The important configuration options for the local build are as follows:
Code: Select all
* C compiler : gnu version 5.4
* Fortran compiler: gnu version 5.4
* architecture : intel xeon (64 bits)
* debugging : basic
* optimizations : standard
* OpenMP enabled : no (collapse: ignored)
* MPI enabled : yes
* MPI-IO enabled : yes
* GPU enabled : no (flavor: none)
* TRIO flavor = none
* TIMER flavor = abinit (libs: ignored)
* LINALG flavor = custom (libs: user-defined)
* ALGO flavor = none (libs: ignored)
* FFT flavor = none (libs: ignored)
* MATH flavor = none (libs: ignored)
* DFT flavor = none
while those for the cluster build are:
Code: Select all
* C compiler : intel version 16.0
* Fortran compiler: intel version 16.0
* architecture : intel xeon (64 bits)
* debugging : basic
* optimizations : standard
* OpenMP enabled : no (collapse: ignored)
* MPI enabled : yes
* MPI-IO enabled : yes
* GPU enabled : no (flavor: none)
* TRIO flavor = netcdf
* TIMER flavor = abinit (libs: ignored)
* LINALG flavor = mkl (libs: user-defined)
* ALGO flavor = none (libs: ignored)
* FFT flavor = fftw3 (libs: user-defined)
* MATH flavor = gsl (libs: user-defined)
* DFT flavor = libxc+atompaw
If anyone has an idea as to which aspect of the build could be causing this problem it would be greatly appreciated.