Source code for abipy.flowtk.wrappers

# coding: utf-8
"""Wrappers for ABINIT main executables"""
import os
import numpy as np

from monty.string import list_strings
from io import StringIO
from abipy.core.globals import get_workdir

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = "Matteo Giantomassi"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, The Materials Project"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Matteo Giantomassi"
__email__ = "gmatteo at"
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "$Feb 21, 2013M$"

__all__ = [

class ExecError(Exception):
    """Error class raised by :class:`ExecWrapper`"""

class ExecWrapper(object):
    """Base class that runs an executable in a subprocess."""
    Error = ExecError

    def __init__(self, manager=None, executable=None, verbose=0):
            manager: :class:`TaskManager` object responsible for the submission of the jobs.
                if manager is None, the default manager is used.
            executable: path to the executable.
            verbose: Verbosity level.
        from .tasks import TaskManager
        self.manager = manager if manager is not None else TaskManager.from_user_config()
        self.manager = self.manager.to_shell_manager(mpi_procs=1)

        self.executable = executable if executable is not None else
        assert os.path.basename(self.executable) ==
        self.verbose = int(verbose)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s" % self.executable

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def execute(self, workdir, exec_args=None):
        # Try to execute binary without and with mpirun.
            return self._execute(workdir, with_mpirun=True, exec_args=exec_args)
        except self.Error:
            return self._execute(workdir, with_mpirun=False, exec_args=exec_args)

    def _execute(self, workdir, with_mpirun=False, exec_args=None):
        Execute the executable in a subprocess inside workdir.

        Some executables fail if we try to launch them with mpirun.
        Use with_mpirun=False to run the binary without it.
        qadapter = self.manager.qadapter
        if not with_mpirun: = None
        if self.verbose:
            print("Working in:", workdir)

        script = qadapter.get_script_str(

        # Write the script.
        script_file = os.path.join(workdir, "run" + + ".sh")
        with open(script_file, "w") as fh:
            os.chmod(script_file, 0o740)

        qjob, process = qadapter.submit_to_queue(script_file)
        self.stdout_data, self.stderr_data = process.communicate()
        self.returncode = process.returncode
        #raise self.Error("%s returned %s\n cmd_str: %s" % (self, self.returncode, self.cmd_str))

        return self.returncode

[docs]class Mrgscr(ExecWrapper): _name = "mrgscr"
[docs] def merge_qpoints(self, workdir, files_to_merge, out_prefix): """ Execute mrgscr inside directory `workdir` to merge `files_to_merge`. Produce new file with prefix `out_prefix` """ # We work with absolute paths. files_to_merge = [os.path.abspath(s) for s in list_strings(files_to_merge)] nfiles = len(files_to_merge) if self.verbose: print("Will merge %d files with output_prefix %s" % (nfiles, out_prefix)) for (i, f) in enumerate(files_to_merge): print(" [%d] %s" % (i, f)) if nfiles == 1: raise self.Error("merge_qpoints does not support nfiles == 1") self.stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname = \ map(os.path.join, 3 * [workdir], ["mrgscr.stdin", "mrgscr.stdout", "mrgscr.stderr"]) inp = StringIO() inp.write(str(nfiles) + "\n") # Number of files to merge. inp.write(out_prefix + "\n") # Prefix for the final output file: for filename in files_to_merge: inp.write(filename + "\n") # List with the files to merge. inp.write("1\n") # Option for merging q-points. self.stdin_data = [s for s in inp.getvalue()] with open(self.stdin_fname, "w") as fh: fh.writelines(self.stdin_data) # Force OS to write data to disk. fh.flush() os.fsync(fh.fileno()) self.execute(workdir)
[docs]class Mrgddb(ExecWrapper): _name = "mrgddb"
[docs] def merge(self, workdir, ddb_files, out_ddb, description, delete_source_ddbs=True): """Merge DDB file, return the absolute path of the new database in workdir.""" # We work with absolute paths. ddb_files = [os.path.abspath(s) for s in list_strings(ddb_files)] if not os.path.isabs(out_ddb): out_ddb = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(workdir), os.path.basename(out_ddb)) if self.verbose: print("Will merge %d files into output DDB %s" % (len(ddb_files), out_ddb)) for i, f in enumerate(ddb_files): print(" [%d] %s" % (i, f)) # Handle the case of a single file since mrgddb uses 1 to denote GS files! if len(ddb_files) == 1: with open(ddb_files[0], "r") as inh, open(out_ddb, "w") as out: for line in inh: out.write(line) return out_ddb self.stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname = \ map(os.path.join, 3 * [os.path.abspath(workdir)], ["mrgddb.stdin", "mrgddb.stdout", "mrgddb.stderr"]) inp = StringIO() inp.write(out_ddb + "\n") # Name of the output file. inp.write(str(description) + "\n") # Description. inp.write(str(len(ddb_files)) + "\n") # Number of input DDBs. # Names of the DDB files. for fname in ddb_files: inp.write(fname + "\n") self.stdin_data = [s for s in inp.getvalue()] with open(self.stdin_fname, "wt") as fh: fh.writelines(self.stdin_data) # Force OS to write data to disk. fh.flush() os.fsync(fh.fileno()) retcode = self.execute(workdir, exec_args=['--nostrict']) if retcode == 0 and delete_source_ddbs: # Remove ddb files. for f in ddb_files: try: os.remove(f) except IOError: pass return out_ddb
[docs]class Mrgdvdb(ExecWrapper): _name = "mrgdv"
[docs] def merge(self, workdir, pot_files, out_dvdb, delete_source=True): """ Merge POT files containing 1st order DFPT potential return the absolute path of the new database in workdir. Args: delete_source: True if POT1 files should be removed after (successful) merge. """ # We work with absolute paths. pot_files = [os.path.abspath(s) for s in list_strings(pot_files)] if not os.path.isabs(out_dvdb): out_dvdb = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(workdir), os.path.basename(out_dvdb)) if self.verbose: print("Will merge %d files into output DVDB %s" % (len(pot_files), out_dvdb)) for i, f in enumerate(pot_files): print(" [%d] %s" % (i, f)) # Handle the case of a single file since mrgddb uses 1 to denote GS files! if len(pot_files) == 1: with open(pot_files[0], "r") as inh, open(out_dvdb, "w") as out: for line in inh: out.write(line) return out_dvdb self.stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname = \ map(os.path.join, 3 * [os.path.abspath(workdir)], ["mrgdvdb.stdin", "mrgdvdb.stdout", "mrgdvdb.stderr"]) inp = StringIO() inp.write(out_dvdb + "\n") # Name of the output file. inp.write(str(len(pot_files)) + "\n") # Number of input POT files. # Names of the POT files. for fname in pot_files: inp.write(fname + "\n") self.stdin_data = [s for s in inp.getvalue()] with open(self.stdin_fname, "wt") as fh: fh.writelines(self.stdin_data) # Force OS to write data to disk. fh.flush() os.fsync(fh.fileno()) retcode = self.execute(workdir) if retcode == 0 and delete_source: # Remove pot files. for f in pot_files: try: os.remove(f) except IOError: pass return out_dvdb
class Cut3D(ExecWrapper): _name = "cut3d" def cut3d(self, cut3d_input, workdir): """ Runs cut3d with a Cut3DInput Args: cut3d_input: a Cut3DInput object. workdir: directory where cut3d is executed. Returns: (string) absolute path to the standard output of the cut3d execution. (string) absolute path to the output filepath. None if output is required. """ self.stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname = \ map(os.path.join, 3 * [os.path.abspath(workdir)], ["cut3d.stdin", "cut3d.stdout", "cut3d.stderr"]) cut3d_input.write(self.stdin_fname) retcode = self._execute(workdir, with_mpirun=False) if retcode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error while running cut3d in %s." % workdir) output_filepath = cut3d_input.output_filepath if output_filepath is not None: if not os.path.isabs(output_filepath): output_filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, output_filepath)) if not os.path.isfile(output_filepath): raise RuntimeError("The file was not converted correctly in %s." % workdir) return self.stdout_fname, output_filepath class Fold2Bloch(ExecWrapper): """Wrapper for fold2Bloch Fortran executable.""" _name = "fold2Bloch" def unfold(self, wfkpath, folds, workdir=None): workdir = get_workdir(workdir) self.stdin_fname = None self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname = \ map(os.path.join, 2 * [workdir], ["fold2bloch.stdout", "fold2bloch.stderr"]) folds = np.array(folds, if len(folds) not in (3, 9): raise ValueError("Expecting 3 ints or 3x3 matrix but got %s" % (str(folds))) fold_arg = ":".join((str(f) for f in folds)) wfkpath = os.path.abspath(wfkpath) if not os.path.isfile(wfkpath): raise RuntimeError("WFK file `%s` does not exist in %s" % (wfkpath, workdir)) # Usage: $ fold2Bloch file_WFK x:y:z (folds) retcode = self.execute(workdir, exec_args=[wfkpath, fold_arg]) if retcode: print("stdout:") print(self.stdout_data) print("stderr:") print(self.stderr_data) raise RuntimeError("fold2bloch returned %s in %s" % (retcode, workdir)) filepaths = [f for f in os.listdir(workdir) if f.endswith("")] if len(filepaths) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find * file in: %s" % str(os.listdir(workdir))) return os.path.join(workdir, filepaths[0])