Source code for abipy.flowtk.abiobjects

# flake8: noqa
import collections

from pymatgen.core.units import Energy
from import *

[docs]class LujForSpecie(collections.namedtuple("LdauForSpecie", "l u j unit")): """ This object stores the value of l, u, j used for a single atomic specie. """ def __new__(cls, l, u, j, unit): """ Args: l: Angular momentum (int or string). u: U value j: J Value unit: Energy unit for u and j. """ l = l u, j = Energy(u, unit), Energy(j, unit) return super().__new__(cls, l, u, j, unit)
[docs]class LdauParams(object): """ This object stores the parameters for LDA+U calculations with the PAW method It facilitates the specification of the U-J parameters in the Abinit input file. (see `to_abivars`). The U-J operator will be applied only on the atomic species that have been selected by calling `lui_for_symbol`. To setup the Abinit variables for a LDA+U calculation in NiO with a U value of 5 eV applied on the nickel atoms: .. code-block:: python luj_params = LdauParams(usepawu=1, structure=nio_structure) # Apply U-J on Ni only. u = 5.0 luj_params.luj_for_symbol("Ni", l=2, u=u, j=0.1*u, unit="eV") print(luj_params.to_abivars()) """ def __init__(self, usepawu, structure): """ Arg: usepawu: ABINIT variable `usepawu` defining the LDA+U method. structure: |Structure| object. """ self.usepawu = usepawu self.structure = structure self._params = {} @property def symbols_by_typat(self): return [specie.symbol for specie in self.structure.species_by_znucl]
[docs] def luj_for_symbol(self, symbol, l, u, j, unit="eV"): """ Args: symbol: Chemical symbol of the atoms on which LDA+U should be applied. l: Angular momentum. u: Value of U. j: Value of J. unit: Energy unit of U and J. """ if symbol not in self.symbols_by_typat: raise ValueError("Symbol %s not in symbols_by_typat:\n%s" % (symbol, self.symbols_by_typat)) if symbol in self._params: raise ValueError("Symbol %s is already present in LdauParams! Cannot overwrite:\n" % symbol) self._params[symbol] = LujForSpecie(l=l, u=u, j=j, unit=unit)
[docs] def to_abivars(self): """Returns a dict with the Abinit variables.""" lpawu, upawu, jpawu = [], [], [] for symbol in self.symbols_by_typat: p = self._params.get(symbol, None) if p is not None: l, u, j = p.l,"eV"),"eV") else: l, u, j = -1, 0, 0 lpawu.append(int(l)) upawu.append(float(u)) jpawu.append(float(j)) # convert upawu and jpaw to string so that we can use # eV unit in the Abinit input file (much more readable). return dict( usepawu=self.usepawu, lpawu=" ".join(map(str, lpawu)), upawu=" ".join(map(str, upawu)) + " eV", jpawu=" ".join(map(str, jpawu)) + " eV")
[docs]class LexxParams(object): """ This object stores the parameters for local exact exchange calculations with the PAW method It facilitates the specification of the LEXX parameters in the Abinit input file. (see `to_abivars`). The LEXX operator will be applied only on the atomic species that have been selected by calling `lexx_for_symbol`. To perform a LEXX calculation for NiO in which the LEXX is computed only for the l=2 channel of the nickel atoms: .. code-block:: python lexx_params = LexxParams(nio_structure) lexx_params.lexx_for_symbol("Ni", l=2) print(lexc_params.to_abivars()) """ def __init__(self, structure): """ Arg: structure: |Structure| object. """ self.structure = structure self._lexx_for_symbol = {} @property def symbols_by_typat(self): return [specie.symbol for specie in self.structure.species_by_znucl]
[docs] def lexx_for_symbol(self, symbol, l): """ Enable LEXX for the given chemical symbol and the angular momentum l Args: symbol: Chemical symbol of the atoms on which LEXX should be applied. l: Angular momentum. """ if symbol not in self.symbols_by_typat: err_msg = "Symbol %s not in symbols_by_typat:\n%s" % (symbol, self.symbols_by_typat) raise ValueError(err_msg) if symbol in self._lexx_for_symbol: raise ValueError("Symbol %s is already present in LdauParams! Cannot overwrite:" % symbol) self._lexx_for_symbol[symbol] = l
[docs] def to_abivars(self): """Returns a dict with the Abinit variables.""" lexx_typat = [] for symbol in self.symbols_by_typat: l = self._lexx_for_symbol.get(symbol, -1) lexx_typat.append(int(l)) return dict(useexexch=1, lexexch=" ".join(map(str, lexx_typat)))