Source code for abipy.electrons.effmass_analyzer

# coding: utf-8
Objects to compute electronic effective masses via finite differences starting from an |ElectronBands| object.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymatgen.core.units as units

from collections import OrderedDict
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from abipy.core.mixins import Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands
from import finite_diff
from import print_dataframe
from import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, set_visible

[docs]class EffMassAnalyzer(Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands): """ This objects provides a high-level API to compute electronic effective masses via finite differences starting from an |ElectronBands| object. Usage example: .. code-block:: python emana = EffmassAnalyzer.from_file("") print(emana) emana.select_vbm() #emana.select_kpoint_band(kpoint=[0, 0, 0], band=3) emans.plot_emass() .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: EffMassAnalyzer """
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """Initialize the object from a netcdf file with an ebands object.""" from abipy.abilab import abiopen with abiopen(filepath) as ncfile: return cls(ncfile.ebands, copy=False)
def __init__(self, ebands, copy=True): """Initialize the object from an ebands object with k-points along a path.""" if not ebands.kpoints.is_path: raise ValueError("EffmassAnalyzer requires k-points along a path. Got:\n %s" % repr(ebands.kpoints)) # Copy ebands before changing fermie because we don't want side effects! self._ebands = ebands.deepcopy() if copy else ebands self._ebands.set_fermie_to_vbm() self.segments = [] def __repr__(self): """Invoked by repr""" return repr(self.ebands) def __str__(self): """Invoked by str""" return self.ebands.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose): """ Human-readable string with useful info such as band gaps, position of HOMO, LOMO... Args: verbose: Verbosity level. """ return self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=True, with_kpoints=True, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def select_kpoint_band(self, kpoint, band, spin=0, etol_ev=1e-3): """ Construct line segments based on the k-point ``kpoint`` and the band index ``band``. This is the most flexible interface and allows one to include extra bands by increasing the value of `etol_ev`. Args: kpoint: Fractional coordinates or |Kpoint| object. band: Band index spin: Spin index. etol_ev: Include all bands at this k-point whose energy differ from the one at (kpoint, band) less that ``etol_ev`` in eV. """ # Find all k-indices associated to the input kpoint. ik_indices = self.kpoints.get_all_kindices(kpoint) ik = ik_indices[0] # Find band indices of "degenerate" states within tolerance etol_ev. e0 = self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik, band] band_inds_k = [be[0] for be in enumerate(self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik]) if abs(be[1] - e0) <= etol_ev] band_inds_k = len(ik_indices) * [band_inds_k] self._build_segments(spin, ik_indices, band_inds_k)
[docs] def select_cbm(self, spin=0, etol_ev=1e-3): """Select conduction band minimum.""" ik_indices, band_inds_k = self._select(["cbm"], spin, etol_ev) self._build_segments(spin, ik_indices, band_inds_k)
[docs] def select_vbm(self, spin=0, etol_ev=1e-3): """Select valence band maximum.""" ik_indices, band_inds_k = self._select(["vbm"], spin, etol_ev) self._build_segments(spin, ik_indices, band_inds_k)
[docs] def select_band_edges(self, spin=0, etol_ev=1e-3): """Select conduction band minimum and valence band maximum.""" ik_indices, band_inds_k = self._select(["cbm", "vbm"], spin, etol_ev) self._build_segments(spin, ik_indices, band_inds_k)
def _select(self, what_list, spin, etol_ev): ik_indices, band_inds_k = [], [] if "vbm" in what_list: homo = self.ebands.homos[spin] homo_iks = self.kpoints.get_all_kindices(homo.kpoint) ik = homo_iks[0] e0 = self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik,] homo_bands = [be[0] for be in enumerate(self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik]) if abs(be[1] - e0) <= etol_ev] ik_indices.extend(homo_iks) for i in range(len(homo_iks)): band_inds_k.append(homo_bands) if "cbm" in what_list: lumo = self.ebands.lumos[spin] lumo_iks = self.kpoints.get_all_kindices(lumo.kpoint) ik = lumo_iks[0] e0 = self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik,] lumo_bands = [be[0] for be in enumerate(self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik]) if abs(be[1] - e0) <= etol_ev] ik_indices.extend(lumo_iks) for i in range(len(lumo_iks)): band_inds_k.append(lumo_bands) return ik_indices, band_inds_k def _build_segments(self, spin, ik_indices, band_inds_k): """ Build list of segments. Args: spin: Spin index. ik_indices: List of k-point indices [nk][kids] band_inds_k: [nk][kids] """ #print("in build_segments with:\n\tik_indices:", ik_indices, "\n\tband_inds_k:", band_inds_k) self.spin = spin dims = len(ik_indices), len(band_inds_k) if dims[0] != dims[1]: raise RuntimeError("len(ik_indices) %s != len(band_inds_k) %s" % (dims[0], dims[1])) self.segments = [] for ik, bids in zip(ik_indices, band_inds_k): for iline, line in enumerate(self.kpoints.lines): if line[-1] >= ik >= line[0]: break else: raise ValueError("Cannot find k-index `%s` in lines: `%s`" % (ik, self.kpoints.lines)) #print("line[-1]", line[-1], "ik", ik, "line[0]", line[0]) self.segments.append(Segment(ik, spin, line, bids, self.ebands)) @property def ebands(self): """|ElectronBands| object.""" return self._ebands @property def structure(self): """|Structure| object.""" return self.ebands.structure def _consistency_check(self): if not self.segments: methods = ", ".join(["select_cbm", "select_vbm", "select_band_edges", "select_kpoint_band"]) raise RuntimeError("You must call one among: `%s`\nto build segments before analyzing data." % methods)
[docs] def summarize(self, acc=4): self._consistency_check() for segment in self.segments: df = segment.get_dataframe_with_accuracies(acc_list=[acc]) title = "k: %s, spin: %s, nbands: %d" % (repr(segment.k0), segment.spin, segment.nb) #label="direction: %s" % segment.kdir.tos(m="fracart") if ib == 0 else None) print_dataframe(df, title=title)
#print("") #def print_segments(self): # self._consistency_check() # for segment in self.segments
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_emass(self, acc=4, fontsize=6, colormap="viridis", **kwargs): """ Plot electronic dispersion and quadratic curve based on the effective masses computed along each segment. Args: acc: fontsize: legend and title fontsize. colormap: matplotlib colormap """ self._consistency_check() # Build grid of plots for this spin. num_plots, ncols, nrows = len(self.segments), 1, 1 if num_plots > 1: ncols = 2 nrows = (num_plots // ncols) + (num_plots % ncols) ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=False, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_list = ax_list.ravel() for iseg, (segment, ax) in enumerate(zip(self.segments, ax_list)): irow, icol = divmod(iseg, ncols) segment.plot_emass(ax=ax, acc=acc, fontsize=fontsize, colormap=colormap, show=False) if iseg != 0: set_visible(ax, False, "ylabel") if irow != nrows - 1: set_visible(ax, False, "xticklabels") # don't show the last ax if numeb is odd. if num_plots % ncols != 0: ax_list[-1].axis("off") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_all_segments(self, ax=None, colormap="viridis", fontsize=8, **kwargs): """ Args: colormap: matplotlib colormap fontsize: legend and title fontsize. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ self._consistency_check() ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) markers = ["o", "s", "x", "D", "+", "v", ">", "<"] * 8 ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') pad = 0 for iseg, segment in enumerate(self.segments): color = cmap(float(iseg / len(self.segments))) for ib in range(segment.nb): ax.plot(segment.kpoint_indices + pad, segment.energies_bk[ib], linestyle=":", marker=markers[ib], markersize=2, color=color, label="direction: %s" % segment.kdir.tos(m="fracart") if ib == 0 else None) pad += 10 ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) #title = "k: %s, spin: %s, nband: %d" % (repr(self.efm_kpoint), self.spin, segment.nb) #ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) return fig
[docs]class Segment: """ .. attribute:: Z Atomic number """ def __init__(self, ik, spin, line, band_inds, ebands): """ Args: kpoint_indices (list(int)): the kpoint indices of the segment """ self.ik = ik self.spin = spin self.kpos = line.index(ik) self.kpos_type = "central" if self.kpos == 0: self.kpos_type = "right" if self.kpos == len(line) - 1: self.kpos_type = "left" self.kdir = ebands.kpoints.versors[line[0]] = ebands.kpoints.ds[line[0]] if not np.allclose(, ebands.kpoints.ds[line[:-1]]): raise ValueError("For finite difference derivatives, the path must be homogeneous!\n" + str(ebands.kpoints.ds[line[:-1]])) self.kpoint_indices = np.asarray(line) self.band_inds = band_inds # The reference point and |k-k0|^2 self.k0 = ebands.kpoints[ik] self.kmk0_2 = np.array([(k - self.k0).norm ** 2 for k in (ebands.kpoints[l] for l in line)]) self.energies_bk = [] for band in band_inds: self.energies_bk.append(ebands.eigens[spin, line, band]) self.energies_bk = np.reshape(self.energies_bk, (len(band_inds), len(line))) self.nb = len(self.energies_bk) self.ebands = ebands def __repr__(self): return "k0: %s, kdir: %s, dk: %.3f (Ang-1)" % (repr(self.k0), repr(self.kdir),
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=0): """String representation.""" lines = []; app = lines.append app("k-point: %s, nband: %s, spin: %d" % (self.k0.to_string(verbose=verbose), self.nb, self.spin)) return "\n".join(lines)
def __str__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs] def get_fd_emass_d2(self, enes_kline, acc): d2 = finite_diff(enes_kline,, order=2, acc=acc, index=self.kpos) emass = 1. / (d2.value * (units.eV_to_Ha / units.bohr_to_ang ** 2)) return emass, d2
[docs] def get_dataframe_with_accuracies(self, acc_list=(2, 4, 6, 8)): """ Build and return a |pandas-Dataframe| with effective masses computed with different accuracies (npts) """ rows = [] for acc in acc_list: emass_dict = OrderedDict() for ib, enes_kline in enumerate(self.energies_bk): emass, d2 = self.get_fd_emass_d2(enes_kline, acc) emass_dict["m%d" % ib] = emass od = OrderedDict([ ("acc", acc), ("npts", d2.npts), ]) od.update(emass_dict) rows.append(od) return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_emass(self, acc=4, ax=None, fontsize=8, colormap="viridis", **kwargs): """ Args: acc: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. fontsize: legend and title fontsize. colormap: matplotlib colormap Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) ax.grid(True) cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap) for ib, enes_kline in enumerate(self.energies_bk): # Plot KS-DFT points. xs = range(len(enes_kline)) ax.scatter(xs, enes_kline, marker="o", color=cmap(float(ib) / self.nb)) # Compute effective masses try: emass, d2 = self.get_fd_emass_d2(enes_kline, acc) except Exception as exc: cprint("Eception for segment: %s" % str(self), "red") raise exc ys = ((self.kmk0_2 * units.bohr_to_ang ** 2) / (2 * emass)) * units.Ha_to_eV + self.energies_bk[ib, self.kpos] label = r"$m^*$ = %.3f, %d-pts %s finite-diff" % (emass, d2.npts, d2.mode) ax.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="--", color=cmap(float(ib) / self.nb), label=label) ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) title = r"${\bf k}_0$: %s, direction: %s" % (repr(self.k0), self.kdir.tos(m="fracart")) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)') return fig
#class MultipleEffMassAnalyzer: # # @classmethod # def from_files(cls, filepaths): # """Initialize the object from a list of files providing an |ElectronBands| object.""" # return cls([ElectronBands.from_file(f, copy=False) for f in list_strings(filepaths)]) # # def __init__(self, eband_list) # self.eband_list = eband_list