Source code for abipy.electrons.scissors

# coding: utf-8
"""Scissors operator."""
import os
import numpy as np
import pickle

from collections import OrderedDict
from monty.collections import AttrDict
from import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt

__all__ = [

class ScissorsError(Exception):
    """Base class for the exceptions raised by :class:`Scissors`"""

[docs]class Scissors(object): """ This object represents an energy-dependent scissors operator. The operator is defined by a list of domains (energy intervals) and a list of functions defined in these domains. The domains should fulfill the constraints documented in the main constructor. .. note:: eV units are assumed. The standard way to create this object is via the methods provided by the factory class :class:`ScissorBuilder`. Once the instance has been created, one can correct the band structure by calling the `apply` method. """ Error = ScissorsError def __init__(self, func_list, domains, residues, bounds=None): """ Args: func_list: List of callable objects. Each function takes an eigenvalue and returns the corrected value. domains: Domains of each function. List of tuples [(emin1, emax1), (emin2, emax2), ...] bounds: Specify how to handle energies that do not fall inside one of the domains. At present, only constant boundaries are implemented. residues: A list of the residues of the fitting per domain .. note:: #. Domains should not overlap, cover e0mesh, and given in increasing order. #. Holes are permitted but the interpolation will raise an exception if the eigenvalue falls inside the hole. #. Errors contains a list of the fitting errors per domain """ # TODO Add consistency check. self.func_list = func_list = np.atleast_2d(domains) self.residues = residues assert len(self.func_list) == len( # Treat the out-of-boundary conditions. func_low and func_high are used to handle energies # that are below or above the min/max energy given in domains. blow, bhigh = "c", "c" if bounds is not None: blow, bhigh = bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1] if blow.lower() == "c": try: self.func_low = lambda x: float(bounds[0][1]) except Exception: x_low =[0,0] fx_low = func_list[0](x_low) self.func_low = lambda x: fx_low else: raise NotImplementedError("Only constant boundaries are implemented") if bhigh.lower() == "c": try: self.func_high = lambda x: float(bounds[1][1]) except Exception: x_high =[1, -1] fx_high = func_list[-1](x_high) self.func_high = lambda x: fx_high else: raise NotImplementedError("Only constant boundaries are implemented") # This counter stores the number of points that are out of bounds. self.out_bounds = np.zeros(3, dtype=int)
[docs] def apply(self, eig): """Correct the eigenvalue eig (eV units).""" # Get the list of domains. domains = if eig < domains[0,0]: # Eig is below the first point of the first domain. # Call func_low print("left ", eig, " < ", domains[0,0]) self.out_bounds[0] += 1 return self.func_low(eig) if eig > domains[-1,1]: # Eig is above the last point of the last domain. # Call func_high print("right ", eig, " > ", domains[-1,1]) self.out_bounds[1] += 1 return self.func_high(eig) # eig is inside the domains: find the domain # and call the corresponding function. for idx, dms in enumerate(domains): if dms[1] >= eig >= dms[0]: return self.func_list[idx](eig) self.out_bounds[2] += 1 raise self.Error("Cannot find location of eigenvalue %s in domains:\n%s" % (eig, domains))
[docs]class ScissorsBuilder(object): """ This object facilitates the creation of :class:`Scissors` instances. Usage: builder = ScissorsBuilder.from_file("") # To plot the QP results as function of the KS energy: builder.plot_qpe_vs_e0() # To select the domains esplicitly (optional but highly recommended)[[-10, 6.02], [6.1, 20]]) # To compare the fitted results with the ab-initio data: builder.plot_fit() # To plot the corrected bands: builder.plot_qpbands(abidata.ref_file("")) """
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filepath): """ Generate object from ( file. Main entry point for client code. """ from abipy.abilab import abiopen with abiopen(filepath) as ncfile: return cls(qps_spin=ncfile.qplist_spin, sigres_ebands=ncfile.ebands)
[docs] @classmethod def pickle_load(cls, filepath): """Load the object from a pickle file.""" with open(filepath, "rb") as fh: d = AttrDict(pickle.load(fh)) # Costruct the object and compute the scissors. new = cls(d.qps_spin, d.sigres_ebands), d.bounds_spin) return new
[docs] def pickle_dump(self, filepath, protocol=-1): """Save the object in Pickle format""" assert all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(self.domains_spin.keys(), self.bounds_spin.keys())) assert all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(self.domains_spin.keys(), range(self.nsppol))) bounds_spin = None if any(v is not None for v in self.bounds_spin.values()): bounds_spin = [a.tolist() for a in self.bounds_spin.values()] # This trick is needed because we cannot pickle bound methods of the scissors operator. d = dict(qps_spin=self._qps_spin, sigres_ebands=self.sigres_ebands, domains_spin=[a for a in self.domains_spin.values()], bounds_spin=bounds_spin) with open(filepath, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(d, fh, protocol=protocol)
def __init__(self, qps_spin, sigres_ebands): """ Args: qps_spin: List of :class:`QPlist`, for each spin. sigres_ebands: |ElectronBands| obtained from the SIGRES file """ # Sort quasiparticle data by e0. self._qps_spin = tuple([qps.sort_by_e0() for qps in qps_spin]) # Compute the boundaries of the E0 mesh. e0min, e0max = np.inf, -np.inf for qps in self._qps_spin: e0mesh = qps.get_e0mesh() e0min = min(e0min, e0mesh[0]) e0max = max(e0max, e0mesh[-1]) self._e0min, self._e0max = e0min, e0max # The KS bands stored in the sigres file (used to compute automatically the boundaries) self.sigres_ebands = sigres_ebands # Start with default values for domains. @property def nsppol(self): """Number of spins.""" return len(self._qps_spin) @property def e0min(self): """Minimum KS energy in eV (takes into account spin)""" return self._e0min @property def e0max(self): """Maximum KS energy in eV (takes into account spin)""" return self._e0max @property def scissors_spin(self): """Returns a tuple of :class:`Scissors` indexed by the spin value.""" try: return self._scissors_spin except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Call to create the scissors operator")
[docs] def build(self, domains_spin=None, bounds_spin=None, k=3): """ Build the scissors operator. Args: domains_spin: list of domains in eV for each spin. If domains is None, domains are computed automatically from the sigres bands (two domains separated by the middle of the gap). bounds_spin: Options specifying the boundary conditions (not used at present) k: Parameter defining the order of the fit. """ nsppol = self.nsppol # The parameters defining the scissors operator self.domains_spin = OrderedDict() self.bounds_spin = OrderedDict() if domains_spin is None: # Use sigres_ebands and the position of the homo, lumo to compute the domains. domains_spin = nsppol * [None] e_bands = self.sigres_ebands for spin in e_bands.spins: gap_mid = (e_bands.homos[spin].eig + e_bands.lumos[spin].eig) / 2 domains_spin[spin] = [[self.e0min - 0.2 * abs(self.e0min), gap_mid], [gap_mid, self.e0max + 0.2 * abs(self.e0max)]] #print("domains", domains_spin[spin]) else: if nsppol == 1: domains_spin = np.reshape(domains_spin, (1, -1, 2)) elif nsppol == 2: assert len(domains_spin) == nsppol if bounds_spin is not None: assert len(bounds_spin) == nsppol else: raise ValueError("Wrong number of spins %d" % nsppol) #if len(domains_spin) != nsppol: # raise ValueError("len(domains_spin) == %s != nsppol %s" % (len(domains_spin), nsppol)) # Construct the scissors operator for each spin. scissors_spin = nsppol * [None] for spin, qps in enumerate(self._qps_spin): bounds = None if not bounds_spin else bounds_spin[spin] scissors_spin[spin] = qps.build_scissors(domains_spin[spin], bounds=bounds, k=k, plot=False) # Save input so that we can reconstruct Scissors. self.domains_spin[spin] = domains_spin[spin] self.bounds_spin[spin] = bounds self._scissors_spin = scissors_spin return domains_spin
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_qpe_vs_e0(self, with_fields="all", **kwargs): """Plot the quasiparticle corrections as function of the KS energy.""" ax_list = None for spin, qps in enumerate(self._qps_spin): kwargs["title"] = "spin %s" % spin fig = qps.plot_qps_vs_e0(with_fields=with_fields, ax_list=ax_list, show=False, **kwargs) ax_list = fig.axes return fig
[docs] @add_fig_kwargs def plot_fit(self, ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs): """ Compare fit functions with input quasi-particle corrections. Args: ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created. fontsize: fontsize for titles and legend. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax) for spin in range(self.nsppol): qps = self._qps_spin[spin] e0mesh, qpcorrs = qps.get_e0mesh(), qps.get_qpeme0().real ax.scatter(e0mesh, qpcorrs, label="Input QP corrections, spin %s" % spin) scissors = self._scissors_spin[spin] intp_qpc = [scissors.apply(e0) for e0 in e0mesh] ax.plot(e0mesh, intp_qpc, label="Scissors operator, spin %s" % spin) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('KS energy (eV)') ax.set_ylabel('QP-KS (eV)') ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True) return fig
[docs] def plot_qpbands(self, bands_filepath, bands_label=None, dos_filepath=None, dos_args=None, **kwargs): """ Correct the energies found in the netcdf file bands_filepath and plot the band energies (both the initial and the corrected ones) with matplotlib. The plot contains the KS and the QP DOS if dos_filepath is not None. Args: bands_filepath: Path to the netcdf file containing the initial KS energies to be corrected. bands_label String used to label the KS bands in the plot. dos_filepath: Optional path to a netcdf file with the initial KS energies on a homogeneous k-mesh (used to compute the KS and the QP dos) dos_args: Dictionary with the arguments passed to get_dos to compute the DOS Used if dos_filepath is not None. kwargs: Options passed to the plotter. Return: |matplotlib-Figure| """ from abipy.abilab import abiopen, ElectronBandsPlotter # Read the KS band energies from bands_filepath and apply the scissors operator. with abiopen(bands_filepath) as ncfile: ks_bands = ncfile.ebands #structure = ncfile.structure qp_bands = ks_bands.apply_scissors(self._scissors_spin) # Read the band energies computed on the Monkhorst-Pack (MP) mesh and compute the DOS. ks_dos, qp_dos = None, None if dos_filepath is not None: with abiopen(dos_filepath) as ncfile: ks_mpbands = ncfile.ebands dos_args = {} if not dos_args else dos_args ks_dos = ks_mpbands.get_edos(**dos_args) # Compute the DOS with the modified QPState energies. qp_mpbands = ks_mpbands.apply_scissors(self._scissors_spin) qp_dos = qp_mpbands.get_edos(**dos_args) # Plot the LDA and the QPState band structure with matplotlib. plotter = ElectronBandsPlotter() bands_label = bands_label if bands_label is not None else os.path.basename(bands_filepath) plotter.add_ebands(bands_label, ks_bands, edos=ks_dos) plotter.add_ebands(bands_label + " + scissors", qp_bands, edos=qp_dos) #qp_marker: if int > 0, markers for the ab-initio QP energies are displayed. e.g qp_marker=50 #qp_marker = 50 #if qp_marker is not None: # # Compute correspondence between the k-points in qp_list and the k-path in qp_bands. # # TODO # # WARNING: strictly speaking one should check if qp_kpoint is in the star of k-point. # # but compute_star is too slow if written in pure python. # x, y, s = [], [], [] # for ik_path, kpoint in enumerate(qp_bands.kpoints): # #kstar = kpoint.compute_star(structure.fm_symmops) # for spin in range(self.nsppol): # for ik_qp, qp in enumerate(self._qps_spin[spin]): # #if qp.kpoint in kstar: # if qp.kpoint == kpoint: # x.append(ik_path) # y.append(np.real(qp.qpe)) # s.append(qp_marker) # plotter.set_marker("ab-initio QP", [x, y, s]) return plotter.combiplot(**kwargs)