Lattice Enthalpy

Total energy, geometry optimization, DFT+U, spin....

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Lattice Enthalpy

Post by brehmj » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:11 am

How can I determine the lattice enthalpy of a solid perovskite ABO3? Is there a defined process?
I guess, related, does a 5 atom unit cell calc of ABO3 yield a "solid" etotal or a molecular "etotal"?

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Re: Lattice Enthalpy

Post by aromero » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:50 pm

Relax you system at zero pressure, they make a run to different volumes (larger and smaller than the ground state) and you can obtain directly E+PV, or
you can also use an equation of state to find the enthalpy.


