troullier martin pseudopotential??

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troullier martin pseudopotential??

Post by new_986 » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:53 am

Im doing LDA & GGA calculations using troullier martin pseudopotential for some of II-VI semiconductors (ZnS,ZnSe,...) but my results are not accurate comparing with other LDA & GGA results,, and when i use HGH psp my results are good for the same other input variables ,,, is troullier martin pseudopotential are always not accurate or there is something wrong with my input file?

Nawzad A.

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Re: troullier martin pseudopotential??

Post by mverstra » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:24 pm

Depends on the pseudopotential. In general various types of NC potentials can give comparable accuracy. PAW will be more precise.
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium

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Re: troullier martin pseudopotential??

Post by tetermp » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:59 pm

Many of the Troullier-Martin pseudopotentials have core radii whose sum is greater than the typical bond length. If the cores overlap, the results are generally bad. GTH pseudopotentials will avoid this
problem, but the cutoff energy is much higher. PAW pseudopotentials offer accuracy and low cutoff, but often boxcut must be must greater than 2.

Dr. Michael Teter
1052 Glade Park East
Kittanning, PA 16201

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Re: troullier martin pseudopotential??

Post by new_986 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:58 am

tetermp wrote:Many of the Troullier-Martin pseudopotentials have core radii whose sum is greater than the typical bond length. If the cores overlap, the results are generally bad. GTH pseudopotentials will avoid this
problem, but the cutoff energy is much higher. PAW pseudopotentials offer accuracy and low cutoff, but often boxcut must be must greater than 2.


I have GTH pseudopotentials but for LDA there are no GTH pseudopotentials for all elements in abinit website and for GGA the pspcode integer equal to 10 but in abinit should be between 1 and 8
could I change pspcode??

Nawzad A.
