LINALG flavor = netlib-fallback
So, it seams that linalg libs from tarballs are not usable.
why did you say that ?
the build system said that external linalg library is not available and therefore, it use the linalg library provided by abinit (= netlib and fallback)
PS : I have tested this, and it works...
but, on my raspberry under Debian 7, I have installed :
Code: Select all
apt-get install gfortran
apt-get install liblapack-dev
and I use this shell script to configure :
Code: Select all
export CC=gcc
export CFLAGS="-O2"
export CXX=g++
export CXXFLAGS="-O2"
export F77=gofrtran
export FFLAGS="-O2 -g"
export FC=gfortran
export FCFLAGS="-O2 -g"
./configure \
--with-trio-flavor=none \
--with-dft-flavor=none \
--with-linalg-flavor=netlib \
--with-linalg-libs="-L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas"
but, due to a buggy version of gcc 4.6.3 under "Debian 4.6.3-14+rpi1" , you must also apply two patches on code :
1) in src/incs/abi_common.h
Code: Select all
--- abi_common.h 2014-03-16 19:24:55.051144814 +0000
+++ abi_common.h_new 2014-03-16 19:24:41.271794157 +0000
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
/** #define DEBUG_MODE **/
/** define WHEREARG __FILE__,__LINE__**/
-#if defined(HAVE_FC_LONG_LINES) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#if defined(HAVE_FC_LONG_LINES) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined (FC_GNU)
# define NEWLINE ;
# define NEWLINE \newline
2) in src/42_libpaw/m_gaussfit.F90
Code: Select all
--- m_gaussfit.F90 2014-03-16 19:28:21.431421198 +0000
+++ m_gaussfit.F90_new 2014-03-16 19:28:00.682398977 +0000
@@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@
-subroutine gaussfit_apply_constrains(const,limit,nparam,param_in,param_out)
+subroutine gaussfit_apply_constrains(const1,limit,nparam,param_in,param_out)
!This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
@@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@
- integer,intent(in)::const(nparam)
+ integer,intent(in)::const1(nparam)
@@ -2563,9 +2563,9 @@
do ii=1,nparam
- if(const(ii)==positive) param_out(ii)=abs(param_in(ii))
+ if(const1(ii)==positive) param_out(ii)=abs(param_in(ii))
- if(const(ii)==restricted) then
+ if(const1(ii)==restricted) then
if(param_in(ii)<limit(ii)) then
end if
you can start the compilation with : make
now, you have time to drink 3 beers and eat two pizza
when, it finished, you can start some checks :
Code: Select all
root@pi:~/WorkSpace/abinit-7.6.2/tests# ./runtests.py fast
Regenerating database...
Saving database to file /root/WorkSpace/abinit-7.6.2/tests/test_suite.cpkl
Running ntests = 26, MPI_nprocs = 1, py_nthreads = 1...
[fast][t00] succeeded
[fast][t30] succeeded
Test suite completed in 655.73 s (average time for test = 55.46 s, stdev = 65.86 s)
failed: 0, succeeded: 11, passed: 0, skipped: 0, disabled: 0
[fast][t27-t28-t29] has run_etime 224.43 s
Suite failed passed succeeded skipped disabled run_etime tot_etime
fast 0 0 11 0 0 610.08 649.32
I succeeded also with the same recipe with a UDOO ( quad raspbery version :
http://shop.udoo.org/eu/product/udoo-quad.html )