# coding: utf-8
Objects common to the other eph modules.
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu
from collections import OrderedDict
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronsReader
# Phonon frequency in Ha below which e-ph matrix elements are set to zero.
EPH_WTOL = 1e-6
class BaseEphReader(ElectronsReader):
Provides methods common to the netcdf files produced by the EPH code.
See Abinit docs for the meaning of the variables.
def ddb_ngqpt(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Q-Mesh for DDB file."""
return self.read_value("ddb_ngqpt")
def ngqpt(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Effective Q-mesh used in to compute integrals (ph_linewidts, e-ph self-energy)."""
return self.read_value("ngqpt")
def ph_ngqpt(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Q-mesh for Phonon DOS, interpolated A2F ..."""
return self.read_value("ph_ngqpt")
def eph_ngqpt_fine(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Q-mesh for interpolated DFPT potentials"""
return self.read_value("eph_ngqpt_fine")
def common_eph_params(self) -> dict:
Read basic parameters (scalars) from the netcdf files produced by the EPH code and cache them
od = OrderedDict([
("ddb_nqbz", np.prod(self.ddb_ngqpt)),
("eph_nqbz_fine", np.prod(self.eph_ngqpt_fine)),
("ph_nqbz", np.prod(self.ph_ngqpt)),
for vname in ["eph_intmeth", "eph_fsewin", "eph_fsmear", "eph_extrael", "eph_fermie"]:
value = self.read_value(vname)
if vname in ("eph_intmeth",):
value = int(value)
value = float(value)
od[vname] = value
return od
def glr_frohlich(qpoint, becs_cart, epsinf_cart, phdispl_cart_bohr, phfreqs_ha, structure,
qdamp=None, eph_wtol=EPH_WTOL, tol_qnorm=1e-6):
Compute the long-range part of the e-ph matrix element with the simplified Frohlich model
i.e. we include only G = 0 and the <k+q,b1|e^{i(q+G).r}|b2,k> coefficient is replaced by delta_{b1, b2}
qpoint: |Kpoint| object.
becs_cart: (natom, 3, 3) arrays with Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates.
epsinf_cart: (3, 3) array with macroscopic dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates.
phdispl_cart_bohr: (natom3_nu, natom3) complex array with phonon displacement in Cartesian coordinates (Bohr)
phfreqs_ha: (3 * natom) array with phonon frequencies in Ha.
structure: |Structure| object.
qdamp: Exponential damping.
eph_wtol: Set g to zero below this phonon frequency.
tol_qnorm: Tolerance of the norm of the q-point.
(natom3) complex array with glr_nu.
natom = len(structure)
natom3 = natom * 3
# 2pi factor already included in frac_coords
qcs = qpoint.cart_coords
q_eps_q = np.dot(qcs, np.matmul(epsinf_cart, qcs))
phdispl_cart_bohr = np.reshape(phdispl_cart_bohr, (natom3, natom, 3))
xred = structure.frac_coords
# Acoustic modes are included --> assume BECS fullfill charge neutrality
glr_nu = np.empty(natom3, dtype=complex)
for nu in range(natom3):
if phfreqs_ha[nu] < EPH_WTOL or q_eps_q < tol_qnorm: continue
num = 0.0j
for iat in range(natom):
cdd = phdispl_cart_bohr[nu, iat] * np.exp(-2.0j * np.pi * np.dot(qpoint.frac_coords, xred[iat]))
num += np.dot(qcs, np.matmul(becs_cart[iat], cdd))
glr_nu[nu] = num / (q_eps_q * np.sqrt(2.0 * phfreqs_ha[nu]))
fact = 1
if qdamp is not None: fact = np.exp(-qpoint.norm**2/(4*qdamp))
return fact * glr_nu * 4j * np.pi / (structure.volume*abu.Ang_Bohr**3)