ANADBB calculations in AlAs

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ANADBB calculations in AlAs

Post by suman » Sun May 31, 2020 5:04 am

Dear users,

I was trying to calculate elastic constants and piezoelectric coefficients for AlAs as per abinit website given in the link (

1. No issue in the ground-state geometry of (hypothetical) wurtzite AlAs

2. No issue in response-function calculations of several second derivatives of the total

3. But had issues in ANADDB calculation of atom-relaxation effects

For this steps my input files are as follows
DDB_telast2.out (from step 2 calculation)

Running this steps gave me an error as:

--- !ERROR
src_file: m_pspheads.F90
src_line: 149
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Fortran open returned iostat 29 while opening: dummy_epout
IOMSG: file not found, unit 1024, file /global/cscratch1/sd/suman/AlAs/ANADDB/k01/01-Density/dummy_epout

When I checked log file error pops out as

-instrng: 28 lines of input have been read from file

Please give name of formatted atomic psp file
iofn2 : for atom type 1, psp file is dummy_epout

--- !ERROR
src_file: m_pspheads.F90
src_line: 149
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Fortran open returned iostat 29 while opening: dummy_epout
IOMSG: file not found, unit 1024, file /global/cscratch1/sd/srajpand/AlAs/ANADDB/k01/01-Density/dummy_epout

I believe problem is in the pseudopotentials and I am using abinit 8.10.3.

Could you please let me know any issues in my attached files?
Any help would be highly appreciable.
Thank you

contains flag for different perturbations
(870 Bytes) Downloaded 178 times
output with error
(201.49 KiB) Downloaded 185 times
list of files to run job
(101 Bytes) Downloaded 197 times
DDB output from step2 calculations
(28.07 KiB) Downloaded 185 times

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:25 pm

Re: ANADBB calculations in AlAs

Post by suman » Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:48 pm

Hi abinit users,

I was able to sort out the issue on my own.
Thank you
