optimize the cell  [SOLVED]

Total energy, geometry optimization, DFT+U, spin....

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optimize the cell  [SOLVED]

Post by aria » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:34 pm

Hello every one,
When I run the program to optimize the unit cell:
#Optimization of the lattice parameters
occopt 7
tsmear 0.00099
angdeg 90 90 120
spgroup 194
Chksymbreak 0
optcell 2
ionmov 2
ntime 400
dilatmx 1.05
ecutsm 0.5
I have the following warning:
src_file: vtorho.F90
src_line: 1515
message: |
For k-point number 97,
The minimal occupation factor is 0.219.
An adequate monitoring of convergence requires it to be at most 0.01_dp.
Action: increase slightly the number of bands.
What is it and how can I solve it?
Thanks a lot for your help and time.
Asadi Yaser

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:44 pm

Re: optimize the cell

Post by Benamrani2017 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:07 pm

hello friend

try to use a large value for nbands. and rerun the code.
