Source code for abipy.electrons.charges

# coding: utf-8

from import requires
from monty.os.path import which
from pymatgen.command_line.bader_caller import BaderAnalysis
from import Pseudo
from pymatgen.core.units import bohr_to_angstrom
from abipy.core.mixins import Has_Structure
from abipy.core.fields import Density
from abipy.core.globals import get_workdir
from abipy.electrons.denpot import DensityFortranFile

import numpy as np
import os
import tempfile

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

class Charges(Has_Structure):
    Base charges class, describing the atomic charges in a DFT calculation.
    The charges refer to the total charges for each atom (i.e. Z-n_electrons).
    An eccess of electron has a negative charge

    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
    .. inheritance-diagram:: Charges

    def __init__(self, electron_charges, structure, reference_charges=None):
            electron_charges: Charges coming from the electron for each element of the structure (with negative sign)
            structure: |Structure| object.
            reference_charges: Reference charges associated to each atom of the structure, considered as isolated
                (with negative sign). Should represent either all the electrons or just the valence, depending on the
                charge density used to perform the analysis.
        self.electron_charges = np.array(electron_charges)
        self._structure = structure
        self.reference_charges = np.array(reference_charges)

    def structure(self):
        return self._structure

    def net_charges(self):
        List of net charges for each atom of the structure.
        if self.reference_charges is None:
            raise ValueError("reference charges are required to calculate the net transfer")

        return self.electron_charges - self.reference_charges

[docs]class HirshfeldCharges(Charges): """ Class representing the charges obtained from the Hirshfeld analysis. The charges refer to the total charges for each atom (i.e. Z-n_electrons). An eccess of electron has a negative charge .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: HirshfeldCharges """
[docs] @classmethod def from_cut3d_outfile(cls, filepath, structure): """ Generates a HirshfeldCharges object from the outputfile of cut3d and a structure. """ electron_charges = [] reference_charges = [] with open(filepath, 'rt') as f: lines = f.readlines() start_hirshfeld_i = None for i, l in enumerate(lines): if "Hirshfeld analysis" in l: start_hirshfeld_i = i+3 break else: raise RuntimeError('The file does not contain Hirshfeld charges') for i in range(start_hirshfeld_i, start_hirshfeld_i+len(structure)): l = lines[i] electron_charges.append(float(l.split()[2])) reference_charges.append(-float(l.split()[1])) return cls(electron_charges, structure, reference_charges)
[docs]class BaderCharges(Charges): """ Class representing the charges obtained from the Bader analysis. TThe charges refer to the total charges for each atom (i.e. Z-n_electrons). An eccess of electron has a negative charge .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: BaderCharges """
[docs] @classmethod @requires(which("bader") or which("bader.exe"), "BaderCharges.from_files requires the executable bader to be in the path.") def from_files(cls, density_path, pseudopotential_paths, with_core=True, workdir=None, **kwargs): """ Uses the abinit density files and the bader_ executable from Henkelmann et al. to calculate the bader charges of the system. If pseudopotentials are given, the atomic charges will be extracted as well. See also :cite:`Henkelman2006`. The extraction of the core charges may be a time consuming calculation, depending on the size of the system. A tuning of the parameters may be required (see Density.ae_core_density_on_mesh). Args: density_path: Path to the abinit density file. Can be a fortran _DEN or a netCDF file. In case of fortran file, requires cut3d (version >= 8.6.1) for the convertion. pseudopotential_paths: Dictionary {element: pseudopotential path} for all the elements present in the system. with_core: Core charges will be extracted from the pseudopotentials with the Density.ae_core_density_on_mesh method. Requires pseudopotential_paths. workdir: Working directory. If None, a temporary directory is created. kwargs: arguments passed to the method ``Density.ae_core_density_on_mesh`` Returns: An instance of :class:`BaderCharges` """ # read the valence density # if density is not a netcdf file, convert with cut3d if not density_path.endswith('.nc'): dff = DensityFortranFile.from_file(density_path) density = dff.get_density() else: density = Density.from_file(density_path) structure = density.structure atomic_charges = None if with_core: if not pseudopotential_paths: raise ValueError("pseudopotentials should be provided to extract the core densities") try: from pseudo_dojo.ppcodes.oncvpsp import psp8_get_densities except ImportError as exc: print("PseudoDojo package required to extract core densities. " "Please install it with `pip install pseudo_dojo`") raise exc # extract core charge from pseudopotentials on a radial grid in the correct units rhoc = {} for specie, ppath in pseudopotential_paths.items(): r = psp8_get_densities(ppath) rhoc[specie] = [r.rmesh * bohr_to_angstrom, r.aecore / (4.0 * np.pi) / (bohr_to_angstrom ** 3)] workdir = get_workdir(workdir) # extrapolate the core density on the density grid core_density = Density.ae_core_density_on_mesh(density, structure, rhoc, **kwargs) density += core_density atomic_charges = [s.specie.Z for s in structure] elif pseudopotential_paths: pseudos = {k: Pseudo.from_file(p) for k, p in pseudopotential_paths.items()} atomic_charges = [pseudos[].Z_val for s in structure] chgcar_path = os.path.join(workdir, 'CHGCAR') density.to_chgcar(chgcar_path) ba = BaderAnalysis(chgcar_path) charges = [ba.get_charge(i) for i in range(len(structure))] return cls(charges, structure, atomic_charges)