Source code for

Python interface to fftprof. Provides objects to benchmark
the FFT libraries used by ABINIT and plot the results with matplotlib.
import os
import tempfile
import numpy as np

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from monty.os.path import which
from monty.fnmatch import WildCard
from import add_fig_kwargs

__all__ = [

_color_fftalg = {
    112: "r",
    #311: "y",
    312: "b",
    412: "y",
    401: "c",
    #511: "c",
    512: "g",

_linestyle_nt = {
    1: "-",
    2: "--",
    3: "-.",
    4: ":",
    5: "-",
    6: "--",
    7: "-.",
    8: ":",

_markers_nt = {
    1: "1",
    2: ">",
    3: "2",
    4: "<",
    5: "3",
    6: "*",
    7: "4",
    8: "+",

class FFT_Test(object):
    This object stores the wall-time of the FFT
    as a function of the size of the problem.
    def __init__(self, ecut, ngfft, wall_time, info):
            ecut: List of cutoff energies in Hartree.
            ngfft: List with FFT divisions.
            wall_time: List of wall_time for the different ecut.
            info: Dictionary with extra information.
        self.ecut = np.asarray(ecut)
        self.necut = len(ecut)
        self.ngfft = np.asarray(ngfft, int)
        self.wall_time = np.asarray(wall_time)

        self._info = info
        self.available = int(self.available)

        self.fftalg = int(self.fftalg)
        self.nthreads = int(self.nthreads)

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation."""
        return "fftalg: %s, nt: %d" % (self.fftalg, self.nthreads)

    def speedup_wrt(self, other):
        """Compare self with other, return a new instance of FFT_Test containing the speedup."""
        info = self._info.copy()
        info["speedup"] = other.wall_time / self.wall_time
        return FFT_Test(self.ecut, self.ngfft, self.wall_time, info)

    def plot_ax(self, ax, ydata=None, fact=1.0):
        """Plot ydata on the axis ax. If data is None, the wall_time is plotted."""
        color = _color_fftalg[self.fftalg]
        linestyle = _linestyle_nt[self.nthreads]
        marker = _markers_nt[self.nthreads]

        xx = self.ecut

        if ydata is None:
            yy = self.wall_time
            yy = self.__dict__[ydata]

        yy = yy * fact

        line, = ax.plot(xx, yy,
                        color=color, linestyle=linestyle, label=str(self), linewidth=3.0,
                        marker=marker, markersize=10)
        return line

[docs]class FFTBenchmark(object): """ Container class storing the results of the FFT benchmark. Use the class method ``from_file`` to generate a new instance. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fileobj): return parse_prof_file(fileobj)
def __init__(self, title, FFT_tests): self.title = title self._fftalgs = [] for test in FFT_tests: alg = test.fftalg if alg not in self._fftalgs: self._fftalgs.append(alg) self._fftalgs.sort() self.tests = [t for t in FFT_tests]
[docs] def iter_fftalgs(self): """Iterator over the FFT algorithms.""" return self._fftalgs.__iter__()
[docs] def tests_with_fftalg(self, fftalg): """Return the list of FFT_tests with a given fftalg.""" lst = [] for t in self.tests: if t.fftalg == fftalg: lst.append(t) return lst
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot(self, exclude_algs=None, exclude_threads=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the wall-time and the speed-up. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) exc_algs = [] if exclude_algs is not None: exc_algs = [int(alg) for alg in exclude_algs] exc_nths = [] if exclude_threads is not None: exc_nths = [int(nth) for nth in exclude_threads] for test in self.tests: if test.fftalg in exc_algs: continue if test.available and test.nthreads not in exc_nths: #print("test", test.nthreads) test.plot_ax(ax1) ax1.legend(loc="upper left") ax1.grid(True) ax1.set_title(self.title) ax1.set_xlabel('Ecut [Hartree]') ax1.set_ylabel('WALL time (s)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax2.grid(True) ax2.set_xlabel('FFT divisions') ax2.set_ylabel('Efficiency') # Use FFT divs as labels. xticks = ax1.get_xticks() #print(xticks) t0 = self.tests[0] labels = [str(ndiv) for ndiv in t0.ngfft] #labels = [] #for t ndiv in zip(t0.ecut, t0.ngfft): #for #labels = [ str(ndiv) for ndiv in t0.ngfft ] #print labels # Rotate labels. ax2.set_xticklabels(labels, fontdict=None, minor=False, rotation=35) for fftalg in self.iter_fftalgs(): if fftalg in exc_algs: continue tests = self.tests_with_fftalg(fftalg) for t in tests: if t.nthreads == 1: ref_test = t break else: raise ValueError("Ref file not found") for t in tests: tspeed = t.speedup_wrt(ref_test) fact = 1.0 / t.nthreads if t.nthreads != 1 and t.available and t.nthreads not in exc_nths: tspeed.plot_ax(ax2, ydata="speedup", fact=fact) # Use FFT divs as labels. xticks = ax1.get_xticks() #print(xticks) t0 = self.tests[0] labels = [] for xtick in xticks: xecut = float(xtick) for ecut, ndiv in zip(t0.ecut, t0.ngfft): if abs(ecut - xecut) < 0.1: #print(ecut, xecut, ndiv) labels.append(str(ndiv)) break else: msg = "xecut" + str(xecut) + " not found" labels.append("") #raise RuntimeError(msg) #print("labels:", labels) # Set and rotate labels. ax2.set_xticklabels(labels, fontdict=None, minor=False, rotation=35) ideal = [1.0 for i in range(t0.necut)] ax2.plot(t0.ecut, ideal, "b-", linewidth=3.0) return fig
def parse_prof_file(fileobj): """ Parse the PROF file generated by fftprof.F90. Args: fileobj: String or file-like object. Returns: Instance of FFTBenchmark. """ # The file contains # 1) An initial header with info on the routine. # 2) The list of fftalgs that have been analyzed. # Results: # ecut ngfft(1:3) wall_times # # Example # Benchmark: routine = fourwf, cplex = 1, option= 2, istwfk= 1 # fftalg = 112, fftcache = 16, ndat = 1, nthreads = 1, available = 1 # fftalg = 401, fftcache = 16, ndat = 1, nthreads = 1, available = 1 # fftalg = 412, fftcache = 16, ndat = 1, nthreads = 1, available = 1 # fftalg = 312, fftcache = 16, ndat = 1, nthreads = 1, available = 1 # 20.0 91 91 90 0.0307 0.0330 0.0275 0.0283 # 30.0 101 101 100 0.0395 0.0494 0.0404 0.0333 if not hasattr(fileobj, "readlines"): with open(fileobj, "r") as fh: lines = fh.readlines() else: lines = fileobj.readlines() # Parse the header title = lines.pop(0)[1:] line = lines.pop(0) info_of_test = [] while line[0] == "#": line = line.replace("#", "") line = line.replace("\n", "") tokens = line.split(",") tokens = [tk.replace(" ", "") for tk in tokens] info = {} for tk in tokens: kw = tk.split("=") info[kw[0]] = kw[1] info_of_test.append(info) line = lines.pop(0) # Parse the columns: ecut ngfft(4:6) wall_time[1] wall_time[2] ... ntests = len(info_of_test) data = [[] for i in range(ntests)] ecut, ngfft = [], [] while line: vals = [float(v) for v in line.split()] ecut.append(vals[0]) ngfft.append(vals[1:4]) for idx, v in enumerate(vals[4:]): data[idx].append(v) try: line = lines.pop(0) except IndexError: line = None # Instantiate FFTBenchmark. fft_tests = [] for idx, wall_time in enumerate(data): info = info_of_test[idx] Test = FFT_Test(ecut, ngfft, wall_time, info) fft_tests.append(Test) return FFTBenchmark(title, fft_tests) class FFTProfError(Exception): """Exceptions raised by FFTprof.""" class FFTProf(object): """Wrapper around fftprof Fortran executable.""" Error = FFTProfError def __init__(self, fft_input, executable="fftprof"): self.verbose = 1 self.fft_input = fft_input self.executable = which(executable) if self.executable is None: raise self.Error("Cannot find executable %s in $PATH" % executable) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, executable="fftprof"): with open(filename, "r") as fh: fft_input = return cls(fft_input, executable=executable) def run(self): """Execute fftprof in a subprocess.""" self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print(self.workdir) self.stdin_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "") self.stdout_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "fftprof.out") self.stderr_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "fftprof.err") with open(self.stdin_fname, "w") as fh: fh.write(self.fft_input) args = [self.executable, "<", self.stdin_fname, ">", self.stdout_fname, "2>", self.stderr_fname] cmd_str = " ".join(args) p = Popen(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self.workdir) self.stdout_data, self.stderr_data = p.communicate() self.returncode = p.returncode if self.returncode != 0: with open(self.stdout_fname, "r") as out, open(self.stderr_fname, "r") as err: self.stdout_data = self.stderr_data = if self.verbose: print("*** stdout: ***\n", self.stdout_data) print("*** stderr: ***\n", self.stderr_data) raise self.Error("%s returned %s\n cmd_str: %s" % (self, self.returncode, cmd_str)) return self.returncode def plot(self): filepaths = WildCard("PROF_*").filter(os.listdir(self.workdir)) filepaths = filter(os.path.isfile, [os.path.join(self.workdir, f) for f in filepaths]) for prof_file in filepaths: if self.verbose: print("About to plot prof_file: ", prof_file) bench = FFTBenchmark.from_file(prof_file) bench.plot()