I am currently running a few tests on the wurtzite ZnO, and after a few runs with the norm-conservative pseudopotentials without any problem I switched to the PAW method.
Well, I tried to. I downloaded the GGA-JTH.xml files from the Abinit website (https://www.abinit.org/downloads/PAW2) and tried to launch a first run.
However, Abinit return a peculiar error message when it tries to read the input files:
--- !ERROR
src_file: inpspheads.F90
src_line: 528
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
Bad real number in item 1 of list input
I am quite new to Abinit (first post on the forum by the way), and after looking for a similar case on the forum I could not find anything.
From what I understood, it has something to do with the inpspheads.F90 file, which I did not modify.
The line 526-528 of this file reads:
! Handle IO error
10 continue
The error certainly comes from me, though I cannot tell what went wrong.
If it helps, you can find enclosed the input file I used.
Here is what the .files file contains:
Thanks a lot for taking a look at my problem !