Tools to analyze MD trajectories and compute diffusion coefficients.
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import warnings
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymatgen.core.units as units
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.stats import linregress
from scipy import optimize
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from monty.bisect import find_le
from monty.string import list_strings, marquee
from monty.collections import AttrDict #, dict2namedtuple
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from pymatgen.util.string import latexify
from pymatgen.core.lattice import Lattice
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
#from abipy.core.mixins import TextFile # , NotebookWriter
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from abipy.tools.typing import Figure, PathLike
from abipy.tools.serialization import HasPickleIO
from abipy.tools.iotools import try_files # , file_with_ext_indir
from abipy.tools.context_managers import Timer
from abipy.tools.plotting import (set_axlims, add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, get_color_symbol,
set_ticks_fontsize, set_logscale, linear_fit_ax)
from abipy.tools.parallel import pool_nprocs_pmode #, get_max_nprocs
from abipy.dynamics.cpx import parse_file_with_blocks, EvpFile
__author__ = "Giuliana Materzanini, Tommaso Chiarotti, Matteo Giantomassi"
Ang2PsTocm2S = 0.0001
e2s = 1.602188**2 # electron charge in Coulomb scaled by 10.d-19**2
kbs = 1.38066 # Boltzmann constant in Joule/K scaled by 10.d-23
kBoltzEv = 8.617333e-05
#nCar = 56 # FIXME: Harcoded
def common_oxidation_states() -> dict:
oxi2symbols = {
+1: ["Li", "Na", "K", "Rb", "Cs", "Fr"],
+2: ["Be", "Mg", "Ca", "Sr", "Ba", "Ra"],
# map: symbol to oxidation state.
symb2oxi = {}
for oxi, slist in oxi2symbols.items():
for s in slist:
symb2oxi[s] = oxi
return symb2oxi
def read_structure_postac_ucmats(traj_filepath: PathLike, step_skip: int) -> tuple[Structure, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int]:
Read all configurations from an ASE trajectory file.
traj_filepath: File path.
step_skip: Sampling frequency.
time_step should be multiplied by this number to get the real time between measurements.
tuple with: initial Structure, (nsteps, natom, 3) array with the Cartesian coords,
(nsteps,3,3) array with cell vectors.
from ase.io import read
traj = read(traj_filepath, index=":")
traj_len = len(traj)
structure = Structure.as_structure(traj[0])
pos_tac, ucmats = [], []
for it in range(0, traj_len, step_skip):
atoms = traj[it]
del traj
pos_tac = np.array(pos_tac, dtype=float)
ucmats = np.array(ucmats, dtype=float)
return structure, pos_tac, ucmats, traj_len
class MdAnalyzer(HasPickleIO):
High-level interface to read MD trajectories and metadata from external files,
compute the MSQD and plot the results.
def from_abiml_dir(cls, directory: PathLike, step_skip: int = 1) -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a directory containing an ASE trajectory file and
a JSON file with the MD parameters as produced by the `abiml.py md` script.
directory = Path(str(directory))
structure, pos_tac, ucmats, traj_len = read_structure_postac_ucmats(directory / "md.traj", step_skip)
# Read metadata from the JSON file.
with open(directory / "md.json", "rt") as fh:
meta = json.load(fh)
temperature = meta["temperature"]
# Convert from ASE fs to ps
timestep = meta["timestep"] * 1e-3
loginterval = meta["loginterval"]
engine = meta["nn_name"]
times = (np.arange(0, traj_len) * timestep * loginterval)[::step_skip].copy()
log_path = try_files([directory / "md.aselog", directory / "md.log"])
from abipy.ml.aseml import AseMdLog
with AseMdLog(log_path) as log:
evp_df = log.df.copy()
return cls(structure, temperature, times, pos_tac, ucmats, engine, evp_df=evp_df)
def from_hist_file(cls, hist_filepath: PathLike, step_skip: int=1) -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from an ABINIT HIST.nc file.
from abipy.dynamics.hist import HistFile
with HistFile(hist_filepath) as hist:
structure = hist.structure.copy()
pos_tac = hist.r.read_value("xcart") * units.bohr_to_ang
ucmats = hist.r.read_value("rprimd") * units.bohr_to_ang
#temperature = None
#evp_df = None
#times = (np.arange(0, traj_len) * r.timestep * r.loginterval)[::step_skip].copy()
if step_skip != 1:
ucmats = ucmats[::step_skip].copy()
pos_tac = pos_tac[::step_skip].copy()
raise NotImplementedError()
#return cls(structure, temperature, times, pos_tac, ucmats, "abinit", evp_df=evp_df)
def from_vaspruns(cls, filepaths: list) -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a list of Vasprun files (must be ordered in sequence of MD simulation).
def get_structures(vaspruns):
# This piece of code is shamelessy taken from
# https://github.com/materialsvirtuallab/pymatgen-analysis-diffusion/blob/master/pymatgen/analysis/diffusion/analyzer.py
for i, vr in enumerate(vaspruns):
if i == 0:
step_skip = vr.ionic_step_skip or 1
final_structure = vr.initial_structure
temperature = vr.parameters["TEEND"]
timestep = vr.parameters["POTIM"] # fs
yield step_skip, temperature, timestep
# check that the runs are continuous
from pymatgen.util.coord import pbc_diff
fdist = pbc_diff(
vr.initial_structure.frac_coords, final_structure.frac_coords
if np.any(fdist > 0.001):
raise ValueError("initial and final structures do not match.")
final_structure = vr.final_structure
assert (vr.ionic_step_skip or 1) == step_skip
for s in vr.ionic_steps:
yield s["structure"]
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun
with warnings.catch_warnings():
vaspruns = [Vasprun(path) for path in list_strings(filepaths)]
s = get_structures(vaspruns)
step_skip, temperature, timestep = next(s)
# Extract Cartesian positions.
pos_tac = []
for i, strc in enumerate(s):
if i == 0: structure = strc
nsteps, natom = i + 1, len(structure)
pos_tac = np.reshape(pos_tac, (nsteps, natom, 3))
times = np.arange(0, nsteps) * timestep * step_skip
evp_df = None
return cls(structure, temperature, times, pos_tac, "vasp", evp_df=evp_df)
#def from_qe_dir(cls, directory: PathLike, step_skip: int=1):
# traj_filepath = file_with_ext_indir(".lammpstrj", directory)
# return cls.from_qe_input(filepath: PathLike, step_skip=step_skip):
def from_lammps_dir(cls, directory: PathLike, step_skip: int=1, basename="in.lammps") -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a directory containing a LAMMPS input file.
return cls.from_lammp_input(Path(str(directory)) / basename, step_skip=step_skip)
def from_lammpstrj(cls, traj_filepath: PathLike, input_filepath: PathLike, step_skip: int = 1) -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a LAMMPS trajectory file and a log file.
structure, pos_tac, ucmats, traj_len = read_structure_postac_ucmats(traj_filepath, step_skip)
if input_filepath.endswith(".evp"):
# Extract times from CP EVP file (Giuliana's way)
temperature = None
with EvpFile(input_filepath) as evp:
evp_df = evp.df.copy()
timestep = evp.times[1] - evp.times[0]
loginterval = 1
raise NotImplementedError()
times = (np.arange(0, traj_len) * timestep * loginterval)[::step_skip].copy()
return cls(structure, temperature, times, pos_tac, ucmats, "lammps", evp_df=evp_df)
def __init__(self,
structure: Structure,
temperature: float,
times: np.ndarray,
cart_positions: np.ndarray,
ucmats: np.ndarray,
engine: str,
pos_order: str = "tac",
evp_df=None | pd.DataFrame,
structure: Structure object (first geometry of the MD run).
temperature: Temperature in Kelvin.
times: Array with times in ps units.
cart_positions: Cartesian positions in Ang. Default shape: (nt, natom, 3).
ucmats: Array of lattice matrix of every step. Used for NPT.
For NVT-AIMD, the lattice at each time step is set to the lattice in the "structure" argument.
engine: String defining the engine used to produce the MD trajectory.
pos_order: "tac" if cart_positions has shape (nt, natom, 3).
"atc" if cart_positions has shape (natom, nt, 3).
self.structure = structure
self.times = times
self.engine = engine
if pos_order == "tac":
self.pos_atc = cart_positions.transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
elif pos_order == "atc":
self.pos_atc = cart_positions
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {pos_order=}")
self.evp_df = evp_df
if np.all(ucmats[it] == ucmats[0] for it in range(len(ucmats))):
self.lattices = None
self.lattices = np.array([Lattice(mat) for mat in ucmats])
self.latex_formula = self.structure.latex_formula
self.temperature = temperature
self.verbose = 0
def consistency_check(self) -> None:
Perform internal consistency check.
if self.pos_atc.shape != (self.natom, self.nt, 3):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid shape {self.pos_atc.shape=}, expecting: {(self.natom, self.nt, 3)}")
if len(self.times) != self.nt:
raise ValueError(f"{len(self.times)=} != {self.nt=}")
# Check times mesh.
ierr = 0
for it in range(self.nt-1):
dt = self.times[it+1] - self.times[it]
if abs(dt - self.timestep) > 1e-3:
ierr += 1
if ierr < 10: print(f"{dt=} != {self.timestep=}")
if ierr:
raise ValueError(f"Time-mesh is not linear. There are {ierr} points with wrong timestep")
if self.lattices is not None and len(self.lattices) != self.nt:
raise ValueError(f"{len(self.lattices)=} != {self.nt=}")
def get_params_dict(self) -> dict:
"""Dictionary with the most important parameters."""
attr_names = [
"latex_formula", "temperature", "timestep", "nt", "max_time", "natom", "avg_volume", "engine",
d = {aname: getattr(self, aname) for aname in attr_names}
return d
def deepcopy(self) -> MdAnalyzer:
"""Deep copy of the object."""
import copy
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def iter_structures(self):
"""Generate pymatgen structures."""
species = self.structure.species
pos_tac = self.pos_atc.transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
if self.lattices is None:
# Same lattice.
const_lattice = self.structure.lattice
for coords in pos_tac:
yield Structure(const_lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
for coords, lattice in zip(pos_tac, self.lattices):
yield Structure(lattice.copy(), species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True)
#def iter_atoms(self):
# """Generate ASE atoms"""
# Atoms(symbols=None,
# positions=None, numbers=None,
# tags=None, momenta=None, masses=None,
# magmoms=None, charges=None,
# scaled_positions=None,
# cell=None, pbc=None, celldisp=None,
# constraint=None,
# calculator=None,
# info=None,
# velocities=None)
def resample_step(self, start_at_step: int, take_every: int) -> MdAnalyzer:
Resample the trajectory. Start at iteration start_at_step and increase
the timestep by taking every `take_every` iteration.
return self.resample_time(start_time=start_at_step * self.timestep, new_timestep=take_every * self.timestep)
def resample_time(self, start_time: float, new_timestep: float) -> MdAnalyzer:
Resample the trajectory. Start at time `start_time` and use new timestep `new_timestep`.
# TODO: This is not true anymore!
# NB: Cannot change the object in place as SigmaBerend and DiffusionData keep a reference to self.
new = self.deepcopy()
old_timestep = new.times[1] - new.times[0]
if not (new.times[-1] > start_time > new.times[0]):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid start_time should be between {new.times[0]} and {new.times[-1]})")
it0 = int(start_time / old_timestep)
if it0 != 0:
new.pos_atc = new.pos_atc[:,it0:,:]
new.times = new.times[it0:] - new.times[it0]
if new.lattices is not None:
new.lattices = new.lattices[it0:]
if self.evp_df is not None:
self.evp_df = self.evp_df.iloc[it0:]
if new_timestep < old_timestep:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {new_timestep=} should be >= {old_timestep}")
istep = int(new_timestep / old_timestep)
if istep != 1:
new.pos_atc = new.pos_atc[:,::istep,:].copy()
new.times = new.times[::istep] - new.times[0]
if new.lattices is not None:
new.lattices = new.lattices[::istep].copy()
if self.evp_df is not None:
self.evp_df = self.evp_df.iloc[::istep]
return new
def timestep(self) -> float:
"""Timestep in ps."""
return self.times[1] - self.times[0]
def max_time(self) -> float:
"""Maximum simulation time in ps."""
return self.times[-1]
def nt(self) -> int:
"""Number of points in the MD trajectory."""
return self.pos_atc.shape[1]
def natom(self) -> int:
"""Number of atoms."""
return len(self.structure)
def temperature(self) -> float:
"""Temperature in Kelvin."""
return self._temperature
def temperature(self, value):
"""Set temperature in Kelvin."""
self._temperature = value
def verbose(self) -> int:
"""Verbosity level."""
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, value: int):
"""Set temperature in Kelvin."""
self._verbose = value
def engine(self) -> str:
return self._engine
def engine(self, value):
"""Set engine string."""
self._engine = value
def formula(self) -> str:
"""Returns the formula as a string."""
return self.structure.formula
def latex_formula(self) -> str:
return self._latex_formula
def latex_formula(self, value):
"""LaTeX formatted formula. E.g., Fe2O3 is transformed to Fe$_{2}$O$_{3}$."""
self._latex_formula = latexify(value)
def latex_formula_n_temp(self) -> str:
return f"{self.latex_formula}\nT = {self.temperature} K"
def latex_avg_volume(self) -> str:
return "V$_{\mathrm{ave}}$ = " + f"{self.avg_volume:.2f}" + '$\mathrm{{\AA}^3}$'
def avg_volume(self) -> float:
"""Average unit cell volume in Ang^3."""
if self.lattices is None:
return self.structure.lattice.volume
return np.mean([lat.volume for lat in self.lattices])
def set_color_symbol(self, dict_or_string: dict | str) -> None:
Set the dictionary mapping chemical_symbol --> color
used in the matplotlib plots.
dict_or_string: "VESTA", "Jmol"
if isinstance(dict_or_string, dict):
self.color_symbol = dict_or_string
self.color_symbol = get_color_symbol(style=dict_or_string)
for symbol in self.structure.symbol_set:
if symbol not in self.color_symbol:
raise KeyError(f"Cannot find {symbol=} in color_symbol dictionary!")
def get_it_ts(self, t0: float) -> tuple[int, np.ndarray]:
Return the index of time t0 in self.times and the array with the time values.
if t0 < self.times[0] or t0 > self.times[-1]:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {t0=}. It should be between {self.times[0]} and {self.times[-1]}")
it0 = find_le(self.times, t0)
return it0, self.times[it0:] - self.times[it0]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self, verbose: int = 0) -> str:
"""String representation with verbosity level verbose."""
lines = []
app = lines.append
app(marquee("MD PARAMETERS", mark="="))
if verbose:
return "\n".join(lines)
def iatoms_with_symbol(self, symbol: str, atom_inds=None) -> np.ndarray:
Array with the index of the atoms with the given chemical symbol.
If atom_inds is not None, filter sites accordingly.
iatoms = [iat for iat in range(len(self.structure)) if self.structure[iat].specie.symbol == symbol]
if atom_inds is not None:
iatoms = [iat for iat in iatoms if iat in atom_inds]
if not iatoms:
raise ValueError(f"Empty list of iatoms indices for {symbol=} and {atom_inds=}")
return np.array(iatoms)
def _select_symbols(self, symbols) -> list[str]:
if symbols == "all": return sorted(self.structure.symbol_set)
return list_strings(symbols)
def get_sqdt_iatom(self, iatom: int, it0: int = 0) -> np.array:
Compute the square displacement vs time for a given atomic index
starting from time index it0.
return ((self.pos_atc[iatom,it0:] - self.pos_atc[iatom,it0]) ** 2).sum(axis=1)
def get_sqdt_symbol(self, symbol: str, it0: int = 0, atom_inds=None) -> np.array:
Compute the square displacement vs time averaged over atoms with the same chemical symbol
starting from time index it0. atoms_inds adds an additional filter on the site index.
for count, iatom in enumerate(self.iatoms_with_symbol(symbol, atom_inds=atom_inds)):
if count == 0:
sqdt = self.get_sqdt_iatom(iatom, it0=it0)
sqdt += self.get_sqdt_iatom(iatom, it0=it0)
sqdt /= (count + 1)
return sqdt
def get_dw_symbol(self, symbol, t0: float = 0.0, tmax=None, atom_inds=None):
Compute diffusion coefficient by performing a naive linear regression of the raw MQST.
it0, ts = self.get_it_ts(t0)
it1 = -1
if tmax is not None:
it1, _ = self.get_it_ts(tmax)
ts = ts[:it1]
sqdt = self.get_sqdt_symbol(symbol, it0=it0, atom_inds=atom_inds)
fit = linregress(ts[:it1], sqdt[:it1])
naive_d = fit.slope * Ang2PsTocm2S / 6
label = r"Linear fit: D={:.2E} cm$^2$/s, $r^2$={:.2f}".format(naive_d, fit.rvalue**2)
return AttrDict(naive_d=naive_d, ts=ts, fit=fit, label=label)
def get_msdtt0_symbol_tmax(self, symbol: str, tmax: float, atom_inds=None, nprocs=None) -> Msdtt0:
Calculates the MSD for every possible pair of time points using the formula:
$$MSD(t,t_0) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\vec{r}_i(t+t_0) - \vec{r}_i(t_0))^2$$
where $N$ is the number of particles with the given symbol, and $\vec{r}_i(t)$ is the position vector.
index_tmax, _ = self.get_it_ts(tmax)
iatoms = self.iatoms_with_symbol(symbol, atom_inds=atom_inds)
tac = self.pos_atc[iatoms].transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
arr_tt0 = msd_tt0_from_tac(tac, index_tmax, nprocs=nprocs)
return Msdtt0(arr_tt0=arr_tt0, mda=self, index_tmax=index_tmax, symbol=symbol)
def plot_sqdt_atoms(self, symbols="all", t0: float = 0.0, atom_inds=None,
ax=None, xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot the square displacement of atoms vs time.
symbols: List of chemical symbols to consider.
t0: Initial time in ps.
atom_inds: List of atom indices to include. None to disable filtering.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
it0, ts = self.get_it_ts(t0)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
for symbol in self._select_symbols(symbols):
for iatom in self.iatoms_with_symbol(symbol, atom_inds=atom_inds):
sd_t = self.get_sqdt_iatom(iatom, it0=it0)
ax.plot(ts, sd_t, label=f"${symbol}_{{{iatom}}}$")
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="upper left")
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(r'square displacement ($\mathrm{{\AA}^2}$)', fontsize=fontsize)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize)
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
ax.add_artist(AnchoredText(f"{self.latex_formula_n_temp}\n{self.latex_avg_volume}\n" +
"sd(t, $t_0$ =" + str(int(self.times[it0])) + " ps)",
loc="upper right", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
return fig
def plot_sqdt_symbols(self, symbols, t0: float = 0.0, atom_inds=None, with_dw=0,
ax=None, xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot the square displacement averaged over all atoms of the same specie vs time.
symbols: List of chemical symbols to consider. "all" for all symbols in structure.
t0: Initial time in ps.
atom_inds: List of atom indices to include. None to disable filtering.
with_dw: If != 0 compute diffusion coefficient via least-squares fit in the time-interval [t0, with_dw].
If with_dw < 0 e.g. -1 the time-interval is set to [t0, tmax].
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
it0, ts = self.get_it_ts(t0)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
for symbol in self._select_symbols(symbols):
ax.plot(ts, self.get_sqdt_symbol(symbol, it0=it0, atom_inds=atom_inds),
label=symbol + ' msd($t, t_0$ = ' + str(t0) + ' ps)',
if with_dw != 0:
tmax = self.times[-1] if with_dw < 0 else with_dw
dw = self.get_dw_symbol(symbol, t0=t0, tmax=with_dw, atom_inds=atom_inds)
ax.plot(dw.ts, dw.fit.slope*dw.ts + dw.fit.intercept,
label=symbol + " " + dw.label, color=self.color_symbol[symbol],
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="upper left")
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('mean square displacement ($\mathrm{{\AA}^2}$)', fontsize=fontsize)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize)
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
loc="upper right", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
return fig
def plot_sqdt_symbols_tmax(self, symbols, tmax: float, atom_inds=None, nprocs=None,
ax=None, xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot the square displacement averaged over all atoms of the same specie vs time.
symbols: List of chemical symbols to consider. "all" for all symbols in structure.
tmax: Max time in ps.
atom_inds: List of atom indices to include. None to disable filtering.
nprocs: Number of procs to use.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
index_tmax, _ = self.get_it_ts(tmax)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
for symbol in self._select_symbols(symbols):
iatoms = self.iatoms_with_symbol(symbol, atom_inds=atom_inds)
tac = self.pos_atc[iatoms].transpose(1, 0, 2).copy()
msd_tt0 = msd_tt0_from_tac(tac, index_tmax, nprocs=nprocs)
msd_t = np.mean(msd_tt0, axis=1)
t_start = self.nt - index_tmax
ts = self.times[t_start:] - self.times[t_start]
ax.plot(ts, msd_t,
label=symbol + " <msd($t$, $t_0$)>$\{$t_0$\}$, $t$ = [0, " + str(int(self.times[index_tmax])) + " ps]",
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="upper left")
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('average mean square displacement ($\mathrm{{\AA}^2}$)', fontsize=fontsize)
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize)
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
loc="upper right", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
return fig
def plot_lattices(self, what_list=("abc", "angles", "volume"), ax_list=None,
xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot lattice lengths/angles/volume as a function of time.
what_list: List of strings specifying the quantities to plot. Default all
ax_list: List of axis or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
if self.lattices is None:
cprint("MD simulation has been performed with fixed lattice!", color="red")
return None
what_list = list_strings(what_list)
ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_list, nrows=1, ncols=len(what_list),
sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
markers = ["o", "^", "v"]
cnt = -1
if "abc" in what_list:
# plot lattice parameters.
for i, label in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]):
cnt += 1
ax = ax_list[cnt]
ax.plot(self.times, [lattice.abc[i] for lattice in self.lattices],
label=label, marker=markers[i])
ax.set_ylabel("abc (A)")
if "angles" in what_list:
# plot lattice angles.
for i, label in enumerate(["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]):
cnt += 1
ax = ax_list[cnt]
ax.plot(self.times, [lattice.angles[i] for lattice in self.lattices],
label=label, marker=markers[i])
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\alpha\beta\gamma$ (degree)")
if "volume" in what_list:
# plot lattice volume.
marker = "o"
cnt += 1
ax = ax_list[cnt]
ax.plot(self.times, [lattice.volume for lattice in self.lattices],
label="Volume", marker=marker)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$V\, (A^3)$')
for ix, ax in enumerate(ax_list):
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
if ix == len(ax_list) - 1:
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
return fig
class Msdtt0:
This object stores:
$$MSD(t,t_0) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\vec{r}_i(t+t_0) - \vec{r}_i(t_0))^2$$
where $N$ is the number of particles of a particular chemical symbol and $\vec{r}_i(t)$ is the position vector.
index_tmax: int
symbol: str
arr_tt0: np.ndarray
mda: MdAnalyzer
def times(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.mda.times
def temperature(self) -> float:
return self.mda.temperature
def msd_t(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Average of MSD(t,t_0) over t0."""
return np.mean(self.arr_tt0, axis=1)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self, verbose=0) -> str:
"""String representation with verbosity level verbose."""
lines = []
app = lines.append
r = self.get_linfit_results()
return "\n".join(lines)
def get_linfit_results(self):
Perform linear fit.
t_start = self.mda.nt - self.index_tmax
ts = self.times[t_start:] - self.times[t_start]
fit = linregress(ts, self.msd_t)
naive_d = fit.slope * Ang2PsTocm2S / 6
label = r"Linear fit: D={:.2E} cm$^2$/s, $r^2$={:.2f}".format(naive_d, fit.rvalue**2)
return AttrDict(naive_d=naive_d, fit=fit, label=label)
def plot(self, ax=None, xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot <msd($t, t_0$)>$ averaged over the initial time t0.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
index_tmax = self.index_tmax
t_start = self.mda.nt - index_tmax
ts = self.times[t_start:] - self.times[t_start]
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
ax.plot(ts, self.msd_t,
label=self.symbol + " <msd($t, t_0$)>$\{$t_0$\}$, t = [0, " + str(int(self.times[index_tmax])) + " ps]",
# Linear fit.
r = self.get_linfit_results()
ax.plot(ts, r.fit.slope * ts + r.fit.intercept, label=r.label)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="upper left")
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('average mean square displacement ($\mathrm{{\AA}^2}$)', fontsize=fontsize)
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize)
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
loc="upper right", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
return fig
def get_sigma_berend(self, t1: float, t2: float, nblock_step: int=1, tot_block: int=1000) -> SigmaBerend:
# choose the time elapsed
it1, _ = sfind_ind_val(self.times, t1)
it2, _ = sfind_ind_val(self.times, t2)
size_t = self.arr_tt0.shape[0]
if it1 >= it2:
raise ValueError(f"For input {t1=} and {t2=}, got {it1=} >= {it2=}")
if it1 >= size_t:
raise ValueError(f"For input {t1=}, got {it1=} >= {size_t=}")
if it2 >= size_t:
raise ValueError(f"For input {t2=}, got {it2=} >= {size_t=}")
block_sizes1, sigmas1, delta_sigmas1 = sigma_berend(nblock_step, tot_block, self.arr_tt0[it1,:])
block_sizes2, sigmas2, delta_sigmas2 = sigma_berend(nblock_step, tot_block, self.arr_tt0[it2,:])
# Build instance from locals dict.
mda = self.mda
latex_formula = mda.latex_formula
temperature = mda.temperature
time1, time2 = mda.times[it1], mda.times[it2]
data = locals()
return SigmaBerend(**{k: data[k] for k in [field.name for field in dataclasses.fields(SigmaBerend)]})
def get_diffusion_with_sigma(self,
block_size1: int, block_size2: int,
fit_time_start: float, fit_time_stop: float,
sigma_berend: SigmaBerend) -> DiffusionData:
Compute diffusion coefficient with uncertainty.
sigmas1, block_sizes1 = sigma_berend.sigmas1, sigma_berend.block_sizes1
sigmas2, block_sizes2 = sigma_berend.sigmas2, sigma_berend.block_sizes2
it1, it2 = sigma_berend.it1, sigma_berend.it2
mda = self.mda
symbol = self.symbol
temperature = mda.temperature
latex_formula = mda.latex_formula
engine = mda.engine
avg_volume = mda.avg_volume
ncarriers = len(mda.structure.indices_from_symbol(symbol))
times = self.times
ib1, size1 = sfind_ind_val(block_sizes1, block_size1)
sig1 = sigmas1[ib1]
ib2, size2 = sfind_ind_val(block_sizes2, block_size2)
sig2 = sigmas2[ib2]
# fit to a linear behaviour the errors
mSigma = (sig2 - sig1) / (it2-it1)
qSigma = sig1 - mSigma * it1
mDataInBlock = (size2-size1) / (it2-it1)
qDataInBlock = size1 - mDataInBlock*it1
# and find error for anytime.
msd_tt0 = self.arr_tt0
err_msd = np.zeros(msd_tt0.shape[0], dtype=float)
for t in range(msd_tt0.shape[0]):
err_msd[t] = abs(mSigma * t + qSigma)
# and find error for anytime
dataScorrelated = np.zeros(msd_tt0.shape[0], dtype=int)
for t in range(msd_tt0.shape[0]):
dataScorrelated[t] = int(mDataInBlock * t + qDataInBlock)
# average over the initial times.
msd_t = np.mean(msd_tt0, axis=1)
fit_istart, _ = sfind_ind_val(times, fit_time_start)
fit_istop, _ = sfind_ind_val(times, fit_time_stop)
msdSScorrelated, timeArrScorrelated, errMSDScorrelated = [], [], []
counter, condition = fit_istart, True
while condition:
if counter >= fit_istop:
condition = False
index = dataScorrelated[counter]
counter = counter + index
msdSScorrelated = np.array(msdSScorrelated, dtype=float)
timeArrScorrelated = np.array(timeArrScorrelated, dtype=float)
errMSDScorrelated = np.array(errMSDScorrelated, dtype=float)
best_angcoeff, quote, var_angcoeff, var_quote = linear_lsq_linefit(msdSScorrelated, timeArrScorrelated, 1/(errMSDScorrelated)**2)
min_angcoeff = best_angcoeff - np.sqrt(var_angcoeff)
max_angcoeff = best_angcoeff + np.sqrt(var_angcoeff)
diffusion_coeff = best_angcoeff * Ang2PsTocm2S / 6
err_diffusion_coeff = np.sqrt(var_angcoeff) * Ang2PsTocm2S / 6
# TODO: Charge from oxidation state?
conductivity = e2s / kbs * ncarriers * diffusion_coeff / avg_volume / temperature * 1.e09
err_conductivity = e2s / kbs * ncarriers / avg_volume / temperature * err_diffusion_coeff * 1.e09
print(f"{ncarriers=} for {symbol=}")
print('{:.2E}'.format(best_angcoeff*Ang2PsTocm2S/6, 2))
# Build instance from locals dict.
data = locals()
return DiffusionData(**{k: data[k] for k in [field.name for field in dataclasses.fields(DiffusionData)]})
('timeStepJump = ' + str(timeStepJump) + '\n')
('time, cel and pos were cut before ' + str(timeArray[0]+tInitial)+ 'ps' + '\n')
('t elapsed max is ' + str(estimatedTMax)+ 'ps' + '\n')
('trajectory length is ' + str(timeArrayTmp[timeArrayTmp.shape[0]-1])+ 'ps' + '\n')
('error on msd(t) evaluated at ' + str(estimatedFirstTElapsed) + 'ps' + ' and ' + str(estimatedSecondTElapsed) + 'ps' + '\n')
('evaluated n. of blocks at ' + str(estimatedFirstTElapsed) + 'ps' + ' is ' + str(block_size1) + '\n')
('evaluated n. of blocks at ' + str(estimatedSecondTElapsed) + 'ps' + ' is ' + str(block_size2) + '\n')
('number of decorrelated msd(t) data that we fit: ' + str(timeArrScorrelated.shape[0]) + '\n')
def plot_mat(self, cmap="jet", fontsize=8, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
im = ax.matshow(self.arr_tt0, cmap=cmap)
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel('t0 (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_title(self.symbol + ": msd($t, t_0$)", fontsize=fontsize)
return fig
class Msdtt0List(list):
A list of Msdtt0 objects.
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self, verbose=0) -> str:
"""String representation with verbosity level verbose."""
lines = []
app = lines.append
for i, msdtt0 in enumerate(self):
return "\n".join(lines)
def plot(self, sharex=True, sharey=True, fontsize=8, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot all Msdtt0 objects on a grid.
nrows, ncols = len(self), 1
ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, squeeze=False)
ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
if len(self) % ncols != 0: ax_list[-1].axis("off")
for ix, (msdtt0, ax) in enumerate(zip(self, ax_list)):
msdtt0.plot(ax=ax, fontsize=fontsize, show=False, **kwargs)
return fig
class SigmaBerend:
Stores the variance of correlated data as function of block number.
temperature: float
latex_formula: str
it1: int
time1: float
block_sizes1: np.ndarray
sigmas1: np.ndarray
delta_sigmas1: np.ndarray
it2: int
time2: float
block_sizes2: np.ndarray
sigmas2: np.ndarray
delta_sigmas2: np.ndarray
def plot(self, fontsize=8, ax_list=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot variance of correlated data as function of block number.
ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_list, nrows=1, ncols=2,
sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
for ix, ax in enumerate(ax_list.ravel()):
xs, ys, yerr, it, time = self.block_sizes1, self.sigmas1, self.delta_sigmas1, self.it1, self.time1
if ix == 1:
xs, ys, yerr, it, time = self.block_sizes2, self.sigmas2, self.delta_sigmas2, self.it2, self.time2
ax.errorbar(xs, ys,
yerr=yerr, linestyle='-', # linewidth=0.5,
label="$\sigma(\mathrm{MSD}($" + '%2.1f' % time +" ps$))$ "+ '\n' +
self.latex_formula + ', '+ 'T = %4.0f' % self.temperature + 'K')
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="lower right")
ax.set_xlabel('N. of data in block', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('$\sigma$ ($\AA^2$)', fontsize=fontsize)
fig.suptitle("Variance of correlated data as function of block number")
return fig
class DiffusionData(HasPickleIO):
Diffusion results for a given temperature.
diffusion_coeff: float
err_diffusion_coeff: float
conductivity: float
err_conductivity: float
temperature: float
symbol: str
latex_formula: str
avg_volume: float
ncarriers: int
block_size1: int
block_size2: int
fit_time_start: float # msd(t) fit starts at this time.
fit_time_stop: float # msd(t) fit ends at this time.
min_angcoeff: float # min angular coefficient of msd(t)
max_angcoeff: float # max angular coefficient of msd(t)
best_angcoeff: float # best angular coefficient of msd(t)
engine: str
msd_t: np.ndarray
err_msd: np.ndarray
sigma_berend: SigmaBerend
times: np.ndarray
# TODO: Find better names
quote: float
timeArrScorrelated: np.ndarray
msdSScorrelated: np.ndarray
errMSDScorrelated: np.ndarray
def plot(self, ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot MDS(t) with errors.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
ts = self.times[:self.msd_t.shape[0]]
ax.errorbar(ts, self.msd_t, yerr=self.err_msd, color='mediumblue', label=self.symbol)
ax.errorbar(self.timeArrScorrelated, self.msdSScorrelated, yerr=self.errMSDScorrelated, linestyle='-')
ax.errorbar(ts, self.best_angcoeff * ts + self.quote, linestyle='--')
ax.errorbar(ts, self.min_angcoeff * ts + self.quote, linestyle='--')
ax.errorbar(ts, self.max_angcoeff * ts + self.quote, linestyle='--')
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{MSD}_\mathrm{tr}$ $\mathrm{(\AA}^2\mathrm{)}$', fontsize=fontsize)
'D$_{tr}$ = (' + str('{:.2E}'.format(self.diffusion_coeff)) + '\u00B1' +
str('{:.2E}'.format(self.err_diffusion_coeff)) + ') cm$^2$/s',
loc="upper left", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="lower right")
ax.add_artist(AnchoredText(f"{self.latex_formula}\nT = {self.temperature} K",
loc="upper right", prop=dict(size=fontsize)))
return fig
class DiffusionDataList(list):
A list of DiffusionData objects.
#def from_topdir(cls, topdir):
# return cls.from_files(filepaths)
#def from_files(cls, filepaths):
# new = cls()
# for path in filepaths:
# new.append(DiffusionData.from_file(path))
# return new
#def _nrows_ncols_nplots(self, size=None):
# size = size or len(self)
# nrows, ncols, nplots = 1, 1, size
# if nplots > 1:
# ncols = 2; nrows = nplots // ncols + nplots % ncols
# return nrows, ncols, nplots
#def filter(self, filter_dict: dict) -> DiffusionDataList:
# """
# filter_dict = [{symbol: "Li"}
# """
# new = DiffusionDataList()
# for df_data in self:
# if all(getattr(df_data, a_name) == a_value for (a_name, a_value) in filter_dict.items()):
# new.append(df_data)
# return new
#def write_csv(self, filename: PathLike) -> None:
# """
# Writes data to a file that can be easily plotted in other software.
# Args:
# filename: Supported formats are csv and dat.
# If the extension is csv, a csv file is written. Otherwise, a dat format is assumed.
# """
# delimiter = ", "
# with open(filename, "wt") as f:
# f.write("T,diffusion,err_diffusion,volume,symbol,composition\n")
# #for dt, msd, msdc, mscd in zip(
# # self.dt, self.msd, self.msd_components, self.mscd
# #):
# # f.write(delimiter.join([str(v) for v in [dt, msd, *list(msdc), mscd]]))
# # f.write("\n")
def get_dataframe(self, add_keys=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Dataframe with diffusion results.
add_keys: optional list of attributes to add.
keys = [
"temperature", "latex_formula", "symbol",
"diffusion_coeff", "err_diffusion_coeff",
"conductivity", "err_conductivity",
if add_keys is not None:
d = {k: np.array([getattr(data, k) for data in self]) for k in keys}
df = pd.DataFrame(d).sort_values(["latex_formula", "engine", "temperature"])
return df
def plot_sigma_berend(self, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot variance of correlated data as function of block number
for all objects stored in DiffusionDataList.
nrows, ncols = len(self), 2
ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
for ix, (data, ax_list) in enumerate(zip(self, ax_mat)):
data.sigma_berend.plot(ax_list=ax_list, show=False)
return fig
def plot(self, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot ...
for all objects stored DiffusionDataList.
nrows, ncols = len(self), 1
ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
if len(self) % ncols != 0: ax_list[-1].axis("off")
for i, (data, ax) in enumerate(zip(self, ax_list)):
data.plot(ax=ax, show=False)
return fig
def get_arrhenius_nmtuples(self, df: pd.Dataframe, hue: str | None) -> list:
Return list of namedtuple objects.
df: |pandas-DataFrame|.
hue: Variable defining how to group data. If None, no grouping is performed.
df = df.sort_values(["temperature"])
if hue is None:
if not df["temperature"].is_unique:
raise ValueError("Found duplicated values in temperature column. Please specify hue")
return [AttrDict(temps=df["temperature"].values,
nt_list = []
for key, grp in df.groupby(hue):
grp = grp.sort_values(["temperature"])
if not grp["temperature"].is_unique:
raise ValueError(f"Found duplicated values in temperature column for {hue=}")
nt = AttrDict(temps=grp["temperature"].values,
return nt_list
def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
yield self.plot_sigma_berend(show=False)
yield self.plot(show=False)
def expose(self, exposer="mpl", **kwargs):
from abipy.tools.plotting import Exposer
with Exposer.as_exposer(exposer) as e:
class MultiMdAnalyzer(HasPickleIO):
High-level interface to analyze multiple MD trajectories
def from_abiml_dirs(cls, directories: list, step_skip=1, pmode="processes") -> MultiMdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a list of directories produced by abiml.py md
p = pool_nprocs_pmode(len(directories), pmode=pmode)
using_msg = f"Reading {len(directories)} abiml directories {p.using_msg}"
args = [(dirpath, step_skip) for dirpath in directories]
with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
return cls(pool.starmap(MdAnalyzer.from_abiml_dir, args))
def from_lammps_dirs(cls, directories: list, step_skip=1, basename="in.lammps", pmode="processes") -> MdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a list of directories containing LAMMPS results.
p = pool_nprocs_pmode(len(directories), pmode=pmode)
using_msg = f"Reading {len(directories)} LAMMPS directories {p.using_msg}"
args = [(dirpath, step_skip, basename) for dirpath in directories]
with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
return cls(pool.starmap(MdAnalyzer.from_lammps_dir, args))
def from_vaspruns(cls, vasprun_filepaths: list, step_skip=1, pmode="processes") -> MultiMdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a list of vasprun files.
p = pool_nprocs_pmode(len(vasprun_filepaths), pmode=pmode)
using_msg = f"Reading {len(vasprun_filepaths)} vasprun files {p.using_msg}..."
args = [(vrun, step_skip) for vrun in vasprun_filepaths]
with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
return cls(pool.starmap(MdAnalyzer.from_vaspruns, args))
def from_hist_files(cls, hist_filepaths: list, step_skip=1, pmode="processes") -> MultiMdAnalyzer:
Build an instance from a list of ABINIT HIST.nc files.
p = pool_nprocs_pmode(len(hist_filepaths), pmode=pmode)
using_msg = f"Reading {len(hist_filepaths)} HIST.nc files {p.using_msg}..."
args = [(ncpath, step_skip) for ncpath in hist_filepaths]
with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
return cls(pool.starmap(MdAnalyzer.from_hist_file, args))
#def from_qe_inputs(cls, filepaths: list, step_skip=1, pmode="processes") -> MultiMdAnalyzer:
# """
# Build an instance from a list of QE input files.
# """
# p = pool_nprocs_pmode(len(filepaths), pmode=pmode)
# using_msg = f"Reading {len(filespaths)} QE input files {p.using_msg}..."
# args = [(path, step_skip) for path in filepaths]
# with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
# return cls(pool.starmap(MdAnalyzer.from_qe_input, args))
def __init__(self, mdas: list[MdAnalyzer], temp_colormap="jet"):
mdas: List of MdAnalyzer
colormap: matplotlib colormap for temperatures.
self.mdas = mdas
# Sort analyzers according to temperature.
if self.has_same_system():
self.mdas = sorted(mdas, key=lambda x: x.temperature)
def __iter__(self):
return self.mdas.__iter__()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.mdas)
def __getitem__(self, items):
return self.mdas.__getitem__(items)
def has_same_system(self) -> bool:
return all(mda.latex_formula == self[0].latex_formula for mda in self)
def set_temp_colormap(self, colormap) -> None:
"""Set the colormap for the list of temperatures."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
self.temp_cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
def get_params_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Dataframe with the parameters of the different MdAnalyzers."""
return pd.DataFrame([mda.get_params_dict() for mda in self])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self, verbose: int = 0) -> str:
"""String representation with verbosity level verbose."""
lines = []
app = lines.append
app(marquee("MD PARAMETERS", mark="="))
return "\n".join(lines)
def iter_mdat(self):
"""Iterate over (MdAnalyzer, temperature)."""
for itemp, mda in enumerate(self):
yield mda, mda.temperature
def iter_mdatc(self):
"""Iterate over (MdAnalyzer, temperature, color)."""
for itemp, mda in enumerate(self):
yield mda, mda.temperature, self.temp_cmap(float(itemp) / len(self))
def get_msdtt0_symbol_tmax(self, symbol: str, tmax: float, atom_inds=None, nprocs=None) -> Msdtt0List:
msdtt0_list = Msdtt0List()
for mda in self:
obj = mda.get_msdtt0_symbol_tmax(symbol, tmax, atom_inds=atom_inds, nprocs=nprocs)
return msdtt0_list
#def color_itemp(self, itemp: int):
# return self.temp_cmap(float(itemp) / len(self))
#def temps_colors(self) -> tuple[list, list]:
# return ([mda.temperature for mda in self],
# [self.color_itemp(itemp) for itemp in range(len(self))])
def _nrows_ncols_nplots(self, size=None):
size = size or len(self)
nrows, ncols, nplots = 1, 1, size
if nplots > 1:
ncols = 2; nrows = nplots // ncols + nplots % ncols
return nrows, ncols, nplots
def plot_sqdt_symbols(self, symbols, t0: float = 0.0,
xy_log=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot the square displacement averaged over all atoms of the same specie vs time
for the different temperatures.
symbols: List of chemical symbols to consider. "all" for all symbols in structure.
t0: Initial time in ps.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
xy_log: None or empty string for linear scale. "x" for log scale on x-axis.
"xy" for log scale on x- and y-axis. "x:semilog" for semilog scale on x-axis.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
symbols = self[0]._select_symbols(symbols)
nrows, ncols, nplots = self._nrows_ncols_nplots(size=len(symbols))
ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
if nplots % ncols != 0: ax_list[-1].axis("off")
# Plot data.
for itemp, (mda, temp, color) in enumerate(self.iter_mdatc()):
it0, ts = mda.get_it_ts(t0)
for ix, (ax, symbol) in enumerate(zip(ax_list, symbols)):
ax.plot(ts, mda.get_sqdt_symbol(symbol, it0=it0),
label=f"T = {temp} K", color=color)
# Decorate axes.
for ix, (ax, symbol) in enumerate(zip(ax_list, symbols)):
ax.set_title(symbol, fontsize=fontsize)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
ax.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc="upper left")
ax.set_xlabel('t (ps)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('average mean square displacement ($\mathrm{{\AA}^2}$)', fontsize=fontsize)
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize)
set_logscale(ax, xy_log)
return fig
def sfind_ind_val(array, value, arr_is_sorted=False) -> tuple:
if arr_is_sorted:
# Use Log(N) bisection.
ind = find_le(array, value)
return ind, array[ind]
array = np.asarray(array)
ind = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return ind, array[ind]
def linear_lsq_linefit(x, z, weights):
S00 = np.sum(weights)
S10 = np.sum(z * weights)
S01 = np.sum(x * weights)
S20 = np.sum(z**2 * weights)
S11 = np.sum((x*z) * weights)
D = S00 * S20 - S10**2
m = (S00*S11 - S10*S01) / D
q = (S01*S20 - S11*S10) / D
varM = S00 / D
varQ = S20 / D
return m, q, varM, varQ
def _func(size_t0: int, it: int, pos_tac: np.ndarray, msd_tt0: np.ndarray):
msd_tt0[it,:] = np.mean(np.sum((pos_tac[it:it+size_t0,:,:] - pos_tac[:size_t0,:,:])**2, axis=2), axis=1)
def msd_tt0_from_tac(pos_tac: np.ndarray, size_t: int, nprocs=None) -> np.ndarray:
Calculates the MSD for every possible pair of time points in the input array, using the formula:
$$MSD(t,t_0) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (\vec{r}_i(t+t_0) - \vec{r}_i(t_0))^2$$
where $N$ is the number of particles, and $\vec{r}_i(t)$ is the position vector.
# Check if size_t is valid.
n_time_points = pos_tac.shape[0]
if size_t >= n_time_points:
raise ValueError(f"{size_t=} must be less than {n_time_points}")
size_t0 = pos_tac.shape[0] - size_t
msd_tt0 = np.empty((size_t, size_t0), dtype=float)
if nprocs == 1:
for it in range(0, size_t):
#for it0 in range(0, size_t0):
# msd_tt0[it,it0] = np.mean(np.sum((pos_tac[it+it0,:,:] - pos_tac[it0,:,:])**2, axis=1))
msd_tt0[it,:] = np.mean(np.sum((pos_tac[it:it+size_t0,:,:] - pos_tac[:size_t0,:,:])**2, axis=2), axis=1)
p = pool_nprocs_pmode(nprocs, pmode="threads")
using_msg = f"Computing MSD(t,t_0) matrix of shape {(size_t, size_t0)} {p.using_msg}"
args = [(size_t0, it, pos_tac, msd_tt0) for it in range(0, size_t)]
with p.pool_cls(p.nprocs) as pool, Timer(header=using_msg, footer="") as timer:
pool.starmap(_func, args)
return msd_tt0
def block_mean_var(data, data_mean, n_block) -> tuple[float, float]:
Perform the block mean and the block variance of data.
N = data.shape[0]
n_inblock = int(N/n_block)
sigma2 = 0
for iblock in range(n_block):
mean_inblock = 0
for datavalue in data[n_inblock*iblock:(iblock+1)*n_inblock]:
mean_inblock = mean_inblock + datavalue/n_inblock
sigma2 = sigma2 + (mean_inblock - data_mean)**2/(n_block)
sigma2 = sigma2 / (n_block-1)
delta_sigma2 = np.sqrt(2./(n_block-1)**3)*sigma2
return sigma2, delta_sigma2
def sigma_berend(nblock_step: int, tot_block: int, data: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
Return: (data_in_block, sigma, delta_sigma)
Ndata = data.shape[0]
mean = np.mean(data)
# tot_block=int(data.shape[0]/nblock_step)
sigma2 = np.zeros(tot_block, dtype=float)
delta_sigma2 = np.zeros(tot_block, dtype=float)
arr_nblock = np.zeros(tot_block, dtype=float)
data_in_block = np.zeros(tot_block, dtype=float)
counter = 1
sigma2[0] = float("inf")
delta_sigma2[0] = 0
for nblock in range(1, nblock_step * tot_block, nblock_step):
sigma2[counter], delta_sigma2[counter] = block_mean_var(data, mean, nblock+1)
arr_nblock[counter] = nblock + 1
data_in_block[counter] = int(Ndata/(nblock+1))
counter = counter + 1
sigma = np.sqrt(sigma2)
delta_sigma = 0.5 * delta_sigma2 / sigma
return data_in_block, sigma, delta_sigma
def _lin_fit(th_invt, log10d0, e_act):
return log10d0 - e_act * th_invt
class ArrheniusEntry:
key: str
symbol: str
composition: str
temps: np.ndarray
diffusions: np.ndarray
err_diffusions: np.ndarray
volumes: np.ndarray
mpl_style: dict
def from_file(cls, filepath: PathLike, key, mpl_style) -> ArrheniusEntry:
Read data in CSV format. Assuming header with at least the following entries:
df = pd.read_csv(filepath, skipinitialspace=True)
def get_unique(col):
v0 = df[col].values[0]
if np.any(v0 != df[col].values):
raise ValueError(f"All values for column: {col} should be unique while found:\n{df[col].values}")
return v0
symbol = get_unique("symbol")
composition = Composition(get_unique("composition"))
temps = df["temperature"].values
volumes = df["volume"].values
diffusions = df["diffusion"].values
err_diffusions = np.zeros(len(temps))
if "err_diffusion" in df.keys():
err_diffusions = df["err_diffusion"].values
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError(f"Exception while reading {filepath=}") from exc
return cls(key=key,
#def __post_init__(self):
# self.latex_formula = latexify(self.formula)
#def latex_formula(self) -> str:
# return self._latex_formula
#def latex_formula(self, value):
# """LaTeX formatted formula. E.g., Fe2O3 is transformed to Fe$_{2}$O$_{3}$."""
# self._latex_formula = latexify(value)
def get_diffusion_data(self, fit_thinvt=None) -> AttrDict:
Fit diffusion(T) taking into account uncertainties.
Return dict with activation energy in eV and fit parameters.
# NB: log10(x) = ln(x) log10(e) --> d_x log_10(x) = log10(e) / x
th_invt = 1000 / self.temps
log10 = np.log10(self.diffusions)
err_log10 = np.log10(np.e) * self.err_diffusions / self.diffusions
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(_lin_fit, th_invt, log10, sigma=err_log10)
e_act = popt[1] * 1000 * kBoltzEv * np.log(10)
fit_log10 = None
if fit_thinvt is not None:
fit_log10 = _lin_fit(fit_thinvt, popt[0], popt[1])
return AttrDict(
log10=log10, err_log10=err_log10,
fit_thinvt=fit_thinvt, fit_log10=fit_log10,
e_act=e_act, popt=popt, pcov=pcov,
def get_conductivity_data(self, ncar: float, fit_thinvt=None) -> tuple[AttrDict, AttrDict]:
Compute conductivity sigma and T x sigma(T) assuming ncar carriers.
Fit values taking into account uncertainties.
sigma(T) = Nq^2 D(T) / (VkT)
temps = self.temps
diffusions = self.diffusions
err_diffusions = self.err_diffusions
volumes = self.volumes
th_invt = 1000 / self.temps
#if charge is None:
#ncar = symb2oxi[symbol] * self.composition[self.symbol]
#ncar = charge * self.composition[self.symbol]
# NB: log10(x) = ln(x) log10(e) --> d_x log_10(x) = log10(e) / x
conds = e2s/kbs * ncar * diffusions/volumes/temps * 1.e09
err_conds = e2s/kbs * ncar * err_diffusions/volumes/temps * 1.e09
log10_conds = np.log10(conds)
err_log10_conds = np.log10(np.e) * err_conds / conds
cond_popt, cond_pcov = optimize.curve_fit(_lin_fit, th_invt, log10_conds, sigma=err_log10_conds)
fit_log10_cond = None
if fit_thinvt is not None:
fit_log10_cond = _lin_fit(fit_thinvt, cond_popt[0], cond_popt[1])
# temp(K) * sigma(S/cm)
t_conds = e2s/kbs * ncar * diffusions/volumes*1.e09
err_tconds = e2s/kbs * ncar * err_diffusions/volumes*1.e09
log10_tconds = np.log10(t_conds)
err_log10_tconds = np.log10(np.e) * err_tconds / t_conds
tcond_popt, tcond_pcov = optimize.curve_fit(_lin_fit, th_invt, log10_tconds, sigma=err_log10_tconds)
fit_log10_tcond = None
if fit_thinvt is not None:
fit_log10_tcond = _lin_fit(fit_thinvt, tcond_popt[0], tcond_popt[1])
return (
log10=log10_conds, err_log10=err_log10_conds,
fit_thinvt=fit_thinvt, fit_log10=fit_log10_cond,
popt=cond_popt, cov=cond_pcov,
log10=log10_tconds, err_log10=err_log10_tconds,
fit_thinvt=fit_thinvt, fit_log10=fit_log10_tcond,
popt=tcond_popt, cov=tcond_pcov,
class ArrheniusPlotter:
This object stores conductivities D(T) computed for different structures and/or
different ML-potentials and allows one to produce Arrnehnius plots on the same figure.
Internally, the results are indexed by a unique key that is be used as label in the matplotlib plot.
The style for each key can be customized by setting the mpl_style dict
with the options that will be passed to ax.plot.
In the simplest case, one reads the data from external files in CSV format.
from abipy.dynamics.analyzer import ArrheniusPlotter
key_path = {
"matgl-MD": "diffusion_cLLZO-matgl.csv",
"m3gnet-MD": "diffusion_cLLZO-m3gnet.csv",
mpl_style_key = {
"matgl-MD" : dict(c='blue'),
"m3gnet-MD": dict(c='purple'),
plotter = ArrheniusPlotter()
for key, path in key_path.items():
plotter.add_entry_from_file(path, key, mpl_style=mpl_style_key[key])
# temperature grid refined
thinvt_arange = (0.6, 2.5, 0.01)
xlims, ylims = (0.5, 2.0), (-7, -4)
xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, text='LLZO cubic', savefig=None)
def __init__(self, entries=None):
self.entries = entries or []
self.symb2oxi = common_oxidation_states()
def __iter__(self):
return self.entries.__iter__()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.entries)
def __getitem__(self, items):
return self.entries.__getitem__(items)
def copy(self):
"""Deep copy of the object."""
import copy
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def keys(self) -> list[str]:
"""List of keys. Must be unique"""
return [entry.key for entry in self]
def symbols(self) -> set[str]:
"""Return set with chemical symbols."""
return set([entry.symbol for entry in self])
def index_key(self, key: str) -> int:
"""Find the index of key. Raise KeyError if not found."""
for i, entry in enumerate(self):
if entry.key == key: return i
raise KeyError(f"Cannot find {key=} in {self.keys=}")
def pop_key(self, key: str) -> ArrheniusEntry:
"""Pop entry by key"""
i = self.index_key(key)
return self.entries.pop(i)
def append(self, entry: ArrheniusEntry) -> None:
"""Append new entry."""
if entry.key in self.keys():
raise KeyError(f"{entry.key=} is already present.")
def set_style(self, key: str, mpl_style: dict) -> None:
"""Set matplotlib style for key."""
i = self.index_key(key)
self.entries[i].mpl_style = mpl_style
def get_min_max_temp(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Compute the min and max temperature for all entries."""
min_temp = min([e.temperatures.min() for e in self])
max_temp = max([e.temperatures.max() for e in self])
return min_temp, max_temp
def add_entry_from_file(self, filepath: PathLike, key: str, mpl_style=None) -> None:
mpl_style = mpl_style or {}
self.append(ArrheniusEntry.from_file(filepath, key, mpl_style))
def plot(self, thinvt_arange=None, what="diffusion", ncar=None, colormap="jet", with_t=True, text=None,
ax=None, fontsize=8, xlims=None, ylims=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Arrhenius plot.
thinvt_arange: start, stop, step for 1000/T mesh. If None, the mesh is automatically computed.
what: Selects the quantity to plot. Possibile values: "diffusion", "sigma", "tsigma".
ncar: Number of carriers. Required if what is "sigma" or "tsigma".
colormap: Colormap used to select the color if entry.mpl_style does not provide it.
with_t: True to add a twin axes with the value of T
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
ylims: Similar to xlims but for the y-axis.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
# Build temperature grid for fit.
if thinvt_arange is None:
t_min, t_max = self.get_min_max_temp()
xstart, xstop = 1000 / t_max, 1000 / t_min
xstart, xstop = 0.8 * xstart, 1.2 * xstop
thinvt_arange = (xstart, xstop, 0.01)
fit_thinvt = np.arange(thinvt_arange[0], thinvt_arange[1], step=thinvt_arange[2])
for ie, entry in enumerate(self):
mpl_style = entry.mpl_style.copy()
if "marker" not in mpl_style:
mpl_style["marker"] = "."
if "linestyle" not in mpl_style and "ls" not in mpl_style:
mpl_style["linestyle"] = ""
if "color" not in mpl_style and "c" not in mpl_style:
mpl_style["color"] = cmap(ie / len(self))
symbol, composition = entry.symbol, entry.composition
diff = entry.get_diffusion_data(fit_thinvt=fit_thinvt)
label = r"D$_{\mathrm{%s}}$ (%s): " % (symbol, entry.key)
label += r"E$_\mathrm{a}$=" + str('{:.2F}'.format(diff.e_act)) + ' eV'
if what == "diffusion":
data = diff
ncar_ = ncar
if ncar_ is None:
if symbol not in self.symb2oxi:
raise ValueError(f"No entry for {symbol=} found in symb2oxi! Please add the oxistate manually!")
charge = self.symb2oxi[symbol]
ncar_ = charge * composition[symbol]
label += f", q={charge}"
sigma_data, tsigma_data = entry.get_conductivity_data(ncar_, fit_thinvt=fit_thinvt)
data = dict(sigma=sigma_data, tsigma=tsigma_data)[what]
if data.err_log10 is not None:
# Plot data with errors.
lines = ax.errorbar(data.th_invt, data.log10, yerr=data.err_log10, label=label, capsize=5.0, **mpl_style)
# Plot data without errors.
lines = ax.plot(data.th_invt, data.log10, label=label, **mpl_style)
ax.plot(fit_thinvt, data.fit_log10, linestyle='--', color=lines[0].get_color())
ax.set_xlabel('1000 / T(K)', fontsize=18)
ylabel = dict(
diffusion=r"log$_{10}$ (D(cm$^2$/s))",
sigma=r"log$_{10}$ [$\sigma$(S/cm)]",
tsigma=r"log$_{10}$ [$\sigma$T(SK/cm)]",
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=18)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y")
ax.legend(loc="lower left", fontsize=12)
#set_ticks_fontsize(ax, fontsize=14)
#from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
if text:
ax.text(0.96, 0.85, text,
verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', transform=ax.transAxes,
color='black', fontsize=18, bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='grey', pad=10))
if with_t:
# Add a twin axes and set its limits so it matches the first.
ax_t = ax.twiny()
ax_t.set_xlabel('T (K)', fontsize=18)
# apply a function formatter
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
formatter = mticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{:.0f}'.format(1000/x))
return fig