficients ($\alpha$)')
plt.savefig("thermal_expansion.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
return fig
def plot_lattice(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=81, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plots thermal expansion coefficients along the a-axis, c-axis, and volumetric alpha.
Uses both QHA and a 9-point stencil for comparison.
tstart: Start temperature.
tstop: Stop temperature.
num: Number of temperature points.
ax: Matplotlib axis object for plotting.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6), sharex=True)
tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num)
ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num)
min_x, min_y, min_tot_energy = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num)
if self.use_qha:
tot_energies = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies+ self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
# Initial guess for minimization
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
# Perform minimization for each temperature
for j, energy in enumerate(tot_energies.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
# Calculate thermal expansion coefficients
A0, C0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0], self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0]
scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0
min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale
# Plot min_x in the first subplot
axs[0].plot(tmesh, min_x, color='c', label=r"$a$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
axs[1].set_title("Plots of a, c, and V (QHA)")
axs[1].plot(tmesh, min_y, color='r', label=r"$c$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
axs[2].plot(tmesh, min_volumes, color='b', label=r"$V$ (QHA)", linewidth=2)
elif self.use_einfvib2:
a0 = self.lattice_a[1,1]
c0 = self.lattice_c[1,1]
da = self.lattice_a[0,1]-self.lattice_a[1,1]
dc = self.lattice_c[1,0]-self.lattice_c[1,1]
dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5))
for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T):
d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc)
tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa
tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2
tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2
tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC
# Initial guess for minimization
xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac()
for j, energy in enumerate(tot_en2.T):
f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4)
min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01)
xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j]
A0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0]
C0 = self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0]
scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0
min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale
axs[0].plot(tmesh, min_x, color='c', label=r"$a$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2)
axs[1].set_title(r"Plots of a, c, and V (E$\infty$Vib2)")
axs[1].plot(tmesh, min_y, color='r', label=r"$c$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2)
axs[2].plot(tmesh, min_volumes, color='b', label=r"$V$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2)
raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch.")
for ax in axs:
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True)
ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (T)")
# Adjust layout and show the figure
return fig
def get_vib_free_energies(self, tstart: float, tstop: float, num: int) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the vibrational free energies from phonon density of states.
tstart: Start temperature.
tstop: Stop temperature.
num: Number of temperature points.
Return: A 3D array of vibrational free energies of shape (num_c, num_a, num_temp)
f = np.zeros((len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos[0]), len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos[:, 0]), num))
for i in range(len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos[:, 0])):
for j in range(len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos[0])):
if (phdos := self.phdoses[i][j]) is not None:
f[j, i] = phdos.get_free_energy(tstart, tstop, num).values
return f