I am using ABINIT for electronic band structure calculation now. As Abinit is using Monkhost-Pack grid (M-P grid) method, which saves much time. But I want to get a full calculation of electronic band structure only considering high symmetry without considering those special k-points. In that case, can I set the value of some parameter(for instance, kptopt...) to turn off the M-P grid (special k-points)? Or where can I turn off the M-P grid for special k-point selection in the code?
Thanks in advance.
How to turn off Monkhost-Pack grid
Moderator: bguster
Re: How to turn off Monkhost-Pack grid
If you use kptopt 0, you then input nkpt, kpt, kptnrm, and wtk to specify exactly the k points you want (see the input variable documentation). However, are you sure this is really what you want to do? It might be better to run a GS calc on a grid, so you have an accurate computation of the density and wavefunctions, and then compute properties (nonselfconsistently for example) at certain k points using that input.
Josef W. Zwanziger
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada
Re: How to turn off Monkhost-Pack grid
jzwanzig wrote:If you use kptopt 0, you then input nkpt, kpt, kptnrm, and wtk to specify exactly the k points you want (see the input variable documentation). However, are you sure this is really what you want to do? It might be better to run a GS calc on a grid, so you have an accurate computation of the density and wavefunctions, and then compute properties (nonselfconsistently for example) at certain k points using that input.
Professor, thank you for your reply!
I want to calculate scf electronic band structure only with high-symmetry points. According to tutorial 3, si band structure is calculated first by a scf density calc which is based on M-P grid, followed by a non-scf band structure calc using the accurate density from first step. So I want to know if the computed band structure result can be considered as a scf iteration result without M-P grid, although the density is arrived using M-P grid. Or the non-scf band structure calc is also based on M-P grid? In this case, I need to turn off the M-P grid. Thanks.