Phonons in Copper

Phonons, DFPT, electron-phonon, electric-field response, mechanical response…

Moderators: mverstra, joaocarloscabreu

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Phonons in Copper

Post by Gabriel » Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:08 pm

Dear All,

As part of my very first project with abinit, I'm aiming at reproducing the complete phonon dispersion curve of Copper using the LDA Trouilliers-Martins norm-conserving pseudopotential. Following the instructions given in the second tutorial on Response Functions and in the first part of the tutorial on electron-phonon interactions (elphon), I produced the attached input script for calculating the DDBs with the 2DTE for each phonon perturbation q. Furthermore, I used the set of q point mesh adjusted to the k point mesh used for the electronic structure as outlined in the Response function tutorial 2. However, by the time the code starts calculating the 3rd DDB, it crashes with the following error:

Code: Select all


 Non-SCF iterations; k pt #    1  k= -0.05000 -0.10000  0.00000  band residuals:
  cgwf3 : enter
 not treated in sg_fourwf

 leave_new : decision taken to exit ...

I also repeatedly get the following worrying warning message in my log file:

Code: Select all

 hdr_check: WARNING -
  Restart of self-consistent calculation need translated wavefunctions.
  Indeed, critical differences between current calculation and
  restart file have been detected in:
        * the number, position, or weight of k-points
        * the format of wavefunctions (istwfk)

Any input as to why this happens would be greatly appreciated, but bear in mind that I'm still a neophyte to ABINIT and DFT in general, so please be patient with me!

Thank you!
Input file
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Re: Phonons in Copper

Post by mverstra » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:13 pm


1) have a look at the latest (v6) version of the el-ph tutorial - you can simplify your input file a lot

2) I believe the problem comes from the parallelization options: you have set paral_kgb to 0, but left the others, and response function calculations are probably not coded with these options

paral_kgb 0

npband 2
npfft 1
npkpt 2

wfoptalg 4
fftalg 401
fft_opt_lob 2
nloalg 4

Remove these and use the defaults to see if it works. Response functions parallelize automatically over k-points, and can do bands as well, so leave it up to the code.


PS: good as an exercise, but el-ph coupling in Cu should be ridiculously small
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium

Posts: 655
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:01 pm

Re: Phonons in Copper

Post by mverstra » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:14 pm

PPS: you should use a non-shifted k-point grid for the el-ph calculation. I believe some things work ok, but the interpolation will be wrong at some stage.
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium
