Pseudopotentials and PAW datasets for ABINIT

The recommended Pseudopotentials and PAW atomic data present on this page have been carefully tested. Still, they are provided without warranty.
Clicking on a green cell in the periodic tables will give you a PBE pseudopotential file (for norm-conserving pseudopotential table), or bring you into a directory corresponding to the selected chemical element (for PAW atomic dataset). More recommended choices are available from the pseudo-dojo web site.
The pseudopotentials presented in this page do not cover all cases for which pseudopotentials or atomic data are available for ABINIT. If you are looking for atomic densities (core or full), pseudopotential generators, or pseudopotentials without non-linear core correction (e.g. for metaGGA), please consult the Atomic data files page



Norm-conserving pseudopotentials


NC pseudopotential periodic table


Current version of the library: ONCVPSP-PBE-PDv0.4
Download the entire dataset table: PBE table

Read more about recommended norm-conserving pseudopotentials



PAW atomic datasets

The  table  below provides  a direct access to the PAW atomic datasets available on the pseudo-dojo portal


PAW pseudopotential periodic table

Current version of the library: JTH - v1.1
Download the entire dataset table: LDA table, PBE table

Read more about recommended PAW datasets