Source code for abipy.abio.factories

# coding: utf-8
"""Factory functions for Abinit input files """
import numpy as np
import as aobj
import abipy.abio.input_tags as atags

from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple
from monty.collections import AttrDict
from monty.string import is_string
from monty.json import jsanitize, MontyDecoder, MSONable
from pymatgen.util.serialization import pmg_serialize
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput, MultiDataset
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu

__all__ = [

# Name of the (default) tolerance used by the runlevels.
_runl2tolname = {
    "scf": 'tolvrs',
    "nscf": 'tolwfr',
    "dfpt": 'toldfe',        # ?
    "screening": 'toldfe',   # dummy
    "sigma": 'toldfe',       # dummy
    "bse": 'toldfe',         # ?
    "relax": 'tolrff',

# Tolerances for the different levels of accuracy.
T = namedtuple('Tolerance', "low normal high")
_tolerances = {
    "toldfe": T(1.e-7,  1.e-8,  1.e-9),
    "tolvrs": T(1.e-7,  1.e-8,  1.e-9),
    "tolwfr": T(1.e-15, 1.e-17, 1.e-19),
    "tolrff": T(0.04,   0.02,   0.01)}
del T

# Default values used if user does not specify them
_DEFAULTS = dict(

class ShiftMode(Enum):
    Class defining the mode to be used for the shifts.
    G: Gamma centered
    M: Monkhorst-Pack ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    S: Symmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with multiple shifts
    O: OneSymmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with a single shift (as in 'S' if a single shift is given, gamma
        centered otherwise.
    GammaCentered = 'G'
    MonkhorstPack = 'M'
    Symmetric = 'S'
    OneSymmetric = 'O'

    def from_object(cls, obj):
        Returns an instance of ShiftMode based on the type of object passed. Converts strings to ShiftMode depending
        on the iniital letter of the string. G for GammaCenterd, M for MonkhorstPack, S for Symmetric, O for OneSymmetric.
        Case insensitive.
        if isinstance(obj, cls):
            return obj
        elif is_string(obj):
            return cls(obj[0].upper())
            raise TypeError('The object provided is not handled: type %s' % type(obj))

def _stopping_criterion(runlevel, accuracy):
    """Return the stopping criterion for this runlevel with the given accuracy."""
    tolname = _runl2tolname[runlevel]
    return {tolname: getattr(_tolerances[tolname], accuracy)}

def _find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, pseudos, accuracy):
    """Return a |AttrDict| with the value of ``ecut`` and ``pawecutdg``."""
    # Get ecut and pawecutdg from the pseudo hints.
    if ecut is None or (pawecutdg is None and any(p.ispaw for p in pseudos)):
        has_hints = all(p.has_hints for p in pseudos)

    if ecut is None:
        if has_hints:
            ecut = max(p.hint_for_accuracy(accuracy).ecut for p in pseudos)
            raise AbinitInput.Error("ecut is None but pseudos do not provide hints for ecut")

    if pawecutdg is None and any(p.ispaw for p in pseudos):
        if has_hints:
            pawecutdg = max(p.hint_for_accuracy(accuracy).pawecutdg for p in pseudos)
            raise RuntimeError("pawecutdg is None but pseudos do not provide hints")

    return AttrDict(ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg)

def _find_scf_nband(structure, pseudos, electrons, spinat=None):
    """Find the value of ``nband``."""
    if electrons.nband is not None: return electrons.nband

    nsppol, smearing = electrons.nsppol, electrons.smearing

    # Number of valence electrons including possible extra charge
    nval = structure.num_valence_electrons(pseudos)
    nval -= electrons.charge

    # First guess (semiconductors)
    nband = nval // 2

    # TODO: Find better algorithm
    # If nband is too small we may kill the job, increase nband and restart
    # but this change could cause problems in the other steps of the calculation
    # if the change is not propagated e.g. phonons in metals.
    if smearing:
        # metallic occupation
        nband = max(np.ceil(nband * 1.2), nband + 10)
        nband = max(np.ceil(nband * 1.1), nband + 4)

    # Increase number of bands based on the starting magnetization
    if nsppol == 2 and spinat is not None:
        nband += np.ceil(max(np.sum(spinat, axis=0)) / 2.)

    # Force even nband (easier to divide among procs, mandatory if nspinor == 2)
    nband += nband % 2
    return int(nband)

def _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure):
    Gives the shifts based on the selected shift mode and on the symmetry of the structure.
    G: Gamma centered
    M: Monkhorst-Pack ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    S: Symmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with multiple shifts
    O: OneSymmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with a single shift (as in 'S' if a single shift is given, gamma
        centered otherwise.

    Note: for some cases (e.g. body centered tetragonal), both the Symmetric and OneSymmetric may fail to satisfy the
        ``chksymbreak`` condition (Abinit input variable).
    if shift_mode == ShiftMode.GammaCentered:
        return ((0, 0, 0))
    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.MonkhorstPack:
        return ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.Symmetric:
        structure = Structure.from_sites(structure)
        return structure.calc_shiftk()
    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.OneSymmetric:
        structure = Structure.from_sites(structure)
        shifts = structure.calc_shiftk()
        if len(shifts) == 1:
            return shifts
            return ((0, 0, 0))
        raise ValueError("invalid shift_mode: `%s`" % str(shift_mode))

[docs]def gs_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None): """ Returns a |AbinitInput| for ground-state calculation. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. Defaults to 1000 if not given. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. """ multi = ebands_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=kppa, ndivsm=0, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, scf_nband=scf_nband, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm) return multi[0]
[docs]def ebands_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, nscf_nband=None, ndivsm=15, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, dos_kppa=None): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| object for band structure calculations. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. Defaults to 1000 if not given. nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run. Set to scf_nband + 10 if None. ndivsm: Number of divisions used to sample the smallest segment of the k-path. if 0, only the GS input is returned in multi[0]. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. dos_kppa: Scalar or List of integers with the number of k-points per atom to be used for the computation of the DOS (None if DOS is not wanted). """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) if dos_kppa is not None and not isinstance(dos_kppa, (list, tuple)): dos_kppa = [dos_kppa] multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2 if dos_kppa is None else 2 + len(dos_kppa)) # Set the cutoff energies. multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy)) # SCF calculation. kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0) scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=scf_nband, fband=None) if spin_mode == "polarized": multi[0].set_autospinat() if scf_electrons.nband is None: scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons, multi[0].get('spinat', None)) multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy)) if ndivsm == 0: return multi # Band structure calculation. nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm, structure) nscf_nband = scf_electrons.nband + 10 if nscf_nband is None else nscf_nband nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2}, charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) # DOS calculation with different values of kppa. if dos_kppa is not None: for i, kppa in enumerate(dos_kppa): dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0) #dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.monkhorst(dos_ngkpt, shiftk=dos_shiftk, chksymbreak=0) dos_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2}, charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband) dt = 2 + i multi[dt].set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[dt].set_vars(dos_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[dt].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) return multi
[docs]def ion_ioncell_relax_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, nband=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, shift_mode='Monkhorst-pack'): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| for a structural relaxation. The first dataset optmizes the atomic positions at fixed unit cell. The second datasets optimizes both ions and unit cell parameters. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the Brillouin zone. nband: Number of bands included in the SCF run. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for the solution of the SCF cycle. """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2) # Set the cutoff energies. multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy)) kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa shift_mode = ShiftMode.from_object(shift_mode) shifts = _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure) ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts) electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=nband, fband=None) if spin_mode == "polarized": spinat_dict = multi[0].set_autospinat() multi[1].set_vars(spinat_dict) if electrons.nband is None: electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, electrons, multi[0].get('spinat', None)) ion_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_only(atoms_constraints=None) ioncell_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_and_cell(atoms_constraints=None) multi.set_vars(electrons.to_abivars()) multi.set_vars(ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(ion_relax.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy)) multi[1].set_vars(ioncell_relax.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy)) return multi
[docs]def ion_ioncell_relax_and_ebands_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, nband=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| for a structural relaxation followed by a band structure run. The first dataset optimizes the atomic positions at fixed unit cell. The second datasets optimizes both ions and unit cell parameters. The other datasets perform a band structure calculation. .. warning:: Client code is responsible for propagating the relaxed structure obtained with the second dataset to the inputs used for the band structure calculation. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the Brillouin zone. nband: Number of bands included in the SCF run. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. Returns: |MultiDataset| object """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) relax_multi = ion_ioncell_relax_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=kppa, nband=nband, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm) ebands_multi = ebands_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=kppa, nscf_nband=None, ndivsm=15, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, scf_nband=None, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, dos_kppa=None) return relax_multi + ebands_multi
[docs]def g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, shifts=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", ppmodel="godby", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, inclvkb=2, scr_nband=None, sigma_nband=None, gw_qprange=1): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| object that performs G0W0 calculations with the plasmon pole approximation. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run. ecuteps: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix. ecutsigx: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the exchange part of the self-energy. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) shifts: Shifts for k-mesh. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. ppmodel: Plasmonpole technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. inclvkb: Treatment of the dipole matrix elements (see abinit variable). scr_nband: Number of bands used to compute the screening (default is nscf_nband) sigma_nband: Number of bands used to compute the self-energy (default is nscf_nband) gw_qprange: Option for the automatic selection of k-points and bands for GW corrections. See Abinit docs for more detail. The default value makes the code compute the QP energies for all the point in the IBZ and one band above and one band below the Fermi level. .. versionchanged: 0.3 The default value of ``shifts`` changed in v0.3 from (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=4) # Set the cutoff energies. multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy)) scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts) scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=None, fband=None) if scf_electrons.nband is None: scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons) multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts) nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2}, charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) # nbdbuf # Screening. if scr_nband is None: scr_nband = nscf_nband screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot", hilbert=None, ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb) multi[2].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[2].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[2].set_vars(screening.to_abivars()) multi[2].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("screening", accuracy)) # Dummy # Sigma. if sigma_nband is None: sigma_nband = nscf_nband self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening, gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ppmodel=ppmodel) multi[3].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[3].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[3].set_vars(self_energy.to_abivars()) multi[3].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("sigma", accuracy)) # Dummy # TODO: Cannot use istwfk != 1. multi.set_vars(istwfk="*1") return multi
[docs]def g0w0_convergence_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx, scf_nband, ecut, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", response_models=None, charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, inclvkb=2, gw_qprange=1, gamma=True, nksmall=None, extra_abivars=None): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| object to generate a G0W0 work for the given the material. See also :cite:`Setten2017`. Args: structure: |Structure| object pseudos: List of |Pseudo| objects. kppa: k points per reciprocal atom. scf_nband: number of scf bands ecut: ecut for all calcs that that are not ecut convergence cals at scf level scf_ Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. nscf_nband: a list of number of bands included in the screening and sigmaruns. The NSCF run will be done with the maximum. ecuteps: list of Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix. ecutsigx: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the exchange part of the self-energy. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. inclvkb: Treatment of the dipole matrix elements (see abinit variable). response_models: List of response models gw_qprange: selectpr for the qpoint mesh gamma: is true a gamma centered mesh is enforced nksmall: Kpoint division for additional band and dos calculations extra_abivars: Dictionary with extra variables passed to ABINIT for all tasks. extra abivars that are provided with _s appended will be take as a list of values to be tested a scf level """ if extra_abivars is None: extra_abivars = {} if response_models is None: response_models = ["godby"] scf_diffs = [] keys = list(extra_abivars.keys()) #for k in extra_abivars.keys(): for k in keys: if k[-2:] == '_s': var = k[:len(k)-2] values = extra_abivars.pop(k) # to_add.update({k: values[-1]}) for value in values: diff_abivars = dict() diff_abivars[var] = value if pseudos.allpaw and var == 'ecut': diff_abivars['pawecutdg'] = diff_abivars['ecut'] * 2 scf_diffs.append(diff_abivars) extra_abivars_all = dict( ecut=ecut, paral_kgb=1, istwfk="*1", timopt=-1, nbdbuf=8, ) extra_abivars_all.update(extra_abivars) if pseudos.allpaw: extra_abivars_all['pawecutdg'] = extra_abivars_all['ecut'] * 2 extra_abivars_gw = dict( inclvkb=2, symsigma=1, gwpara=2, gwmem='10', prtsuscep=0 ) # all these too many options are for development only the current idea for the final version is #if gamma: # scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure=structure, kppa=10000, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0)) # nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2)) # if kppa <= 13: # nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(scf_kppa, scf_kppa, scf_kppa)) # else: # nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0)) #else: # scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0) # nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0) if gamma: if kppa == 1: scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(1, 1, 1)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(1, 1, 1)) elif kppa == 2: scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2)) elif kppa < 0: scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(-kppa, -kppa, -kppa)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2)) elif kppa <= 13: scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(kppa, kppa, kppa)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(kppa, kppa, kppa)) else: scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0)) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0)) else: # this is the original behaviour before the development of the gwwrapper scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0) nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0) scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=scf_nband, fband=None) nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2}, charge=charge, nband=max(nscf_nband), fband=None) multi_scf = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=max(1, len(scf_diffs))) multi_scf.set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi_scf.set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi_scf.set_vars(extra_abivars_all) multi_scf.set_vars(_stopping_criterion(runlevel="scf", accuracy=accuracy)) multi_scf.set_vars(extra_abivars) for variables, abinput in zip(scf_diffs, multi_scf): abinput.set_vars(variables) scf_inputs = multi_scf.split_datasets() # create nscf inputs ndtset = 3 if nksmall is not None else 1 nscf_multi = MultiDataset(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=ndtset) nscf_multi.set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) nscf_multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_all) nscf_multi.set_vars(_stopping_criterion(runlevel="nscf", accuracy=accuracy)) nscf_multi[-1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) if nksmall is not None: # if nksmall add bandstructure and dos calculations as well bands_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm=nksmall, structure=structure) dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure=structure, kppa=2000) nscf_multi[0].set_vars(bands_ksampling.to_abivars()) nscf_multi[0].set_vars({'chksymbreak': 0}) nscf_multi[1].set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars()) nscf_multi[1].set_vars({'chksymbreak': 0}) nscf_inputs = nscf_multi.split_datasets() # create screening and sigma inputs #if scr_nband is None: # scr_nband = nscf_nband_nscf #if sigma_nband is None: # sigma_nband = nscf_nband_nscf if 'cd' in response_models: hilbert = aobj.HilbertTransform(nomegasf=100, domegasf=None, spmeth=1, nfreqre=None, freqremax=None, nfreqim=None, freqremin=None) scr_inputs = [] sigma_inputs = [] #print("ecuteps", ecuteps, "nscf_nband", nscf_nband) for response_model in response_models: for ecuteps_v in ecuteps: for nscf_nband_v in nscf_nband: scr_nband = nscf_nband_v sigma_nband = nscf_nband_v multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2) multi.set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi.set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_all) multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_gw) if response_model == 'cd': screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps_v, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot", hilbert=hilbert, ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb) self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening) else: ppmodel = response_model screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps_v, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot", hilbert=None, ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb) self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening, gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ppmodel=ppmodel) multi[0].set_vars(screening.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("screening", accuracy)) # Dummy multi[1].set_vars(self_energy.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("sigma", accuracy)) # Dummy scr_input, sigma_input = multi.split_datasets() scr_inputs.append(scr_input) sigma_inputs.append(sigma_input) return scf_inputs, nscf_inputs, scr_inputs, sigma_inputs
[docs]def bse_with_mdf_inputs(structure, pseudos, scf_kppa, nscf_nband, nscf_ngkpt, nscf_shiftk, ecuteps, bs_loband, bs_nband, mbpt_sciss, mdf_epsinf, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, exc_type="TDA", bs_algo="haydock", accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| object that performs a GS + NSCF + Bethe-Salpeter calculation. The self-energy corrections are approximated with the scissors operator. The screening is modeled with the model dielectric function. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. scf_kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run. nscf_ngkpt: Divisions of the k-mesh used for the NSCF and the BSE run. nscf_shiftk: Shifts used for the NSCF and the BSE run. ecuteps: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix. bs_loband: Index of the first occupied band included the e-h basis set (ABINIT convention i.e. first band starts at 1). Can be scalar or array of shape (nsppol,) bs_nband: Highest band idex used for the construction of the e-h basis set. mbpt_sciss: Scissor energy in Hartree. mdf_epsinf: Value of the macroscopic dielectric function used in expression for the model dielectric function. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) exc_type: Approximation used for the BSE Hamiltonian (Tamm-Dancoff or coupling). bs_algo: Algorith for the computatio of the macroscopic dielectric function. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving the SCF cycle. """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=3) # Set the cutoff energies. d = _find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy) multi.set_vars(ecut=d.ecut, ecutwfn=d.ecut, pawecutdg=d.pawecutdg) # Ground-state scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0) scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=None, fband=None) if scf_electrons.nband is None: scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons) multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy)) # NSCF calculation with the randomly-shifted k-mesh. nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.monkhorst(nscf_ngkpt, shiftk=nscf_shiftk, chksymbreak=0) nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2}, charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) # BSE calculation. exc_ham = aobj.ExcHamiltonian(bs_loband, bs_nband, mbpt_sciss, coulomb_mode="model_df", ecuteps=ecuteps, spin_mode=spin_mode, mdf_epsinf=mdf_epsinf, exc_type=exc_type, algo=bs_algo, bs_freq_mesh=None, with_lf=True, zcut=None) multi[2].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) multi[2].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars()) multi[2].set_vars(exc_ham.to_abivars()) #multi[2].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) # TODO: Cannot use istwfk != 1. multi.set_vars(istwfk="*1") return multi
[docs]def scf_phonons_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None): # TODO: Please check the unused variables in the function """ Returns a list of input files for performing phonon calculations. GS input + the input files for the phonon calculation. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. """ # Build the input file for the GS run. gs_inp = AbinitInput(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos) # Set the cutoff energies. gs_inp.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, gs_inp.pseudos, accuracy)) ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(gs_inp.structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0) gs_inp.set_vars(ksampling.to_abivars()) gs_inp.set_vars(tolvrs=1.0e-18) # Get the qpoints in the IBZ. Note that here we use a q-mesh with ngkpt=(4,4,4) and shiftk=(0,0,0) # i.e. the same parameters used for the k-mesh in gs_inp. qpoints = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=(4, 4, 4), shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=1).points #print("get_ibz qpoints:", qpoints) # Build the input files for the q-points in the IBZ. #ph_inputs = MultiDataset(gs_inp.structure, pseudos=gs_inp.pseudos, ndtset=len(qpoints)) ph_inputs = MultiDataset.replicate_input(gs_inp, ndtset=len(qpoints)) for ph_inp, qpt in zip(ph_inputs, qpoints): # Response-function calculation for phonons. ph_inp.set_vars( rfphon=1, # Will consider phonon-type perturbation nqpt=1, # One wavevector is to be considered qpt=qpt, # This wavevector is q=0 (Gamma) tolwfr=1.0e-20, kptopt=3, # TODO: One could use symmetries for Gamma. ) #rfatpol 1 1 # Only the first atom is displaced #rfdir 1 0 0 # Along the first reduced coordinate axis #kptopt 2 # Automatic generation of k points, taking irred_perts = ph_inp.abiget_irred_phperts() # TODO irred_perts is not used ?? #for pert in irred_perts: # #print(pert) # # TODO this will work for phonons, but not for the other types of perturbations. # ph_inp = q_inp.deepcopy() # rfdir = 3 * [0] # rfdir[pert.idir -1] = 1 # ph_inp.set_vars( # rfdir=rfdir, # rfatpol=[pert.ipert, pert.ipert] # ) # ph_inputs.append(ph_inp) # Split input into gs_inp and ph_inputs all_inps = [gs_inp] all_inps.extend(ph_inputs.split_datasets()) return all_inps
[docs]def phonons_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=None, qpoints=None, with_ddk=True, with_dde=True, with_bec=False, ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None, wfq_tol=None, qpoints_to_skip=None, manager=None): """ Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform phonon calculations, based on a ground state |AbinitInput|. It will determine if WFQ files should be calculated for some q points and add the NSCF AbinitInputs to the set. The inputs have the following tags, according to their function: "ddk", "dde", "nscf", "ph_q_pert". All of them have the tag "phonon". Args: gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK. ph_ngqpt: a list of three integers representing the gamma centered q-point grid used for the calculation. If None and qpoint==None the ngkpt value present in the gs_input will be used. Incompatible with qpoints. qpoints: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates for which the phonon perturbations will be calculated. Incompatible with ph_ngqpt. with_ddk: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of the DDK. with_dde: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of the DDE. Automatically sets with_ddk=True. with_bec: If Truem if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints the DDE will be calculated in the same input as the phonons. This will allow to determine the BECs. Automatically sets with_ddk=True and with_dde=False. ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}. ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}. dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}. wfq_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the NSCF calculations of the WFQ and its value. Default {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}. qpoints_to_skip: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates that will be skipped. Useful when calculating multiple grids for the same system to avoid duplicate calculations. If a DDB needs to be extended with more q points use e.g. ddb.qpoints.to_array(). manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file. """ gs_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy() gs_inp.pop_irdvars() if with_dde: with_ddk = True if with_bec: with_ddk = True with_dde = False if ph_tol is None: ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10} if ddk_tol is None: ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22} if dde_tol is None: dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10} if wfq_tol is None: wfq_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22} multi = [] if qpoints is not None and ph_ngqpt is not None: raise ValueError("ph_ngqpt and qpoints can't be used together") if qpoints is None: if ph_ngqpt is None: ph_ngqpt = np.array(gs_inp["ngkpt"]) else: ph_ngqpt = np.array(ph_ngqpt) qpoints = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=ph_ngqpt, shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=1, manager=manager).points if qpoints_to_skip: preserved_qpoints = [] for q in qpoints: if not any(np.allclose(q, ddb_q) for ddb_q in qpoints_to_skip): preserved_qpoints.append(q) qpoints = np.array(preserved_qpoints) if ph_ngqpt is None or any(gs_inp["ngkpt"] % ph_ngqpt != 0): # find which q points are needed and build nscf inputs to calculate the WFQ kpts = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=3, manager=manager).points.tolist() nscf_qpt = [] for q in qpoints: if list(q) not in kpts: nscf_qpt.append(q) if nscf_qpt: multi_nscf = MultiDataset.replicate_input(gs_inp, len(nscf_qpt)) multi_nscf.set_vars(kptopt=3, nqpt=1, iscf=-2) if wfq_tol: multi_nscf.set_vars(**wfq_tol) else: multi_nscf.set_vars(tolwfr=1e-22) for q, nscf_inp in zip(nscf_qpt, multi_nscf): nscf_inp.set_vars(qpt=q) multi_nscf.add_tags(atags.NSCF) multi.extend(multi_nscf) # Build the input files for the q-points in the IBZ. # Response-function calculation for phonons. for qpt in qpoints: if np.allclose(qpt, 0): if with_ddk: multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol) multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK) multi.extend(multi_ddk) if with_dde: multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, manager=manager) multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE) multi.extend(multi_dde) elif with_bec: multi_bec = gs_inp.make_bec_inputs(ph_tol, manager=manager) multi_bec.add_tags(atags.BEC) multi.extend(multi_bec) continue multi_ph_q = gs_inp.make_ph_inputs_qpoint(qpt, ph_tol) multi_ph_q.add_tags(atags.PH_Q_PERT) multi.extend(multi_ph_q) multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs(multi) multi.add_tags(atags.PHONON) return multi
[docs]def piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ddk_tol=None, rf_tol=None, ddk_split=False, rf_split=False, manager=None): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| for performing elastic and piezoelectric constants calculations. GS input + the input files for the elastic and piezoelectric constants calculation. Args: gs_inp: Ground State input to build piezo elastic inputs from. ddk_tol: Tolerance for the DDK calculation (i.e. {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20}). rf_tol: Tolerance for the Strain RF calculations (i.e. {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}). ddk_split: Whether to split the DDK calculations. rf_split: whether to split the RF calculations. manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file. """ # Ddk input(s) if ddk_split: multi = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol) else: ddk_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy() ddk_inp.set_vars( rfelfd=2, # Activate the calculation of the d/dk perturbation rfdir=(1,1,1), # All directions nqpt=1, # One wavevector is to be considered qpt=(0, 0, 0), # q-wavevector. kptopt=3, # Take into account time-reversal symmetry. iscf=-3, # The d/dk perturbation must be treated in a non-self-consistent way paral_kgb=0 ) if ddk_tol is None: ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20} if len(ddk_tol) != 1 or any(k not in _tolerances for k in ddk_tol): raise ValueError("Invalid tolerance: {}".format(ddk_tol)) ddk_inp.pop_tolerances() ddk_inp.set_vars(ddk_tol) # Adding buffer to help convergence ... if 'nbdbuf' not in ddk_inp: nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*ddk_inp['nband']), 4) ddk_inp.set_vars(nband=ddk_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf) multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([ddk_inp]) multi.add_tags(atags.DDK) # Response Function input(s) if rf_split: multi_rf = gs_inp.make_strain_perts_inputs(tolerance=rf_tol, manager=manager) else: rf_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy() rf_inp.set_vars(rfphon=1, # Atomic displacement perturbation rfatpol=(1,len(gs_inp.structure)), # Perturbation of all atoms rfstrs=3, # Do the strain perturbations rfdir=(1,1,1), # All directions nqpt=1, # One wavevector is to be considered qpt=(0, 0, 0), # q-wavevector. kptopt=3, # Take into account time-reversal symmetry. iscf=7, # The rfstrs perturbation must be treated in a # self-consistent way paral_kgb=0 ) if rf_tol is None: rf_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12} if len(rf_tol) != 1 or any(k not in _tolerances for k in rf_tol): raise ValueError("Invalid tolerance: {}".format(rf_tol)) rf_inp.pop_tolerances() rf_inp.set_vars(rf_tol) # Adding buffer to help convergence ... if 'nbdbuf' not in rf_inp: nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*rf_inp['nband']), 4) rf_inp.set_vars(nband=rf_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf) multi_rf = MultiDataset.from_inputs([rf_inp]) multi_rf.add_tags([atags.DFPT, atags.STRAIN]) for inp in multi_rf: if inp.get('rfphon', 0) == 1: inp.add_tags(atags.PHONON) multi.extend(multi_rf) return multi
[docs]def scf_piezo_elastic_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, ddk_tol=None, rf_tol=None, ddk_split=False, rf_split=False): """ Returns a |MultiDataset| for performing elastic and piezoelectric constants calculations. GS input + the input files for the elastic and piezoelectric constants calculation. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy) scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option. accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation. spin_mode: Spin polarization. smearing: Smearing technique. charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell. scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle. ddk_tol: Tolerance for the Ddk calculation (i.e. {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20}). rf_tol: Tolerance for the Strain RF calculations (i.e. {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}). ddk_split: Whether to split the ddk calculations. rf_split: whether to split the RF calculations. """ # Build the input file for the GS run. gs_inp = scf_input(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, kppa=kppa, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, nband=scf_nband, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, shift_mode="Gamma-centered") # Adding buffer to help convergence ... nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*gs_inp['nband']), 4) gs_inp.set_vars(nband=gs_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf) multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([gs_inp]) piezo_elastic_inputs = piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput(gs_inp=gs_inp, ddk_tol=ddk_tol, rf_tol=rf_tol) multi.extend(piezo_elastic_inputs) return multi
def scf_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, shift_mode="Monkhorst-Pack"): """ Returns an |AbinitInput| object for standard GS calculations. """ structure = Structure.as_structure(structure) abinit_input = AbinitInput(structure, pseudos) # Set the cutoff energies. abinit_input.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, abinit_input.pseudos, accuracy)) # SCF calculation. kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa shift_mode = ShiftMode.from_object(shift_mode) shifts = _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure) scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts) scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm, charge=charge, nband=nband, fband=None) if spin_mode == "polarized": abinit_input.set_autospinat() if scf_electrons.nband is None: scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, abinit_input.pseudos, scf_electrons, abinit_input.get('spinat', None)) abinit_input.set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars()) abinit_input.set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars()) abinit_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy)) return abinit_input def ebands_from_gsinput(gsinput, nband=None, ndivsm=15, accuracy="normal"): """ Return an |AbinitInput| object to compute a band structure from a GS SCF input. Args: gsinput: nband: ndivsm: accuracy: Return: |AbinitInput| """ # create a copy to avoid messing with the previous input bands_input = gsinput.deepcopy() bands_input.pop_irdvars() nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm, gsinput.structure) if nband is None: nband = gsinput.get("nband", gsinput.structure.num_valence_electrons(gsinput.pseudos)) + 10 bands_input.set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars()) bands_input.set_vars(nband=nband, iscf=-2) bands_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) return bands_input def dos_from_gsinput(gsinput, dos_kppa, nband=None, accuracy="normal", pdos=False): # create a copy to avoid messing with the previous input dos_input = gsinput.deepcopy() dos_input.pop_irdvars() dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(dos_input.structure, dos_kppa, chksymbreak=0) dos_input.set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars()) dos_input.set_vars(iscf=-2, ionmov=0) dos_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy)) if pdos: # FIXME raise NotImplementedError() return dos_input def ioncell_relax_from_gsinput(gsinput, accuracy="normal"): ioncell_input = gsinput.deepcopy() ioncell_input.pop_irdvars() ioncell_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_and_cell(atoms_constraints=None) ioncell_input.set_vars(ioncell_relax.to_abivars()) ioncell_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy)) return ioncell_input def hybrid_oneshot_input(gsinput, functional="hse06", ecutsigx=None, gw_qprange=1): hybrid_input = gsinput.deepcopy() hybrid_input.pop_irdvars() functional = functional.lower() if functional == 'hse06': gwcalctyp = 115 icutcoul = 5 rcut = 9.090909 elif functional == 'pbe0': gwcalctyp = 215 icutcoul = 6 rcut = 0. elif functional == 'b3lyp': gwcalctyp = 315 icutcoul = 6 rcut = 0. else: raise ValueError("Unknow functional {0}.".format(functional)) ecut = hybrid_input['ecut'] ecutsigx = ecutsigx or 2*ecut hybrid_input.set_vars(optdriver=4, gwcalctyp=gwcalctyp, gw_nstep=1, gwpara=2, icutcoul=icutcoul, rcut=rcut, gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ecutwfn=ecut*0.995, ecutsigx=ecutsigx) return hybrid_input def hybrid_scf_input(gsinput, functional="hse06", ecutsigx=None, gw_qprange=1): hybrid_input = hybrid_oneshot_input(gsinput=gsinput, functional=functional, ecutsigx=ecutsigx, gw_qprange=gw_qprange) hybrid_input['gwcalctyp'] += 10 return hybrid_input
[docs]def scf_for_phonons(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, shift_mode="Symmetric"): abiinput = scf_input(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, kppa=kppa, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, nband=nband, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, shift_mode=shift_mode) nbdbuf = 4 # with no smearing set the minimum number of bands plus some nbdbuf if smearing is None: nval = structure.num_valence_electrons(pseudos) nval -= abiinput['charge'] nband = int(round(nval / 2) + nbdbuf) abiinput.set_vars(nband=nband) # enforce symmetries and add a buffer of bands to ease convergence with tolwfr abiinput.set_vars(chksymbreak=1, nbdbuf=nbdbuf, tolwfr=1.e-22) return abiinput
[docs]def dte_from_gsinput(gs_inp, use_phonons=True, ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None, skip_dte_permutations=False, manager=None): """ Returns a list of inputs in the form of a |MultiDataset| to perform calculations of non-linear properties, based on a ground state AbinitInput. The inputs have the following tags, according to their function: "ddk", "dde", "ph_q_pert" and "dte". All of them have the tag "dfpt". Args: gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK. use_phonons: determine wether the phonon perturbations at gamma should be included or not ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}. ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}. dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}. skip_dte_permutations: Since the current version of abinit always performs all the permutations of the perturbations, even if only one is asked, if True avoids the creation of inputs that will produce duplicated outputs. manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file. """ gs_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy() gs_inp.pop_irdvars() if ph_tol is None: ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22} if ddk_tol is None: ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22} if dde_tol is None: dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22} multi = [] multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol) multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK) multi.extend(multi_ddk) multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, use_symmetries=False, manager=manager) multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE) multi.extend(multi_dde) if use_phonons: multi_ph = gs_inp.make_ph_inputs_qpoint([0,0,0], ph_tol, manager=manager) multi_ph.add_tags(atags.PH_Q_PERT) multi.extend(multi_ph) # non-linear calculations do not accept more bands than those in the valence. Set the correct values. # Do this as last, so not to interfere with the the generation of the other steps. nval = gs_inp.structure.num_valence_electrons(gs_inp.pseudos) nval -= gs_inp['charge'] nband = int(round(nval / 2)) gs_inp.set_vars(nband=nband) gs_inp.pop('nbdbuf', None) multi_dte = gs_inp.make_dte_inputs(phonon_pert=use_phonons, skip_permutations=skip_dte_permutations, manager=manager) multi_dte.add_tags(atags.DTE) multi.extend(multi_dte) multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs(multi) multi.add_tags(atags.DFPT) return multi
[docs]def dfpt_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=None, qpoints=None, do_ddk=True, do_dde=True, do_strain=True, do_dte=False, ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None, wfq_tol=None, strain_tol=None, skip_dte_permutations=False, manager=None): """ Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations based on DFPT including phonons, elastic and non-linear properties. Requires a ground state |AbinitInput| as a starting point. It will determine if WFQ files should be calculated for some q points and add the NSCF AbinitInputs to the set. The original input is included and the inputs have the following tags, according to their function: "scf", "ddk", "dde", "nscf", "ph_q_pert", "strain", "dte", "dfpt". N.B. Currently (version 8.8.3) anaddb does not support a DDB containing both 2nd order derivatives with qpoints different from gamma AND 3rd oreder derivatives. The calculations could be run, but the global DDB will not be directly usable as is. Args: gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK. ph_ngqpt: a list of three integers representing the gamma centered q-point grid used for the calculation. If None and qpoint==None the ngkpt value present in the gs_input will be used. Incompatible with qpoints. qpoints: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates for which the phonon perturbations will be calculated. Incompatible with ph_ngqpt. do_ddk: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of the DDK. do_dde: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of the DDE. Automatically sets with_ddk=True. do_strain: If True inputs for the strain perturbations will be included. do_dte: If True inputs for the non-linear perturbations will be included. The phonon non-linear perturbations will be included only if a phonon calculation at gamma is present. The caller is responsible for adding it. Automatically sets with_dde=True. ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}. ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}. dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}. wfq_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the NSCF calculations of the WFQ and its value. Default {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}. strain_tol: dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the strain calculations of and its value. Default {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}. skip_dte_permutations: Since the current version of abinit always performs all the permutations of the perturbations, even if only one is asked, if True avoids the creation of inputs that will produce duplicated outputs. manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file. """ if ph_tol is None: ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10} if ddk_tol is None: ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22} if dde_tol is None: dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10} if wfq_tol is None: wfq_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22} if strain_tol is None: strain_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12} if do_dde: do_ddk = True if do_dte: do_dde = True multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([gs_inp]) multi[0].add_tags(atags.SCF) do_phonons = ph_ngqpt is not None or qpoints is not None has_gamma = False if do_phonons: multi.extend(phonons_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=ph_ngqpt, qpoints=qpoints, with_ddk=False, with_dde=False, with_bec=False, ph_tol=ph_tol, ddk_tol=ddk_tol, dde_tol=dde_tol, wfq_tol=wfq_tol, qpoints_to_skip=None, manager=manager)) has_gamma = ph_ngqpt is not None or any(np.allclose(q, [0, 0, 0]) for q in qpoints) if do_ddk: multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol) multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK) multi.extend(multi_ddk) if do_dde: multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, use_symmetries=not do_dte, manager=manager) multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE) multi.extend(multi_dde) if do_strain: multi_strain = gs_inp.make_strain_perts_inputs(tolerance=strain_tol, manager=manager, phonon_pert=False, kptopt=2) multi_strain.add_tags([atags.DFPT, atags.STRAIN]) multi.extend(multi_strain) if do_dte: # non-linear calculations do not accept more bands than those in the valence. Set the correct values. nval = gs_inp.structure.num_valence_electrons(gs_inp.pseudos) nval -= gs_inp['charge'] nband = int(round(nval / 2)) gs_inp_copy = gs_inp.deepcopy() gs_inp_copy.set_vars(nband=nband) gs_inp_copy.pop('nbdbuf', None) multi_dte = gs_inp_copy.make_dte_inputs(phonon_pert=do_phonons and has_gamma, skip_permutations=skip_dte_permutations, manager=manager) multi_dte.add_tags([atags.DTE, atags.DFPT]) multi.extend(multi_dte) return multi
def conduc_from_inputs(scf_input, nscf_input, tmesh, ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine, sigma_erange, boxcutmin=1.1, mixprec=1): """ Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations to determine conductivity. This part require a ground state |AbinitInput| and a non self-consistent |AbinitInput|. You will also need a work to get DDB and DVDB since |ConducWork| needs these files. Args: scf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, the SCF performed to get the WFK. nscf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a nscf ground state calculation, the NSCF performed to get the WFK. most parameters for subsequent tasks will be taken from this inputs. tmesh: The mesh of temperature (in Kelvin) where we calculate the conductivity. ddb_ngqpt: the coarse grid of q-points used to compute the DDB and DVDB files in the previous phonon_work. eph_ngqpt_fine: the fine grid of q-points used for the Fourier nterpolation. boxcutmin: For the last task only, 1.1 is often used to decrease memory and is faster over the Abinit default of 2. mixprec: For the last task only, 1 is often used to make the EPH calculation faster. Note that Abinit default is 0. """ # Create a MultiDataset from scf input multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([scf_input]) # Add 2 times the nscf input at the end of the MultiDataset extension = MultiDataset.replicate_input(nscf_input, 2) multi.extend(extension) # Modify the second nscf input to get a task that interpolate the DVDB #multi[2].pop_vars("iscf") #multi[2].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7, # ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt, # eph_task=5, # eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine) # Modify the third nscf input to get a conductivity task multi[2].pop_vars("iscf") multi[2].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7, ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine, eph_task=-4, tmesh=tmesh, sigma_erange=sigma_erange, boxcutmin=boxcutmin, mixprec=mixprec) return multi def conduc_kerange_from_inputs(scf_input, nscf_input, tmesh, ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine, sigma_ngkpt, sigma_erange, sigma_kerange=None, epad=0.25*abu.eV_Ha, einterp=(1, 5, 0, 0), boxcutmin=1.1, mixprec=1): """ Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations to determine the conductivity. This part require a ground state |AbinitInput| and a non self-consistent |AbinitInput|. You will also need a work to get DDB and DVDB since |ConducWork| needs these files. Args: scf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, the SCF performed to get the WFK. nscf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a nscf ground state calculation, the NSCF performed to get the WFK. most parameters for subsequent tasks will be taken from this inputs. ddb_ngqpt: the coarse q-point grid used to get the DDB and DVDB files. eph_ngqpt_fine: the fine qpoints grid that will be interpolated. sigma_ngkpt: The fine grid of kpt inside the sigma interval sigma_erange: The energy range for Sigma_nk sigma_kerange: The energy window for the WFK generation (should be larger than sigma_erange). Can be specified directly or determined from epad, if sigma_kerange is None. epad: Additional energy range to sigma_erange to determine sigma_kerange automatically. einterp: The interpolation used. By default it is a star-function interpolation. boxcutmin: For the last task only, 1.1 is often used to decrease memory and is faster over the Abinit default of 2. mixprec: For the last task only, 1 is often used to make the EPH calculation faster. Note that Abinit default is 0. """ # Create a MultiDataset from scf input multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([scf_input]) # Add 4 times the nscf input at the end of the MultiDataset extension = MultiDataset.replicate_input(nscf_input, 4) multi.extend(extension) # If sigma_kerange is None, we determine it automatically based on epad # We have to consider semiconductors and metals, electrons and holes if sigma_kerange is None: h_range = sigma_erange[0] e_range = sigma_erange[1] sigma_kerange = [h_range, e_range] if h_range < 0: sigma_kerange[0] -= epad if e_range < 0: sigma_kerange[1] -= epad if h_range > 0: sigma_kerange[0] += epad if e_range > 0: sigma_kerange[1] += epad # Modify the second nscf input to get a task that calculate the kpt in the sigma interval ( file) multi[2].set_vars(optdriver=8, wfk_task='"wfk_kpts_erange"', kptopt=1, sigma_ngkpt=sigma_ngkpt, einterp=einterp, sigma_erange=sigma_kerange) # Modify the third nscf input to get a task that add the kpt of to the WFK file multi[3].set_vars(optdriver=0, iscf=-2, kptopt=0, ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt) # Modify the fourth nscf input to get a task that interpolate the DVDB #multi[4].pop_vars("iscf") #multi[4].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7, # ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt, # eph_task=5, # eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine) # Modify the third nscf input to get a conductivity task multi[4].pop_vars("iscf") multi[4].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7, ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine, eph_task=-4, tmesh=tmesh, sigma_erange=sigma_erange, ngkpt=sigma_ngkpt, boxcutmin=boxcutmin, mixprec=mixprec) return multi
[docs]def minimal_scf_input(structure, pseudos): """ Provides an input for a calculation with the minimum possible requirements. Can be used to execute abinit with minimal requirements when needing files that are produced only after a full calculation completes. In general this will contain 1 kpt, 1 band, very low cutoff, no polarization, no smearing. Disables checks on primitive cell and symmetries. Even for large system it will require small memory allocations and few seconds to execute. Args: structure: |Structure| object. pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. """ inp = scf_input(structure, pseudos, smearing=None, spin_mode="unpolarized") inp["ngkpt"] = [1, 1, 1] inp["nshiftk"] = 1 inp["shiftk"] = [[0, 0, 0]] inp["nstep"] = 0 inp["ecut"] = 3 # should be reasonable, otherwise abinit raises an error inp["nband"] = 1 inp["chkprim"] = 0 inp["chksymbreak"] = 0 inp["charge"] = structure.num_valence_electrons(inp.pseudos) - 1 inp["boxcutmin"] = 1.2 return inp
#FIXME if the pseudos are passed as a PseudoTable the whole table will be serialized, # it would be better to filter on the structure elements class InputFactory(MSONable): factory_function = None input_required = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.factory_function is None: raise NotImplementedError('The factory function should be specified') self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def build_input(self, previous_input=None): # make a copy to pop additional parameteres kwargs = dict(self.kwargs) decorators = kwargs.pop('decorators', []) if not isinstance(decorators, (list, tuple)): decorators = [decorators] extra_abivars = kwargs.pop('extra_abivars', {}) if self.input_required: if not previous_input: raise ValueError('An input is required for factory function {0}.'.format(self.factory_function.__name__)) abiinput = self.factory_function(previous_input, *self.args, **kwargs) else: abiinput = self.factory_function(*self.args, **kwargs) for d in decorators: abiinput = d(abiinput) abiinput.set_vars(extra_abivars) return abiinput @pmg_serialize def as_dict(self): # sanitize to avoid numpy arrays and serialize MSONable objects return jsanitize(dict(args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs), strict=True) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): dec = MontyDecoder() return cls(*dec.process_decoded(d['args']), **dec.process_decoded(d['kwargs'])) class BandsFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(ebands_from_gsinput) class IoncellRelaxFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(ioncell_relax_from_gsinput) class HybridOneShotFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(hybrid_oneshot_input) class HybridScfFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(hybrid_scf_input) class ScfFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(scf_input) input_required = False class ScfForPhononsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(scf_for_phonons) input_required = False class PhononsFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(phonons_from_gsinput) class PiezoElasticFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(scf_piezo_elastic_inputs) input_required = False class PiezoElasticFromGsFactory(InputFactory): factory_function = staticmethod(piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput)