The dfpt scale

Phonons, DFPT, electron-phonon, electric-field response, mechanical response…

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The dfpt scale

Post by xijinyang » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:51 am

Hi, I just use abinit's dfpt to calculate phonon's structure.But I don't know the scale of dfpt. I want to know the relationship between the atom numbers N of cell and the calculation time. However I don't know how large size of cell I can calculate. Can you help me ? Thanks!

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Re: The dfpt scale

Post by jzwanzig » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:25 pm

The answer is highly dependent on the symmetry of your system. The phonon code is very smart in its use of symmetry, and will only compute the irreducible perturbations and construct the rest of the dynamical database by symmetry operations. Your best bet is to run some model systems of increasing size to get a feel for how long a given set of perturbations will take on your available computer hardware.
Josef W. Zwanziger
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada

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Re: The dfpt scale

Post by vistawanted » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:17 pm

The calculation time highly depends on your atoms number (more, much slower), atoms species (more, much slower) and symmetry (poorer, much slower). Of course, k-mesh, q-mesh, cutoff and so on, also should be considered.
As a reference, this is my test result:
CPU: Intel i7 870
OS: CentOS 5.6,
Compiler: Intel Fortran 2011,
q-mesh: 4x4x4,
k-mesh: 13x13x13,
symmetry: Fm-3m,
Atom Species: 2,
Atom Number: 2,
cutoff: 20Ha,
time: 2 hours, 6 threads parallel
GAO Zhe, Dr.,
Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai Co., Ltd,
Shanghai, P. R. China
