ABINIT School 2024
Want to learn how to run ab initio simulations on high-performance supercomputers using ABINIT?
The ABINIT software is a well-established open-source package for the first-principles calculations of properties of condensed matter. While tutorials are available to everyone to learn the basic usage of ABINIT, it is necessary to optimally compile and tune it to run efficiently on the complex architectures of modern supercomputers. This is usually a complicated task that requires an advanced knowledge of ABINIT. The advent of new accelerated architectures, such as graphical processing units (GPU), has also led to the development of new algorithms and optimisation in the code. Moreover, modern supercomputers now reaching the exascale opens the door to more accurate calculations on larger systems.
The main goal of this school is to present new developments and provide guidelines for the usage of ABINIT on large-scale high-performance computing facilities.
Various topics will be covered including:
HPC related developments and guidelines
- Introduction to high-performance supercomputer architectures
- Compiling and tuning ABINIT on modern large-scale supercomputers
- Running ABINIT on accelerated architectures (MPI - OpenMP - GPU)
- Iterative algorithms for efficient diagonalization
Potential Exascale applications
- GW calculations for accurate band structure
- Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) for strongly correlated materials
- Coupled Cluster calculation of total energy from the Coupled Cluster for Solids (CC4S) software interfaced with ABINIT
- Workflows with ABINIT for high-throughput calculations
This school is organised as part of the Novel Material Discovery (NOMAD) center of excellence project that aims at building a new level of materials modelling, enabled by upcoming exascale computing and extreme-scale data hardware.
An important part of the school will be dedicated to hands-on sessions on one of the largest supercomputers in Europe (Topaze), soon to reach the exascale, at the Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie (CCRT) in Bruyères-le-Châtel, France.
The participants will have the opportunity to practice on-site and benefit from direct interaction with developers and experienced users of ABINIT.
Since the topic of this school is not focused on the basic usage of ABINIT, it is required to have at least a basic knowledge of how to perform calculations with ABINIT. For instance, having succesfully finished the basic tutorials available on the ABINIT website.
- 15/10/23 : registration opening
- 07/12/23 : registration closing
- 10/12/23 : acceptation
- 15/12/24 : payment deadline
- 29/01/24 : Start of the school
- 02/02/24 : End of the school

- Xavier Gonze, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium