Source code for abipy.electrons.psps

# coding: utf-8
"""PSPS file with tabulated data."""
import numpy as np

from collections import OrderedDict
from monty.bisect import find_gt
from monty.functools import lazy_property
from import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt
from abipy.iotools import ETSF_Reader
from abipy.core.mixins import AbinitNcFile

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mklabel(fsym, der, arg): """mklabel(f, 2, x) --> $f''(x)$""" if der == 0: return "$%s(%s)$" % (fsym, arg) else: fsym = fsym + "^{" + (der * r"\prime") + "}" return "$%s(%s)$" % (fsym, arg)
[docs]def rescale(arr, scale=1.0): if scale is None: return arr, 0.0 amax = np.abs(arr).max() fact = scale / amax if amax != 0 else 1 return fact * arr, fact
[docs]def dataframe_from_pseudos(pseudos, index=None): """ Build pandas dataframe with the most important info associated to a list of pseudos or a list of objects that can be converted into pseudos. Args: pseudos: List of objects that can be converted to pseudos. index: Index of the dataframe. Return: pandas Dataframe. """ from abipy.flowtk import PseudoTable pseudos = PseudoTable.as_table(pseudos) import pandas as pd attname = ["Z_val", "l_max", "l_local", "nlcc_radius", "xc", "supports_soc", "type"] rows = [] for p in pseudos: row = OrderedDict([(k, getattr(p, k, None)) for k in attname]) row["ecut_normal"], row["pawecutdg_normal"] = None, None if p.has_hints: hint = p.hint_for_accuracy(accuracy="normal") row["ecut_normal"] = hint.ecut if hint.pawecutdg: row["pawecutdg_normal"] = hint.pawecutdg rows.append(row) return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=index, columns=list(rows[0].keys()) if rows else None)
[docs]class PspsFile(AbinitNcFile): """ Netcdf file with the tables used in Abinit to apply the pseudopotential part of the KS Hamiltonian. Usage example: .. code-block:: python with PspsFile("") as psps: psps.plot_tcore_rspace() """ linestyles_der = ["-", "--", '-.', ':', ":", ":"] color_der = ["black", "red", "green", "orange", "cyan"]
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """Initialize the object from a Netcdf file""" return cls(filepath)
def __init__(self, filepath): super().__init__(filepath) self.reader = r = PspsReader(filepath)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file.""" self.reader.close()
[docs] @lazy_property def params(self): """:class:`OrderedDict` with parameters that might be subject to convergence studies.""" return {}
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Driver routine to plot several quantities on the same graph. Args: ecut_ffnl: Max cutoff energy for ffnl plot (optional) Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ methods = [ "plot_tcore_rspace", "plot_tcore_qspace", "plot_ffspl", "plot_vlocq", ] ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=True) ecut_ffnl = kwargs.pop("ecut_ffnl", None) for m, ax in zip(methods, ax_list.ravel()): getattr(self, m)(ax=ax, ecut_ffnl=ecut_ffnl, show=False) return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_tcore_rspace(self, ax=None, ders=(0, 1, 2, 3), rmax=3.0, **kwargs): """ Plot the model core and its derivatives in real space. Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. ders: Tuple used to select the derivatives to be plotted. rmax: Max radius for plot in Bohr. None is full grid is wanted. Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2.0) rmeshes, coresd = self.reader.read_coresd(rmax=rmax) scale = None scale = 1.0 for rmesh, mcores in zip(rmeshes, coresd): for der, values in enumerate(mcores): if der not in ders: continue yvals, fact, = rescale(values, scale=scale) ax.plot(rmesh, yvals, color=self.color_der[der], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=self.linestyles_der[der], label=mklabel("\\tilde{n}_c", der, "r") + " x %.4f" % fact) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("r [Bohr]") ax.set_title("Model core in r-space") if kwargs.get("with_legend", False): ax.legend(loc="best") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_tcore_qspace(self, ax=None, ders=(0,), with_fact=True, with_qn=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the model core in q space Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. ders: Tuple used to select the derivatives to be plotted. with_qn: Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) color = kwargs.pop("color", "black") linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2.0) qmesh, tcore_spl = self.reader.read_tcorespl() #print(qmesh, tcore_spl) ecuts = 2 * (np.pi * qmesh)**2 lines = [] scale = 1.0 scale = None for atype, tcore_atype in enumerate(tcore_spl): for der, values in enumerate(tcore_atype): if der == 1: der = 2 if der not in ders: continue yvals, fact = rescale(values, scale=scale) label = mklabel("\\tilde{n}_{c}", der, "q") if with_fact: label += " x %.4f" % fact line, = ax.plot(ecuts, yvals, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=self.linestyles_der[der], label=label) lines.append(line) if with_qn and der == 0: yvals, fact = rescale(qmesh * values, scale=scale) line, ax.plot(ecuts, yvals, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, label=mklabel("q f", der, "q") + " x %.4f" % fact) lines.append(line) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Ecut [Hartree]") ax.set_title("Model core in q-space") if kwargs.get("with_legend", False): ax.legend(loc="best") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_vlocq(self, ax=None, ders=(0,), with_qn=0, with_fact=True, **kwargs): """ Plot the local part of the pseudopotential in q space. Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. ders: Tuple used to select the derivatives to be plotted. with_qn: Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) color = kwargs.pop("color", "black") linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2.0) qmesh, vlspl = self.reader.read_vlspl() ecuts = 2 * (np.pi * qmesh)**2 scale = 1.0 scale = None for atype, vl_atype in enumerate(vlspl): for der, values in enumerate(vl_atype): if der == 1: der = 2 if der not in ders: continue yvals, fact = rescale(values, scale=scale) label = mklabel("v_{loc}", der, "q") if with_fact: label += " x %.4f" % fact ax.plot(ecuts, yvals, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=self.linestyles_der[der], label=label) if with_qn and der == 0: yvals, fact = rescale(qmesh * values, scale=scale) ax.plot(ecuts, yvals, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, label="q*f(q) x %2.f" % fact) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Ecut [Hartree]") ax.set_title("Vloc(q)") if kwargs.get("with_legend", False): ax.legend(loc="best") return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_ffspl(self, ax=None, ecut_ffnl=None, ders=(0,), with_qn=0, with_fact=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the nonlocal part of the pseudopotential in q-space. Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. ecut_ffnl: Max cutoff energy for ffnl plot (optional) ders: Tuple used to select the derivatives to be plotted. with_qn: Returns: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) color = kwargs.pop("color", "black") linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2.0) color_l = {-1: "black", 0: "red", 1: "blue", 2: "green", 3: "orange"} linestyles_n = ["solid", '-', '--', '-.', ":"] scale = None l_seen = set() qmesh, vlspl = self.reader.read_vlspl() all_projs = self.reader.read_projectors() for itypat, projs_type in enumerate(all_projs): # Loop over the projectors for this atom type. for p in projs_type: for der, values in enumerate( if der == 1: der = 2 if der not in ders: continue #yvals, fact = rescale(values, scale=scale) label = None if p.l not in l_seen: l_seen.add(p.l) label = mklabel("v_{nl}", der, "q") + ", l=%d" % p.l stop = len(p.ecuts) if ecut_ffnl is not None: stop = find_gt(p.ecuts, ecut_ffnl) #values = p.ekb * p.values - vlspl[itypat, 0, :] values = vlspl[itypat, 0, :] + p.sign_sqrtekb * p.values #print(values.min(), values.max()) ax.plot(p.ecuts[:stop], values[:stop], color=color_l[p.l], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyles_n[p.n], label=label) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Ecut [Hartree]") ax.set_title("ffnl(q)") if kwargs.get("with_legend", False): ax.legend(loc="best") ax.axhline(y=0, linewidth=linewidth, color='k', linestyle="solid") fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def compare(self, others, **kwargs): """Produce matplotlib plot comparing self with another list of pseudos ``others``.""" if not isinstance(others, (list, tuple)): others = [others] ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=True) ax_list = ax_list.ravel() #fig.suptitle("%s vs %s" % (self.basename, ", ".join(o.basename for o in others))) def mkcolor(count): npseudos = 1 + len(others) if npseudos <= 2: return {0: "red", 1: "blue"}[count] else: cmap = plt.get_cmap("jet") return cmap(float(count) / (1 + len(others))) ic = 0; ax = ax_list[ic] self.plot_tcore_rspace(ax=ax, color=mkcolor(0), show=False, with_legend=False) for count, other in enumerate(others): other.plot_tcore_rspace(ax=ax, color=mkcolor(count+1), show=False, with_legend=False) ic += 1; ax = ax_list[ic] self.plot_tcore_qspace(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(0), show=False) for count, other in enumerate(others): other.plot_tcore_qspace(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(count+1), show=False) ic += 1; ax = ax_list[ic] self.plot_vlocq(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(0), show=False) for count, other in enumerate(others): other.plot_vlocq(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(count+1), show=False) ic += 1; ax = ax_list[ic] self.plot_ffspl(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(0), show=False) for count, other in enumerate(others): other.plot_ffspl(ax=ax, with_qn=0, color=mkcolor(count+1), show=False) return fig
[docs]class PspsReader(ETSF_Reader): """ This object reads the results stored in the PSPS file produced by ABINIT. It provides helper function to access the most important quantities. """ def __init__(self, filepath): super().__init__(filepath) # Get important quantities. self.usepaw, self.useylm = self.read_value("usepaw"), self.read_value("useylm") assert self.usepaw == 0 and self.useylm == 0 self.ntypat = self.read_dimvalue("ntypat") self.lmnmax = self.read_dimvalue("lmnmax") self.indlmn = self.read_value("indlmn") self.znucl_typat = self.read_value("znucltypat") self.zion_typat = self.read_value("ziontypat") # TODO #self.psps_files = [] #for strng in r.read_value("filpsp"): # s = "".join(strng) # print(s) # self.psps_files.append(s) #print(self.psps_files)
[docs] def read_coresd(self, rmax=None): """ Read the core charges and derivatives for the different types of atoms. Args: rmax: Maximum radius in Bohr. If None, data on the full grid is returned. Returns: meshes: List of ntypat arrays. Each array contains the linear meshes in real space. coresd: List with nytpat arrays of shape [6, npts]. (np.zeros. np.zeros) if core charge is not present xccc1d[ntypat6,n1xccc*(1-usepaw)] Norm-conserving psps only The component xccc1d(n1xccc,1,ntypat) is the pseudo-core charge for each type of atom, on the radial grid. The components xccc1d(n1xccc,ideriv,ntypat) give the ideriv-th derivative of the pseudo-core charge with respect to the radial distance. """ xcccrc = self.read_value("xcccrc") try: all_coresd = self.read_value("xccc1d") except self.Error: # model core may not be present! return self.ntypat * [np.linspace(0, 6, num=100)], self.ntypat * [np.zeros((2, 100))] npts = all_coresd.shape[-1] rmeshes, coresd = [], [] for itypat, rc in enumerate(xcccrc): rvals, step = np.linspace(0, rc, num=npts, retstep=True) ir_stop = -1 if rmax is not None: # Truncate mesh ir_stop = min(int(rmax / step), npts) + 1 #print(rmax, step, ir_stop, npts) rmeshes.append(rvals[:ir_stop]) coresd.append(all_coresd[itypat, :, :ir_stop]) return rmeshes, coresd
[docs] def read_tcorespl(self): """ Returns: qmesh: Linear q-mesh in G-space tcorespl: tcorespl[ntypat, 2, mqgrid_vl] Gives the pseudo core density in reciprocal space on a regular grid. Only if has_tcore """ return self.read_value("qgrid_vl"), self.read_value("nc_tcorespl")
[docs] def read_vlspl(self): """ Returns: qmesh: Linear q-mesh in G-space vlspl: vlspl[2, ntypat, mqgrid_vl] Gives, on the radial grid, the local part of each type of psp. """ return self.read_value("qgrid_vl"), self.read_value("vlspl")
[docs] def read_projectors(self): """ ffspl(ntypat, lnmax, 2, mqgrid_ff] Gives, on the radial grid, the different non-local projectors, in both the norm-conserving case, and the PAW case """ # ekb(dimekb,ntypat*(1-usepaw)) ekb = self.read_value("ekb") qgrid_ff = self.read_value("qgrid_ff") ffspl = self.read_value("ffspl") #print("qgrid", qgrid_ff.min(), qgrid_ff.max()) projs = self.ntypat * [None] for itypat in range(self.ntypat): projs_type = [] ln_list = self.get_lnlist_for_type(itypat) for i, ln in enumerate(ln_list): #print(ffspl[itypat, i, :, :]) p = VnlProjector(itypat, ln, ekb[itypat, i], qgrid_ff, ffspl[itypat, i, :, :]) projs_type.append(p) projs[itypat] = projs_type return projs
[docs] def get_lnlist_for_type(self, itypat): """Return a list of (l, n) indices for this atom type.""" # indlmn(6,lmn_size,ntypat)=array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=lmn indlmn_type = self.indlmn[itypat, :, :] iln0 = 0; ln_list = [] for ilmn in range(self.lmnmax): iln = indlmn_type[ilmn, 4] if iln > iln0: iln0 = iln l = indlmn_type[ilmn, 0] # l n = indlmn_type[ilmn, 2] # n ln_list.append((l, n)) return ln_list
[docs]class VnlProjector(object): """Data and parameters associated to a non-local projector.""" def __init__(self, itypat, ln, ekb, qmesh, data): """ Args: itypat: ln: Tuple with l and n. ekb: KB energy in Hartree. qmesh: Mesh of q-points. data: numpy array [2, nqpt] """ self.ln = ln self.l, self.n, self.ekb = ln[0], ln[1], ekb self.qmesh, = qmesh, data assert len(self.qmesh) == len(self.values) assert len(self.qmesh) == len(self.der2) @property def values(self): """Values of the projector in q-space.""" return[0, :] @property def der2(self): """Second order derivative.""" return[1, :] @property def ecuts(self): """List of cutoff energies corresponding to self.qmesh.""" return 2 * (np.pi * self.qmesh)**2 @property def sign_sqrtekb(self): return np.sign(self.ekb) * np.sqrt(np.abs(self.ekb))