I'm new abinit user. After installing abinit, I employed some tutorial input files for exam but I get the below in each run:
" ABINIT 8.10.1
Give name for formatted input file:
Give name for formatted output file:
Give root name for generic input files:
Give root name for generic output files:
Give root name for generic temporary files:
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_dtfil.F90
src_line: 1138
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Checks for existence of file ab.in
but INQUIRE finds file does not exist.Action: check file name and re-run.
abi_abort: decision taken to exit ...
While the input file and files are in a same folder. Anyone knows where this problem arising from? Many thanks in advance for your help.
Error in running abinit
Moderators: fgoudreault, mcote
Forum rules
Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.
Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.
Re: Error in running abinit
Dear aes,
Sounds like the ab.in input file is not found by the code, I cannot tell you more than that, you probably have a problem of declaration of the input file from the ".files" file and the real input file name in the folder.
Best wishes,
Sounds like the ab.in input file is not found by the code, I cannot tell you more than that, you probably have a problem of declaration of the input file from the ".files" file and the real input file name in the folder.
Best wishes,