Source code for abipy.dfpt.ddb

# coding: utf-8
Python API for the DDB file containing the derivatives of the total Energy wrt different perturbations.
import sys
import os
import tempfile
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu

from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import lru_cache
from monty.string import marquee, list_strings
from monty.json import MSONable
from monty.collections import AttrDict, dict2namedtuple
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from import deprecated
from pymatgen.core.units import eV_to_Ha, bohr_to_angstrom, Energy
from pymatgen.util.serialization import pmg_serialize
from abipy.flowtk import AnaddbTask
from abipy.core.mixins import TextFile, Has_Structure, NotebookWriter
from abipy.core.symmetries import AbinitSpaceGroup
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from abipy.core.kpoints import KpointList, Kpoint
from abipy.iotools import ETSF_Reader
from import data_from_cplx_mode
from abipy.abio.inputs import AnaddbInput
from abipy.dfpt.phonons import PhononDosPlotter, PhononBandsPlotter
from abipy.dfpt.ifc import InteratomicForceConstants
from abipy.dfpt.elastic import ElasticData
from abipy.dfpt.raman import Raman
from abipy.core.abinit_units import phfactor_ev2units, phunit_tag
from import (add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, get_figs_plotly, get_fig_plotly,
                                  add_plotly_fig_kwargs, PlotlyRowColDesc, plotlyfigs_to_browser, push_to_chart_studio)
from import duck
from import ExitStackWithFiles
from import DielectricTensor, ZstarTensor, Stress
from abipy.abio.robots import Robot

                "0": "₀",
                "1": "₁",
                "2": "₂",
                "3": "₃",
                "4": "₄",
                "5": "₅",
                "6": "₆",
                "7": "₇",
                "8": "₈",
                "9": "₉",

[docs]class DdbError(Exception): """Error class raised by DDB."""
[docs]class AnaddbError(DdbError): """ Exceptions raised when we try to execute |AnaddbTask| in the |DdbFile| methods An `AnaddbError` has a reference to the task and to the :class:`EventsReport` that contains the error messages of the run. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.task, = kwargs.pop("task"), kwargs.pop("report") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): lines = ["""\n An exception has been raised while executing anaddb in workdir: %s Please check the run.err, the run.abo and the files in the workdir and make sure that manager.yml is properly configured. """ % self.task.workdir] app = lines.append if app("Found %d errors" % len( lines += [str(err) for err in] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]class DdbFile(TextFile, Has_Structure, NotebookWriter): """ This object provides an interface to the DDB_ file produced by ABINIT as well as methods to compute phonon band structures, phonon DOS, thermodynamic properties etc. About the indices (idir, ipert) used by Abinit (Fortran notation): * idir in [1, 2, 3] gives the direction (usually reduced direction, cart for strain) * ipert in [1, 2, ..., mpert] where mpert = natom + 6 * ipert in [1, ..., natom] corresponds to atomic perturbations (reduced directions) * ipert = natom + 1 corresponds d/dk (reduced directions) * ipert = natom + 2 corresponds the electric field * ipert = natom + 3 corresponds the uniaxial stress (Cartesian directions) * ipert = natom + 4 corresponds the shear stress. (Cartesian directions) .. rubric:: Inheritance .. inheritance-diagram:: DdbFile """ Error = DdbError AnaddbError = AnaddbError
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """Needed for the :class:`TextFile` abstract interface.""" return cls(filepath)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Build object from string using temporary file.""" fd, tmp_filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, prefix="_DDB") with open(tmp_filepath, "wt") as fh: fh.write(string) return cls(tmp_filepath)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mpid(cls, material_id, api_key=None, endpoint=None): """ Fetch DDB file corresponding to a materials project ``material_id``, save it to temporary file and return new DdbFile object. Raises: MPRestError if DDB file is not available Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id (e.g., mp-1234). api_key (str): A String API key for accessing the MaterialsProject REST interface. If None, the code will check if there is a `PMG_MAPI_KEY` in your .pmgrc.yaml. endpoint (str): Url of endpoint to access the MaterialsProject REST interface. Defaults to the standard Materials Project REST address """ material_id = str(material_id) if not material_id.startswith("mp-"): raise ValueError("Materials project ID should start with mp-") from abipy.core import restapi with restapi.get_mprester(api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) as rest: ddb_string = rest._make_request("/materials/%s/abinit_ddb" % material_id) _, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=material_id, suffix='_DDB') with open(tmpfile, "wt") as fh: fh.write(ddb_string) return cls(tmpfile)
[docs] @classmethod def as_ddb(cls, obj): """ Return an instance of |DdbFile| from a generic object `obj`. Accepts: DdbFile or filepath """ return obj if isinstance(obj, cls) else cls.from_file(obj)
def __init__(self, filepath): super().__init__(filepath) self._header = self._parse_header() self._structure = Structure.from_abivars(**self.header) # Add AbinitSpacegroup (needed in guessed_ngkpt) # FIXME: kptopt is not reported in the header --> has_timerev is always set to True spgid, has_timerev, h = 0, True, self.header self._structure.set_abi_spacegroup(AbinitSpaceGroup(spgid, h.symrel, h.tnons, h.symafm, has_timerev)) # Add forces to structure. if self.cart_forces is not None: self._structure.add_site_property("cartesian_forces", self.cart_forces) frac_coords = self._read_qpoints() self._qpoints = KpointList(self.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice, frac_coords, weights=None, names=None) def __str__(self): """String representation.""" return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=0): """String representation.""" lines = [] app, extend = lines.append, lines.extend app(marquee("File Info", mark="=")) app(self.filestat(as_string=True)) app("") app(self.structure.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Structure")) app("") app(marquee("DDB Info", mark="=")) app("") app("Number of q-points in DDB: %d" % len(self.qpoints)) app("guessed_ngqpt: %s (guess for the q-mesh divisions made by AbiPy)" % self.guessed_ngqpt) #if verbose: h = self.header #app("Important parameters extracted from the header:") app("ecut = %f, ecutsm = %f, nkpt = %d, nsym = %d, usepaw = %d" % (h.ecut, h.ecutsm, h.nkpt, h.nsym, h.usepaw)) app("nsppol %d, nspinor %d, nspden %d, ixc = %d, occopt = %d, tsmear = %f" % ( h.nsppol, h.nspinor, h.nspden, h.ixc, h.occopt, h.tsmear)) app("") app("Has total energy: %s, Has forces: %s" % ( self.total_energy is not None, self.cart_forces is not None)) if self.total_energy is not None: app("Total energy: %s [eV]" % self.total_energy) #app("Has forces: %s" % ( #if self.cart_forces is not None: # app("Cartesian forces (eV/Ang):\n%s" % (self.cart_forces)) # app("") if self.cart_stress_tensor is not None: app("") app("Cartesian stress tensor in GPa with pressure %.3e (GPa):\n%s" % ( - self.cart_stress_tensor.trace() / 3, self.cart_stress_tensor)) else: app("Has stress tensor: %s" % (self.cart_stress_tensor is not None)) app("") app("Has (at least one) atomic pertubation: %s" % self.has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation()) #app("Has (at least one) electric-field perturbation: %s" % self.has_epsinf_terms(select="at_least_one")) #app("Has (all) electric-field perturbation: %s" % self.has_epsinf_terms(select="all")) app("Has (at least one diagonal) electric-field perturbation: %s" % self.has_epsinf_terms(select="at_least_one_diagoterm")) app("Has (at least one) Born effective charge: %s" % self.has_bec_terms(select="at_least_one")) app("Has (all) strain terms: %s" % self.has_strain_terms(select="all")) app("Has (all) internal strain terms: %s" % self.has_internalstrain_terms(select="all")) app("Has (all) piezoelectric terms: %s" % self.has_piezoelectric_terms(select="all")) #app("Has (all) dynamical quadrupole terms: %s" % self.has_quadrupole_terms(select="all")) if verbose: # Print q-points app(self.qpoints.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Q-points in DDB")) if verbose > 1: # Print full header. from pprint import pformat app(marquee("DDB header", mark="=")) app(pformat(self.header)) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_string(self): """Return string with DDB content.""" with open(self.filepath, "rt") as fh: return
@property def structure(self): """|Structure| object.""" return self._structure @property def natom(self): """Number of atoms in structure.""" return len(self.structure) @property def version(self): """DDB Version number (integer).""" return self.header["version"] @property def header(self): """ Dictionary with the values reported in the header section. Use e.g. ``ddb.header.ecut`` to access its values """ return self._header def _parse_header(self): """Parse the header sections. Returns |AttrDict| dictionary.""" #ixc 7 #kpt 0.00000000000000D+00 0.00000000000000D+00 0.00000000000000D+00 # 0.25000000000000D+00 0.00000000000000D+00 0.00000000000000D+00 keyvals = [] header_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(self): header_lines.append(line.rstrip()) line = line.strip() if not line: continue if "Version" in line: # +DDB, Version number 100401 version = int(line.split()[-1]) if line in ("Description of the potentials (KB energies)", "No information on the potentials yet", "Description of the PAW dataset(s)"): # Skip section with psps info. break # header starts here if i >= 6: # Python does not support exp format with D line = line.replace("D+", "E+").replace("D-", "E-") tokens = line.split() key = None try: try: float(tokens[0]) parse = float if "." in tokens[0] else int keyvals[-1][1].extend(list(map(parse, tokens))) except ValueError: # We have a new key key = tokens.pop(0) parse = float if "." in tokens[0] else int keyvals.append((key, list(map(parse, tokens)))) except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError("Exception:\n%s\nwhile parsing ddb header line:\n%s" % (str(exc), line)) # add the potential information for line in self: if "Database of total energy derivatives" in line: break header_lines.append(line.rstrip()) h = AttrDict(version=version, lines=header_lines) for key, value in keyvals: if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] h[key] = value # Convert to array. Note that znucl is converted into integer # to avoid problems with pymatgen routines that expect integer Z # This of course will break any code for alchemical mixing. arrays = { "acell": dict(shape=(3, ), dtype=float), "amu": dict(shape=(h.ntypat, ), dtype=float), "kpt": dict(shape=(h.nkpt, 3), dtype=float), "ngfft": dict(shape=(3, ), dtype=int), # This is problematic because not all occupation factors are written #"occ": dict(shape=(h.nsppol, h.nkpt, h.nband), dtype=float), "rprim": dict(shape=(3, 3), dtype=float), "spinat": dict(shape=(h.natom, 3), dtype=float), "symrel": dict(shape=(h.nsym, 3, 3), dtype=int), "tnons": dict(shape=(h.nsym, 3), dtype=float), "xred": dict(shape=(h.natom, 3), dtype=float), # In principle these two quantities are double but here we convert to int # Alchemical mixing is therefore ignored. "znucl": dict(shape=(h.ntypat,), dtype=int), "zion": dict(shape=(h.ntypat,), dtype=int), "symafm": dict(shape=(h.nsym,), dtype=int), "wtk": dict(shape=(h.nkpt,), dtype=float), } for k, ainfo in arrays.items(): try: h[k] = np.reshape(np.array(h[k], dtype=ainfo["dtype"]), ainfo["shape"]) except Exception as exc: print("While Trying to reshape", k) raise exc # Transpose symrel because Abinit write matrices by columns. h.symrel = np.array([s.T for s in h.symrel]) return h def _read_qpoints(self): """Read the list q-points from the DDB file. Returns |numpy-array|.""" # 2nd derivatives (non-stat.) - # elements : 36 # qpt 2.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.0 # Since there are multiple occurrences of qpt in the DDB file # we use seen to remove duplicates. tokens, seen = [], set() for line in self: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("qpt") and line not in seen: seen.add(line) tokens.append(line.replace("qpt", "")) qpoints, weights = [], [] for tok in tokens: nums = list(map(float, tok.split())) qpoints.append(nums[:3]) weights.append(nums[3]) return np.reshape(qpoints, (-1, 3))
[docs] @lazy_property def computed_dynmat(self): """ OrderedDict mapping q-point object to --> pandas Dataframe. The |pandas-DataFrame| contains the columns: "idir1", "ipert1", "idir2", "ipert2", "cvalue" and (idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2) as index. .. note:: The indices follow the Abinit (Fortran) notation so they start at 1. """ # TODO: Create mapping [(idir1, ipert1), (idir2, ipert2)] --> element df_columns = "idir1 ipert1 idir2 ipert2 cvalue".split() dynmat = OrderedDict() for block in self.blocks: # skip the blocks that are not related to second order derivatives first_line = block["data"][0].strip() if not first_line.startswith("2nd derivatives"): continue # Build q-point object. qpt = Kpoint(frac_coords=block["qpt"], lattice=self.structure.reciprocal_lattice, weight=None, name=None) # Build pandas dataframe with df_columns and (idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2) as index. # Each line in data represents an element of the dynamical matric # idir1 ipert1 idir2 ipert2 re_D im_D df_rows, df_index = [], [] for line in block["data"]: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("2nd derivatives") or line.startswith("qpt"): continue try: toks = line.split() idir1, ipert1 = p1 = (int(toks[0]), int(toks[1])) idir2, ipert2 = p2 = (int(toks[2]), int(toks[3])) toks[4] = toks[4].replace("D", "E") toks[5] = toks[5].replace("D", "E") cvalue = float(toks[4]) + 1j*float(toks[5]) except Exception as exc: cprint("exception while parsing line: %s" % line, "red") raise exc df_index.append(p1 + p2) df_rows.append(dict(idir1=idir1, ipert1=ipert1, idir2=idir2, ipert2=ipert2, cvalue=cvalue)) dynmat[qpt] = pd.DataFrame(df_rows, index=df_index, columns=df_columns) return dynmat
[docs] @lazy_property def blocks(self): """ DDB blocks. List of dictionaries, Each dictionary contains the following keys. "qpt" with the reduced coordinates of the q-point. "data" that is a list of strings with the entries of the dynamical matrix for this q-point. """ return self._read_blocks()
def _read_blocks(self): # skip until the beginning of the db while "Number of data blocks" not in self._file.readline(): pass blocks = [] block_lines = [] qpt = None dord = None qpt3 = None for line in self: # skip empty lines if line.isspace(): continue if "List of bloks and their characteristics" in line: # add last block when we reach the last part of the file. # This line is present only if DDB has been produced by mrgddb if block_lines: blocks.append({"data": block_lines, "qpt": qpt, "qpt3": qpt3, "dord": dord}) block_lines = [] qpt = None qpt3 = None break # Don't use lstring because we may reuse block_lines to write new DDB. line = line.rstrip() # new block --> detect order if "# elements" in line: if block_lines: blocks.append({"data": block_lines, "qpt": qpt, "qpt3": qpt3, "dord": dord}) tokens = line.split() num_elements = int(tokens[-1]) s = " ".join(tokens[:2]) dord = {"Total energy": 0, "1st derivatives": 1, "2nd derivatives": 2, "3rd derivatives": 3}.get(s, None) if dord is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot detect derivative order from string: `%s`" % s) block_lines = [] qpt = None qpt3 = None block_lines.append(line) if dord == 2 and "qpt" in line: qpt = list(map(float, line.split()[1:4])) # if needed accumulate the qpt coords in qpt3. stop when they reach 3. if dord == 3: if "qpt" in line: qpt3 = [list(map(float, line.split()[1:4]))] elif qpt3 and len(qpt3) < 3: qpt3.append(list(map(float, line.split()[:3]))) if block_lines: blocks.append({"data": block_lines, "qpt": qpt, "qpt3": qpt3, "dord": dord}) return blocks @property def qpoints(self): """|KpointList| object with the list of q-points in reduced coordinates.""" return self._qpoints
[docs] def has_qpoint(self, qpoint): """True if the DDB file contains this q-point.""" #qpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(qpoint, self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) try: self.qpoints.index(qpoint) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def qindex(self, qpoint): """ The index of the q-point in the internal list of q-points. Accepts: |Kpoint| instance or integer. """ if duck.is_intlike(qpoint): return int(qpoint) else: return self.qpoints.index(qpoint)
[docs] @lazy_property def guessed_ngqpt(self): """ Guess for the q-mesh divisions (ngqpt) inferred from the list of q-points found in the DDB file. .. warning:: The mesh may not be correct if the DDB file contains points belonging to different meshes and/or the Q-mesh is shifted. """ return self._guess_ngqpt()
def _guess_ngqpt(self): """ This function tries to figure out the value of ngqpt from the list of points reported in the DDB file. """ if not self.qpoints: return None # Build the union of the stars of the q-points. all_qpoints = np.empty((len(self.qpoints) * len(self.structure.abi_spacegroup), 3)) count = 0 for qpoint in self.qpoints: for op in self.structure.abi_spacegroup: all_qpoints[count] = op.rotate_k(qpoint.frac_coords, wrap_tows=False) count += 1 # Replace zeros with np.inf for q in all_qpoints: q[q == 0] = np.inf # Compute the minimum of the fractional coordinates along the 3 directions and invert smalls = np.abs(all_qpoints).min(axis=0) smalls[smalls == 0] = 1 ngqpt = np.rint(1 / smalls) ngqpt[ngqpt == 0] = 1 return np.array(ngqpt, dtype=int)
[docs] @lazy_property def params(self): """:class:`OrderedDict` with parameters that might be subject to convergence studies.""" names = ("nkpt", "nsppol", "ecut", "tsmear", "occopt", "ixc", "nband", "usepaw") od = OrderedDict() for k in names: od[k] = self.header[k] return od
def _add_params(self, obj): """Add params (meta variable) to object ``obj``. Usually a phonon bands or phonon dos object.""" if not hasattr(obj, "params"): raise TypeError("object %s does not have `params` attribute" % type(obj)) obj.params.update(self.params)
[docs] @lazy_property def total_energy(self): """ Total energy in eV. None if not available. """ for block in self.blocks: if block["dord"] == 0: ene_ha = float(block["data"][1].split()[0].replace("D", "E")) return Energy(ene_ha, "Ha").to("eV") return None
[docs] @lazy_property def cart_forces(self): """ Cartesian forces in eV / Ang None if not available i.e. if the GS DDB has not been merged. """ for block in self.blocks: if block["dord"] != 1: continue natom = len(self.structure) fred = np.empty((natom, 3)) for line in block["data"][1:]: idir, ipert, fval = line.split()[:3] # F --> C idir, ipert = int(idir) - 1, int(ipert) - 1 if ipert < natom: fred[ipert, idir] = float(fval.replace("D", "E")) # Fred stores d(etotal)/d(xred) # this array has *not* been corrected by enforcing # the translational symmetry, namely that the sum of force # on all atoms is not necessarly zero. # Compute fcart using same code as in fred2fcart. # Note conversion to cartesian coordinates (bohr) AND # negation to make a force out of a gradient. gprimd = self.structure.reciprocal_lattice.matrix / (2 * np.pi) * abu.Bohr_Ang #fcart = - np.matmul(fred, gprimd) fcart = - np.matmul(fred, gprimd.T) # Subtract off average force from each force component favg = fcart.sum(axis=0) / len(self.structure) fcart -= favg return fcart * abu.Ha_eV / abu.Bohr_Ang return None
[docs] @lazy_property def cart_stress_tensor(self): """ |Stress| tensor in cartesian coordinates (GPa units). None if not available. """ for block in self.blocks: if block["dord"] != 1: continue svoigt = np.empty(6) # Abinit stress is in cart coords and Ha/Bohr**3 # Map (idir, ipert) --> voigt uniax, shear = len(self.structure) + 3, len(self.structure) + 4 dirper2voigt = { (1, uniax): 0, (2, uniax): 1, (3, uniax): 2, (1, shear): 3, (2, shear): 4, (3, shear): 5} for line in block["data"][1:]: idir, ipert, fval = line.split()[:3] idp = int(idir), int(ipert) if idp in dirper2voigt: svoigt[dirper2voigt[idp]] = float(fval.replace("D", "E")) # Convert from Ha/Bohr^3 to GPa return Stress.from_voigt(svoigt * abu.HaBohr3_GPa) return None
[docs] def has_lo_to_data(self, select="at_least_one"): """ True if the DDB file contains the data required to compute the LO-TO splitting. """ return self.has_epsinf_terms(select=select) and self.has_bec_terms(select=select)
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation(self, qpt=None): """ True if the DDB file contains info on (at least one) atomic perturbation. If the coordinates of a q point are provided only the specified qpt will be considered. """ natom = len(self.structure) ap_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), range(1, natom + 1))) for qpt_dm, df in self.computed_dynmat.items(): if qpt is not None and qpt_dm != qpt: continue index_set = set(df.index) for p1 in ap_list: for p2 in ap_list: p12 = p1 + p2 if p12 in index_set: return True return False
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_epsinf_terms(self, select="at_least_one"): """ True if the DDB file contains info on the electric-field perturbation. Args: select: Possible values in ["at_least_one", "at_least_one_diagoterm", "all"] If select == "at_least_one", we check if there's at least one entry associated to the electric field and we assume that anaddb will be able to reconstruct the full tensor by symmetry. "at_least_one_diagoterm" is similar but it only checks for the presence of one diagonal term. If select == "all", all tensor components must be present in the DDB file. """ gamma = Kpoint.gamma(self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) if gamma not in self.computed_dynmat: return False index_set = set(self.computed_dynmat[gamma].index) natom = len(self.structure) ep_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 2])) for p1 in ep_list: for p2 in ep_list: p12 = p1 + p2 p21 = p2 + p1 if select == "at_least_one": if p12 in index_set: return True elif select == "at_least_one_diagoterm": if p12 == p21 and p12 in index_set: return True elif select == "all": if p12 not in index_set and p21 not in index_set: return False else: raise ValueError("Wrong select %s" % str(select)) return False if select in ("at_least_one", "at_least_one_diagoterm") else True
@deprecated(message="has_emacro_terms is deprecated and will be removed in abipy 0.8, use has_epsinf_terms") def has_emacro_terms(self, **kwargs): return self.has_epsinf_terms(**kwargs)
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_bec_terms(self, select="at_least_one"): """ True if the DDB file contains info on the Born effective charges. Args: select: Possible values in ["at_least_one", "all"] By default, we check if there's at least one entry associated to atomic displacement and electric field and we assume that anaddb will be able to reconstruct the full tensor by symmetry. If select == "all", all bec components must be present in the DDB file. """ gamma = Kpoint.gamma(self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) if gamma not in self.computed_dynmat: return False index_set = set(self.computed_dynmat[gamma].index) natom = len(self.structure) ep_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 2])) ap_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), range(1, natom + 1))) # helper function to get the value, since has a cumbersome notation # when dealing with tuples as indices dmg = self.computed_dynmat[gamma] def non_zero_value(ind): if ind not in index_set: return False v = dmg.loc[[ind]].iloc[0].cvalue return v != 0.0 # if the BECs perturbations are not calculated, abinit can set all # of them to 0 and writes them in the DDB. To be considered # as present at lest one should be different from zero. not_all_zero = False for ap1 in ap_list: for ep2 in ep_list: p12 = ap1 + ep2 p21 = ep2 + ap1 if select == "at_least_one": if (p12 in index_set and non_zero_value(p12)) or \ (p21 in index_set and non_zero_value(p21)): return True elif select == "all": if p12 not in index_set and p21 not in index_set: return False not_all_zero = not_all_zero or non_zero_value(p12) or non_zero_value(p21) else: raise ValueError("Wrong select %s" % str(select)) return False if select == "at_least_one" else not_all_zero
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_strain_terms(self, select="all"): """ True if the DDB file contains info on the (clamped-ion) strain perturbation (i.e. 2nd order derivatives wrt strain) Args: select: Possible values in ["at_least_one", "all"] If select == "at_least_one", we check if there's at least one entry associated to the strain. and we assume that anaddb will be able to reconstruct the full tensor by symmetry. If select == "all", all tensor components must be present in the DDB file. .. note:: As anaddb is not yet able to reconstruct the strain terms by symmetry, the default value for select is "all" """ gamma = Kpoint.gamma(self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) if gamma not in self.computed_dynmat: return False index_set = set(self.computed_dynmat[gamma].index) natom = len(self.structure) sp_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 3, natom + 4])) for p1 in sp_list: for p2 in sp_list: p12 = p1 + p2 p21 = p2 + p1 if select == "at_least_one": if p12 in index_set: return True elif select == "all": if p12 not in index_set and p21 not in index_set: #print("p12", p12, "not in index_set") return False else: raise ValueError("Wrong select %s" % str(select)) return False if select == "at_least_one" else True
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_internalstrain_terms(self, select="all"): """ True if the DDB file contains internal strain terms i.e "off-diagonal" 2nd order derivatives wrt (strain, atomic displacement) Args: select: Possible values in ["at_least_one", "all"] If select == "at_least_one", we check if there's at least one entry associated to the strain. and we assume that anaddb will be able to reconstruct the full tensor by symmetry. If select == "all", all tensor components must be present in the DDB file. .. note:: As anaddb is not yet able to reconstruct the strain terms by symmetry, the default value for select is "all" """ gamma = Kpoint.gamma(self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) if gamma not in self.computed_dynmat: return False index_set = set(self.computed_dynmat[gamma].index) natom = len(self.structure) sp_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 3, natom + 4])) ap_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), range(1, natom + 1))) for p1 in sp_list: for p2 in ap_list: p12 = p1 + p2 p21 = p2 + p1 if select == "at_least_one": if p12 in index_set: return True elif select == "all": if p12 not in index_set and p21 not in index_set: #print("p12", p12, "non in index") return False else: raise ValueError("Wrong select %s" % str(select)) return False if select == "at_least_one" else True
[docs] @lru_cache(typed=True) def has_piezoelectric_terms(self, select="all"): """ True if the DDB file contains piezoelectric terms i.e "off-diagonal" 2nd order derivatives wrt (electric_field, strain) Args: select: Possible values in ["at_least_one", "all"] If select == "at_least_one", we check if there's at least one entry associated to the strain. and we assume that anaddb will be able to reconstruct the full tensor by symmetry. If select == "all", all tensor components must be present in the DDB file. .. note:: As anaddb is not yet able to reconstruct the (strain, electric) terms by symmetry, the default value for select is "all" """ gamma = Kpoint.gamma(self.structure.reciprocal_lattice) if gamma not in self.computed_dynmat: return False index_set = set(self.computed_dynmat[gamma].index) natom = len(self.structure) sp_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 3, natom + 4])) ep_list = list(itertools.product(range(1, 4), [natom + 2])) for p1 in sp_list: for p2 in ep_list: p12 = p1 + p2 p21 = p2 + p1 if select == "at_least_one": if p12 in index_set: return True elif select == "all": if p12 not in index_set and p21 not in index_set: return False else: raise ValueError("Wrong select %s" % str(select)) return False if select == "at_least_one" else True
[docs] def view_phononwebsite(self, browser=None, verbose=0, dryrun=False, **kwargs): """ Invoke anaddb to compute phonon bands. Produce JSON file that can be parsed from the phononwebsite_ and open it in ``browser``. Args: browser: Open webpage in ``browser``. Use default $BROWSER if None. verbose: Verbosity level dryrun: Activate dryrun mode for unit testing purposes. kwargs: Passed to ``anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files``. Return: Exit status """ # Call anaddb to get phonon bands. if "nqsmall" not in kwargs: kwargs["nqsmall"] = 0 phbst_file, phdos_file = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(**kwargs) phbands = phbst_file.phbands phbst_file.close() return phbands.view_phononwebsite(browser=browser, verbose=verbose, dryrun=dryrun)
[docs] def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. """ yield self.structure.plot(show=False) yield self.qpoints.plot(show=False) yield self.structure.plot_bz(show=False)
[docs] def yield_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of plotly figures with minimal input from the user. """ yield self.structure.plotly(show=False) yield self.qpoints.plotly(show=False) yield self.structure.plotly_bz(show=False)
[docs] def anaget_phmodes_at_qpoint(self, qpoint=None, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, workdir=None, mpi_procs=1, manager=None, verbose=0, lo_to_splitting=False, spell_check=True, directions=None, anaddb_kwargs=None, return_input=False): """ Execute anaddb to compute phonon modes at the given q-point. Non analytical contribution can be added if qpoint is Gamma and required elements are present in the DDB. Args: qpoint: Reduced coordinates of the qpoint where phonon modes are computed. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information. lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to False If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. directions: list of 3D directions along which the LO-TO splitting will be calculated. If None the three cartesian direction will be used. anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb. return_input: True if |AnaddbInput| object should be returned as 2nd argument Return: |PhononBands| object. """ if qpoint is None: qpoint = self.qpoints[0] if len(self.qpoints) != 1: raise ValueError("%s contains %s qpoints and the choice is ambiguous.\n" "Please specify the qpoint." % (self, len(self.qpoints))) return self.anaget_phmodes_at_qpoints(qpoints=[qpoint], asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, workdir=workdir, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, manager=manager, verbose=verbose, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, spell_check=spell_check, directions=directions, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs, return_input=return_input)
[docs] def anaget_phmodes_at_qpoints(self, qpoints=None, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, ifcflag=0, ngqpt=None, workdir=None, mpi_procs=1, manager=None, verbose=0, lo_to_splitting=False, spell_check=True, directions=None, anaddb_kwargs=None, return_input=False): """ Execute anaddb to compute phonon modes at the given list of q-points. Non analytical contribution can be added if Gamma belongs to the list and required elements are present in the DDB. If the list of q-points contains points that are not present in the DDB the values will be interpolated and ifcflag should be set to 1. Args: qpoints: Reduced coordinates of a list of qpoints where phonon modes are computed. asr, chneut, dipdip, ifcflag: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. ngqpt: Number of divisions for the q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default). workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information. lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to False If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. directions: list of 3D directions along which the LO-TO splitting will be calculated. If None the three cartesian direction will be used. anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb. return_input: True if |AnaddbInput| object should be returned as 2nd argument Return: |PhononBands| object. """ if qpoints is None: qpoints = self.qpoints if ifcflag == 0: try: iqs = [self.qindex(q) for q in qpoints] except Exception: raise ValueError("input qpoint %s not in %s.\nddb.qpoints:\n%s" % ( qpoints, self.filepath, self.qpoints)) qpoints = [self.qpoints[iq] for iq in iqs] else: rl = self.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice qpoints = [Kpoint(qc, rl) for qc in qpoints] if ngqpt is None: ngqpt = self.guessed_ngqpt gamma = None for q in qpoints: if q.is_gamma(): gamma = q if lo_to_splitting == "automatic": lo_to_splitting = self.has_lo_to_data() and gamma and dipdip != 0 # if lo_to_splitting and gamma and not self.has_lo_to_data(): # cprint("lo_to_splitting set to True but Eps_inf and Becs are not available in DDB %s:" % self.filepath) inp = AnaddbInput.modes_at_qpoints(self.structure, qpoints, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, ifcflag=ifcflag, ngqpt=ngqpt, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, directions=directions, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs, spell_check=spell_check) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) with task.open_phbst() as ncfile: if lo_to_splitting and gamma: anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") ncfile.phbands.read_non_anal_from_file(anaddbnc_path) print("Calculation completed.\nAnaddb results available in dir:", task.workdir) return ncfile.phbands if not return_input else (ncfile.phbands, inp)
[docs] def anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(self, nqsmall=10, qppa=None, ndivsm=20, line_density=None, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, dos_method="tetra", lo_to_splitting="automatic", ngqpt=None, qptbounds=None, anaddb_kwargs=None, with_phonopy_obj=False, verbose=0, spell_check=True, mpi_procs=1, workdir=None, manager=None, return_input=False): """ Execute anaddb to compute the phonon band structure and the phonon DOS. Return contex manager that closes the files automatically. .. important:: Use: with ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(...) as g: phbst_file, phdos_file = g[0], g[0] to ensure the netcdf files are closed instead of: phbst_file, phdos_file = ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(...) Args: nqsmall: Defines the homogeneous q-mesh used for the DOS. Gives the number of divisions used to sample the smallest lattice vector. If 0, DOS is not computed and (phbst, None) is returned. qppa: Defines the homogeneous q-mesh used for the DOS in units of q-points per reciproval atom. Overrides nqsmall. ndivsm: Number of division used for the smallest segment of the q-path. line_density: Defines the a density of k-points per reciprocal atom to plot the phonon dispersion. Overrides ndivsm. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. dos_method: Technique for DOS computation in Possible choices: "tetra", "gaussian" or "gaussian:0.001 eV". In the later case, the value 0.001 eV is used as gaussian broadening. lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic" If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated and the non_anal_directions and the non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. ngqpt: Number of divisions for the q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default). qptbounds: Boundaries of the path. If None, the path is generated from an internal database depending on the input structure. anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb. with_phonopy_obj: if True the IFC will be calculated and used to generate an instance of a Phonopy object as an attribute of PhononBands. verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file. return_input: True if |AnaddbInput| object should be attached to the Context manager. Returns: Context manager with two files: |PhbstFile| with the phonon band structure. |PhdosFile| with the the phonon DOS. """ if ngqpt is None: ngqpt = self.guessed_ngqpt if lo_to_splitting == "automatic": lo_to_splitting = self.has_lo_to_data() and dipdip != 0 if lo_to_splitting and not self.has_lo_to_data(): cprint("lo_to_splitting is True but Eps_inf and Becs are not available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") inp = AnaddbInput.phbands_and_dos( self.structure, ngqpt=ngqpt, ndivsm=ndivsm, line_density=line_density, nqsmall=nqsmall, qppa=qppa, q1shft=(0, 0, 0), qptbounds=qptbounds, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method=dos_method, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, with_ifc=with_phonopy_obj, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs, spell_check=spell_check) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) # Use ExitStackWithFiles so that caller can use with contex manager. exit_stack = ExitStackWithFiles() # Open file and add metadata to phbands from DDB # TODO: in principle phbands.add_params? phbst_file = task.open_phbst() exit_stack.enter_context(phbst_file) self._add_params(phbst_file.phbands) anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") if lo_to_splitting: phbst_file.phbands.read_non_anal_from_file(anaddbnc_path) if with_phonopy_obj: scm = np.eye(3) * ngqpt phbst_file.phbands.set_phonopy_obj_from_ananc(anaddbnc_path, supercell_matrix=scm) phdos_file = None if inp["prtdos"] != 0: phdos_file = task.open_phdos() #self._add_params(phdos_file.phdos) exit_stack.enter_context(phdos_file) if return_input: exit_stack.input = inp return exit_stack
[docs] def get_coarse(self, ngqpt_coarse, filepath=None): """ Get a version of this file on a coarse mesh Args: ngqpt_coarse: list of ngqpt indexes that must be a sub-mesh of the original ngqpt filepath: Filename for coarse DDB. If None, temporary filename is used. Return: |DdbFile| on coarse mesh. """ # Check if ngqpt is a sub-mesh of ngqpt ngqpt_fine = self.guessed_ngqpt if any([a % b for a, b in zip(ngqpt_fine, ngqpt_coarse)]): raise ValueError('Coarse q-mesh is not a sub-mesh of the current q-mesh') # Get the points in the fine mesh fine_qpoints = [q.frac_coords for q in self.qpoints] # Generate the points of the coarse mesh map_fine_to_coarse = [] nx,ny,nz = ngqpt_coarse for i,j,k in itertools.product(range(-int(nx/2), int(nx/2) + 1), range(-int(ny/2), int(ny/2) + 1), range(-int(nz/2), int(nz/2) + 1)): coarse_qpt = np.array([i, j, k]) / np.array(ngqpt_coarse) for n,fine_qpt in enumerate(fine_qpoints): if np.allclose(coarse_qpt, fine_qpt): map_fine_to_coarse.append(n) # Write the file with a subset of q-points if filepath is None: _, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="_DDB", text=True) self.write(filepath, filter_blocks=map_fine_to_coarse) return self.__class__(filepath)
[docs] def anacompare_asr(self, asr_list=(0, 2), chneut_list=(1,), dipdip=1, lo_to_splitting="automatic", nqsmall=10, ndivsm=20, dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, verbose=0, mpi_procs=1, pre_label=None): """ Invoke anaddb to compute the phonon band structure and the phonon DOS with different values of the ``asr`` input variable (acoustic sum rule treatment). Build and return |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Args: asr_list: List of ``asr`` values to test. chneut_list: List of ``chneut`` values to test (used by anaddb only if dipdip == 1). dipdip: 1 to activate treatment of dipole-dipole interaction (requires BECS and dielectric tensor). lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic" If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. nqsmall: Defines the q-mesh for the phonon DOS in terms of the number of divisions to be used to sample the smallest reciprocal lattice vector. 0 to disable DOS computation. ndivsm: Number of division used for the smallest segment of the q-path dos_method: Technique for DOS computation in Possible choices: "tetra", "gaussian" or "gaussian:0.001 eV". In the later case, the value 0.001 eV is used as gaussian broadening ngqpt: Number of divisions for the ab-initio q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) verbose: Verbosity level. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes used by anaddb. pre_label: String to prepend to the default label used by the Plotter. Return: |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Client code can use ``plotter.combiplot()`` or ``plotter.gridplot()`` to visualize the results. """ phbands_plotter = PhononBandsPlotter() for asr, chneut in itertools.product(asr_list, chneut_list): phbst_file, phdos_file = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files( nqsmall=nqsmall, ndivsm=ndivsm, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method=dos_method, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, ngqpt=ngqpt, qptbounds=None, anaddb_kwargs=None, verbose=verbose, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, workdir=None, manager=None) if pre_label is not None: label = "%s (asr: %d, dipdip: %d, chneut: %d)" % (pre_label, asr, dipdip, chneut) else: label = "asr: %d, dipdip: %d, chneut: %d" % (asr, dipdip, chneut) if phdos_file is not None: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands, phdos=phdos_file.phdos) phdos_file.close() else: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands) phbst_file.close() return phbands_plotter
[docs] def anacompare_dipdip(self, chneut_list=(1,), asr=2, lo_to_splitting="automatic", nqsmall=10, ndivsm=20, dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, verbose=0, mpi_procs=1, pre_label=None): """ Invoke anaddb to compute the phonon band structure and the phonon DOS with different values of the ``dipdip`` input variable (dipole-dipole treatment). Build and return |PhononDosPlotter| object. Args: chneut_list: List of ``chneut`` values to test (used for dipdip == 1). asr_list: Variable for acoustic sum rule treatment. lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic" If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. nqsmall: Defines the q-mesh for the phonon DOS in terms of the number of divisions to be used to sample the smallest reciprocal lattice vector. 0 to disable DOS computation. ndivsm: Number of division used for the smallest segment of the q-path dos_method: Technique for DOS computation in Possible choices: "tetra", "gaussian" or "gaussian:0.001 eV". In the later case, the value 0.001 eV is used as gaussian broadening ngqpt: Number of divisions for the ab-initio q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) verbose: Verbosity level. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes used by anaddb. pre_label: String to prepen to the default label used by the Plotter. Return: |PhononDosPlotter| object. Client code can use ``plotter.combiplot()`` or ``plotter.gridplot()`` to visualize the results. """ phbands_plotter = PhononBandsPlotter() for dipdip in (0, 1): my_chneut_list = chneut_list if dipdip != 0 else [0] for chneut in my_chneut_list: phbst_file, phdos_file = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files( nqsmall=nqsmall, ndivsm=ndivsm, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method=dos_method, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, ngqpt=ngqpt, qptbounds=None, anaddb_kwargs=None, verbose=verbose, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, workdir=None, manager=None) if pre_label is not None: label = "%s (asr: %d, dipdip: %d, chneut: %d)" % (pre_label, asr, dipdip, chneut) else: label = "asr: %d, dipdip: %d, chneut: %d" % (asr, dipdip, chneut) if phdos_file is not None: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands, phdos=phdos_file.phdos) phdos_file.close() else: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands) phbst_file.close() return phbands_plotter
[docs] def anacompare_phdos(self, nqsmalls, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, verbose=0, num_cpus=1, stream=sys.stdout): """ Invoke Anaddb to compute Phonon DOS with different q-meshes. The ab-initio dynamical matrix reported in the DDB_ file will be Fourier-interpolated on the list of q-meshes specified by ``nqsmalls``. Useful to perform convergence studies. Args: nqsmalls: List of integers defining the q-mesh for the DOS. Each integer gives the number of divisions to be used to sample the smallest reciprocal lattice vector. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. dos_method: Technique for DOS computation in Possible choices: "tetra", "gaussian" or "gaussian:0.001 eV". In the later case, the value 0.001 eV is used as gaussian broadening ngqpt: Number of divisions for the ab-initio q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) verbose: Verbosity level. num_cpus: Number of CPUs (threads) used to parallellize the calculation of the DOSes. Autodetected if None. stream: File-like object used for printing. Return: ``namedtuple`` with the following attributes:: phdoses: List of |PhononDos| objects plotter: |PhononDosPlotter| object. Client code can use ``plotter.gridplot()`` to visualize the results. """ #num_cpus = get_ncpus() // 2 if num_cpus is None else num_cpus if num_cpus <= 0: num_cpus = 1 num_cpus = min(num_cpus, len(nqsmalls)) def do_work(nqsmall): phbst_file, phdos_file = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files( nqsmall=nqsmall, ndivsm=1, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method=dos_method, ngqpt=ngqpt) phdos = phdos_file.phdos phbst_file.close() phdos_file.close() return phdos if num_cpus == 1: # Sequential version phdoses = [do_work(nqs) for nqs in nqsmalls] else: # Threads if verbose: print("Computing %d phonon DOS with %d threads" % (len(nqsmalls), num_cpus)) phdoses = [None] * len(nqsmalls) def worker(): while True: nqsm, phdos_index = q.get() phdos = do_work(nqsm) phdoses[phdos_index] = phdos q.task_done() from threading import Thread from queue import Queue q = Queue() for i in range(num_cpus): t = Thread(target=worker) t.daemon = True t.start() for i, nqsmall in enumerate(nqsmalls): q.put((nqsmall, i)) # block until all tasks are done q.join() # Compute relative difference wrt last phonon DOS. Be careful because the DOSes may be defined # on different frequency meshes ==> spline on the mesh of the last DOS. last_mesh, converged = phdoses[-1].mesh, False for i, phdos in enumerate(phdoses[:-1]): splined_dos = phdos.spline_on_mesh(last_mesh) abs_diff = (splined_dos - phdoses[-1]).abs() if verbose: print(" Delta(Phdos[%d] - Phdos[%d]) / Phdos[%d]: %f" % (i, len(phdoses)-1, len(phdoses)-1, abs_diff.integral().values[-1]), file=stream) # Fill the plotter. plotter = PhononDosPlotter() for nqsmall, phdos in zip(nqsmalls, phdoses): plotter.add_phdos(label="nqsmall %d" % nqsmall, phdos=phdos) return dict2namedtuple(phdoses=phdoses, plotter=plotter)
[docs] def anacompare_rifcsph(self, rifcsph_list, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, lo_to_splitting="automatic", ndivsm=20, ngqpt=None, verbose=0, mpi_procs=1): """ Invoke anaddb to compute the phonon band structure and the phonon DOS with different values of the ``asr`` input variable (acoustic sum rule treatment). Build and return |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Args: rifcsph_list: List of rifcsph to analyze. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. dipdip: 1 to activate treatment of dipole-dipole interaction (requires BECS and dielectric tensor). lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic" If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. ndivsm: Number of division used for the smallest segment of the q-path ngqpt: Number of divisions for the ab-initio q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) verbose: Verbosity level. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes used by anaddb. Return: |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Client code can use ``plotter.combiplot()`` or ``plotter.gridplot()`` to visualize the results. """ phbands_plotter = PhononBandsPlotter() for rifcsph in rifcsph_list: phbst_file, _ = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files( nqsmall=0, ndivsm=ndivsm, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method="tetra", lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, ngqpt=ngqpt, qptbounds=None, anaddb_kwargs={"rifcsph": rifcsph}, verbose=verbose, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, workdir=None, manager=None) label = "rifcsph: %f" % rifcsph phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands) phbst_file.close() return phbands_plotter
[docs] def anacompare_quad(self, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, lo_to_splitting="automatic", nqsmall=0, ndivsm=20, dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, verbose=0, mpi_procs=1): """ Invoke anaddb to compute the phonon band structure and the phonon DOS by including dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole terms in the dynamical matrix Build and return |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Args: asr: Acoustic sum rule input variable. chneut: Charge neutrality for BECS dipdip: 1 to activate treatment of dipole-dipole interaction (requires BECS and dielectric tensor). lo_to_splitting: Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic" If True the LO-TO splitting will be calculated if qpoint == Gamma and the non_anal_directions non_anal_phfreqs attributes will be addeded to the phonon band structure. "automatic" activates LO-TO if the DDB file contains the dielectric tensor and Born effective charges. nqsmall: Defines the q-mesh for the phonon DOS in terms of the number of divisions to be used to sample the smallest reciprocal lattice vector. 0 to disable DOS computation. ndivsm: Number of division used for the smallest segment of the q-path dos_method: Technique for DOS computation in Possible choices: "tetra", "gaussian" or "gaussian:0.001 eV". In the later case, the value 0.001 eV is used as gaussian broadening ngqpt: Number of divisions for the ab-initio q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) verbose: Verbosity level. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes used by anaddb. Return: |PhononBandsPlotter| object. Client code can use ``plotter.combiplot()`` or ``plotter.gridplot()`` to visualize the results. """ phbands_plotter = PhononBandsPlotter() confs = [ dict(dipquad=0, quadquad=0), dict(dipquad=1, quadquad=0), dict(dipquad=1, quadquad=1), ] for conf in confs: phbst_file, phdos_file = self.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files( nqsmall=nqsmall, ndivsm=ndivsm, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, dos_method=dos_method, lo_to_splitting=lo_to_splitting, ngqpt=ngqpt, qptbounds=None, anaddb_kwargs=conf, verbose=verbose, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, workdir=None, manager=None) label = "asr: %d, chneut: %d, dipdip: %d, dipquad: %d, quadquad: %d " % ( asr, dipdip, chneut, conf["dipquad"], conf["quadquad"]) if phdos_file is not None: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands, phdos=phdos_file.phdos) phdos_file.close() else: phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file.phbands) phbst_file.close() return phbands_plotter
[docs] def anaget_epsinf_and_becs(self, chneut=1, mpi_procs=1, workdir=None, manager=None, verbose=0): """ Call anaddb to compute the macroscopic electronic dielectric tensor (e_inf) and the Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates. Args: chneut: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information Return: ``namedtuple`` with the following attributes:: epsinf: |DielectricTensor| object. becs: Becs objects. """ if not self.has_lo_to_data(): cprint("Dielectric tensor and Becs are not available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") inp = AnaddbInput(self.structure, anaddb_kwargs={"chneut": chneut}) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") # Read data from the netcdf output file produced by anaddb. with ETSF_Reader(anaddbnc_path) as r: epsinf = DielectricTensor(r.read_value("emacro_cart").T.copy()) structure = r.read_structure() becs = Becs(r.read_value("becs_cart"), structure, chneut=inp["chneut"], order="f") return dict2namedtuple(epsinf=epsinf, becs=becs)
@deprecated(message="anaget_emacro_and_becs is deprecated and will be removed in abipy 0.8, use anaget_epsinf_and_becs") def anaget_emacro_and_becs(self, **kwargs): r = self.anaget_epsinf_and_becs(**kwargs) return r.epsinf, r.becs
[docs] def anaget_ifc(self, ifcout=None, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, ngqpt=None, mpi_procs=1, workdir=None, manager=None, verbose=0, anaddb_kwargs=None): """ Execute anaddb to compute the interatomic forces. Args: ifcout: Number of neighbouring atoms for which the ifc's will be output. If None all the atoms in the big box. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. ngqpt: Number of divisions for the q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default) mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb Returns: :class:`InteratomicForceConstants` with the calculated ifc. """ if ngqpt is None: ngqpt = self.guessed_ngqpt inp = AnaddbInput.ifc(self.structure, ngqpt=ngqpt, ifcout=ifcout, q1shft=(0, 0, 0), asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") return InteratomicForceConstants.from_file(anaddbnc_path)
[docs] def anaget_phonopy_ifc(self, ngqpt=None, supercell_matrix=None, asr=0, chneut=0, dipdip=0, manager=None, workdir=None, mpi_procs=1, symmetrize_tensors=False, output_dir_path=None, prefix_outfiles="", symprec=1e-5, set_masses=False, verbose=0): """ Runs anaddb to get the interatomic force constants(IFC), born effective charges(BEC) and dielectric tensor obtained and converts them to the phonopy format. Optionally writes the standard phonopy files to a selected directory: FORCE_CONSTANTS, BORN (if BECs are available) POSCAR of the unit cell, POSCAR of the supercell. Args: ngqpt: the ngqpt used to generate the anaddbnc. Will be used to determine the (diagonal) supercell matrix in phonopy. A smaller value can be used, but some information will be lost and inconsistencies in the convertion may occour. supercell_matrix: the supercell matrix used for phonopy. if None it will be set to a diagonal matrix with ngqpt on the diagonal. This should provide the best agreement between the anaddb and phonopy results. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. symmetrize_tensors: if True the tensors will be symmetrized in the Phonopy object and in the output files. This will apply to IFC, BEC and dielectric tensor. output_dir_path: a path to a directory where the phonopy files will be created prefix_outfiles: a string that will be added as a prefix to the name of the written files symprec: distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates to find crystal symmetry in phonopy. It might be that the value should be tuned so that it leads to the the same symmetries as in the abinit calculation. set_masses: if True the atomic masses used by abinit will be added to the PhonopyAtoms and will be present in the returned Phonopy object. This should improve compatibility among abinit and phonopy results if frequencies needs to be calculated. verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information Returns: An instance of a Phonopy object that contains the IFC, BEC and dieletric tensor data. """ if ngqpt is None: ngqpt = self.guessed_ngqpt if supercell_matrix is None: supercell_matrix = np.eye(3) * ngqpt inp = AnaddbInput.ifc(self.structure, ngqpt=ngqpt, ifcout=None, q1shft=(0, 0, 0), asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose=verbose) from abipy.dfpt.anaddbnc import AnaddbNcFile from abipy.dfpt.converters import abinit_to_phonopy anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") anaddbnc = AnaddbNcFile(anaddbnc_path) phon = abinit_to_phonopy(anaddbnc=anaddbnc, supercell_matrix=supercell_matrix, symmetrize_tensors=symmetrize_tensors, output_dir_path=output_dir_path, prefix_outfiles=prefix_outfiles, symprec=symprec, set_masses=set_masses) return phon
[docs] def anaget_interpolated_ddb(self, qpt_list, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, ngqpt=None, workdir=None, manager=None, mpi_procs=1, verbose=0, anaddb_kwargs=None): """ Runs anaddb to generate an interpolated DDB file on a list of qpt. Args: qpt_list: list of fractional coordinates of qpoints where the ddb should be interpolated. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. ngqpt: Number of divisions for the q-mesh in the DDB file. Auto-detected if None (default). workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information. anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb. """ if ngqpt is None: ngqpt = self.guessed_ngqpt inp = AnaddbInput(self.structure, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs) q1shft = [[0, 0, 0]] inp.set_vars( ifcflag=1, ngqpt=np.array(ngqpt), q1shft=q1shft, nqshft=len(q1shft), asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, prtddb=1 ) inp['qph1l'] = [list(q) + [1] for q in qpt_list] inp['nph1l'] = len(qpt_list) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose=verbose) new_ddb_path = os.path.join(task.workdir, "run.abo_DDB") if not os.path.exists(new_ddb_path): new_ddb_path = os.path.join(task.workdir, "run_DDB") return self.__class__(new_ddb_path)
[docs] def anaget_dielectric_tensor_generator(self, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, workdir=None, mpi_procs=1, manager=None, verbose=0, anaddb_kwargs=None, return_input=False): """ Execute anaddb to extract the quantities necessary to create a |DielectricTensorGenerator|. Requires phonon perturbations at Gamma and static electric field perturbations. Args: asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb return_input: True if |AnaddbInput| object should be returned as 2nd argument Return: |DielectricTensorGenerator| object. """ # Check if gamma is in the DDB. try: self.qindex((0, 0, 0)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Gamma point not in %s.\nddb.qpoints:\n%s" % (self.filepath, self.qpoints)) inp = AnaddbInput.modes_at_qpoint(self.structure, (0, 0, 0), asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, lo_to_splitting=False, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs) if anaddb_kwargs is None or 'dieflag' not in anaddb_kwargs: inp['dieflag'] = 1 task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) phbstnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") gen = DielectricTensorGenerator.from_files(phbstnc_path, anaddbnc_path) return gen if not return_input else (gen, inp)
[docs] def anaget_elastic(self, relaxed_ion="automatic", piezo="automatic", dde=False, stress_correction=False, asr=2, chneut=1, mpi_procs=1, workdir=None, manager=None, verbose=0, retpath=False): """ Call anaddb to compute elastic and piezoelectric tensors. Require DDB with strain terms. By default, this method sets the anaddb input variables automatically by looking at the 2nd-order derivatives available in the DDB file. This behaviour can be changed by setting explicitly the value of: `relaxed_ion` and `piezo`. Args: relaxed_ion: Activate computation of relaxed-ion tensors. Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic". In "automatic" mode, relaxed-ion tensors are automatically computed if internal strain terms and phonons at Gamma are present in the DDB. piezo: Activate computation of piezoelectric tensors. Allowed values are [True, False, "automatic"]. Defaults to "automatic". In "automatic" mode, piezoelectric tensors are automatically computed if piezoelectric terms are present in the DDB. NB: relaxed-ion piezoelectric requires the activation of `relaxed_ion`. dde: if True, dielectric tensors will be calculated. stress_correction: Calculate the relaxed ion elastic tensors, considering the stress left inside cell. The DDB must contain the stress tensor. asr: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. chneut: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information retpath: True to return path to file. Return: |ElasticData| object if ``retpath`` is None else absolute path to file. """ if not self.has_strain_terms(): # DOH! cprint("Strain perturbations are not available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") if relaxed_ion == "automatic": relaxed_ion = self.has_internalstrain_terms() and self.has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation(qpt=(0, 0, 0)) if relaxed_ion: if not self.has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation(qpt=(0, 0, 0)): cprint("Requiring `relaxed_ion` but no atomic term available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") if not self.has_internalstrain_terms(): cprint("Requiring `internal_strain` but no internal strain term in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") if piezo == "automatic": piezo = self.has_piezoelectric_terms() if piezo and not self.has_piezoelectric_terms(): cprint("Requiring `piezo` but no piezoelectric term available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") # FIXME This is problematic so don't use automatic as default #select = "all" select = "at_least_one_diagoterm" if dde == "automatic": dde = self.has_epsinf_terms(select=select) if dde and not self.has_epsinf_terms(select=select): cprint("Requiring `dde` but dielectric tensor not available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") if stress_correction == "automatic": stress_correction = self.cart_stress_tensor is not None if stress_correction and self.cart_stress_tensor is None: cprint("Requiring `stress_correction` but stress not available in DDB: %s" % self.filepath, "yellow") inp = AnaddbInput.dfpt(self.structure, strain=True, relaxed_ion=relaxed_ion, dde=dde, piezo=piezo, stress_correction=stress_correction, dte=False, asr=asr, chneut=chneut) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) # Read data from the netcdf output file produced by anaddb. anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") return ElasticData.from_file(anaddbnc_path) if not retpath else anaddbnc_path
[docs] def anaget_raman(self, asr=2, chneut=1, ramansr=1, alphon=1, workdir=None, mpi_procs=1, manager=None, verbose=0, directions=None, anaddb_kwargs=None): """ Execute anaddb to compute the Raman spectrum. Args: qpoint: Reduced coordinates of the qpoint where phonon modes are computed. asr, chneut, ramansr, alphon: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. mpi_procs: Number of MPI processes to use. manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information. directions: list of 3D directions along which the non analytical contribution will be calculated. If None the three cartesian direction will be used. anaddb_kwargs: additional kwargs for anaddb. Return: |Raman| object. """ inp = AnaddbInput.dfpt(self.structure, raman=True, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, ramansr=ramansr, alphon=alphon, directions=directions, anaddb_kwargs=anaddb_kwargs) task = self._run_anaddb_task(inp, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose) # Read data from the netcdf output file produced by anaddb. anaddbnc_path = task.outpath_from_ext("") return Raman.from_file(anaddbnc_path)
def _run_anaddb_task(self, anaddb_input, mpi_procs, workdir, manager, verbose): """ Execute an |AnaddbInput| via the shell. Return |AnaddbTask|. """ task = AnaddbTask.temp_shell_task(anaddb_input, ddb_node=self.filepath, mpi_procs=mpi_procs, workdir=workdir, manager=manager) if verbose: print("ANADDB INPUT:\n", anaddb_input) print("workdir:", task.workdir) # Run the task here. task.start_and_wait(autoparal=False) report = task.get_event_report() if not report.run_completed: raise self.AnaddbError(task=task, report=report) return task
[docs] def write(self, filepath, filter_blocks=None): """ Writes the DDB file in filepath. Requires the blocks data. Only the information stored in self.header.lines and in self.blocks will be used to produce the file """ lines = list(self.header.lines) if filter_blocks is None: blocks = self.blocks else: blocks = [self.blocks[i] for i in filter_blocks] lines.append(" **** Database of total energy derivatives ****") lines.append(" Number of data blocks={0:5}".format(len(blocks))) lines.append(" ") for b in blocks: lines.extend(b["data"]) lines.append(" ") lines.append(" List of bloks and their characteristics") lines.append(" ") for b in blocks: lines.extend(b["data"][:2]) lines.append(" ") with open(filepath, "wt") as f: f.write("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def get_block_for_qpoint(self, qpt): """ Extracts the block data for the selected qpoint. Returns a list of lines containing the block information """ if hasattr(qpt, "frac_coords"): qpt = qpt.frac_coords for b in self.blocks: if b['qpt'] is not None and np.allclose(b['qpt'], qpt): return b["data"]
[docs] def replace_block_for_qpoint(self, qpt, data): """ Change the block data for the selected qpoint. Object is modified in-place. Data should be a list of strings representing the whole data block. Note that the DDB file should be written and reopened in order to call methods that run anaddb. Return: True if qpt has been found and data has been replaced. """ if hasattr(qpt, "frac_coords"): qpt = qpt.frac_coords for b in self.blocks: if b['qpt'] is not None and np.allclose(b['qpt'], qpt): b["data"] = data return True return False
[docs] def insert_block(self, data, replace=True): """ Inserts a block in the list. Can replace a block if already present. Args: data: a dictionary with keys "dord" (the order of the perturbation), "qpt" (the fractional coordinates of the qpoint if dord=2), "qpt3" (the fractional coordinates of the qpoints if dord=3), "data" (the lines of the block of data). replace: if True and an equivalent block is already present it will be replaced, otherwise the block will not be inserted. Returns: bool: True if the block was inserted. """ dord = data["dord"] for i, b in enumerate(self.blocks): if dord == b["dord"] and \ (dord in (0, 1) or (dord == 2 and np.allclose(b['qpt'], data["qpt"])) or (dord == 3 and np.allclose(b['qpt3'], data["qpt3"]))): if replace: self.blocks[i] = data return True else: return False self.blocks.append(data) return True
[docs] def remove_block(self, dord, qpt=None, qpt3=None): """ Removes one block from the list of blocks in the ddb Args: dord: the order of the perturbation (from 0 to 3). qpt: the fractional coordinates of the q point of the block to be removed. Should be present if dord=2. qpt3: a 3x3 matrix with the coordinates for the third order perturbations. Should be present in dord=3. Returns: bool: True if a matching block was found and removed. """ if dord == 2 and qpt is None: raise ValueError("if dord==2 the qpt should be set") if dord == 3 and qpt3 is None: raise ValueError("if dord==3 the qpt3 should be set") for i, b in enumerate(self.blocks): if dord == b["dord"] and \ (dord in (0, 1) or (dord == 2 and np.allclose(b['qpt'], qpt)) or (dord == 3 and np.allclose(b['qpt3'], qpt3))): self.blocks.pop(i) return True return False
[docs] def get_2nd_ord_dict(self): """ Generates an ordered dictionary with the second order derivative of the form {qpt: {(idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2): complex value}}. Returns: OrderedDict: a dictionary with all the elements of a dynamical matrix """ dynmat = self.computed_dynmat d = OrderedDict() for q, dm in dynmat.items(): dd = {} for index, row in dm.iterrows(): dd[index] = row["cvalue"] d[q] = dd return d
[docs] def set_2nd_ord_data(self, data, replace=True): """ Insert the blocks corresponding to the data provided for the second order perturbations. Args: data: a dict of the form {qpt: {(idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2): complex value}}. replace: if True and an equivalent block is already present it will be replaced, otherwise the block will not be inserted. """ for q, d in data.items(): if isinstance(q, Kpoint): q = q.frac_coords lines = get_2nd_ord_block_string(q, d) block_data = {"qpt": q, "qpt3": None, "dord": 2, "data": lines} self.insert_block(block_data, replace=replace)
[docs] def get_panel(self, **kwargs): """ Build panel with widgets to interact with the |DdbFile| either in a notebook or in a bokeh app. """ from abipy.panels.ddb import DdbFilePanel return DdbFilePanel(ddb=self).get_panel(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None): """ Write an jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If ``nbpath`` is None, a temporay file in the current working directory is created. Return path to the notebook. """ nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None) first_char = "" if self.has_panel() else "#" nb.cells.extend([ nbv.new_code_cell("ddb = abilab.abiopen('%s')" % self.filepath), nbv.new_code_cell("units = 'eV'\nprint(ddb)"), nbv.new_code_cell("# display(ddb.header)"), # Add panel GUI but comment the python code if panel is not available. nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Panel dashboard"), nbv.new_code_cell(f"""\ # Execute this cell to display the panel GUI (requires panel package). # To display the dashboard inside the browser use ` FILE --panel`. {first_char}abilab.abipanel() {first_char}ddb.get_panel() """), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Invoke `anaddb` to compute bands and dos"), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ bstfile, phdosfile = ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(nqsmall=10, ndivsm=20, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=0, lo_to_splitting="automatic", dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, qptbounds=None, verbose=0, anaddb_kwargs=None) phbands, phdos = bstfile.phbands, phdosfile.phdos"""), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## q-point path"), nbv.new_code_cell("phbands.qpoints.plot();"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Phonon bands with DOS"), nbv.new_code_cell("phbands.plot_with_phdos(phdos, units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Phonon fatbands with DOS"), nbv.new_code_cell("phbands.plot_fatbands(phdos_file=phdosfile, units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Distribution of phonon frequencies wrt mode index"), nbv.new_code_cell("phbands.boxplot(units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Phonon band structure with different color for each line"), nbv.new_code_cell("phbands.plot_colored_matched(units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Type-projected phonon DOS."), nbv.new_code_cell("phdosfile.plot_pjdos_type(units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Type-projected phonon DOS decomposed along the three reduced directions"), nbv.new_code_cell("phdosfile.plot_pjdos_redirs_type(units=units);"), nbv.new_code_cell("#phdosfile.plot_pjdos_redirs_site(units=units);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Thermodinamic properties within the harmonic approximation"), nbv.new_code_cell("phdosfile.phdos.plot_harmonic_thermo(tstart=5, tstop=300);"), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Macroscopic dielectric tensor and Born effective charges"), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ if False: eps_inf, becs = ddb.anaget_epsinf_and_becs() print(eps_inf) print(becs)"""), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Call `anaddb` to compute phonons and DOS with/without ASR"), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ #asr_plotter = ddb.anacompare_asr(asr_list=(0, 2), nqsmall=0, ndivsm=10) #asr_plotter.gridplot(); """), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Call `anaddb` to compute phonon DOS with different BZ samplings"), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ c = None if False: c = ddb.anacompare_phdos(nqsmalls=[20, 30], asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, dos_method="tetra", ngqpt=None, num_cpus=1)"""), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ if c is not None: c.plotter.ipw_select_plot() #for phdos in c.phdoses"""), nbv.new_markdown_cell("## Analysis of the IFCs in real-space"), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ ifc = None if False: ifc = ddb.anaget_ifc(ifcout=None, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, ngqpt=None, verbose=0, anaddb_kwargs=None)"""), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ if ifc is not None: ifc.plot_longitudinal_ifc(atom_indices=None, atom_element=None, neighbour_element=None, min_dist=None, max_dist=None, ax=None);"""), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ if ifc is not None: ifc.plot_longitudinal_ifc_short_range(atom_indices=None, atom_element=None, neighbour_element=None);"""), nbv.new_code_cell("""\ if ifc is not None: ifc.plot_longitudinal_ifc_ewald(atom_indices=None, atom_element=None, neighbour_element=None, min_dist=None, max_dist=None, ax=None);"""), ]) return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
[docs]class Becs(Has_Structure, MSONable): """ This object stores the Born effective charges and provides simple tools for data analysis. """
[docs] @pmg_serialize def as_dict(self): """Return dictionary with JSON serialization in MSONable format.""" return dict(becs_arr=self.values, structure=self.structure, chneut=self.chneut, order="c")
def __init__(self, becs_arr, structure, chneut, order="c"): """ Args: becs_arr: [3, 3, natom] array with the Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates. structure: |Structure| object. chneut: Option used for the treatment of the Charge Neutrality. for the effective charges (anaddb input variable) order: "f" if becs_arr is in Fortran order. """ assert len(becs_arr) == len(structure) self._structure = structure self.chneut = chneut # Values is a numpy array while zstars is a list of Tensor objects. self.values = np.empty((len(structure), 3, 3)) for i, bec in enumerate(becs_arr): mat = becs_arr[i] if order.lower() == "f": mat = mat.T.copy() self.values[i] = mat self.zstars = [ZstarTensor(mat) for mat in self.values] @property def structure(self): """|Structure| object.""" return self._structure def __repr__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=0): """String representation.""" lines = []; app = lines.append app("Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates (Voigt notation)") app(self.get_voigt_dataframe().to_string()) app("") if verbose: app("Born effective charges (full tensor)") for site, bec in zip(self.structure, self.values): app("Z* at site: %s" % repr(site)) app(str(bec)) app("") # Add info on the bec sum rule. app("Born effective charge neutrality sum-rule with chneut: %d\n" % self.chneut) app(str(self.sumrule)) return "\n".join(lines)
@property def sumrule(self): """[3, 3] matrix with Born effective charge neutrality sum-rule.""" return self.values.sum(axis=0) def _repr_html_(self): """Integration with jupyter notebooks.""" return self.get_voigt_dataframe()._repr_html_()
[docs] def get_voigt_dataframe(self, view="inequivalent", tol=1e-3, select_symbols=None, decimals=5, verbose=0): """ Return |pandas-DataFrame| with Voigt indices as columns and natom rows. Args: view: "inequivalent" to show only inequivalent atoms. "all" for all sites. tol: Entries are set to zero below this value select_symbols: String or list of strings with chemical symbols. Used to select only atoms of this type. decimals: Number of decimal places to round to. If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point. verbose: Verbosity level. """ aview = self._get_atomview(view, select_symbols=select_symbols, verbose=verbose) columns = ["xx", "yy", "zz", "yz", "xz", "xy"] rows = [] for (iatom, wlabel) in zip(aview.iatom_list, aview.wyck_labels): site = self.structure[iatom] zstar = self.zstars[iatom] d = OrderedDict() d["element"] = site.specie.symbol d["site_index"] = iatom d["frac_coords"] = np.round(site.frac_coords, decimals=decimals) d["cart_coords"] = np.round(site.coords, decimals=decimals) d["wyckoff"] = wlabel zstar = zstar.zeroed(tol=tol) for k, v in zip(columns, zstar.voigt): d[k] = v if verbose: d["determinant"] = np.linalg.det(zstar) d["iso"] = zstar.trace() / 3 rows.append(d) return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(rows[0].keys()) if rows else None)
[docs] def check_site_symmetries(self, verbose=0): """ Check site symmetries of the Born effective charges. Print output to terminal. Return: max_err """ return self.structure.site_symmetries.check_site_symmetries(self.values, verbose=verbose)
[docs]class DielectricTensorGenerator(Has_Structure): """ Object used to generate frequency dependent dielectric tensors as obtained from DFPT calculations. The values are calculated on the fly based on the phonon frequencies at gamma and oscillator strengths. The first three frequencies would be considered as acoustic modes and ignored in the calculation. No checks would be performed. See the definitions Eq.(53-54) in :cite:`Gonze1997` PRB55, 10355 (1997). """
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, phbst_filepath, anaddbnc_filepath): """ Generates the object from the files that contain the phonon frequencies, oscillator strength and static dielectric tensor, i.e. the and netcdf files, respectively. """ with ETSF_Reader(phbst_filepath) as reader: qpts = reader.read_value("qpoints") full_phfreqs = reader.read_value("phfreqs") for i, q in enumerate(qpts): if np.array_equal(q, [0, 0, 0]): phfreqs = full_phfreqs[i].copy() break else: raise ValueError('The PHBST does not contain frequencies at gamma') with ETSF_Reader(anaddbnc_filepath) as reader: epsinf = DielectricTensor(reader.read_value("emacro_cart").T.copy()) eps0 = DielectricTensor(reader.read_value("emacro_cart_rlx").T.copy()) try: oscillator_strength = reader.read_value("oscillator_strength", cmode="c") oscillator_strength = oscillator_strength.transpose((0, 2, 1)).copy() except Exception as exc: import traceback msg = traceback.format_exc() msg += ("Error while trying to read from file.\n" "Verify that dieflag == 1, 3 or 4 in anaddb\n") raise ValueError(msg) structure = reader.read_structure() return cls(phfreqs, oscillator_strength, eps0, epsinf, structure)
[docs] @classmethod def from_objects(cls, phbands, anaddbnc): """ Generates the object from the objects |PhononBands| object and AnaddbNcFile """ gamma_index = phbands.qindex([0, 0, 0]) phfreqs = phbands.phfreqs[gamma_index] epsinf = anaddbnc.epsinf eps0 = anaddbnc.eps0 oscillator_strength = anaddbnc.oscillator_strength if epsinf is None or eps0 is None or oscillator_strength is None: raise ValueError("Could not instantiate from the provided objects. " "Some information is missing.") return cls(phfreqs, oscillator_strength, eps0, epsinf, anaddbnc.structure)
def __init__(self, phfreqs, oscillator_strength, eps0, epsinf, structure): """ Args: phfreqs: numpy array containing the 3 * num_atoms phonon frequencies at gamma oscillator_strength: complex numpy array with shape [number of phonon modes, 3, 3] in atomic units eps0: numpy array containing the e0 dielectric tensor without frequency dependence epsinf: numpy array with the electronic dielectric tensor (einf) without frequency dependence structure: |Structure| object. """ self.phfreqs = phfreqs self.oscillator_strength = oscillator_strength self.eps0 = eps0 self.epsinf = epsinf self._structure = structure @property def structure(self): """|Structure| object.""" return self._structure def __str__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_string(self, verbose=0): """String representation with verbosity level `verbose`.""" lines = [] app = lines.append app(self.structure.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Structure")) app("") app(marquee("Oscillator strength", mark="=")) tol = 1e-6 app("Real part in Cartesian coordinates. a.u. units; 1 a.u. = 253.2638413 m3/s2. Set to zero below %.2e." % tol) app(self.get_oscillator_dataframe(reim="re", tol=tol).to_string()) if verbose: app("") app("Imaginary part in a.u.; 1 a.u. = 253.2638413 m3/s2. Set to zero below %.2e." % tol) app(self.get_oscillator_dataframe(reim="im", tol=tol).to_string()) app("") app("Trace of oscillator strength, for each phonon mode:") traces = [o.trace() for o in self.oscillator_strength] app(str(traces)) app("") tol = 1e-3 app(marquee("Dielectric Tensors", mark="=")) app("Electronic dielectric tensor (eps_inf) in Cartesian coordinates. Set to zero below %.2e." % tol) app(self.epsinf.get_dataframe(tol=tol).to_string()) app("") app("Zero-frequency dielectric tensor (eps_zero) in Cartesian coordinates. Set to zero below %.2e." % tol) app(self.eps0.get_dataframe(tol=tol).to_string()) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_oscillator_dataframe(self, reim="all", tol=1e-6): """ Return |pandas-Dataframe| with oscillator matrix elements. Args: reim: "re" for real part, "im" for imaginary part, "all" for both. tol: Entries are set to zero below this value """ dmap = dict(xx=(0, 0), yy=(1, 1), zz=(2, 2), yz=(1, 2), xz=(0, 2), xy=(0, 1)) #decimals = int(abs(np.rint(np.log10(tol)))) # 1 a.u. = 253.2638413 m3/s2. # TODO: Use SI? #fact = 253.2638413 rows, index = [], [] for nu in range(3 * len(self.structure)): d = {k: data_from_cplx_mode(reim, self.oscillator_strength[nu][t], tol=tol) for k, t in dmap.items()} #d = {k: np.around(v * fact, decimals=decimals) for k, v in d.items()} rows.append(d) index.append(nu) df = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=index, columns=list(rows[0].keys())) = "mode" return df
[docs] def tensor_at_frequency(self, w, gamma_ev=1e-4, units='eV'): """ Returns a |DielectricTensor| object representing the dielectric tensor in atomic units at the specified frequency w. Eq.(53-54) in PRB55, 10355 (1997). Args: w: Frequency. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. """ w = w / phfactor_ev2units(units) # Note that the acoustic modes are not included: their oscillator strength should be exactly zero # Also, only the real part of the oscillators is taken into account: # the possible imaginary parts of degenerate modes will cancel. if duck.is_listlike(gamma_ev): gammas = np.asarray(gamma_ev) assert len(gammas) == len(self.phfreqs) else: gammas = np.ones(len(self.phfreqs)) * float(gamma_ev) t = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex) for i in range(3, len(self.phfreqs)): g = gammas[i] * self.phfreqs[i] t += self.oscillator_strength[i].real / (self.phfreqs[i]**2 - w**2 - 1j*g) vol = self.structure.volume / bohr_to_angstrom ** 3 t = 4 * np.pi * t / vol / eV_to_Ha ** 2 t += self.epsinf return DielectricTensor(t)
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot(self, w_min=0, w_max=None, gamma_ev=1e-4, num=500, component='diag', reim="reim", units='eV', with_phfreqs=True, ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs): """ Plots the selected components of the dielectric tensor as a function of frequency with matplotlib. Args: w_min: minimum frequency in units `units`. w_max: maximum frequency. If None it will be set to the value of the maximum frequency + 5*gamma_ev. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max. component: determine which components of the tensor will be displayed. Can be a list/tuple of two elements, indicating the indices [i, j] of the desired component or a string among: * 'diag_av' to plot the average of the components on the diagonal * 'diag' to plot the elements on diagonal * 'all' to plot all the components in the upper triangle. * 'offdiag' to plot the off-diagonal components in the upper triangle. reim: a string with "re" will plot the real part, with "im" selects the imaginary part. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. fontsize: Legend and label fontsize. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ wmesh = self._get_wmesh(gamma_ev, num, units, w_min, w_max) t = np.zeros((num, 3, 3), dtype=complex) for i, w in enumerate(wmesh): t[i] = self.tensor_at_frequency(w, units=units, gamma_ev=gamma_ev) ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2 ax.set_xlabel('Frequency {}'.format(phunit_tag(units)), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon(\omega)$', fontsize=fontsize) ax.grid(True) reimfs = [] if 're' in reim: reimfs.append((np.real, "Re{%s}")) if 'im' in reim: reimfs.append((np.imag, "Im{%s}")) for reimf, reims in reimfs: if isinstance(component, (list, tuple)): label = reims % r'$\epsilon_{%d%d}$' % tuple(component) ax.plot(wmesh, reimf(t[:,component[0], component[1]]), label=label, **kwargs) elif component == 'diag': for i in range(3): label = reims % r'$\epsilon_{%d%d}$' % (i, i) ax.plot(wmesh, reimf(t[:, i, i]), label=label, **kwargs) elif component in ('all', "offdiag"): for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if component == "all" and i > j: continue if component == "offdiag" and i >= j: continue label = reims % r'$\epsilon_{%d%d}$' % (i, j) ax.plot(wmesh, reimf(t[:, i, j]), label=label, **kwargs) elif component == 'diag_av': label = r'Average %s' % (reims % r'$\epsilon_{ii}$') ax.plot(wmesh, np.trace(reimf(t), axis1=1, axis2=2)/3, label=label, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unkwnown component {}'.format(component)) self._add_phfreqs(ax, units, with_phfreqs) ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
[docs] @add_plotly_fig_kwargs def plotly(self, w_min=0, w_max=None, gamma_ev=1e-4, num=500, component='diag', reim="reim", units='eV', with_phfreqs=True, fig=None, rcd=None, fontsize=16, **kwargs): """ Plots the selected components of the dielectric tensor as a function of frequency with plotly. Args: w_min: minimum frequency in units `units`. w_max: maximum frequency. If None it will be set to the value of the maximum frequency + 5*gamma_ev. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max. component: determine which components of the tensor will be displayed. Can be a list/tuple of two elements, indicating the indices [i, j] of the desired component or a string among:: * 'diag_av' to plot the average of the components on the diagonal * 'diag' to plot the elements on diagonal * 'all' to plot all the components in the upper triangle. * 'offdiag' to plot the off-diagonal components in the upper triangle. reim: a string with "re" will plot the real part, with "im" selects the imaginary part. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. fig: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| or None if a new figure should be created. rcd: PlotlyRowColDesc object used when fig is not None to specify the (row, col) of the subplot in the grid. fontsize: Legend and label fontsize. Return: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| """ wmesh = self._get_wmesh(gamma_ev, num, units, w_min, w_max) t = np.zeros((num, 3, 3), dtype=complex) for i, w in enumerate(wmesh): t[i] = self.tensor_at_frequency(w, units=units, gamma_ev=gamma_ev) if fig is None: fig, _ = get_fig_plotly() rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc.from_object(rcd) iax, ply_row, ply_col = rcd.iax, rcd.ply_row, rcd.ply_col xaxis = 'xaxis%u' % iax yaxis = 'yaxis%u' % iax fig.layout[xaxis].title = dict(text='Frequency {}'.format(phunit_tag(units, unicode=True)), font_size=fontsize) fig.layout[yaxis].title = dict(text='ε(ω)', font_size=fontsize) if 'line_width' not in kwargs: kwargs['line_width'] = 2 reimfs = [] if 're' in reim: reimfs.append((np.real, "Re{%s}")) if 'im' in reim: reimfs.append((np.imag, "Im{%s}")) for reimf, reims in reimfs: if isinstance(component, (list, tuple)): label = reims % r%s%s' % (SUBSCRIPT_UNICODE[str(component[0])],SUBSCRIPT_UNICODE[str(component[1])]) fig.add_scatter(x=wmesh, y=reimf(t[:,component[0], component[1]]), mode='lines', showlegend=True, name=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col, **kwargs) elif component == 'diag': for i in range(3): s = SUBSCRIPT_UNICODE[str(i)] label = reims % r%s%s' % (s, s) fig.add_scatter(x=wmesh, y=reimf(t[:, i, i]), mode='lines', name=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col, **kwargs) elif component in ('all', "offdiag"): for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if component == "all" and i > j: continue if component == "offdiag" and i >= j: continue label = reims % r%s%s' % (SUBSCRIPT_UNICODE[str(i)], SUBSCRIPT_UNICODE[str(j)]) fig.add_scatter(x=wmesh, y=reimf(t[:, i, j]), mode='lines', name=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col, **kwargs) elif component == 'diag_av': label = r'Average %s' % (reims % r'εᵢᵢ') fig.add_scatter(x=wmesh, y=np.trace(reimf(t), axis1=1, axis2=2)/3, mode='lines', name=label, row=ply_row, col=ply_col, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unkwnown component {}'.format(component)) self._add_phfreqs_plotly(fig, rcd, units, with_phfreqs) fig.layout.legend.font.size = fontsize return fig
def _get_wmesh(self, gamma_ev, num, units, w_min, w_max): """ Helper function to get the wmesh for the plots. Args: gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. w_min: minimum frequency in units `units`. w_max: maximum frequency. If None it will be set to the value of the maximum frequency + 5*gamma_ev. Returns: a numpy array with the frequencies. """ if w_max is None: w_max = (np.max(self.phfreqs) + gamma_ev * 10) * phfactor_ev2units(units) wmesh = np.linspace(w_min, w_max, num, endpoint=True) return wmesh # To maintain backward compatibility. plot_vs_w = plot
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_all(self, **kwargs): """ Plot diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the dielectric tensor as a function of frequency. Both real and imag part are show. Accepts all arguments of `plot` method with the exception of: `component` and `reim`. Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ axmat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False) fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", 8) for irow in range(2): component = {0: "diag", 1: "offdiag"}[irow] for icol in range(2): reim = {0: "re", 1: "im"}[icol] self.plot(component=component, reim=reim, ax=axmat[irow, icol], fontsize=fontsize, show=False, **kwargs) return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_e0w_qdirs(self, qdirs=None, w_min=0, w_max=None, gamma_ev=1e-4, num=500, reim="reim", func="direct", units='eV', with_phfreqs=True, ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs): r""" Plots the dielectric tensor and/or -epsinf_q**2 / \epsilon_q along a set of specified directions. With \epsilon_q as defined in eq. (56) in :cite:`Gonze1997` PRB55, 10355 (1997). Args: qdirs: a list of directions along which to plot the dielectric tensor. They will be normalized internally. If None the three cartesian directions will be shown. w_min: minimum frequency in units `units`. w_max: maximum frequency. If None it will be set to the value of the maximum frequency + 5*gamma_ev. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max. reim: a string with "re" will plot the real part, with "im" selects the imaginary part. func: determines which functional form will be plot. Can be: * "direct": plot of \epsilon_q * "inverse": plot of -epsinf_q**2 / \epsilon_q * "both": both plots. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. fontsize: Legend and label fontsize. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ wmesh = self._get_wmesh(gamma_ev, num, units, w_min, w_max) t = np.zeros((num, 3, 3), dtype=complex) for i, w in enumerate(wmesh): t[i] = self.tensor_at_frequency(w, units=units, gamma_ev=gamma_ev) ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2 ax.set_xlabel('Frequency {}'.format(phunit_tag(units))) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon(\omega)$') ax.grid(True) reimfs = [] if 're' in reim: reimfs.append((np.real, "Re{%s}")) if 'im' in reim: reimfs.append((np.imag, "Im{%s}")) if func == "both": func = ["direct", "inverse"] elif func not in ("direct", "inverse"): raise ValueError(f"unknown value for func: {func}") else: func = [func] func_label = {"direct": r"$\epsilon_{{q{ind}}}$", "inverse": r"$-(\epsilon^{{\infty}}_{{q{ind}}})^2 / \epsilon_{{q{ind}}}$"} if qdirs is None: qdirs = np.eye(3) elif len(np.shape(qdirs)) < 2: qdirs = [qdirs] qdirs = np.array(qdirs, dtype=float) for reimf, reims in reimfs: for func_form in func: for i, q in enumerate(qdirs): q /= np.linalg.norm(q) tt = np.einsum("i,kij,j->k", q, t, q) if func_form == "inverse": tt = -1 / tt * (np.einsum("i,ij,j", q, self.epsinf, q)) ** 2 label = reims % func_label[func_form].format(ind=i) ax.plot(wmesh, reimf(tt), label=label, **kwargs) self._add_phfreqs(ax, units, with_phfreqs) ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
def _add_phfreqs(self, ax, units, with_phfreqs): """ Helper functions to add the phonon frequencies to the x axis. Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. """ # Add points showing phonon energies. if with_phfreqs: wvals = self.phfreqs[3:] * phfactor_ev2units(units) ax.scatter(wvals, np.zeros_like(wvals), s=30, marker="o", c="blue") def _add_phfreqs_plotly(self, fig, rcd, units, with_phfreqs): """ Helper functions to add the phonon frequencies to the plotly fig. Args: fig: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure| rcd: PlotlyRowColDesc object used when fig is not None to specify the (row, col) of the subplot in the grid. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. """ # Add points showing phonon energies. if with_phfreqs: wvals = self.phfreqs[3:] * phfactor_ev2units(units) fig.add_scatter(x=wvals, y=np.zeros_like(wvals), mode='markers', marker=dict(color='blue', size=10), name='', row=rcd.ply_row, col=rcd.ply_col, showlegend=False)
[docs] def reflectivity(self, qdir, w, gamma_ev=1e-4, units='eV'): """ Calculates the reflectivity from the dielectric tensor along the specified direction according to eq. (58) in :cite:`Gonze1997` PRB55, 10355 (1997). Args: qdir: a list with three components defining the direction. It will be normalized internally. w: frequency. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. Returns: the value of the reflectivity. """ qdir = np.array(qdir) / np.linalg.norm(qdir) t = self.tensor_at_frequency(w, units=units, gamma_ev=gamma_ev) n = np.einsum("i,ij,j", qdir, t, qdir) ** 0.5 r = (n - 1) / (n + 1) return (r * r.conjugate()).real
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_reflectivity(self, qdirs=None, w_min=0, w_max=None, gamma_ev=1e-4, num=500, units='eV', with_phfreqs=True, ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs): """ Plots the reflectivity from the dielectric tensor along the specified directions, according to eq. (58) in :cite:`Gonze1997` PRB55, 10355 (1997). Args: qdirs: a list of directions along which to plot the dielectric tensor. They will be normalized internally. If None the three cartesian directions will be shown. w_min: minimum frequency in units `units`. w_max: maximum frequency. If None it will be set to the value of the maximum frequency + 5*gamma_ev. gamma_ev: Phonon damping factor in eV (full width). Poles are shifted by phfreq * gamma_ev. Accept scalar or [nfreq] array. num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max. units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. with_phfreqs: True to show phonon frequencies with dots. ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. fontsize: Legend and label fontsize. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ wmesh = self._get_wmesh(gamma_ev, num, units, w_min, w_max) t = np.zeros((num, 3, 3), dtype=complex) for i, w in enumerate(wmesh): t[i] = self.tensor_at_frequency(w, units=units, gamma_ev=gamma_ev) if qdirs is None: qdirs = np.eye(3) elif len(np.shape(qdirs)) < 2: qdirs = [qdirs] qdirs = np.array(qdirs, dtype=float) qdirs /= np.linalg.norm(qdirs, axis=1)[:, None] n = np.einsum("li,kij,lj->lk", qdirs, t, qdirs) ** 0.5 r = np.abs((n - 1) / (n + 1)) ** 2 ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2 ax.set_xlabel('Frequency {}'.format(phunit_tag(units))) ax.set_ylabel(r'$R(\omega)$') ax.grid(True) for i in range(len(qdirs)): label = f"$R_{{q{i}}}$" ax.plot(wmesh, r[i], label=label, **kwargs) self._add_phfreqs(ax, units, with_phfreqs) ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
[docs]class DdbRobot(Robot): """ This robot analyzes the results stored in multiple DDB files. Obviously, particular `compare` methods make sense only if the DDB files have the same structures and have computed with different parameters e.g. qmesh, tsmear, ecut .... .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: DdbRobot """ EXT = "DDB"
[docs] @classmethod def class_handles_filename(cls, filename): """Exclude files. Override base class.""" return filename.endswith("_" + cls.EXT)
[docs] @classmethod def from_mpid_list(cls, mpid_list, api_key=None, endpoint=None): """ Build a DdbRobot from list of materials-project ids. Args: mpid_list: List of Materials Project material_ids (e.g., ["mp-1234", "mp-1245"]). api_key (str): A String API key for accessing the MaterialsProject REST interface. If None, the code will check if there is a `PMG_MAPI_KEY` in your .pmgrc.yaml. endpoint (str): Url of endpoint to access the MaterialsProject REST interface. Defaults to the standard Materials Project REST address """ from abipy.core import restapi ddb_files = [] mpid_list = list_strings(mpid_list) if not mpid_list: raise RuntimeError("No structure found in the MP database") if any(not s.startswith("mp-") for s in mpid_list): raise ValueError(f"Invalid mp-in in list:\n{mpid_list}") with restapi.get_mprester(api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) as rest: for mpid in mpid_list: try: ddb_string = rest._make_request("/materials/%s/abinit_ddb" % mpid) except rest.Error: cprint("Cannot get DDB for mp-id: %s, ignoring error" % mpid, "yellow") continue _, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=mpid, suffix='_DDB') ddb_files.append(tmpfile) with open(tmpfile, "wt") as fh: fh.write(ddb_string) return cls.from_files(ddb_files, labels=mpid_list)
#def get_qpoints_union(self): # """ # Return numpy array with the q-points in reduced coordinates found in the DDB files. # """ # qpoints = [] # for label, ddb in self.items(): # qpoints.extend(q.frac_coords for q in ddb.qpoints if q not in qpoints) # return np.array(qpoints) #def get_qpoints_intersection(self): # """Return numpy array with the q-points in reduced coordinates found in the DDB files.""" # qpoints = [] # for label, ddb in self.items(): # qpoints.extend(q.frac_coords for q in ddb.qpoints if q not in qpoints) # # return np.array(qpoints) # DEBUGGING CODE (do not remove) #def find_duplicated_entries(self, std_tol=1e-5, verbose=1): # """ # Check for duplicated entries in the list of ddb files # Args: # std_tol: Tolerance on standard deviation # verbose: Verbosity level. # Return: (retcode, results) where results maps qpt --> DataFrame with perts as index. # """ # from pprint import pprint # # Build q --> group of dataframes. # from collections import defaultdict # q2dfgroup = defaultdict(list) # for ddb in self.abifiles: # for qpt, df in ddb.computed_dynmat.items(): # q2dfgroup[qpt].append(df) # retcode, results = 0, {} # for qpt, dfgroup in q2dfgroup.items(): # all_indset = [set(df.index) for df in dfgroup] # # Build union of all dynmat indices with this q # allps = set(all_indset[0]).union(*all_indset) # #allps = set(all_indset[0]).intersection(*all_indset) # index, d_list = [], [] # for p in allps: # # Find dataframes with this p # found = [p in index for index in all_indset] # count = found.count(True) # if count == 1: continue # if verbose: # print("Found %s duplicated entries for p: %s" % (count, str(p))) # # Compute stats for this p (complex numbers) # cvalues = [] # for f, df in zip(found, dfgroup): # if not f: continue # c = df["cvalue"].loc[[p]] # cvalues.append(c) # cvalues = np.array(cvalues) # norms = np.abs(cvalues) # d = dict(mean=cvalues.mean(), std=cvalues.std(), # min_norm=norms.min(), max_norm=norms.max(), count=count) # # Print warning if large deviation # #if d["max_norm"] - d["min_norm"] > 1e-5: # if d["std"] > std_tol: # retcode += 1 # cprint("Found std > %s" % std_tol, "red") # pprint(cvalues) # if verbose: # pprint(d) # print(2 * "") # d_list.append(d) # index.append(p) # results[qpt] = pd.DataFrame(d_list, index=index) # return retcode, results
[docs] def get_dataframe_at_qpoint(self, qpoint=None, units="eV", asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, with_geo=True, with_spglib=True, abspath=False, funcs=None): """ Call anaddb to compute the phonon frequencies at a single q-point using the DDB files treated by the robot and the given anaddb input arguments. LO-TO splitting is not included. Build and return a |pandas-Dataframe| with results Args: qpoint: Reduced coordinates of the qpoint where phonon modes are computed units: string specifying the units used for ph frequencies. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. with_geo: True if structure info should be added to the dataframe with_spglib: True to compute spglib space group and add it to the DataFrame. abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to getcwd(). funcs: Function or list of functions to execute to add more data to the DataFrame. Each function receives a |DdbFile| object and returns a tuple (key, value) where key is a string with the name of column and value is the value to be inserted. Return: |pandas-DataFrame| """ # If qpoint is None, all the DDB must contain have the same q-point . if qpoint is None: if not all(len(ddb.qpoints) == 1 for ddb in self.abifiles): raise ValueError("Found more than one q-point in the DDB file. qpoint must be specified") qpoint = self[0].qpoints[0] if any(np.any(ddb.qpoints[0] != qpoint) for ddb in self.abifiles): raise ValueError("All the q-points in the DDB files must be equal") rows, row_names = [], [] for i, (label, ddb) in enumerate(self.items()): row_names.append(label) d = OrderedDict() #d = {aname: getattr(ddb, aname) for aname in attrs} #d.update({"qpgap": mdf.get_qpgap(spin, kpoint)}) # Call anaddb to get the phonon frequencies. Note lo_to_splitting set to False. phbands = ddb.anaget_phmodes_at_qpoint(qpoint=qpoint, asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=dipdip, lo_to_splitting=False) # [nq, nmodes] array freqs = phbands.phfreqs[0, :] * phfactor_ev2units(units) d.update({"mode" + str(i): freqs[i] for i in range(len(freqs))}) # Add convergence parameters d.update(ddb.params) # Add info on structure. if with_geo: d.update(phbands.structure.get_dict4pandas(with_spglib=with_spglib)) # Execute functions. if funcs is not None: d.update(self._exec_funcs(funcs, ddb)) rows.append(d) row_names = row_names if not abspath else self._to_relpaths(row_names) return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=row_names, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
[docs] def anaget_phonon_plotters(self, **kwargs): r""" Invoke anaddb to compute phonon bands and DOS using the arguments passed via `kwargs`. Collect results and return `namedtuple` with the following attributes: phbands_plotter: |PhononBandsPlotter| object. phdos_plotter: |PhononDosPlotter| object. """ if "workdir" in kwargs: raise ValueError("Cannot specify `workdir` when multiple DDB file are executed.") def find_anaddb_ncpath(filepath): from abipy.flowtk.utils import Directory directory = Directory(os.path.dirname(filepath)) p = directory.has_abiext("") if not p: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find `` in directory %s" % (directory)) return p phbands_plotter, phdos_plotter = PhononBandsPlotter(), PhononDosPlotter() for label, ddb in self.items(): # Invoke anaddb to get phonon bands and DOS. phbst_file, phdos_file = ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(**kwargs) # Phonon frequencies with non analytical contributions, if calculated, are saved in # Those results should be fetched from there and added to the phonon bands. # lo_to_splitting in ["automatic", True, False] and defaults to automatic. loto_mode = kwargs.get("lo_to_splitting", False) if loto_mode: #print("lo_to_splitting:", kwargs["lo_to_splitting"]) anaddb_path = find_anaddb_ncpath(phbst_file.filepath) phbst_file.phbands.read_non_anal_from_file(anaddb_path) phbands_plotter.add_phbands(label, phbst_file, phdos=phdos_file) phbst_file.close() if phdos_file is not None: phdos_plotter.add_phdos(label, phdos=phdos_file.phdos) phdos_file.close() return dict2namedtuple(phbands_plotter=phbands_plotter, phdos_plotter=phdos_plotter)
[docs] def anacompare_elastic(self, ddb_header_keys=None, with_structure=True, with_spglib=True, with_path=False, manager=None, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Compute elastic and piezoelectric properties for all DDBs in the robot and build DataFrame. Args: ddb_header_keys: List of keywords in the header of the DDB file whose value will be added to the Dataframe. with_structure: True to add structure parameters to the DataFrame. with_spglib: True to compute spglib space group and add it to the DataFrame. with_path: True to add DDB path to dataframe manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `ddb.anaget_elastic`. Return: DataFrame and list of ElastData objects. """ ddb_header_keys = [] if ddb_header_keys is None else list_strings(ddb_header_keys) df_list, elastdata_list = [], [] for label, ddb in self.items(): # Invoke anaddb to compute elastic data. edata = ddb.anaget_elastic(verbose=verbose, manager=manager, **kwargs) elastdata_list.append(edata) # Build daframe with properties derived from the elastic tensor. df = edata.get_elastic_properties_dataframe() # Add metadata to the dataframe. df["formula"] = ddb.structure.formula for k in ddb_header_keys: df[k] = ddb.header[k] # Add structural parameters to the dataframe. if with_structure: for skey, svalue in ddb.structure.get_dict4pandas(with_spglib=with_spglib).items(): df[skey] = svalue # Add path to the DDB file. if with_path: df["ddb_path"] = ddb.filepath df_list.append(df) # Concatenate dataframes. return dict2namedtuple(df=pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True), elastdata_list=elastdata_list)
[docs] def anacompare_becs(self, ddb_header_keys=None, chneut=1, tol=1e-3, with_path=False, verbose=0): """ Compute Born effective charges for all DDBs in the robot and build DataFrame. with Voigt indices as columns + metadata. Useful for convergence studies. Args: ddb_header_keys: List of keywords in the header of the DDB file whose value will be added to the Dataframe. chneut: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. tol: Elements below this value are set to zero. with_path: True to add DDB path to dataframe verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information Return: ``namedtuple`` with the following attributes:: df: DataFrame with Voigt as columns. becs_list: list of Becs objects. """ ddb_header_keys = [] if ddb_header_keys is None else list_strings(ddb_header_keys) df_list, becs_list = [], [] for label, ddb in self.items(): # Invoke anaddb to compute Becs _, becs = ddb.anaget_epsinf_and_becs(chneut=chneut, verbose=verbose) becs_list.append(becs) df = becs.get_voigt_dataframe(tol=tol) # Add metadata to the dataframe. df["formula"] = ddb.structure.formula df["chneut"] = chneut for k in ddb_header_keys: df[k] = ddb.header[k] # Add path to the DDB file. if with_path: df["ddb_path"] = ddb.filepath df_list.append(df) # Concatenate dataframes. return dict2namedtuple(df=pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True).sort_values(by="site_index"), becs_list=becs_list)
[docs] def anacompare_epsinf(self, ddb_header_keys=None, chneut=1, tol=1e-3, with_path=False, verbose=0): r""" Compute (eps^\inf) electronic dielectric tensor for all DDBs in the robot and build DataFrame. with Voigt indices as columns + metadata. Useful for convergence studies. Args: ddb_header_keys: List of keywords in the header of the DDB file whose value will be added to the Dataframe. chneut: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. tol: Elements below this value are set to zero. with_path: True to add DDB path to dataframe verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information Return: ``namedtuple`` with the following attributes:: df: DataFrame with Voigt indices as columns. epsinf_list: List of |DielectricTensor| objects with eps^{inf} """ ddb_header_keys = [] if ddb_header_keys is None else list_strings(ddb_header_keys) df_list, epsinf_list = [], [] for label, ddb in self.items(): # Invoke anaddb to compute e_inf einf, _ = ddb.anaget_epsinf_and_becs(chneut=chneut, verbose=verbose) epsinf_list.append(einf) df = einf.get_voigt_dataframe(tol=tol) # Add metadata to the dataframe. df["formula"] = ddb.structure.formula df["chneut"] = chneut for k in ddb_header_keys: df[k] = ddb.header[k] # Add path to the DDB file. if with_path: df["ddb_path"] = ddb.filepath df_list.append(df) # Concatenate dataframes. return dict2namedtuple(df=pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True), epsinf_list=epsinf_list)
[docs] def anacompare_eps0(self, ddb_header_keys=None, asr=2, chneut=1, tol=1e-3, with_path=False, verbose=0): """ Compute (eps^0) dielectric tensor for all DDBs in the robot and build DataFrame. with Voigt indices as columns + metadata. Useful for convergence studies. Args: ddb_header_keys: List of keywords in the header of the DDB file whose value will be added to the Dataframe. asr, chneut, dipdip: Anaddb input variable. See official documentation. tol: Elements below this value are set to zero. with_path: True to add DDB path to dataframe verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information Return: ``namedtuple`` with the following attributes:: df: DataFrame with Voigt as columns. eps0_list: List of |DielectricTensor| objects with eps^0. dgen_list: List of DielectricTensorGenerator. """ ddb_header_keys = [] if ddb_header_keys is None else list_strings(ddb_header_keys) df_list, eps0_list, dgen_list = [], [], [] for label, ddb in self.items(): # Invoke anaddb to compute e_0 gen = ddb.anaget_dielectric_tensor_generator(asr=asr, chneut=chneut, dipdip=1, verbose=verbose) dgen_list.append(gen) eps0_list.append(gen.eps0) df = gen.eps0.get_voigt_dataframe(tol=tol) # Add metadata to the dataframe. df["formula"] = ddb.structure.formula df["asr"] = asr df["chneut"] = chneut #df["dipdip"] = dipdip for k in ddb_header_keys: df[k] = ddb.header[k] # Add path to the DDB file. if with_path: df["ddb_path"] = ddb.filepath df_list.append(df) # Concatenate dataframes. return dict2namedtuple(df=pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True), eps0_list=eps0_list, dgen_list=dgen_list)
[docs] def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. """ if all(ddb.has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation() for ddb in self.abifiles): print("Invoking anaddb through anaget_phonon_plotters...") r = self.anaget_phonon_plotters() for fig in r.phbands_plotter.yield_figs(): yield fig for fig in r.phdos_plotter.yield_figs(): yield fig
[docs] def yield_plotly_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user. """ if all(ddb.has_at_least_one_atomic_perturbation() for ddb in self.abifiles): print("Invoking anaddb through anaget_phonon_plotters...") r = self.anaget_phonon_plotters() for fig in r.phbands_plotter.yield_plotly_figs(): yield fig for fig in r.phdos_plotter.yield_plotly_figs(): yield fig
[docs] def get_panel(self, **kwargs): """Return a panel object that allows the user to compare the results with a web-based interface.""" from abipy.panels.ddb import DdbRobotPanel return DdbRobotPanel(self).get_panel(**kwargs)
[docs] def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None): """ Write a jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If ``nbpath`` is None, a temporary file in the current working directory is created. Return path to the notebook. """ nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None) anaget_phonon_plotters_kwargs = ("\n" '\tnqsmall=10, ndivsm=20, asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1, dos_method="tetra",\n' '\tlo_to_splitting=False, ngqpt=None, qptbounds=None,\n' '\tanaddb_kwargs=None, verbose=0') args = [(l, f.filepath) for l, f in self.items()] nb.cells.extend([ #nbv.new_markdown_cell("# This is a markdown cell"), nbv.new_code_cell("robot = abilab.DdbRobot(*%s)\nrobot.trim_paths()\nrobot" % str(args)), nbv.new_code_cell("""#dfq = robot.get_dataframe_at_qpoint(qpoint=None, units="meV")"""), nbv.new_code_cell("r = robot.anaget_phonon_plotters(%s)" % anaget_phonon_plotters_kwargs), nbv.new_code_cell("r.phbands_plotter.get_phbands_frame()"), nbv.new_code_cell("r.phbands_plotter.ipw_select_plot()"), nbv.new_code_cell("r.phdos_plotter.ipw_select_plot()"), nbv.new_code_cell("r.phdos_plotter.ipw_harmonic_thermo()"), ]) # Mixins nb.cells.extend(self.get_baserobot_code_cells()) return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
[docs]def get_2nd_ord_block_string(qpt, data): """ Helper function providing the lines required in a DDB file for a given q-point and second order derivatives. Args: qpt: the fractional coordinates of the q point. data: a dictionary of the form {qpt: {(idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2): complex value}} with the data that should be given in the string. Returns: list of str: the lines that can be added to the DDB file. """ lines = [] lines.append(f" 2nd derivatives (non-stat.) - # elements :{len(data):8}") lines.append(" qpt{:16.8E}{:16.8E}{:16.8E} 1.0".format(*qpt)) l_format = "{:4d}" * 4 + " {:22.14E}" * 2 for p, v in data.items(): lines.append(l_format.format(*p, v.real, v.imag)) return lines