Source code for abipy.dfpt.qha_2D

Added to compute ZSISA-QHA for systems with two degrees of freedom (2DOF).
Capable of calculating anisotropic thermal expansion and lattice constants for uniaxial configurations.
Requires and DDB files for GSR calculations or files.
If is available for all structures, normal interpolation for QHA will be applied.
Supports the use of six files for specific structures to employ the EinfVib2 approximation.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import abc
import numpy as np
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu

from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline #, RegularGridInterpolator
#from monty.collections import dict2namedtuple
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt
from import Figure
from import HasPickleIO, mjson_load
from abipy.electrons.gsr import GsrFile
from abipy.dfpt.ddb import DdbFile
from abipy.dfpt.phonons import PhdosFile # PhononBandsPlotter, PhononDos,
from abipy.dfpt.vzsisa import anaget_phdoses_with_gauss

[docs] class QHA_2D(HasPickleIO): """ Quasi-Harmonic Approximation (QHA) analysis in 2D. Provides methods for calculating and visualizing energy, free energy, and thermal expansion. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls, filepath: PathLike, nqsmall_or_qppa: int, anaget_kwargs: dict | None = None, smearing_ev: float | None = None, verbose: int = 0) -> Vzsisa: """ Build an instance from a json file `filepath` typically produced by an Abipy flow. For the meaning of the other arguments see from_gsr_ddb_paths. """ data = mjson_load(filepath) return cls.from_gsr_ddb_paths(nqsmall_or_qppa, data["gsr_relax_paths"], data["ddb_relax_paths"], data["bo_strains_ac"], data["phdos_strains_ac"], anaget_kwargs=anaget_kwargs, smearing_ev=smearing_ev, verbose=verbose)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gsr_ddb_paths(cls, nqsmall_or_qppa: int, gsr_paths, ddb_paths, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, anaget_kwargs: dict | None = None, smearing_ev: float | None = None, verbose: int = 0) -> QHA_2D: """ Creates an instance from a list of GSR files and a list of DDB files. This is a simplified interface that computes the files automatically from the DDB files by invoking anaddb. Args: nqsmall_or_qppa: Define the q-mesh for the computation of the PHDOS. if > 0, it is interpreted as nqsmall if < 0, it is interpreted as qppa. gsr_paths: list of paths to GSR files. ddb_paths: list of paths to DDB files. bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. anaget_kwargs: dict with extra arguments passed to anaget_phdoses_with_gauss. smearing_ev: Gaussian smearing in eV. verbose: Verbosity level. """ phdos_paths, phbands_paths = anaget_phdoses_with_gauss(nqsmall_or_qppa, smearing_ev, ddb_paths, anaget_kwargs, verbose) new = cls.from_files(ddb_paths, phdos_paths_2D, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, gsr_file="") #new.pickle_dump(workdir, basename=None) return new
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, gsr_paths_2D, phdos_paths_2D, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, gsr_file="") -> QHA_2D: """ Creates an instance of QHA from a 2D array of GSR and PHDOS files. Args: gsr_paths_2D: 2D list of paths to GSR files. phdos_paths_2D: 2D list of paths to files. bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. """ energies, structures, phdoses , structures_from_phdos = [], [], [],[] #shape = (len(strains_a), len(strains_c)) #gsr_paths_2d = np.reshape(gsr_paths_2D, shape) #phdos_paths_2d = np.reshape(phdos_paths_2D, shape) if gsr_file == "": # Process GSR files for row in gsr_paths_2D: row_energies, row_structures = [], [] for gp in row: if os.path.exists(gp): with GsrFile.from_file(gp) as g: row_energies.append( row_structures.append(g.structure) else: row_energies.append(None) row_structures.append(None) energies.append(row_energies) structures.append(row_structures) elif gsr_file == "DDB": # Process DDB files for row in gsr_paths_2D: row_energies, row_structures = [], [] for gp in row: if os.path.exists(gp): with DdbFile.from_file(gp) as g: row_energies.append(g.total_energy) row_structures.append(g.structure) else: row_energies.append(None) row_structures.append(None) energies.append(row_energies) structures.append(row_structures) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid {gsr_file=}") # Process PHDOS files for row in phdos_paths_2D: row_doses , row_structures = [],[] for path in row: if os.path.exists(path): with PhdosFile(path) as p: row_doses.append(p.phdos) row_structures.append(p.structure) else: row_doses.append(None) row_structures.append(None) phdoses.append(row_doses) structures_from_phdos.append(row_structures) return cls(structures, phdoses, energies, structures_from_phdos, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac)
def __init__(self, structures, phdoses, energies, structures_from_phdos, bo_strains_ac, phdos_strains_ac, eos_name: str='vinet', pressure: float=0.0): """ Args: structures (list): List of structures at different volumes. phdoses: List of density of states (DOS) data for phonon calculations. energies (list): SCF energies for the structures in eV. bo_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. phdos_strains_ac: List of strains for the a and the c lattice vector. eos_name (str): Expression used to fit the energies (e.g., 'vinet'). pressure (float): External pressure in GPa to include in p*V term. """ self.phdoses = phdoses self.structures = structures self.structures_from_phdos = structures_from_phdos self.energies = np.array(energies, dtype=np.float64) self.bo_strains_ac = bo_strains_ac self.phdos_strains_ac = phdos_strains_ac self.eos_name = eos_name self.pressure = pressure self.volumes = np.array([[s.volume if s else np.nan for s in row] for row in structures]) energies_array = np.array(energies) energies_array[energies_array == None] = np.nan # Find the indices of the minimum values self.ix0, self.iy0 = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(energies_array), energies_array.shape) # Extract lattice parameters and angles self.lattice_a = np.array([[[0] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures]) self.lattice_c = np.array([[[2] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures]) self.lattice_a_from_phdos = np.array([[[0] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures_from_phdos]) self.lattice_c_from_phdos = np.array([[[2] if s is not None else None for s in row] for row in structures_from_phdos]) # Find index of minimum energy self.min_energy_idx = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(self.energies), self.energies.shape)
[docs] @lazy_property def use_qha(self) -> bool: """True if we are in full QHA_2D mode.""" return len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos) == len(self.lattice_a) and len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos) == len(self.lattice_c)
[docs] @lazy_property def use_einfvib2(self) -> bool: return len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos) == 3 and len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos) == 3
[docs] def get_initial_guess_ac(self) -> np.array: """Return the initial guess for (a, c):""" initial_guess = [1.005 * self.lattice_a[self.ix0, 0], 1.005 * self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0]] return np.array(initial_guess)
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_energies(self, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure: """ Plot BO energy surface and visualize minimum in a 3D plot. Args: ax: Matplotlib axis for the plot. If None, creates a new figure. """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create a 3D subplot a0 = self.lattice_a[:,0] c0 = self.lattice_c[0,:] X, Y = np.meshgrid(c0, a0) # Plot the surface ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, self.energies, cmap='viridis') ax.scatter(self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0], self.lattice_a[self.ix0,0], self.energies[self.ix0, self.iy0], color='red', s=100) f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a0, c0, self.energies, kx=4, ky=4) xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() min_x0, min_y0, min_energy = self.find_minimum( f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) x_new = np.linspace(min(self.lattice_a[:,0]), max(self.lattice_a[:,0]), 100) y_new = np.linspace(min(self.lattice_c[0,:]), max(self.lattice_c[0,:]), 100) x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(y_new, x_new) energy_interp = f_interp(x_new, y_new) ax.plot_surface(x_grid, y_grid, energy_interp, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.6) # Set labels ax.set_xlabel('Lattice parameter C (Å)') ax.set_ylabel('Lattice parameter A (Å)') ax.set_zlabel('Energy (eV)') ax.set_title('BO Energy Surface in 3D') return fig
[docs] def find_minimum(self, f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) -> tuple: """ Gradient descent to find the minimum of the interpolated BO energy surface. Args: f_interp: Interpolating function for energy. xy_init (list): Initial guess for [a, c]. tol (float): Convergence tolerance for gradient norm. max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations. step_size (float): Step size for gradient descent. Returns: tuple: Optimized [a, c] coordinates and minimum energy. """ xy = np.array(xy_init) dx = dy = 0.001 for it in range(max_iter): grad = [ (f_interp(xy[0] + dx, xy[1]) - f_interp(xy[0] - dx, xy[1])) / (2 * dx), (f_interp(xy[0], xy[1] + dy) - f_interp(xy[0], xy[1] - dy)) / (2 * dy), ] xy -= step_size * np.ravel(grad) if np.linalg.norm(grad) < tol: #print(f"Converged after {it} iterations with {tol=}") break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not reach {tol=} after {max_iter=}") min_energy = f_interp(xy[0], xy[1]) return xy[0], xy[1], min_energy
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_free_energies(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=5, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure: """ Plot free energy as a function of temperature in a 3D plot. Args: ax: Matplotlib axis for the plot. """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create a 3D subplot tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num) ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num) a0 = self.lattice_a[:,0] c0 = self.lattice_c[0,:] if self.use_qha: tot_en = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.lattice_c[0,:], self.lattice_a[:,0]) for e in ( tot_en.T ): ax.plot_surface(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7) ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis') xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() min_x, min_y, min_tot_en = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) for j,e in enumerate(tot_en.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a0, c0, e, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_en[j]= self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] ax.scatter(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en, color='c', s=100) ax.plot(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en, color='c') elif self.use_einfvib2: a0 = self.lattice_a[1,1] c0 = self.lattice_c[1,1] da = self.lattice_a[0,1]-self.lattice_a[1,1] dc = self.lattice_c[1,0]-self.lattice_c[1,1] dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5)) for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T): dF_dA[i]=(e[0,1]-e[2,1])/(2*da) dF_dC[i]=(e[1,0]-e[1,2])/(2*dc) d2F_dA2[i]=(e[0,1]-2*e[1,1]+e[2,1])/(da)**2 d2F_dC2[i]=(e[1,0]-2*e[1,1]+e[1,2])/(dc)**2 d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc) tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2 tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2 tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC a = self.lattice_a[:,0] c = self.lattice_c[0,:] a_phdos = self.lattice_a[:,0] c_phdos = self.lattice_c[0,:] xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() min_x, min_y, min_tot_en2 = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) for j, e in enumerate(tot_en2.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(a, c, e, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_en2[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] X, Y = np.meshgrid(c, a) for e in tot_en2.T: ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, e, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en2, color='c', s=100) ax.plot(min_y, min_x, min_tot_en2, color='c') else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch") ax.scatter(self.lattice_c[0,self.iy0], self.lattice_a[self.ix0,0], self.energies[self.ix0, self.iy0], color='red', s=100) ax.set_xlabel('C') ax.set_ylabel('A') ax.set_zlabel('Free energy (eV)') #ax.set_title('Free energies as a 3D Plot') plt.savefig("energy.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_thermal_expansion(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=81, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure: """ Plots thermal expansion coefficients along the a-axis, c-axis, and volumetric alpha. Uses both QHA and a 9-point stencil for comparison. Args: tstart: Start temperature. tstop: Stop temperature. num: Number of temperature points. ax: Matplotlib axis object for plotting. """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax, figsize=(10, 8)) # Ensure a valid plot axis tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num) ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num) min_x, min_y, min_tot_energy = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) if self.use_qha: tot_energies = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa # Initial guess for minimization xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() # Perform minimization for each temperature for j, energy in enumerate(tot_energies.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum( f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] # Calculate thermal expansion coefficients A0, C0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0], self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0] scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0 min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale dt = tmesh[1] - tmesh[0] alpha_a = (min_x[2:] - min_x[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_x[1:-1] alpha_c = (min_y[2:] - min_y[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_y[1:-1] alpha_v = (min_volumes[2:] - min_volumes[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_volumes[1:-1] ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_a, color='b', label=r"$\alpha_a$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_c, color='r', label=r"$\alpha_c$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) #ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, color='purple', label=r"$\alpha_v$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) elif self.use_einfvib2: a0 = self.lattice_a_from_phdos[1,1] c0 = self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,1] da = self.lattice_a_from_phdos[0,1]-self.lattice_a_from_phdos[1,1] dc = self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,0]-self.lattice_c_from_phdos[1,1] dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5)) for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T): dF_dA[i]=(e[0,1]-e[2,1])/(2*da) dF_dC[i]=(e[1,0]-e[1,2])/(2*dc) d2F_dA2[i]=(e[0,1]-2*e[1,1]+e[2,1])/(da)**2 d2F_dC2[i]=(e[1,0]-2*e[1,1]+e[1,2])/(dc)**2 d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc) tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2 tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2 tot_en2 = tot_en2+ (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC gradient = np.zeros(2) # Initial guess for minimization xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() for j, energy in enumerate(tot_en2.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] A0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0,self.iy0] C0 = self.lattice_c[self.ix0,self.iy0] scale = self.volumes[self.ix0,self.iy0]/A0**2/C0 min_v = min_x**2*min_y*scale dt = tmesh[1] - tmesh[0] alpha_a = (min_x[2:] - min_x[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_x[1:-1] alpha_c = (min_y[2:] - min_y[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_y[1:-1] alpha_v = (min_v[2:] - min_v[:-2]) / (2 * dt) / min_v[1:-1] ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_a, linestyle='--', color='gold', label=r"$\alpha_a$ E$\infty$Vib2") ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_c, linestyle='--', color='teal', label=r"$\alpha_c$ E$\infty$Vib2") #ax.plot(tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, linestyle='--', color='darkorange', label=r"$\alpha_v$ E$\infty$Vib2") else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch.") # Save the data data_to_save = np.column_stack((tmesh[1:-1], alpha_v, alpha_a, alpha_c)) columns = ['#Tmesh', 'alpha_v', 'alpha_a', 'alpha_c'] file_path = 'thermal-expansion_data.txt' print(f"Writing thermal expansion data to: {file_path}") np.savetxt(file_path, data_to_save, fmt='%4.6e', delimiter='\t\t', header='\t\t\t'.join(columns), comments='') ax.grid(True) ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (K)') ax.set_ylabel(r'Thermal Expansion Coefficients ($\alpha$)') plt.savefig("thermal_expansion.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_lattice(self, tstart=0, tstop=800, num=81, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure: """ Plots thermal expansion coefficients along the a-axis, c-axis, and volumetric alpha. Uses both QHA and a 9-point stencil for comparison. Args: tstart: Start temperature. tstop: Stop temperature. num: Number of temperature points. ax: Matplotlib axis object for plotting. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6), sharex=True) tmesh = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num) ph_energies = self.get_vib_free_energies(tstart, tstop, num) min_x, min_y, min_tot_energy = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) if self.use_qha: tot_energies = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies+ self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa # Initial guess for minimization xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() # Perform minimization for each temperature for j, energy in enumerate(tot_energies.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] # Calculate thermal expansion coefficients A0, C0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0], self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0] scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0 min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale # Plot min_x in the first subplot axs[0].plot(tmesh, min_x, color='c', label=r"$a$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) axs[1].set_title("Plots of a, c, and V (QHA)") axs[1].plot(tmesh, min_y, color='r', label=r"$c$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) axs[2].plot(tmesh, min_volumes, color='b', label=r"$V$ (QHA)", linewidth=2) elif self.use_einfvib2: a0 = self.lattice_a[1,1] c0 = self.lattice_c[1,1] da = self.lattice_a[0,1]-self.lattice_a[1,1] dc = self.lattice_c[1,0]-self.lattice_c[1,1] dF_dA, dF_dC, d2F_dA2, d2F_dC2, d2F_dAdC = (np.zeros(num) for _ in range(5)) for i, e in enumerate(ph_energies.T): dF_dA[i]=(e[0,1]-e[2,1])/(2*da) dF_dC[i]=(e[1,0]-e[1,2])/(2*dc) d2F_dA2[i]=(e[0,1]-2*e[1,1]+e[2,1])/(da)**2 d2F_dC2[i]=(e[1,0]-2*e[1,1]+e[1,2])/(dc)**2 d2F_dAdC[i] = (e[1,1] - e[1, 0] - e[0, 1] + e[0, 0]) / ( da * dc) tot_en2 = self.energies[np.newaxis, :].T + ph_energies[1,1] + self.volumes[np.newaxis, :].T * self.pressure / abu.eVA3_GPa tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*dF_dA + 0.5*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)**2*d2F_dA2 tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*dF_dC + 0.5*(self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)**2*d2F_dC2 tot_en2 = tot_en2 + (self.lattice_c[np.newaxis, :].T - c0)*(self.lattice_a[np.newaxis, :].T - a0)*d2F_dAdC # Initial guess for minimization xy_init = self.get_initial_guess_ac() for j, energy in enumerate(tot_en2.T): f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(self.lattice_a[:, 0], self.lattice_c[0, :], energy, kx=4, ky=4) min_x[j], min_y[j], min_tot_energy[j] = self.find_minimum(f_interp, xy_init, tol=1e-6, max_iter=1000, step_size=0.01) xy_init = min_x[j], min_y[j] A0 = self.lattice_a[self.ix0, self.iy0] C0 = self.lattice_c[self.ix0, self.iy0] scale = self.volumes[self.ix0, self.iy0] / A0**2 / C0 min_volumes = min_x**2 * min_y * scale axs[0].plot(tmesh, min_x, color='c', label=r"$a$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2) axs[1].set_title(r"Plots of a, c, and V (E$\infty$Vib2)") axs[1].plot(tmesh, min_y, color='r', label=r"$c$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2) axs[2].plot(tmesh, min_volumes, color='b', label=r"$V$ (E$\infty$Vib2)", linewidth=2) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid branch.") axs[0].set_ylabel("a") axs[1].set_ylabel("c") axs[2].set_ylabel("Volume") for ax in axs: ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (T)") # Adjust layout and show the figure plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def get_vib_free_energies(self, tstart: float, tstop: float, num: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the vibrational free energies from phonon density of states. Args: tstart: Start temperature. tstop: Stop temperature. num: Number of temperature points. Return: A 3D array of vibrational free energies of shape (num_c, num_a, num_temp) """ f = np.zeros((len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos[0]), len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos[:, 0]), num)) for i in range(len(self.lattice_a_from_phdos[:, 0])): for j in range(len(self.lattice_c_from_phdos[0])): if (phdos := self.phdoses[i][j]) is not None: f[j, i] = phdos.get_free_energy(tstart, tstop, num).values return f