Source code for abipy.electrons.fatbands

# coding: utf-8
"""Classes for the analysis of electronic fatbands and projected DOSes."""

import traceback
import numpy as np

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from tabulate import tabulate
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from monty.string import marquee
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from abipy.core.mixins import AbinitNcFile, Has_Header, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronsReader
from import gaussian
from import (set_axlims, get_axarray_fig_plt, add_fig_kwargs, get_figs_plotly,
    add_plotly_fig_kwargs, PlotlyRowColDesc, plotly_set_lims)

[docs]def gaussians_dos(dos, mesh, width, values, energies, weights): assert len(dos) == len(mesh) and len(values) == len(energies) == len(weights) for vw, e, w in zip(values * weights, energies, weights): dos += vw * gaussian(mesh, width, center=e) return dos
[docs]class FatBandsFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Header, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter): """ Provides methods to analyze the data stored in the FATBANDS.nc_ file. Usage example: .. code-block:: python with abiopen("") as fb: print(fb.structure) fb.plot_fatbands_lview() Alternatively, one can use the `` script to open the file in an ipython notebook with:: -nb .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: FatBandsFile """ # These class attributes can be redefined in order to customize the plots. # Mapping L --> color used in plots. l2color = {0: "red", 1: "blue", 2: "green", 3: "yellow", 4: "orange"} # Mapping L --> title used in subplots that depend on L. l2tex = {0: "$l=s$", 1: "$l=p$", 2: "$l=d$", 3: "$l=f$", 4: "$l=g$"} # Markers used for up/down bands (collinear spin) marker_spin = {0: "^", 1: "v"} marker_spin_plotly = {0: 5, 1: 6} # \U starts an eight-character Unicode escape. raw strings do not work in python2.7 # and we need a latex symbol to avoid errors in matplotlib --> replace myuparrow --> uparrow # Mapping spin --> title used in subplots that depend on (collinear) spin. spin2tex = {k: v.replace("myuparrow", "uparrow") for k, v in {0: r"$\sigma=\myuparrow$", 1: r"$\sigma=\downarrow$"}.items()} # Mappings used for non-collinear spins. spinors2tex = {k: v.replace("myuparrow", "uparrow") for k, v in {"up-up": r"$\myuparrow,\myuparrow$", "up-down": r"$\myuparrow,\downarrow$", "down-up": r"$\downarrow,\myuparrow$", "down-down": r"$\downarrow,\downarrow$", "sigma_x": r"$\sigma_{x}$", "sigma_y": r"$\sigma_{y}$", "sigma_z": r"$\sigma_{z}$", }.items()} spinors2color = {"up-up": "black", "up-down": "brown", "down-up": "violet", "down-down": "yellow", "sigma_x": "green", "sigma_y": "blue", "sigma_z": "red", } # The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) alpha = 0.6 # Options passed to ebands.plot_ax. See also eb_plotax_kwargs # Either you change these values or subclass `FatBandsFile` and redefine eb_plotax_kwargs. marker_size = 3.0 linewidth = 0.1 linecolor = "grey" #klabel_size = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """Initialize the object from a netcdf_ file""" return cls(filepath)
def __init__(self, filepath): super().__init__(filepath) self.reader = r = ElectronsReader(filepath) # Initialize the electron bands from file self._ebands = r.read_ebands() self.natom = len(self.structure) # Read metadata so that we know how to handle the content of the file. self.prtdos = r.read_value("prtdos") self.prtdosm = r.read_value("prtdosm") self.pawprtdos = r.read_value("pawprtdos") self.usepaw = r.read_value("usepaw") self.natsph = r.read_dimvalue("natsph") self.iatsph = r.read_value("iatsph") - 1 # F --> C self.ndosfraction = r.read_dimvalue("ndosfraction") # mbesslang: 1 + maximum angular momentum for Bessel function expansion. self.mbesslang = r.read_dimvalue("mbesslang") self.ratsph_type = r.read_value("ratsph") # natsph_extra is present only if we have an extra sphere. self.natsph_extra = r.read_dimvalue("natsph_extra", default=0) if self.natsph_extra: self.ratsph_extra = r.read_value("ratsph_extra") self.xredsph_extra = r.read_value("xredsph_extra") if self.natsph_extra != 0: raise NotImplementedError("natsph_extra is not implemented, " "but it's just a matter of using natom + natsph_extra") # This is a tricky part. Note the following: # If usepaw == 0, lmax_type gives the max l included in the non-local part of Vnl # The wavefunction can have l-components > lmax_type, especially if vloc = vlmax. # If usepaw == 1, lmax_type represents the max l included in the PAW basis set. # The AE wavefunction cannot have more ls than l-max if pawprtdos == 2 and # the cancellation between PS-onsite and the smooth part is exact. # TODO: Decide how to change lmax_type at run-time: API or global self.set_lmax? self.lmax_type = r.read_value("lmax_type") if self.usepaw == 0 or (self.usepaw == 1 and self.pawprtdos != 2): self.lmax_type[:] = self.mbesslang - 1 self.typat = r.read_value("atom_species") - 1 # F --> C self.lmax_atom = np.empty(self.natom, dtype=int) for iat in range(self.natom): self.lmax_atom[iat] = self.lmax_type[self.typat[iat]] # lsize is used to dimension arrays that depend on L. self.lsize = self.lmax_type.max() + 1 # Sort the chemical symbols and use OrderedDict because we are gonna use these dicts for looping. # Note that we don't have arrays dimensioned with ntypat in the nc file so we can define # our own ordering for symbols. self.symbols = sorted(self.structure.symbol_set, key=lambda s: Element[s].Z) self.symbol2indices, self.lmax_symbol = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() for symbol in self.symbols: self.symbol2indices[symbol] = np.array(self.structure.indices_from_symbol(symbol)) self.lmax_symbol[symbol] = self.lmax_atom[self.symbol2indices[symbol][0]] self.ntypat = len(self.symbols) # Mapping chemical symbol --> color used in plots. self.symbol2color = {} if len(self.symbols) < 5: for i, symb in enumerate(self.symbols): self.symbol2color[symb] = self.l2color[i] else: # Use colormap. Color will now be an RGBA tuple import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') nsymb = len(self.symbols) for i, symb in enumerate(self.symbols): self.symbol2color[symb] = cmap(i/nsymb) # Array dimensioned with natom. Set to true if iatom has been calculated if self.prtdos == 3: self.has_atom = np.zeros(self.natom, dtype=bool) self.has_atom[self.iatsph] = True
[docs] @lazy_property def wal_sbk(self): """ |numpy-array| of shape [natom, mbesslang, nsppol, mband, nkpt] with the L-contributions. Present only if prtdos == 3. """ return self._read_wal_sbk()
[docs] @lazy_property def walm_sbk(self): """ |numpy-array| of shape [natom, mbesslang**2, nsppol, mband, nkpt] with the LM-contribution. Present only if prtdos == 3 and prtdosm != 0 """ return self._read_walm_sbk(key="dos_fractions_m")
def _read_wal_sbk(self, key="dos_fractions"): # Read dos_fraction_m from file and build wal_sbk array of shape # [natom, lmax, nsppol, mband, nkpt]. # # In abinit the **Fortran** array has shape # dos_fractions(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction) # # Note that Abinit allows the users to select a subset of atoms with iatsph. Moreover the order # of the atoms could differ from the one in the structure even when natom == natsph (unlikely but possible). # To keep it simple, the code always operate on an array dimensioned with the total number of atoms # Entries that are not computed are set to zero and a warning is issued. if self.prtdos != 3: raise RuntimeError("The file does not contain L-DOS since prtdos=%i" % self.prtdos) wshape = (self.natom, self.mbesslang, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt) if self.natsph == self.natom and np.all(self.iatsph == np.arange(self.natom)): # All atoms have been calculated and the order if ok. wal_sbk = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), wshape) else: # Need to tranfer data. Note np.zeros. wal_sbk = np.zeros(wshape) if self.natsph == self.natom and np.any(self.iatsph != np.arange(self.natom)): print("Will rearrange filedata since iatsp != [1, 2, ...])") filedata = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), wshape) for i, iatom in enumerate(self.iatsph): wal_sbk[iatom] = filedata[i] else: print("natsph < natom. Will set to zero the PJDOS contributions for the atoms that are not included.") assert self.natsph < self.natom filedata = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), (self.natsph, self.mbesslang, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt)) for i, iatom in enumerate(self.iatsph): wal_sbk[iatom] = filedata[i] # In principle, this should never happen (unless there's a bug in Abinit or a # very bad cancellation between the FFT and the PS-PAW term (pawprtden=0). num_neg = np.sum(wal_sbk < 0) if num_neg: print("WARNING: There are %d (%.1f%%) negative entries in LDOS weights" % ( num_neg, 100 * num_neg / wal_sbk.size)) return wal_sbk def _read_walm_sbk(self, key="dos_fraction_m"): # Read dos_fraction_m from file and build walm_sbk array of shape # [natom, lmax**2, nsppol, mband, nkpt]. # # In abinit the **Fortran** array has shape # dos_fractions_m(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction*mbesslang*m_dos_flag) # # Note that Abinit allows the users to select a subset of atoms with iatsph. Moreover the order # of the atoms could differ from the one in the structure even when natom == natsph (unlikely but possible). # To keep it simple, the code always operate on an array dimensioned with the total number of atoms # Entries that are not computed are set to zero and a warning is issued. if self.prtdos != 3: raise RuntimeError("The file does not contain L-DOS since prtdos=%i" % self.prtdos) if self.prtdosm == 0: raise RuntimeError("The file does not contain LM-DOS since prtdosm=%i" % self.prtdosm) wshape = (self.natom, self.mbesslang**2, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt) if self.natsph == self.natom and np.all(self.iatsph == np.arange(self.natom)): # All atoms have been calculated and the order if ok. walm_sbk = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), wshape) else: # Need to tranfer data. Note np.zeros. walm_sbk = np.zeros(wshape) if self.natsph == self.natom and np.any(self.iatsph != np.arange(self.natom)): print("Will rearrange filedata since iatsp != [1, 2, ...])") filedata = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), wshape) for i, iatom in enumerate(self.iatsph): walm_sbk[iatom] = filedata[i] else: print("natsph < natom. Will set to zero the PJDOS contributions for the atoms that are not included.") assert self.natsph < self.natom filedata = np.reshape(self.reader.read_value(key), (self.natsph, self.mbesslang**2, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt)) for i, iatom in enumerate(self.iatsph): walm_sbk[iatom] = filedata[i] # In principle, this should never happen (unless there's a bug in Abinit or a # very bad cancellation between the FFT and the PS-PAW term (pawprtden=0). num_neg = np.sum(walm_sbk < 0) if num_neg: print("WARNING: There are %d (%.1f%%) negative entries in LDOS weights" % ( num_neg, 100 * num_neg / walm_sbk.size)) return walm_sbk @property def ebands(self): """|ElectronBands| object.""" return self._ebands @property def structure(self): """|Structure| object.""" return self.ebands.structure
[docs] @lazy_property def params(self): """:class:`OrderedDict` with parameters that might be subject to convergence studies.""" od = self.get_ebands_params() return od
[docs] def close(self): """Called at the end of the ``with`` context manager.""" return self.reader.close()
def __str__(self): """String representation""" return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=0): """String representation.""" lines = []; app = lines.append app(marquee("File Info", mark="=")) app(self.filestat(as_string=True)) app("") app(self.structure.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Structure")) app("") app(self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=True, title="Electronic Bands")) app("") app(marquee("Fatbands Info", mark="=")) app("prtdos: %d, prtdosm: %d, mbesslang: %d, pawprtdos: %d, usepaw: %d" % ( self.prtdos, self.prtdosm, self.mbesslang, self.pawprtdos, self.usepaw)) app("nsppol: %d, nkpt: %d, mband: %d" % (self.nsppol, self.nkpt, self.mband)) app("") if self.prtdos == 3: # Print table with info on atoms. table = [["Idx", "Symbol", "Reduced_Coords", "Lmax", "Ratsph [Bohr]", "Has_Atom"]] for iatom, site in enumerate(self.structure): table.append([ iatom, site.specie.symbol, "%.5f %.5f %.5f" % tuple(site.frac_coords), self.lmax_atom[iatom], self.ratsph_type[self.typat[iatom]], "Yes" if self.has_atom[iatom] else "No", ]) app(tabulate(table, headers="firstrow")) if verbose > 1: app("") app(self.hdr.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Abinit Header")) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_wl_atom(self, iatom, spin=None, band=None): """ Return the l-dependent DOS weights for atom index ``iatom``. The weights are summed over m. If ``spin`` and ``band`` are not specified, the method returns the weights for all spin and bands else the contribution for (spin, band) """ if spin is None and band is None: return self.wal_sbk[iatom] else: assert spin is not None and band is not None return self.wal_sbk[iatom, :, spin, band, :]
[docs] def get_wl_symbol(self, symbol, spin=None, band=None): """ Return the l-dependent DOS weights for a given type specified in terms of the chemical symbol ``symbol``. The weights are summed over m and over all atoms of the same type. If ``spin`` and ``band`` are not specified, the method returns the weights for all spins and bands else the contribution for (spin, band). """ if spin is None and band is None: wl = np.zeros((self.lsize, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt)) for iat in self.symbol2indices[symbol]: for l in range(self.lmax_atom[iat]+1): wl[l] += self.wal_sbk[iat, l] else: assert spin is not None and band is not None wl = np.zeros((self.lsize, self.nkpt)) for iat in self.symbol2indices[symbol]: for l in range(self.lmax_atom[iat]+1): wl[l, :] += self.wal_sbk[iat, l, spin, band, :] return wl
[docs] def get_w_symbol(self, symbol, spin=None, band=None): """ Return the DOS weights for a given type specified in terms of the chemical symbol ``symbol``. The weights are summed over m and lmax[symbol] and over all atoms of the same type. If ``spin`` and ``band`` are not specified, the method returns the weights for all spins and bands else the contribution for (spin, band). """ if spin is None and band is None: wl = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol) w = np.zeros((self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt)) for l in range(self.lmax_symbol[symbol]+1): w += wl[l] else: assert spin is not None and band is not None wl = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol, spin=spin, band=spin) w = np.zeros((self.nkpt)) for l in range(self.lmax_symbol[symbol]+1): w += wl[l] return w
[docs] def get_spilling(self, spin=None, band=None): """ Return the spilling parameter If ``spin`` and ``band`` are not specified, the method returns the spilling for all states as a [nsppol, mband, nkpt] numpy array else the spilling for (spin, band) with shape [nkpt]. """ if spin is None and band is None: sp = np.zeros((self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt)) for iatom in range(self.natom): for l in range(self.lmax_atom[iatom]+1): sp += self.wal_sbk[iatom, l] else: assert spin is not None and band is not None sp = np.zeros((self.nkpt)) for iatom in range(self.natom): for l in range(self.lmax_atom[iatom]+1): sp += self.wal_sbk[iatom, l, spin, band, :] return 1.0 - sp
[docs] def eb_plotax_kwargs(self, spin): """ Dictionary with the options passed to ``ebands.plot_ax`` when plotting a band line with spin index ``spin``. Subclasses can redefine the implementation to customize the plots. """ return dict( color=self.linecolor, linewidth=self.linewidth, markersize=self.marker_size, marker=self.marker_spin[spin], #klabel_size=self.klabel_size, )
[docs] def eb_plotly_kwargs(self, spin): """ Dictionary with the options passed to ``ebands.plot_ax`` when plotting a band line with spin index ``spin``. Subclasses can redefine the implementation to customize the plots. """ return dict(width=self.linewidth, color=self.linecolor), \ dict(marker = dict(size=self.marker_size+5, symbol=self.marker_spin_plotly[spin]))
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fatbands_siteview(self, e0="fermie", view="inequivalent", fact=1.0, fontsize=12, ylims=None, blist=None, **kwargs): """ Plot fatbands for each atom in the unit cell. By default, only the **inequivalent** atoms are shown. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` view: "inequivalent", "all" fact: float used to scale the stripe size. fontsize: fontsize for titles and legend ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ # Define num_plots and ax2atom depending on view. # ax2natom[1:num_plots] --> iatom index in structure. # TODO: ebands.used_magnetic_symmetries? if view == "inequivalent" and (self.nspden == 2 and self.nsppol == 1) or (self.nspinor == 2 and self.nspden != 4): cprint("The system with magnetic symmetries but the spglib API used by pymatgen does not support them.", "yellow") cprint(" nsppol: %s, nspden: %s, nspinor: %s" % (self.nsppol, self.nspden, self.nspinor), "yellow") cprint("Setting view to `all`", "yellow") view = "all" # TODO: spin if view == "all" or self.natom == 1: num_plots, ax2iatom = self.natom, np.arange(self.natom) elif view == "inequivalent": print("Calling spglib to find inequivalent sites.") print("Note that `symafm` magnetic symmetries (if any) are not taken into account.") ea = self.structure.spget_equivalent_atoms(printout=True) num_plots = len(ea.irred_pos) ax2iatom = ea.irred_pos else: raise ValueError("Wrong value for view: %s" % str(view)) # Build plot grid. ncols, nrows = 1, 1 if num_plots > 1: ncols = 2 nrows = num_plots // ncols + num_plots % ncols ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) # don't show the last ax if num_plots is odd. if num_plots % ncols != 0: ax_mat[-1, -1].axis("off") ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for iax, iatom in enumerate(ax2iatom): ax = ax_mat.flat[iax] # Plot the energies. for spin in range(self.nsppol): ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin, **self.eb_plotax_kwargs(spin)) site = self.structure[iatom] ebands.decorate_ax(ax, title=str(site)) # Add width around each band. for spin in ebands.spins: for band in mybands: wlk = self.get_wl_atom(iatom, spin=spin, band=band) * (fact / 2) yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup for l in range(self.lmax_atom[iatom]+1): w = wlk[l,:] y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w ax.fill_between(x, yup, y1, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l]) ax.fill_between(x, ydown, y2, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l], label=self.l2tex[l] if (spin, band) == (0, 0) else None) # Note: could miss a label in the other plots if lmax is not large enough! yup, ydown = y1, y2 set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") ax_mat[0, 0].legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize) return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fatbands_lview(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, ax_mat=None, lmax=None, ylims=None, blist=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands grouped by L with matplotlib. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. ax_mat: Matrix of axes, if None a new figure is produced. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included fontsize: Legend fontsize. Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 # Build or get grid with (nsppol, mylsize) axis. nrows, ncols = self.nsppol, mylsize ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_mat = np.reshape(ax_mat, (nrows, ncols)) ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for spin in range(self.nsppol): for l in range(mylsize): ax = ax_mat[spin, l] ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin, **self.eb_plotax_kwargs(spin)) title = "%s, %s" % (self.l2tex[l], self.spin2tex[spin]) if self.nsppol == 2 else "%s" % self.l2tex[l] ebands.decorate_ax(ax, title=title) if l != 0: ax.set_ylabel("") # Only the first column show labels. # Trick: Don't change the labels but set their fontsize to 0 otherwise # also the other axes are affected (likely due to sharey=True). #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(0) for ib, band in enumerate(mybands): yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup for symbol in self.symbols: wlk = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol, spin=spin, band=band) * (fact / 2) w = wlk[l] y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w # Add width around each band. Only the [0,0] plot has the legend. ax.fill_between(x, yup, y1, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.symbol2color[symbol]) ax.fill_between(x, ydown, y2, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.symbol2color[symbol], label=symbol if (l, spin, ib) == (0, 0, 0) else None) yup, ydown = y1, y2 set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") ax_mat[0, 0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly_fatbands_lview(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, fig=None, lmax=None, ylims=None, blist=None, fontsize=12, band_and_dos=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands grouped by L with plotly. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. fig: The fig to plot on. None if a new figure should be created. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. band_and_dos : Define if both band and dos will be plotted on the same ``fig``. If 0 (default), only plot band on the created figure (when fig==None); If 1, plot band on odd_col of ``fig`` Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 nrows, ncols = self.nsppol, mylsize # Build fig with subplots. if fig is None: fig, _ = get_figs_plotly(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, subplot_titles=list(range(1, nrows * ncols + 1)), sharex=True, sharey=True, horizontal_spacing=0.02) ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for spin in range(self.nsppol): for l in range(mylsize): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin, l+band_and_dos*l, nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax line_opts, marker_opts = self.eb_plotly_kwargs(spin) ebands.plotly_traces(fig, e0, rcd=rcd, spin=spin, line_opts=line_opts, **marker_opts) if self.nsppol == 2: title = r"$%s , %s$" % (self.l2tex[l].replace('$',''), self.spin2tex[spin].replace('$','')) else: title = "%s" % self.l2tex[l] ebands.decorate_plotly(fig, iax=iax) fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = title fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].font.size = fontsize if l != 0: yaxis = 'yaxis%u' % iax fig.layout[yaxis].title.text = "" # Only the first column show labels. for ib, band in enumerate(mybands): yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup for symbol in self.symbols: wlk = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol, spin=spin, band=band) * (fact / 2) w = wlk[l] y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w # Add width around each band. Only the [0,0] plot show the legend. fill_line_opts = {'color': self.symbol2color[symbol], 'width': 0.1} fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=yup, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, opacity=self.alpha, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=symbol, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y1, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, opacity=self.alpha, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=symbol, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=ydown, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, opacity=self.alpha, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=symbol, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) if (l, spin, ib) == (0, 0, 0): fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, opacity=self.alpha, name=symbol, showlegend=True, legendgroup=symbol, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) else: fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, opacity=self.alpha, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=symbol, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) yup, ydown = y1, y2 plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) fig.layout.legend.font.size = fontsize return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fatbands_mview(self, iatom, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, lmax=None, ylims=None, blist=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands grouped by LM. Args: iatom: Index of the atom in the structure. e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ # TODO #if self.nsppol == 2: # raise NotImplementedError("To be tested with spin") if not (self.prtdos == 3 and self.prtdosm != 0): cprint("Fatbands plots with LM-character require `prtdos = 3 and prtdosm != 0`", "red") return None mylmax = self.lmax_atom[iatom] if lmax is None else lmax # Build plot grid. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec #, GridSpecFromSubplotSpec fig = plt.figure() nrows, ncols = 2 * (mylmax+1), mylmax + 1 gspec = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # Build plot grid (L along the column, each L has 2L+1 subplots). # ax_lim[(l, im)] gives the axis. ax_lim = {} for im in range(nrows): for l in range(ncols): k = (l, im) ax00 = None if l == 0 else ax_lim[(0, 0)] ax = plt.subplot(gspec[im, l], sharex=ax00, sharey=ax00) if im < 2*l + 1: #ax.set_title("l=%d, m=%d" % (l, im - l)) ax_lim[k] = ax ax.grid(True) else: ax.axis("off") ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for lim, ax in ax_lim.items(): l, im = lim[0], lim[1] for spin in range(self.nsppol): ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin, **self.eb_plotax_kwargs(spin)) if im == 2 * l: ebands.decorate_ax(ax) #if l > 0: # ax.set_ylabel("") for spin in range(self.nsppol): for band in mybands: #print("band:", band) yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup w = self.walm_sbk[iatom, l**2 + im, spin, band, :] * (fact / 2) y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w # Add width around each band. ax.fill_between(x, yup, y1, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l]) ax.fill_between(x, ydown, y2, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l]) yup, ydown = y1, y2 set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fatbands_typeview(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, lmax=None, ax_mat=None, ylims=None, blist=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands grouped by atomic type with matplotlib. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. ax_mat: Matrix of axis. None if a new figure should be created. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included fontsize: Legend fontsize. Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 # Get ax_mat and fig. nrows, ncols = self.nsppol, self.ntypat ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_mat = np.reshape(ax_mat, (nrows, ncols)) ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for itype, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): wl_sbk = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol) * (fact / 2) for spin in range(self.nsppol): ax = ax_mat[spin, itype] ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin, **self.eb_plotax_kwargs(spin)) title = ("type=%s, %s" % (symbol, self.spin2tex[spin]) if self.nsppol == 2 else "type=%s" % symbol) ebands.decorate_ax(ax, title=title) if itype != 0: ax.set_ylabel("") # Plot fatbands for given (symbol, spin) and all angular momenta. for band in mybands: yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): # Add width around each band. w = wl_sbk[l, spin, band] y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w ax.fill_between(x, yup, y1, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l]) ax.fill_between(x, ydown, y2, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l], label=self.l2tex[l] if (itype, spin, band) == (0, 0, 0) else None) # Note: could miss a label in the other plots if lmax is not large enough! yup, ydown = y1, y2 set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") ax_mat[0, 0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly_fatbands_typeview(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, lmax=None, fig=None, ylims=None, blist=None, fontsize=12, band_and_dos=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands grouped by atomic type with plotly. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. fig: The fig to plot on. None if a new figure should be created. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. band_and_dos : Define if both band and dos will be plotted on the same ``fig``. If 0(default), only plot band on the created figure (when fig==None); If 1, plot band on odd_col of ``fig`` Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 nrows, ncols = self.nsppol, self.ntypat # Build fig with (nsppol, ntypat) subplots. if fig is None: fig, _ = get_figs_plotly(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, subplot_titles=list(range(1, nrows*ncols+1)), sharex=True, sharey=True, horizontal_spacing=0.02) ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist for itype, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): wl_sbk = self.get_wl_symbol(symbol) * (fact / 2) for spin in range(self.nsppol): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin, itype+band_and_dos*itype, nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax line_opts, marker_opts = self.eb_plotly_kwargs(spin) ebands.plotly_traces(fig, e0, rcd=rcd, spin=spin, line_opts=line_opts, **marker_opts) title = (r"$\text{type=%s, }%s$" % (symbol, self.spin2tex[spin].replace('$','')) if self.nsppol == 2 else "type=%s" % symbol) ebands.decorate_plotly(fig, iax=iax) fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = title fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].font.size = fontsize if itype != 0: yaxis = 'yaxis%u' % iax fig.layout[yaxis].title.text = "" # Plot fatbands for given (symbol, spin) and all angular momenta. for band in mybands: yup = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 ydown = yup for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): # Add width around each band. w = wl_sbk[l, spin, band] y1, y2 = yup + w, ydown - w fill_line_opts = {'color': self.l2color[l], 'width': 0.1} fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=yup, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y1, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=ydown, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) if (itype, spin, band) == (0, 0, 0): fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name=self.l2tex[l], opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=True, legendgroup=l, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) else: fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, fill='tonexty', row=ply_row, col=ply_col) # Note: could miss a label in the other plots if lmax is not large enough! yup, ydown = y1, y2 plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) fig.layout.legend.font.size = fontsize return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_spilling(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, ax_list=None, ylims=None, blist=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the electronic fatbands Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. ax_list: List of matplotlib axes for plot. If None, new figure is produced ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ nrows, ncols = 1, self.nsppol ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_list, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_list = ax_list.ravel() ebands = self.ebands e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) x = np.arange(self.nkpt) mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist spill_sbk = self.get_spilling() * (fact / 2) for spin in range(self.nsppol): ax = ax_list[spin] ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin, **self.eb_plotax_kwargs(spin)) ebands.decorate_ax(ax) for band in mybands: y = ebands.eigens[spin, :, band] - e0 w = spill_sbk[spin, band, :] # Handle negative spilling values. wispos = w >= 0.0 wisneg = np.logical_not(wispos) num_neg = np.sum(wisneg) # Add width around each band. ax.fill_between(x, y, y + w, where=wispos, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor="blue") ax.fill_between(x, y, y - w, where=wispos, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor="blue") # Show regions with negative spilling in red. if num_neg: print("For spin:", spin, "band:", band, "There are %d (%.1f%%) k-points with negative spilling. Min: %.2E" % ( num_neg, 100 * num_neg / self.nkpt, w.min())) absw = np.abs(w) ax.fill_between(x, y, y + absw, where=wisneg, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor="red") ax.fill_between(x, y, y - absw, where=wisneg, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor="red") set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") return fig
# TODO: THIS CODE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT #@add_fig_kwargs #def plot_fatbands_spinor(self, terms=("sigma_z",), e0="fermie", fact=1, # ylims=None, blist=None, ax_list=None, **kwargs): # """ # Plot spinor-resolved electronic fatbands. Require prtdos = 5 and nspinor = 2. # Args: # terms: List of strings defining the quantities to plot. Possible values in: # {"up-up", "up-down", "down-up", "down-down", "sigma_x", "sigma_y", "sigma_z"} # e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: # - `fermie`: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. # - Number e.g e0=0.5: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV # - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to e0=0 # fact: float used to scale the marker size. # ax_list: List of matplotlib axes for plot. If None, new figure is produced # ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. `(left, right)` # or scalar e.g. `left`. If left (right) is None, default values are used # blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included # Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| # """ # if not (self.prtdos == 5 and self.nspinor == 2): # print("This method assumes prtdos=5 and nspinor=2 but file has prtdos=%s and nspinor=%s" # % (self.prtdos, self.nspinor)) # return None # # Build ax_list # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # if ax_list is None: # fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(nrows=len(terms), ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) # ax_list = ax_list.ravel() # else: # ax_list = np.reshape(ax_list, (1, len(terms))).ravel() # fig = plt.gcf() # ebands = self.ebands # e0 = ebands.get_e0(e0) # xvals = np.arange(self.nkpt) # mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist # spin0 = 0 # # Dos fractions contains: [ndosfraction, nsppol, mband, nkpt]. # # where the first dimension stores: (up,up up,down down,up down,down sigma_x sigma_y sigma_z) # w_sbk = self.reader.read_value("dos_fractions") # term2idx = {"up-up":0, "up-down":1, "down-up":2, "down-down":3, "sigma_x":4, "sigma_y":5, "sigma_z":6} # # TODO: To be tested. # terms = list_strings(terms) # for i, (term, ax) in enumerate(zip(terms, ax_list)): # ebands.plot_ax(ax, e0, spin=spin0, color=self.linecolor, linewidth=self.linewidth) # ebands.decorate_ax(ax, title=term) # if i != 0: # ax.set_ylabel("") # # Only the first column show labels. # # Trick: Don't change the labels but set their fontsize to 0 otherwise # # also the other axes are affecred (likely due to sharey=True). # #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) # idx = term2idx[term] # color = self.spinors2color[term] # # Rescale weights in [0, 1] # data = w_sbk[idx, spin0, :, :].copy() # data -= data.min() # dmax = data.max() # if dmax != 0.0: data /= dmax # #print(data) # for ib, band in enumerate(mybands): # yvals = ebands.eigens[spin0, :, band] - e0 # ax.scatter(xvals, yvals, c=data[band], s=20, alpha=self.alpha, # #edgecolor=plt.get_cmap('jet')(data[band]), # marker="o", label=self.spinors2tex[term] if ib == 0 else None) # #ws = w_sbk[idx, spin0, band, :] * fact # #pos_inds, neg_inds = np.where(ws >= 0), np.where(ws < 0) # #ax.scatter(xvals[pos_inds], yvals[pos_inds], c=color, s=ws[pos_inds], # # marker="^", label=term if ib == 0 else None) # #ax.scatter(xvals[neg_inds], yvals[neg_inds], c=color, s=np.abs(ws[neg_inds]), # # marker="v", label=term if ib == 0 else None) # set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") # ax_list[0].legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) # return fig # TODO: THIS CODE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT #def nelect_in_spheres(self, start_energy=None, stop_energy=None, # method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2): # """ # Print the number of electrons inside each atom-centered sphere. # Note that this is a very crude estimate of the charge density distribution. # Args: # start_energy: PJDOS is integrated from this energy (eV). If None, the lower bound in used. # stop_energy: PJDOS is integrated up to this energy (eV). If None, the Fermi level is used. # method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. # step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. # width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. # """ # intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) # raise NotImplementedError("") # site_edos = intg.site_edos # if stop_energy is None: stop_energy = self.ebands.fermie # # find_mesh_indes returns the first point in the mesh whose value is >= value. -1 if not found # edos = site_edos[0] # start_spin, stop_spin = {}, {} # for spin in self.spins: # start = 0 # if start_energy is not None: # start = edos[spin].find_mesh_index(start_energy) # if start == -1: # raise ValueError("For spin %d: cannot find index in mesh such that mesh[i] >= start." % spin) # if start > 0: start -= 1 # start_spin[spin] = start # stop = edos[spin].find_mesh_index(stop_energy) # if stop == -1: # raise ValueError("For spin %d: cannot find index in mesh such that mesh[i] >= energy." % spin) # stop_spin[spin] = stop # for iatm, site in enumerate(self.structure): # edos = site_edos[iatm] # nel_spin = {} # for spin in self.spins: # nel_spin[spin] = edos[spin].integral(start=start_spin[spin], stop=stop_spin[spin]) # print("iatom", iatm, "site", site, nel_spin)
[docs] def get_dos_integrator(self, method, step, width): """ FatBandsFile can use differerent integrators that are cached in self._cached_dos_integrators """ if not hasattr(self, "_cached_dos_integrators"): self._cached_dos_integrators = {} key = (method, step, width) intg = self._cached_dos_integrators.get(key, None) if intg is not None: return intg # Build integrator, cache it and return it. intg = _DosIntegrator(self, method, step, width) self._cached_dos_integrators[key] = intg return intg
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_pjdos_lview(self, e0="fermie", lmax=None, method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, stacked=True, combined_spins=True, ax_mat=None, exchange_xy=False, with_info=True, with_spin_sign=True, xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs): """ Plot the PJ-DOS on a linear mesh with matplotlib. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. combined_spins: Define how up/down DOS components should be plotted when nsppol==2. If True, up/down DOSes are plotted on the same figure (positive values for up, negative values for down component) If False, up/down components are plotted on different axes. ax_mat: exchange_xy: True if the dos should be plotted on the x axis instead of y. xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used ylims: Same meaning as ``xlims`` but for the y-axis fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ try: intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() msg += ("Error while trying to compute the DOS.\n" "Verify that the k-points form a homogenous sampling of the BZ.\n" "Returning None\n") cprint(msg, "red") return None # Get energy mesh from total DOS and define the zero of energy # Note that the mesh is not not spin-dependent. e0 = self.ebands.get_e0(e0) mesh = intg.mesh.copy() mesh -= e0 edos, symbols_lso = intg.edos, intg.symbols_lso # Get grid of axes. mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 nrows = self.nsppol if not combined_spins else 1 ncols = mylsize ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_mat = np.reshape(ax_mat, (nrows, ncols)) # The code below expectes a matrix of axes of shape[nsppol, self.lsize] # If spins are plotted on the same graph (combined_spins), I build a new matrix so that # ax_mat[spin=0] is ax_mat[spin=1] and aliased_axis is set to True aliased_axis = False if self.nsppol == 2 and combined_spins: aliased_axis = True ax_mat = np.array([ax_mat.ravel(), ax_mat.ravel()]) spin_sign = +1 if not stacked: # Plot PJDOS as lines. for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 # Loop over the columns of the grid. for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): ax = ax_mat[spin, l] # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if (l, spin, isymb) == (0, 0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color="k", label=label if with_info else None) # Plot PJ-DOS(l, spin) x, y = mesh, spin_sign * symbols_lso[symbol][l, spin] if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = symbol if (l, spin, isymb) == (0, 0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color=self.symbol2color[symbol], label=label if with_info else None) set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x") set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") else: # Plot stacked PJDOS # Loop over the columns of the grid. ls_stackdos = intg.ls_stackdos spin_sign = +1 zerodos = np.zeros(len(mesh)) for l in range(mylsize): for spin in self.ebands.spins: if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 ax = ax_mat[spin, l] # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if (l, spin) == (0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color="k", label=label if with_info else None) # Plot cumulative PJ-DOS(l, spin) stack = ls_stackdos[(l, spin)] * spin_sign for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): yup = stack[isymb] ydown = stack[isymb-1] if isymb != 0 else zerodos label = "%s (stacked)" % symbol if (l, spin) == (0, 0) else None fill = ax.fill_between if not exchange_xy else ax.fill_betweenx fill(mesh, yup, ydown, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.symbol2color[symbol], label=label if with_info else None) set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x") set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") # Decorate axis. for spin in range(self.nsppol): if aliased_axis and spin == 1: break # Don't repeat yourself! for l in range(mylsize): ax = ax_mat[spin, l] if with_info: if combined_spins: title = self.l2tex[l] else: title = "%s, %s" % (self.l2tex[l], self.spin2tex[spin]) if self.nsppol == 2 else \ self.l2tex[l] ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.grid(True) # Display yticklabels on the first plot and last plot only. # and display the legend only on the first plot. ax.set_xlabel("Energy (eV)") if l == 0: if with_info: ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) if exchange_xy: ax.set_xlabel('DOS (states/eV)') else: ax.set_ylabel('DOS (states/eV)') elif l == mylsize - 1: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") else: # Plots in the middle: don't show labels. # Trick: Don't change the labels but set their fontsize to 0 otherwise # also the other axes are affected (likely due to sharey=True). #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(0) return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly_pjdos_lview(self, e0="fermie", lmax=None, method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, stacked=True, combined_spins=True, fig=None, exchange_xy=False, with_info=True, with_spin_sign=True, xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=12, band_and_dos=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the PJ-DOS on a linear mesh with plotly. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. combined_spins: Define how up/down DOS components should be plotted when nsppol==2. If True, up/down DOSes are plotted on the same figure (positive values for up, negative values for down component) If False, up/down components are plotted on different axes. fig: The fig to plot on. None if a new figure should be created. exchange_xy: True if the dos should be plotted on the x axis instead of y. xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` ylims: Same meaning as ``xlims`` but for the y-axis fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. band_and_dos : Define if both band and dos will be plotted on the same ``fig``. If 0(default), only plot dos on the created figure (when fig==None); If 1, plot dos on even_col of ``fig`` Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ try: intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() msg += ("Error while trying to compute the DOS.\n" "Verify that the k-points form a homogenous sampling of the BZ.\n" "Returning None\n") cprint(msg, "red") return None # Get energy mesh from total DOS and define the zero of energy # Note that the mesh is not not spin-dependent. e0 = self.ebands.get_e0(e0) mesh = intg.mesh.copy() mesh -= e0 edos, symbols_lso = intg.edos, intg.symbols_lso mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 nrows = self.nsppol if not combined_spins else 1 ncols = mylsize # Build fig with subplots. if fig is None: fig, _ = get_figs_plotly(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, subplot_titles=list(range(1, nrows * ncols + 1)), sharex=True, sharey=True, horizontal_spacing=0.02) # If spins are plotted on the same graph (combined_spins), aliased_axis is set to True # and comb_s is set to 2 so that [spin=0]//comb_s == [spin=1]//comb_s if self.nsppol == 2 and combined_spins: aliased_axis = True comb_s = 2 else: aliased_axis = False comb_s = 1 spin_sign = +1 if not stacked: # Plot PJDOS as lines. for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 # Loop over the columns of the grid. for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, l+band_and_dos*(l+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if ((l, spin, isymb) == (0, 0, 0)) & with_info: showlegend = True else: showlegend = False fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line={'color': 'black'}, name=label, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) # Plot PJ-DOS(l, spin) x, y = mesh, spin_sign * symbols_lso[symbol][l, spin] if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = symbol fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line={'color': self.symbol2color[symbol]}, name=label, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) plotly_set_lims(fig, xlims, "x", iax=iax) plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) else: # Plot stacked PJDOS # Loop over the columns of the grid. ls_stackdos = intg.ls_stackdos spin_sign = +1 zerodos = np.zeros(len(mesh)) for l in range(mylsize): for spin in self.ebands.spins: if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, l+band_and_dos*(l+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if ((l, spin) == (0, 0)) & with_info: showlegend = True else: showlegend = False fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line={'color': 'black'}, name=label, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) # Plot cumulative PJ-DOS(l, spin) stack = ls_stackdos[(l, spin)] * spin_sign for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): yup = stack[isymb] ydown = stack[isymb-1] if isymb != 0 else zerodos label = "%s (stacked)" % symbol if (l, spin) == (0, 0) else None fill = 'tonextx' if not exchange_xy else 'tonexty' fill_line_opts = {'color': self.symbol2color[symbol], 'width': 0.1} x1, x2, y1, y2 = mesh, mesh, ydown, yup if exchange_xy: x1, x2, y1, y2 = y1, y2, x1, x2 fig.add_scatter(x=x1, y=y1, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x2, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name=label, opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=symbol, fill=fill, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) plotly_set_lims(fig, xlims, "x", iax=iax) plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) # Decorate axis. for spin in range(self.nsppol): if aliased_axis and spin == 1: break # Don't repeat yourself! for l in range(mylsize): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, l+band_and_dos*(l+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) iax = rcd.iax if with_info: if combined_spins: title = self.l2tex[l] else: if self.nsppol == 2: title = r"$%s , %s$" % (self.l2tex[l].replace('$',''), self.spin2tex[spin].replace('$','')) else: title = self.l2tex[l] fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = title else: fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = '' fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].font.size = fontsize if with_info: fig.layout['xaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text="Energy (eV)") # Display y labels only on the first plot. if l == 0: if exchange_xy: fig.layout['xaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text='DOS (states/eV)') else: fig.layout['yaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text='DOS (states/eV)') fig.layout.legend.font.size = fontsize return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_pjdos_typeview(self, e0="fermie", lmax=None, method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, stacked=True, combined_spins=True, ax_mat=None, exchange_xy=False, with_info=True, with_spin_sign=True, xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs): """ Plot the PJ-DOS on a linear mesh with matplotlib. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. combined_spins: Define how up/down DOS components should be plotted when nsppol==2. If True, up/down DOSes are plotted on the same figure (positive values for up, negative values for down component) If False, up/down components are plotted on different axes. ax_mat: exchange_xy: True if the dos should be plotted on the x axis instead of y. xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used ylims: Same meaning as ``xlims`` but for the y-axis fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 try: intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() msg += ("Error while trying to compute the DOS.\n" "Verify that the k-points form a homogenous sampling of the BZ.\n" "Returning None\n") cprint(msg, "red") return None # Get energy mesh from total DOS and define the zero of energy # Note that the mesh is not not spin-dependent. e0 = self.ebands.get_e0(e0) mesh = intg.mesh.copy() mesh -= e0 edos, symbols_lso = intg.edos, intg.symbols_lso # Get grid of axes. nrows = self.nsppol if not combined_spins else 1 ncols = self.ntypat ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_mat = np.reshape(ax_mat, (nrows, ncols)) # The code below expectes a matrix of axes of shape[nsppol, self.ntypat] # If spins are plotted on the same graph (combined_spins), I build a new matrix so that # ax_mat[spin=0] is ax_mat[spin=1] and aliased_axis is set to True aliased_axis = False if self.nsppol == 2 and combined_spins: aliased_axis = True ax_mat = np.array([ax_mat.ravel(), ax_mat.ravel()]) spin_sign = +1 if not stacked: for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 # Loop over the columns of the grid. for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): ax = ax_mat[spin, isymb] # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if (spin, isymb) == (0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color="k", label=label if with_info else None) for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): # Plot PJ-DOS(l, spin) x, y = mesh, spin_sign * symbols_lso[symbol][l, spin] if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = self.l2tex[l] if (spin, isymb) == (0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color=self.l2color[l], label=label if with_info else None) set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x") set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") else: # Plot stacked PJDOS # Loop over the columns of the grid. #ls_stackdos = intg.ls_stackdos spin_sign = +1 zerodos = np.zeros(len(mesh)) for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): ax = ax_mat[spin, isymb] # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if (spin, isymb) == (0, 0) else None ax.plot(x, y, color="k", label=label if with_info else None) # Plot cumulative PJ-DOS(l, spin) stack = intg.get_lstack_symbol(symbol, spin) * spin_sign for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): yup = stack[l] ydown = stack[l-1] if l != 0 else zerodos label = "%s (stacked)" % self.l2tex[l] if (isymb, spin) == (0, 0) else None fill = ax.fill_between if not exchange_xy else ax.fill_betweenx fill(mesh, yup, ydown, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=self.l2color[l], label=label if with_info else None) set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x") set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y") # Decorate axis. for spin in range(self.nsppol): if aliased_axis and spin == 1: break # Don't repeat yourself! for itype, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): ax = ax_mat[spin, itype] if with_info: if combined_spins: title = "Type: %s" % symbol else: title = "%s, %s" % (symbol, self.spin2tex[spin]) if self.nsppol == 2 else symbol ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.grid(True) # Display yticklabels on the first plot and last plot only. # and display the legend only on the first plot. ax.set_xlabel("Energy (eV)") if itype == 0: if with_info: ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) if exchange_xy: ax.set_xlabel('DOS (states/eV)') else: ax.set_ylabel('DOS (states/eV)') elif itype == self.ntypat - 1: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") else: # Plots in the middle: don't show labels. # Trick: Don't change the labels but set their fontsize to 0 otherwise # also the other axes are affected (likely due to sharey=True). #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(0) return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly_pjdos_typeview(self, e0="fermie", lmax=None, method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, stacked=True, combined_spins=True, fig=None, exchange_xy=False, with_info=True, with_spin_sign=True, xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=12, band_and_dos=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the PJ-DOS on a linear mesh with plotly. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. combined_spins: Define how up/down DOS components should be plotted when nsppol==2. If True, up/down DOSes are plotted on the same figure (positive values for up, negative values for down component) If False, up/down components are plotted on different axes. fig: The fig to plot on. None if a new figure should be created. exchange_xy: True if the dos should be plotted on the x axis instead of y. xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` ylims: Same meaning as ``xlims`` but for the y-axis fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. band_and_dos : Define if both band and dos will be plotted on the same ``fig``. If 0(default), only plot dos on the created figure (when fig==None); If 1, plot dos on even_col of ``fig`` Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 try: intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) except Exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() msg += ("Error while trying to compute the DOS.\n" "Verify that the k-points form a homogenous sampling of the BZ.\n" "Returning None\n") cprint(msg, "red") return None # Get energy mesh from total DOS and define the zero of energy # Note that the mesh is not not spin-dependent. e0 = self.ebands.get_e0(e0) mesh = intg.mesh.copy() mesh -= e0 edos, symbols_lso = intg.edos, intg.symbols_lso nrows = self.nsppol if not combined_spins else 1 ncols = self.ntypat # Build fig with subplots. if fig is None: fig, _ = get_figs_plotly(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, subplot_titles=list(range(1, nrows * ncols + 1)), sharex=True, sharey=True, horizontal_spacing=0.02) # If spins are plotted on the same graph (combined_spins), aliased_axis is set to True # and comb_s is set to 2 so that [spin=0]//comb_s == [spin=1]//comb_s if self.nsppol == 2 and combined_spins: aliased_axis = True comb_s = 2 else: aliased_axis = False comb_s = 1 spin_sign = +1 if not stacked: for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 # Loop over the columns of the grid. for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, isymb+band_and_dos*(isymb+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if ((spin, isymb) == (0, 0)) & with_info: showlegend = True else: showlegend = False fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line={'color': 'black'}, name=label, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): # Plot PJ-DOS(l, spin) x, y = mesh, spin_sign * symbols_lso[symbol][l, spin] if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = self.l2tex[l] fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, name=label , showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=l, mode='lines', line={'color': self.l2color[l]}, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) plotly_set_lims(fig, xlims, "x", iax=iax) plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) else: # Plot stacked PJDOS # Loop over the columns of the grid. #ls_stackdos = intg.ls_stackdos spin_sign = +1 zerodos = np.zeros(len(mesh)) for spin in range(self.nsppol): if with_spin_sign: spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, isymb+band_and_dos*(isymb+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) ply_row, ply_col, iax = rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col, rcd.iax # Plot total DOS. x, y = mesh, spin_sign * edos.spin_dos[spin].values if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x label = "Tot" if ((spin, isymb) == (0, 0)) & with_info: showlegend = True else: showlegend = False fig.add_scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', line={'color': 'black'}, name=label, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) # Plot cumulative PJ-DOS(l, spin) stack = intg.get_lstack_symbol(symbol, spin) * spin_sign for l in range(min(self.lmax_symbol[symbol] + 1, mylsize)): yup = stack[l] ydown = stack[l-1] if l != 0 else zerodos label = r"$%s (stacked)" % self.l2tex[l].replace('$','') if (isymb, spin) == (0, 0) else None fill = 'tonextx' if not exchange_xy else 'tonexty' fill_line_opts = {'color': self.l2color[l], 'width': 0.1} x1, x2, y1, y2 = mesh, mesh, ydown, yup if exchange_xy: x1, x2, y1, y2 = y1, y2, x1, x2 fig.add_scatter(x=x1, y=y1, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name='', showlegend=False, legendgroup=l, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) fig.add_scatter(x=x2, y=y2, mode='lines', line=fill_line_opts, name=label, opacity=self.alpha, showlegend=showlegend, legendgroup=l, fill=fill, row=ply_row, col=ply_col) plotly_set_lims(fig, xlims, "x", iax=iax) plotly_set_lims(fig, ylims, "y", iax=iax) # Decorate axis. for spin in range(self.nsppol): if aliased_axis and spin == 1: break # Don't repeat yourself! for isymb, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc(spin//comb_s, isymb+band_and_dos*(isymb+1), nrows, ncols*(1+band_and_dos)) iax = rcd.iax if with_info: if combined_spins: title = "Type: %s" % symbol else: title = r"$%s , %s$" % (symbol, self.spin2tex[spin].replace('$','')) if self.nsppol == 2 else symbol fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = title else: fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].text = '' fig.layout.annotations[iax - 1].font.size = fontsize # Display y labels only on the first plot. if with_info: fig.layout['xaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text="Energy (eV)") if isymb == 0: if exchange_xy: fig.layout['xaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text='DOS (states/eV)') else: fig.layout['yaxis%u' % iax].title = dict(text='DOS (states/eV)') fig.layout.legend.font.size = fontsize return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fatbands_with_pjdos(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, lmax=None, blist=None, view="type", pjdosfile=None, edos_kwargs=None, stacked=True, width_ratios=(2, 1), fontsize=8, ylims=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the fatbands and the PJDOS on the same figure with matplotlib, a.k.a the Sistine Chapel. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included pjdosfile: FATBANDS file used to compute the PJDOS. If None, the PJDOS is taken from self. edos_kwargs: stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. width_ratios: Defines the ratio between the band structure plot and the dos plot. fontsize: Legend fontsize. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ closeit = False if pjdosfile is not None: if not isinstance(pjdosfile, FatBandsFile): # String --> open the file here and close it before returning. pjdosfile = FatBandsFile(pjdosfile) closeit = True else: # Compute PJDOS from self. pjdosfile = self if not pjdosfile.ebands.kpoints.is_ibz: cprint("DOS requires k-points in the IBZ but got pjdosfile: %s" % repr(pjdosfile), "yellow") cprint("Returning None", "yellow") return None if edos_kwargs is None: edos_kwargs = {} # Build plot grid. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec, GridSpecFromSubplotSpec fig = plt.figure() # Define number of columns depending on view mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 #ncols = dict(type=self.ntypat, lview=self.lsize)[view] ncols = dict(type=self.ntypat, lview=mylsize)[view] gspec = GridSpec(nrows=self.nsppol, ncols=ncols) fatbands_axmat = np.empty((self.nsppol, ncols), dtype=object) pjdos_axmat = fatbands_axmat.copy() for spin in range(self.nsppol): for icol in range(ncols): subgrid = GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 2, subplot_spec=gspec[spin, icol], width_ratios=width_ratios, wspace=0.05) # Similar plots share the x-axis. All plots share the y-axis. prev_fatbax = None if (icol == 0 and spin == 0) else fatbands_axmat[0, 0] ax1 = plt.subplot(subgrid[0], sharex=prev_fatbax, sharey=prev_fatbax) prev_pjdosax = None if (icol == 0 and spin == 0) else pjdos_axmat[0, 0] ax2 = plt.subplot(subgrid[1], sharex=prev_pjdosax, sharey=ax1) fatbands_axmat[spin, icol] = ax1 pjdos_axmat[spin, icol] = ax2 # Plot bands on fatbands_axmat and PJDOS on pjdos_axmat. if view == "lview": self.plot_fatbands_lview(e0=e0, fact=fact, lmax=lmax, blist=blist, ax_mat=fatbands_axmat, fontsize=fontsize, ylims=ylims, show=False) pjdosfile.plot_pjdos_lview(e0=e0, lmax=lmax, ax_mat=pjdos_axmat, exchange_xy=True, stacked=stacked, combined_spins=False, fontsize=fontsize, with_info=False, with_spin_sign=False, show=False, ylims=ylims, **edos_kwargs) elif view == "type": self.plot_fatbands_typeview(e0=e0, fact=fact, lmax=lmax, blist=blist, ax_mat=fatbands_axmat, fontsize=fontsize, ylims=ylims, show=False) pjdosfile.plot_pjdos_typeview(e0=e0, lmax=lmax, ax_mat=pjdos_axmat, exchange_xy=True, stacked=stacked, combined_spins=False, fontsize=fontsize, with_info=False, with_spin_sign=False, show=False, ylims=ylims, **edos_kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle view=%s" % str(view)) # Remove labels from DOS plots. for ax in pjdos_axmat.ravel(): ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylabel("") #ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) for xtick, ytick in zip(ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(), ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()): xtick.label1.set_fontsize(0) ytick.label1.set_fontsize(0) if closeit: pjdosfile.close() return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly_fatbands_with_pjdos(self, e0="fermie", fact=1.0, lmax=None, blist=None, view="type", pjdosfile=None, edos_kwargs=None, stacked=True, width_ratios=(2, 1), fontsize=12, ylims=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the fatbands and the PJDOS on the same figure with plotly, a.k.a the Sistine Chapel. Args: e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: - ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. - Number e.g ``e0 = 0.5``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0`` fact: float used to scale the stripe size. lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. blist: List of band indices for the fatband plot. If None, all bands are included pjdosfile: FATBANDS file used to compute the PJDOS. If None, the PJDOS is taken from self. edos_kwargs: stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. width_ratios: Defines the ratio between the band structure plot and the dos plot. fontsize: Legend and subtitle fontsize. ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ closeit = False if pjdosfile is not None: if not isinstance(pjdosfile, FatBandsFile): # String --> open the file here and close it before returning. pjdosfile = FatBandsFile(pjdosfile) closeit = True else: # Compute PJDOS from self. pjdosfile = self if not pjdosfile.ebands.kpoints.is_ibz: cprint("DOS requires k-points in the IBZ but got pjdosfile: %s" % repr(pjdosfile), "yellow") cprint("Returning None", "yellow") return None if edos_kwargs is None: edos_kwargs = {} # Define number of columns depending on view mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 #ncols = dict(type=self.ntypat, lview=self.lsize)[view] ncols = dict(type=self.ntypat, lview=mylsize)[view] # Build fig with subplots for bands(at odd_col) and dos(at even_col). fig, _ = get_figs_plotly(nrows=self.nsppol, ncols=ncols*2, subplot_titles=list(range(1, self.nsppol*ncols*2 + 1)), sharex=True, sharey=True, horizontal_spacing=0.02, column_widths=width_ratios*ncols) # Plot bands and PJDOS on fig with kwargs 'band_and_dos=1' . if view == "lview": self.plotly_fatbands_lview(e0=e0, fact=fact, lmax=lmax, blist=blist, fig=fig, ylims=ylims, fontsize=fontsize, band_and_dos=1, show=False) pjdosfile.plotly_pjdos_lview(e0=e0, lmax=lmax, fig=fig, exchange_xy=True, stacked=stacked, combined_spins=False, fontsize=fontsize, with_info=False, with_spin_sign=False, ylims=ylims, band_and_dos=1, show=False, **edos_kwargs) elif view == "type": self.plotly_fatbands_typeview(e0=e0, fact=fact, lmax=lmax, blist=blist, fig=fig, ylims=ylims, fontsize=fontsize, band_and_dos=1, show=False) pjdosfile.plotly_pjdos_typeview(e0=e0, lmax=lmax, fig=fig, exchange_xy=True, stacked=stacked, combined_spins=False, fontsize=fontsize, with_info=False, with_spin_sign=False, ylims=ylims, band_and_dos=1, show=False, **edos_kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle view=%s" % str(view)) if closeit: pjdosfile.close() return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_pawdos_terms(self, lmax=None, method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, xlims=None, *kwargs): """ Plot ... Args: lmax: Maximum L included in plot. None means full set available on file. method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)`` or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ if self.usepaw != 1: print("This is not a PAW calculation!") return None if self.prtdos != 3: print("prtdos == 3 is required!") return None # TODO: More tests. #if self.pawprtdos != 0: mylsize = self.lsize if lmax is None else lmax + 1 # Onsite contributions. # fracts_paw1,(dtset%nkpt,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,new%ndosfraction)) #wshape = (self.natom, self.mbesslang, self.nsppol, self.mband, self.nkpt) wal_sbk = self.wal_sbk paw1_wal_sbk = self._read_wal_sbk(key="dos_fractions_paw1") pawt1_wal_sbk = self._read_wal_sbk(key="dos_fractions_pawt1") ebands = self.ebands kpoints = ebands.kpoints nband_sk = ebands.nband_sk eigens = ebands.eigens # Compute the linear mesh for DOS. epad = 1.0 e_min = ebands.enemin() - epad e_max = ebands.enemax() + epad nw = int(1 + (e_max - e_min) / step) mesh, step = np.linspace(e_min, e_max, num=nw, endpoint=True, retstep=True) totdos_al = np.zeros((self.natom, self.lsize, self.nsppol, nw)) paw1dos_al = np.zeros((self.natom, self.lsize, self.nsppol, nw)) pawt1dos_al = np.zeros((self.natom, self.lsize, self.nsppol, nw)) if method == "gaussian": for spin in range(self.nsppol): for k, kpoint in enumerate(kpoints): weight = kpoint.weight for band in range(nband_sk[spin, k]): gs = gaussian(mesh, width, center=eigens[spin,k,band]) for iatom in range(self.natom): if not self.has_atom[iatom]: continue for l in range(min(self.lmax_atom[iatom] + 1, mylsize)): totdos_al[iatom, l, spin] += weight * gs * wal_sbk[iatom, l, spin, band, k] paw1dos_al[iatom, l, spin] += weight * gs * paw1_wal_sbk[iatom, l, spin, band, k] pawt1dos_al[iatom, l, spin] += weight * gs * pawt1_wal_sbk[iatom, l, spin, band, k] else: raise ValueError("Method %s is not supported" % method) # TOT = PW + AE - PS pwdos_al = totdos_al - paw1dos_al + pawt1dos_al # Build plot grid. nrows, ncols = np.count_nonzero(self.has_atom), self.lsize ax_mat = None ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) ax_mat = np.reshape(ax_mat, (nrows, ncols)) irow = -1 for iatom in range(self.natom): if not self.has_atom[iatom]: continue irow += 1 #for l in range(min(self.lmax_atom[iatom] + 1, mylsize)): for l in range(min(self.lsize, mylsize)): ax = ax_mat[irow, l] if l >= self.lmax_atom[iatom]+1: # don't show this plots and cycle ax.axis("off") continue ax.grid(True) if l != 0: ax.set_ylabel("") # Only the first column show labels. #ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(fontsize=0) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(0) for spin in range(self.nsppol): spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1 ax.plot(mesh, totdos_al[iatom, l, spin] * spin_sign, color="k", label="Total" if (irow, l, spin) == (0, 0, 0) else None) ax.plot(mesh, pwdos_al[iatom, l, spin] * spin_sign, color="r", label="PW part" if (irow, l, spin) == (0, 0, 0) else None) ax.plot(mesh, paw1dos_al[iatom, l, spin] * spin_sign, color="b", label="AE-onsite" if (irow, l, spin) == (0, 0, 0) else None) ax.plot(mesh, pawt1dos_al[iatom, l, spin] * spin_sign, color="g", label="PS-onsite" if (irow, l, spin) == (0, 0, 0) else None) for ax in ax_mat[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)') set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
# TODO: THIS CODE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT #@add_fig_kwargs #def plot_pjdos_spinor(self, terms=("sigma_x", "sigma_y", "sigma_z"), # e0="fermie", method="gaussian", step=0.1, width=0.2, # blist=None, # #stacked=True, # ax=None, exchange_xy=False, xlims=None, # #with_info=True, # **kwargs): # """ # Plot the PJ-DOS on a linear mesh. # Args: # terms: # e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values: # - `fermie`: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy. # - Number e.g e0=0.5: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV # - None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to e0=0 # method: String defining the method for the computation of the DOS. # step: Energy step (eV) of the linear mesh. # width: Standard deviation (eV) of the gaussian. # stacked: True if DOS partial contributions should be stacked on top of each other. # ax: matplotlib axis, if None a new figure is generated. # exchange_xy: True if the dos should be plotted on the x axis instead of y. # xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. `(left, right)` # or scalar e.g. `left`. If left (right) is None, default values are used # Returns: # `matplotlib` figure # """ # # TODO: To be tested. # if self.prtdos != 5 and self.nspinor != 2: # print("This method assumes prtdos=5 and nspinor=2 but file has prtdos=%s and nspinor=%s" # % (self.prtdos, self.nspinor)) # return None # try: # intg = self.get_dos_integrator(method, step, width) # except Exception: # msg = traceback.format_exc() # msg += ("Error while trying to compute the DOS.\n" # "Verify that the k-points form a homogenous sampling of the BZ.\n" # "Returning None\n") # print(msg) # return None # # Get energy mesh from total DOS and define the zero of energy # # Note that the mesh is not not spin-dependent. # e0 = self.ebands.get_e0(e0) # mesh = intg.mesh.copy() # mesh -= e0 # ebands = self.ebands # mybands = range(ebands.mband) if blist is None else blist # # Read data from file. # # Dos fractions contains: [ndosfraction, nsppol, mband, nkpt]. # # where the first dimension stores: (up,up up,down down,up down,down sigma_x sigma_y sigma_z) # w_sbk = self.reader.read_value("dos_fractions") # term2idx = {"up-up":0, "up-down":1, "down-up":2, "down-down":3, "sigma_x":4, "sigma_y":5, "sigma_z":6} # spin0 = 0 # terms = list_strings(terms) # dos_terms = {term: np.zeros(len(mesh)) for term in terms} # weights = np.array([k.weight for k in ebands.kpoints]) # for i, term in enumerate(terms): # idx = term2idx[term] # for band in mybands: # gaussians_dos(dos_terms[term], mesh, width, # w_sbk[idx, spin0, band, :], ebands.eigens[spin0, :, band], weights) # # Plot doses. # ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) # for term, yvals in dos_terms.items(): # ax.plot(mesh, yvals, color=self.spinors2color[term], label=self.spinors2tex[term]) # ax.grid(True) # ax.set_xlabel("Energy (eV)") # set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x") # ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) # return fig
[docs] def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. Used in to get a quick look at the results. """ if self.ebands.kpoints.is_path: yield self.ebands.kpoints.plot(show=False) yield self.plot_fatbands_lview(show=False) yield self.plot_fatbands_typeview(show=False) else: yield self.plot_pjdos_lview(show=False) yield self.plot_pjdos_typeview(show=False)
[docs] def yield_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user. """ if self.ebands.kpoints.is_path: yield self.ebands.kpoints.plotly(show=False) yield self.plotly_fatbands_lview(show=False) yield self.plotly_fatbands_typeview(show=False) else: yield self.plotly_pjdos_lview(show=False) yield self.plotly_pjdos_typeview(show=False)
[docs] def get_panel(self, **kwargs): """ Build panel with widgets to interact with the |FatbandsFile| either in a notebook or in panel app. """ from abipy.panels.fatbands import FatBandsFilePanel return FatBandsFilePanel(self).get_panel(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None): """ Write a jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If nbpath is None, a temporay file in the current working directory is created. Return path to the notebook. """ nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None) nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc = abilab.abiopen('%s')\nprint(fbnc)" % self.filepath), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.structure"), nbv.new_code_cell("#fbnc.ebands.kpoints.plot();"), nbv.new_code_cell("xlims = (None, None)\nylims = (None, None)"), nbv.new_code_cell("#fbnc.ebands.plot(ylims=ylims);"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.ebands.boxplot();"), ]) if self.prtdos == 3: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Fatbands plots with L-character \n(require `prtdos=3`)"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_typeview(ylims=ylims);"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_lview(ylims=ylims);"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_siteview(ylims=ylims);"), ]) if self.prtdos == 3 and self.prtdosm != 0: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Fatbands plots with LM-character \n(require `prtdos = 3 and prtdosm != 0`)"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_mview(iatom=0, ylims=ylims);"), ]) if self.prtdos == 5 and self.nspinor == 2: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Fatbands plots with Spin-character \n(require `prtdos = 5 and nspinor == 2`)"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_spinor(ylims=ylims);"), ]) if self.prtdos == 3 and self.ebands.kpoints.is_mpmesh: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("## L-DOSes plots \n(require `prtdos = 3` and BZ sampling)"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_pjdos_lview(xlims=xlims);"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_pjdos_typeview(xlims=xlims);"), ]) if self.prtdos == 3 and self.ebands.kpoints.is_path: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell( "## L-DOSes with fatbands\n" "(require `prtdos=3`, `fbnc` must contain a k-path, " "`pjdosfile` is a `` file with a BZ sampling)"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_fatbands_with_pjdos(pjdosfile=None, ylims=ylims, view='type');"), ]) if self.usepaw == 1 and self.prtdos != 3: nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_markdown_cell("## PAW L-DOS decomposed into smooth PW part, AE and PS terms"), nbv.new_code_cell("fbnc.plot_pawdos_terms();"), ]) return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
class _DosIntegrator(object): """ This object is responsible for the integration of the DOS/PJDOS. It's an internal object that should not be instantiated directly outside of this module. PJDOSes are computed lazily and stored in the integrator so that we can reuse the results if needed. """ def __init__(self, fbfile, method, step, width): """ """ self.fbfile, self.method, self.step, self.width = fbfile, method, step, width # Compute Total DOS from ebands and define energy mesh. self.edos = fbfile.ebands.get_edos(method=method, step=step, width=width) self.mesh = self.edos.spin_dos[0].mesh #@lazy_property #def site_edos(self): # """Array [natom, nsppol, lmax**2]""" @lazy_property def symbols_lso(self): """ """ fbfile, ebands = self.fbfile, self.fbfile.ebands # Compute l-decomposed PJDOS for each type of atom. symbols_lso = OrderedDict() if self.method == "gaussian": for symbol in fbfile.symbols: lmax = fbfile.lmax_symbol[symbol] wlsbk = fbfile.get_wl_symbol(symbol) lso = np.zeros((fbfile.lsize, fbfile.nsppol, len(self.mesh))) for spin in range(fbfile.nsppol): for k, kpoint in enumerate(ebands.kpoints): weight = kpoint.weight for band in range(ebands.nband_sk[spin, k]): e = ebands.eigens[spin, k, band] for l in range(lmax + 1): lso[l, spin] += wlsbk[l, spin, band, k] *\ weight * gaussian(self.mesh, self.width, center=e) symbols_lso[symbol] = lso else: raise ValueError("Method %s is not supported" % self.method) return symbols_lso @lazy_property def ls_stackdos(self): """ Compute ``ls_stackdos`` datastructure for stacked DOS. ls_stackdos maps (l, spin) onto a numpy array [nsymbols, nfreqs] where [isymb, :] contains the cumulative sum of the PJDOS(l,s) up to symbol isymb. """ fbfile = self.fbfile from itertools import product dls = defaultdict(dict) for symbol, lso in self.symbols_lso.items(): for l, spin in product(range(fbfile.lmax_symbol[symbol]+1), range(fbfile.nsppol)): dls[(l, spin)][symbol] = lso[l, spin] ls_stackdos = {} nsymb = len(fbfile.symbols) for (l, spin), dvals in dls.items(): arr = np.zeros((nsymb, len(self.mesh))) for isymb, symbol in enumerate(fbfile.symbols): arr[isymb] = dvals[symbol] ls_stackdos[(l, spin)] = arr.cumsum(axis=0) return ls_stackdos def get_lstack_symbol(self, symbol, spin): """ Return |numpy-array| with the cumulative sum over l for a given atom type (specified by the chemical symbol ``symbol``) and spin. """ lso = self.symbols_lso[symbol][:, spin] return lso.cumsum(axis=0)