The abinit-fallbacks project is a package builder for the external dependencies of Abinit, in development environments lacking these components. You will find on the Web site of the project all the information on how to build and install fallbacks from source. The list of dependencies is mentioned below.
In versions of ABINIT prior to ABINIT 5.6, the fallbacks (aka plugins) were shipped with the sources, and managed by the build system. Then, from ABINIT 5.6 and up to ABINIT 8.10.3 these were automatically downloaded at configure time. This proved too difficult to maintain. Starting with ABINIT 9, fallbacks (aka External Libraries) are no longer managed by the ABINIT build system. It is supposed that these dependencies are already available at compile time in development environments. The abinit-fallbacks package builder can help to achieve proper set up of the external dependencies.