I have installed all mandatory libraries for abinit-9.0.2 and I have configured it. I executed the following command for configure:
./configure with_libxc=/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/fallbacks/install/gnu/9.3/libxc/4.2.3/ with_hdf5=/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/fallbacks/install/gnu/9.3/hdf5/1.10.6/ with_netcdf=/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/fallbacks/install/gnu/9.3/netcdf4/ with_netcdf_fortran=/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/fallbacks/install/gnu/9.3/netcdf4_fortran/4.4.4/ with_linalg=/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/fallbacks/install/gnu/9.3/linalg/abinit_6.10/ FC=gfortran
And the result was the following
Core build parameters
* C compiler : gnu version 9.3
* Fortran compiler : gnu version 9.3
* architecture : unknown unknown (64 bits)
* debugging : basic
* optimizations : standard
* OpenMP enabled : no (collapse: ignored)
* MPI enabled : no (flavor: none)
* MPI in-place : no
* MPI-IO enabled : no
* GPU enabled : no (flavor: none)
* LibXML2 enabled : no
* HDF5 enabled : yes (MPI support: no)
* NetCDF enabled : yes (MPI support: unknown)
* NetCDF-F enabled : yes (MPI support: unknown)
* FFT flavor : goedecker (libs: auto-detected)
* LINALG flavor : none (libs: ignored)
* Build workflow : monolith
0 deprecated options have been used:.
Configuration complete.
You may now type "make" to build Abinit.
(or "make -j<n>", where <n> is the number of available processors)
Since the above result came, I proceeded to execute the make command.
I issued the make command, then the following error popped up,
make[5]: *** No rule to make target 'm_optim_dumper.F90', needed by 'm_optim_dumper.o'. Stop.
make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/shared/common/src/14_hidewrite'
make[4]: *** [Makefile
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/shared/common/src'
make[3]: *** [Makefile
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/shared/common'
make[2]: *** [Makefile
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2/shared'
make[1]: *** [Makefile
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/sai/abinit-9.0.2'
make: *** [Makefile
Can anyone help me with this? I really appreciate immediate help as it is urgent. My system's configuration is
Intel B960 processor 2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 500 HDD and pentium processor, dual core. The OS is Ubuntu-20.04.
Thanks in advance,
Sai Krishna N.