How is mpw computed - paral_kgb = 1

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How is mpw computed - paral_kgb = 1

Post by leo » Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:31 pm


I am using the version 7.10.2 of Abinit with parallelization over Kpt/bands/fft and I am encountering a warning I don't really know how to deal with. I am using the code under somewhat extreme conditions and in the log file I have a warning saying that my nband is higher than mpw and therefore I shouldn't expect any good results. I do understand that indeed, the hamiltonian matrix would have a lower rank than the expected number of eigenstates and I should have at best a degeneracy or a crash. But that's not what I get and the results seem pretty reasonable.

Furthermore, I don't understand how the mpw number is computed because, when I compute the number of G vectors based on the Ecut I use I have a gigantic number compared to the mpw written in the log file (15720 versus 31). But it seems commensurate if I multiply mpw by the number of processors used. Last, I have a number of bands of 256. So my questions are:
- how is mpw computed? is it different in the parallelized case?
- shall I worry about my results? or is it actually not mpw that is meaningful in determining the rank of the hamiltonian matrix?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.


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Re: How is mpw computed - paral_kgb = 1

Post by jtv » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:43 pm

This warning is meaningless when paral_kgb == 1, per gmatteo. See viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3177
