I've encountered an error during self-consistent GW calculations with abinit v6.12.3. Please consider the QPscGW run for Si with PAW below.
- It runs fine with just one spin, but fails with two spins. Of course, that's pointless for Si, but I found the same problem with Fe, so it seems to be a general problem with spin-polarized GW.
- The problem is related to MPI parallel execution: running abinit with a single MPI process is fine.
- Further, with a TM pseudo the run is fine in parallel, so it is related to PAW.
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# Crystalline silicon : computation of the total energy
# 1: ground state
# 2: KSS file
# 3: self-consistent GW
ndtset 3
# Dataset 1
prtden1 1 # write out the density for the KSS run
#Dataset 2
iscf2 -2 # non-self-consistent run
getden2 -1 # read previous density
nband2 100
nbandkss2 100
kssform2 3
#Dataset 3
optdriver3 8 # self-consistent GW
gwcalctyp3 29 # QPscGW with contour integration
gw_sctype3 4 # full self-consistency
gw_toldfeig3 0.0018 # self-consistency tolerance for eigenvalues 0.05 eV
gw_nstep3 5 # should be sufficient
gw_sigxcore3 1 # evaluate core orbitals on Fock-level
gwpara3 1 # parallelize over k-points
getkss3 -1 # get KSS from previous dataset
nband3 100 # bands for the screening calculation
symchi3 1 # symmetrize susceptibility
spmeth3 1 # use spectral method
ecutwfn3 5.0 # automatically set to ecut if not specified
ecuteps3 4.0 # dimension of the screening matrix
ecutsigx3 20.0 # cutoff for the Coulomb matrix
# Use contour deformation for the GW calculation
nfreqim3 10 # number of imaginary frequencies
nfreqre3 20 # number of real frequencies
freqremax3 4.0 # maximum real frequency
nomegasf3 200 # frequencies for spectral method
nkptgw3 10
kptgw3 # kpts for the GW calculation, same as for groundstate run
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
4.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
2.00000000E-01 2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
4.00000000E-01 2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
-4.00000000E-01 2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
-2.00000000E-01 2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
4.00000000E-01 4.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
-4.00000000E-01 4.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00
-4.00000000E-01 4.00000000E-01 2.00000000E-01
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
1 15
#do not use time-reversal symmetry
istwfk *1
#PBE xc functional
ixc 11
#Definition of the unit cell
acell 3*10.18 # This is equivalent to 10.18 10.18 10.18
rprim 0.0 0.5 0.5 # In lessons 1 and 2, these primitive vectors
0.5 0.0 0.5 # (to be scaled by acell) were 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0.5 0.5 0.0 # that is, the default.
#Definition of the atom types
ntypat 1 # There is only one type of atom
znucl 14 # The keyword "znucl" refers to the atomic number of the
# possible type(s) of atom. The pseudopotential(s)
# mentioned in the "files" file must correspond
# to the type(s) of atom. Here, the only type is Silicon.
#Definition of the atoms
natom 2 # There are two atoms
typat 1 1 # They both are of type 1, that is, Silicon.
xred # This keyword indicate that the location of the atoms
# will follow, one triplet of number for each atom
0.0 0.0 0.0 # Triplet giving the REDUCED coordinate of atom 1.
1/4 1/4 1/4 # Triplet giving the REDUCED coordinate of atom 2.
# Note the use of fractions (remember the limited
# interpreter capabilities of ABINIT)
nsppol 2
0 0 2
0 0 2
#Definition of the planewave basis set
ecut 5.0
pawecutdg 20.0
#Definition of the k-point grid
kptopt 1 # Option for the automatic generation of k points, taking
# into account the symmetry
ngkpt 5 5 5
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.0
#Definition of the SCF procedure
nstep 20 # Maximal number of SCF cycles
#toldfe 1.0d-7 # Will stop when, twice in a row, the difference
# between two consecutive evaluations of total energy
# differ by less than toldfe (in Hartree)
# This value is way too large for most realistic studies of materials
diemac 12.0 # Although this is not mandatory, it is worth to
# precondition the SCF cycle. The model dielectric
# function used as the standard preconditioner
# is described in the "dielng" input variable section.
# Here, we follow the prescription for bulk silicon.
#Magic for the nscf run
tolwfr 1.0d-10
The error message is
Code: Select all
*************** KS Energies *******************
rdqps: reading QP wavefunctions of the previous step
looking for file Si_GW_i_DS3_QPS
file not found, 1st iteration initialized with KS eigenelements
sigma : calculating QP occupation numbers
top of valence [eV] 0.85
bottom of conduction [eV] 1.47
Fermi energy [eV] 1.16
planewave contribution to nelect: 8.1721
-P-0000 m_wfs.F90:5273:ERROR
-P-0000 ug for (band, ik_ibz, spin): 11 1 2 is not stored in memory!
-P-0000 leave_new : decision taken to exit ...
The (band, ik_ibz, spin) index changes from run to run, so it does seem to be an MPI communication related problem.
Best regards,