A follow up on the topic.
I figured out that the configure and linnkig of abinit were messing up in between the loaded gnu compilers and libraries (via module load) and the pre-installed compiler and libraries on my ubuntu desktop.
Moreover I found two problems.
1) I run the configure with
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--with-trio-flavor="netcdf" --enable-netcdf-default
and then compiled. abinit was ginving as error
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--netcdf-default is on but netcdf library does not support MPI-IO. Aborting now
the linked library was however with MPI-IO support.
The message error was due to the fact that
was not defined by the configure
Indeed simply adding also the option
everything worked. A simple fix would be that
automatically activates the MPI-IO.
2) I'm testing the variable
Setting it to 1 in the input abinit crashes, gives an error due to a bag.
Below the patch
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diff --git a/src/67_common/m_iowf.F90 b/src/67_common/m_iowf.F90
index 4691596c3..7f879f552 100644
--- a/src/67_common/m_iowf.F90
+++ b/src/67_common/m_iowf.F90
@@ -379,11 +379,11 @@ subroutine outwf(cg,dtset,psps,eigen,filnam,hdr,kg,kptns,mband,mcg,mkmem,&
write(msg,'(a10,i5)') 'atype ',iat
call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
do iproj=1,psps%lnmax
- write(msg,'(a10,i5,a,a10,e12.4,a,3(a10,2e12.4,a))') &
+ write(msg,'(a10,i5,a,a10,e12.4,a,2(a10,2e12.4,a))') &
'projector ', iproj,ch10, &
'vkbsign ', vkbsign(iproj,iat), ch10, &
- 'vkb ', vkb(1,iproj,iat), vkb(npwk_disk,:,iat), ch10, &
- 'vkbd ', vkbd(1,iproj,iat), vkbd(npwk_disk,:,iat), ''
+ 'vkb ', vkb(1,iproj,iat), vkb(npwk_disk,iproj,iat), ch10, &
+ 'vkbd ', vkbd(1,iproj,iat), vkbd(npwk_disk,iproj,iat), ''
call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
end do
end do