Flows How-To
This is a list of FAQs about the AbiPy flows and the abirun.py_ script. Feel free to suggest new entries!
The execution of the flows require the proper configuration of manager.yml
optionally, scheduler.yml
Please consult the documentation available via the abidoc.py script. See FAQ below.
Start with the examples available in examples/flows before embarking on large scale calculations.
Make sure the Abinit executable compiled on the machine can be executed both on the front end and the compute node (ask your sysadmin)
If you are running on clusters in which the architecture of the compute node is completely different from the one available on the front end, use
Use the
Do not:
Change manually the input files and the submission scripts
Submit jobs manually when the scheduler is running
Use a too small delay for the scheduler
How to get all the TaskManager options
The abidoc.py script provides three commands to get the documentation
for the options supported in manager.yml
and scheduler.yml
abidoc.py manager
to document all the options supported by abipy.flowtk.tasks.TaskManager
abidoc.py scheduler
for the scheduler options.
If your environment is properly configured, you should be able to get information about the Abinit version used by the AbiPy with:
abidoc.py abibuild
Abinit Build Information:
Abinit version: 8.7.2
MPI: True, MPI-IO: True, OpenMP: False
Netcdf: True
Use --verbose for additional info
Netcdf support must be activated in Abinit as AbiPy might use these files to extract data and/or fix runtime errors.
At this point, you can try to run a small flow for testing purpose with:
abicheck.py --with-flow
How to limit the number of cores used by the scheduler
Add the following options to scheduler.yml
# Limit on the number of jobs that can be present in the queue. (DEFAULT: 200)
max_njobs_inqueue: 2
# Maximum number of cores that can be used by the scheduler.
max_ncores_used: 4
How to reduce the number of files produced by the Flow
When running many calculations,
Use prtwf -1
to tell Abinit to produce the wavefunction file only
if SCF cycle didn’t converged so that AbiPy can reuse the file to restart the calculation.
Note that it’s possible to use:
to activate this mode for all tasks that are not supposed to produce WFK files for their children.
How to extend tasks/works with specialized code
Remember that pickle does not support classes defined inside scripts (__main__). This means that abirun.py will likely raise an exception when trying to reconstruct the object from the pickle file:
AttributeError: Cannot get attribute 'MyWork' on <module '__main__'
If you need to subclass one of the AbiPy Tasks/Works/Flows, define the subclass in a separated python module and import the module inside your script. We suggest to create a python module in the AbiPy package e.g. abipy/flowtk/my_works.py in order to have an absolute import that allows one to use
from abipy.flowtk.my_works import MyWork
in the script without worrying about relative paths and relative imports.
Kill a scheduler running in background
Use the official API:
abirun.py FLOWDIR cancel
to cancel all jobs of the flow that are in queue and kill the scheduler.
Compare multiple output files
The abicomp.py script
Try to understand why a task failed
There are several reasons why a task could fail. Some of these reasons could be related to hardware failure, disk quota, OS errors or resource manager errors. Others are related to Abinit-specific errors.