Source code for abipy.flowtk.effmass_works

# coding: utf-8
"""Work subclasses related to effective mass calculations."""

import numpy as np
import os

from monty.json import jsanitize
from abipy.core.kpoints import build_segments
from .nodes import Node
from .works import Work, PhononWork
from .flows import Flow

def _get_red_dirs_from_opts(red_dirs, cart_dirs, reciprocal_lattice):
    Helper function to compute the list of directions from user input. Return numpy array.
    all_red_dirs = []
    if red_dirs is not None:
        all_red_dirs.extend(np.reshape(red_dirs, (-1, 3)))

    if cart_dirs is not None:
        frac_coords = reciprocal_lattice.get_fractional_coords(np.reshape(cart_dirs, (-1, 3)))

    return np.reshape(all_red_dirs, (-1, 3))

[docs]class EffMassLineWork(Work): """ Work for the computation of effective masses via finite differences along a k-line. Useful for cases such as NC+SOC where DFPT is not implemented or if one is interested in non-parabolic behaviour. .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: EffMassLineWork """
[docs] @classmethod def from_scf_input(cls, scf_input, k0_list, step=0.01, npts=15, red_dirs=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], cart_dirs=None, den_node=None, manager=None): """ Build the Work from an |AbinitInput| representing a GS-SCF calculation. Args: scf_input: |AbinitInput| for GS-SCF used as template to generate the other inputs. k0_list: List with the reduced coordinates of the k-points where effective masses are wanted. step: Step for finite difference in Angstrom^-1 npts: Number of points sampled around each k-point for each direction. red_dirs: List of reduced directions used to generate the segments passing through the k-point cart_dirs: List of Cartesian directions used to generate the segments passing through the k-point den_node: Path to the DEN file or Task object producing a DEN file. Can be used to avoid the initial SCF calculation if a DEN file is already available. If None, a GS calculation is performed. manager: |TaskManager| instance. Use default if None. """ if npts < 3: raise ValueError("Number of points: `%s` should be >= 3 for finite differences" % npts) # Define list of directions from user input. reciprocal_lattice = scf_input.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice all_red_dirs = _get_red_dirs_from_opts(red_dirs, cart_dirs, reciprocal_lattice) kpts = build_segments(k0_list, npts, step, all_red_dirs, reciprocal_lattice) # Now build NSCF input with explicit list of k-points. nscf_input = scf_input.make_nscf_kptopt0_input(kpts) new = cls(manager=manager) # Need to perform SCF run if DEN file is not available. scf_task = new.register_scf_task(scf_input) if den_node is None else Node.as_node(den_node) new.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={scf_task: "DEN"}) return new
[docs]class EffMassDFPTWork(Work): """ Work for the computation of effective masses with DFPT. Requires explicit list of k-points and range of bands. .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: EffMassDFPTWork """
[docs] @classmethod def from_scf_input(cls, scf_input, k0_list, effmass_bands_f90, ngfft=None, den_node=None, manager=None): """ Build the Work from an |AbinitInput| representing a GS-SCF calculation. Args: scf_input: |AbinitInput| for GS-SCF used as template to generate the other inputs. k0_list: List with the reduced coordinates of the k-points where effective masses are wanted. effmass_bands_f90: (nkpt, 2) array with band range for effmas computation. WARNING: Assumes Fortran convention with indices starting from 1. ngfft: FFT divisions (3 integers). Used to enforce the same FFT mesh in the NSCF run as the one used for GS. den_node: Path to the DEN file or Task object producing a DEN file. Can be used to avoid the initial SCF calculation if a DEN file is already available. If None, a GS calculation is performed. manager: |TaskManager| instance. Use default if None. """ multi = scf_input.make_dfpt_effmass_inputs(k0_list, effmass_bands_f90, ngfft=ngfft) nscf_input, effmass_input = multi[0], multi[1] new = cls(manager=manager) # Important: keep a reference to the Frohlich input that can be used to run EPH calculations if needed. new.frohlich_input = multi[2] # Need to perform SCF run if DEN file is not available scf_task = new.register_scf_task(scf_input) if den_node is None else Node.as_node(den_node) nscf_task = new.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={scf_task: "DEN"}) new.register_effmass_task(effmass_input, deps={scf_task: "DEN", nscf_task: "WFK"}) return new
[docs]class EffMassAutoDFPTWork(Work): """ Work for the automatic computation of effective masses with DFPT. Band extrema are automatically detected by performing a NSCF calculation along a high-symmetry k-path with ndivsm. Requires more computation that EffMassWork since input variables (kpoints and band range) are computed at runtime. .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: EffMassAutoDFPTWork """
[docs] @classmethod def from_scf_input(cls, scf_input, ndivsm=15, tolwfr=1e-20, den_node=None, manager=None): """ Build the Work from an |AbinitInput| representing a GS-SCF calculation. Args: scf_input: |AbinitInput| for GS-SCF used as template to generate the other inputs. ndivsm: if > 0, it's the number of divisions for the smallest segment of the path (Abinit variable). if < 0, it's interpreted as the pymatgen `line_density` parameter in which the number of points in the segment is proportional to its length. Typical value: -20. This option is the recommended one if the k-path contains two high symmetry k-points that are very close as ndivsm > 0 may produce a very large number of wavevectors. tolwfr: Tolerance on residuals for NSCF calculation den_node: Path to the DEN file or Task object producing a DEN file. Can be used to avoid the initial SCF calculation if a DEN file is already available. If None, a GS calculation is performed. manager: |TaskManager| instance. Use default if None. """ if scf_input.get("nsppol", 1) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Magnetic semiconductors with nsppol = 2 are not implemented!") new = cls(manager=manager) # Keep a copy of the initial input. new.scf_input = scf_input.deepcopy() # Need SCF run to get DEN file. if den_node is None: new.den_node = new.register_scf_task(new.scf_input) else: new.den_node = Node.as_node(den_node) # Perform NSCF run along k-path that will be used to find band extrema. bands_input = scf_input.make_ebands_input(ndivsm=ndivsm, tolwfr=tolwfr) new.bands_task = new.register_nscf_task(bands_input, deps={new.den_node: "DEN"}) return new
[docs] def on_all_ok(self): """ This method is called once the `Work` is completed i.e. when all tasks have reached status S_OK. Here, we read the band structure from GSR to find the position of the band edges and use these values to generate a new work for effective masses with DFPT. """ with self.bands_task.open_gsr() as gsr: ebands = gsr.ebands # Warning: Assuming semiconductor with spin-unpolarized band energies. # At present, Abinit input variables do not take into account nsppol. ebands.set_fermie_to_vbm() # Find k0_list and effmass_bands_f90 k0_list, effmass_bands_f90 = ebands.get_kpoints_and_band_range_for_edges() den_ngfft = gsr.reader.read_ngfft3() # Create the work for effective mass computation with DFPT and add it to the flow. # Keep a reference in generated_effmass_dfpt_work. work = EffMassDFPTWork.from_scf_input(self.scf_input, k0_list, effmass_bands_f90, ngfft=den_ngfft, den_node=self.den_node) self.generated_effmass_dfpt_work = work self.flow.register_work(work) self.flow.allocate() self.flow.build_and_pickle_dump() self.flow.finalized = False return super().on_all_ok()
[docs]class FrohlichZPRFlow(Flow): """ .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: FrohlichZPRFlow """
[docs] @classmethod def from_scf_input(cls, workdir, scf_input, ddb_node=None, ndivsm=15, tolwfr=1e-20, metadata=None, manager=None): """ Build the Work from an |AbinitInput| representing a GS-SCF calculation. Final results are stored in the "zprfrohl_results.json" in the outdata directory of the flow. Args: workdir: Working directory. scf_input: |AbinitInput| for GS-SCF used as template to generate the other inputs. ddb_node: Path to an external DDB file that is used to avoid the calculation of BECS/eps_inf and phonons. If None, a DFPT calculation is automatically performed by the flow. ndivsm: Number of divisions used to sample the smallest segment of the k-path. tolwfr: Tolerance on residuals for NSCF calculation manager: |TaskManager| instance. Use default if None. metadata: Dictionary with metadata addeded to the final JSON file. """ new = cls(workdir=workdir, manager=manager) new.metadata = jsanitize(metadata) if metadata is not None else None # Build work for the automatic computation of effective masses. new.effmass_auto_work = EffMassAutoDFPTWork.from_scf_input(scf_input, ndivsm=ndivsm, tolwfr=tolwfr) new.register_work(new.effmass_auto_work) new.scf_task, new.ebands_kpath_task = new.effmass_auto_work[0], new.effmass_auto_work[1] if ddb_node is not None: new.ddb_node = Node.as_node(ddb_node) new.ddb_file_path_if_ddb_node = os.path.abspath(ddb_node) else: # Compute DDB with BECS and eps_inf. new.ddb_file_path_if_ddb_node = None ph_work = PhononWork.from_scf_task(new.scf_task, qpoints=[0, 0, 0], is_ngqpt=False, tolerance=None, with_becs=True, ddk_tolerance=None) new.register_work(ph_work) new.ddb_node = ph_work return new
[docs] def on_all_ok(self): """ This method is called when all the works in the flow have reached S_OK. This method shall return True if the calculation is completed or False if the execution should continue due to side-effects such as adding a new work to the flow. """ if self.on_all_ok_num_calls > 0: return True self.on_all_ok_num_calls += 1 work = Work() inp = self.effmass_auto_work.generated_effmass_dfpt_work.frohlich_input wfk_task = self.effmass_auto_work.generated_effmass_dfpt_work[0] self.effmass_task = self.effmass_auto_work.generated_effmass_dfpt_work[1] deps = {wfk_task: "WFK", self.ddb_node: "DDB", self.effmass_task: ""} self.frohl_task = work.register_eph_task(inp, deps=deps) self.register_work(work) self.allocate() self.build_and_pickle_dump() return False
[docs] def finalize(self): """ This method is called when the flow is completed. Here we write the final results in the "zprfrohl_results.json" file in the `outdata` directory of the flow """ d = {} if self.metadata is not None: d.update({"metadata": self.metadata}) # Add GS results. with self.scf_task.open_gsr() as gsr: d["gsr_scf_path"] = gsr.filepath d["pressure_GPa"] = float(gsr.pressure) d["max_force_eV_Ang"] = float(gsr.max_force) d["structure"] = gsr.structure # Add NSCF band structure. with self.ebands_kpath_task.open_gsr() as gsr: d["gsr_nscf_kpath"] = gsr.filepath gsr.ebands.set_fermie_to_vbm() d["ebands_kpath"] = gsr.ebands #d["ebands_info"] = gsr.ebands.get_dict4pandas(with_geo=False, with_spglib=False) # TODO # Extract results from run.abo #d["effmass_results"] = self.effmass_task.yaml_parse_results() #d["frohl_results"] = self.frohl_task.yaml_parse_results() # Add epsinf, e0, BECS, alpha and DDB as string. from abipy import abilab if self.ddb_file_path_if_ddb_node is not None: ddb_filepath = self.ddb_file_path_if_ddb_node else: ddb_filepath = self.ddb_node.outdir.path_in("out_DDB") with abilab.abiopen(ddb_filepath) as ddb: d["ddb_path"] = ddb.filepath d["ddb_string"] = ddb.get_string() epsinf, becs = ddb.anaget_epsinf_and_becs(chneut=1) gen = ddb.anaget_dielectric_tensor_generator(asr=2, chneut=1, dipdip=1) eps0 = gen.tensor_at_frequency(w=0.0) d["becs"] = becs d["epsinf_cart"] = epsinf # FIXME Complex is not supported by JSON. d["eps0_cart"] = eps0.real #print(d) abilab.mjson_write(d, self.outdir.path_in("zprfrohl_results.json"), indent=4) return super().finalize()