by gmatteo » Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:21 pm
The orthonormality test is not correct in the case of PAW calculations since the onsite contribution is
missing. For the time being one has to skip the test on the orthonormality in 68_gw/mlwovlp_qp.F90
when PAW is used:
! if (ortho_err>tol6) then OLD VERSION
if (ortho_err>tol6.and. Dtset%usepaw==0) then NEW VERSION
write(msg, '(3a,i4,a,i6,a,1p,e8.1,3a)' )&
& ' orthonormality error for quasiparticle wave functions.',ch10,&
& ' spin=',isppol,' k point=',ikpt,' ortho_err=',ortho_err,' >1E-6',ch10,&
& ' Action : Be sure input nband>=maxval(bndgw)'
end if
This minor bug will be solved in v642.
You might look at the enclosed patch file to understand how to change the routine so
that the PAW scalar product is calculated correctly.