AbiPy Gallery
There are a variety of ways to use the AbiPy post-processing tools, and some of them are illustrated in the examples in this directory. These examples represent an excellent starting point if you need to implement a customized script to solve your particular problem. Keep in mind, however, that simple visualization tasks can be easily automated by just issuing in the terminal:
abiopen.py FILE --expose
to generate a predefined list of matplotlib plots. To activate the plotly version (if available) use:
abiopen.py FILE --plotly
Note also that one can generate jupyter-lab notebooks directly from the command line with abiopen.py and the command:
abiopen.py FILE -nb
Add –classic-notebook if you prefer classic jupyter notebooks.
Finally, use one of the options of the abiview.py script to plot the results automatically.

Band structure interpolation with Wannier functions

Quasi-harmonic approximation (convergence wrt Q-mesh)