This module provides an API to deal with pseudopotential repositories.
A repo is a collection of versioned pseudopotentials files installed within the same root directory.
A repo has a unique name that encodes the XC functional, relativity type, the kind of pseudopotential and the version.
The default root is $HOME/.abinit/pseudos although it is possible to change it via the ABIPY_PSREPOS_ROOT env variable
Note that all pseudos in a repo share the same XC functional, the type e.g. NC or PAW and the
treatment of relativistic corrections although one might have multiple pseudos for the same element.
Due to this ambiguity, a repo cannot be directly used for running calculations in an automatic fashion
hence the user is supposed to specify both the `repo_name` and the `table_name` when constructing a `PseudoTable`.
High-level API:
from abipy.flowtk.psrepos import get_oncvpsp_pseudos
pseudos = get_oncvpsp_pseudos(xc_name="PBE", version="0.4")
Low-level API:
from abipy.flowtk.psrepos import get_repo_from_name
repo = get_repo_from_name("ONCVPSP-PBE-SR-PDv0.4")
pseudos = repo.get_pseudos("standard")
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import time
import abc
import json
import posixpath
import tempfile
import shutil
import hashlib
import requests
from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from monty.termcolor import cprint, colored
from pymatgen.io.abinit.pseudos import Pseudo, PseudoTable
from abipy.tools.decorators import memoized_method
from tqdm import tqdm
# Installation directory.
default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".abinit", "pseudos"))
def get_oncvpsp_pseudos(xc_name: str, version: str, relativity_type: str = "SR", accuracy: str = "standard") -> PseudoTable:
High-level API that returns a PseudoTable of ONCVPSP pseudos for a given xc functional and version.
xc_name: Name of the XC functional.
version: Version string e.g. "0.4".
relativity_type: SR for scalar-relativistic, FR for fully-relativistic with SOC.
accuracy: "standard" or "stringent".
ps_generator, project_name = OncvpspRepo.ps_generator, OncvpspRepo.project_name
repo_name = f"{ps_generator}-{xc_name}-{relativity_type}-{project_name}v{version}"
repo = get_repo_from_name(repo_name)
# Istall it at runtime if needed.
if not repo.is_installed():
return repo.get_pseudos(accuracy)
def get_repos_root() -> str:
Return the path to the installation directory. Create directory if needed.
if not os.path.exists(REPOS_ROOT):
def encode_pseudopath(filepath: str) -> str:
for repo in _ALL_REPOS:
if filepath.startswith(repo.dirpath):
return filepath.replace(repo.dirpath, f"@{repo.name}", 1)
return filepath
def decode_pseudopath(filepath: str) -> str:
for repo in _ALL_REPOS:
start = f"@{repo.name}"
if filepath.startswith(start):
return filepath.replace(start, repo.dirpath, 1)
return filepath
def download_repo_from_url(url: str, save_dirpath: str,
chunk_size: int = 2 * 1024**2, verbose: int = 0) -> None:
Dowload file from url.
url: The url from which the targz is taken.
save_dirpath: The directory in which the tarball is unpacked.
chunk_size: Chunk size used for downloading the file.
verbose: Verbosity level
path = urlsplit(url).path
filename = posixpath.basename(path)
#print(path, filename)
# stream = True is required by the iter_content below
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
#tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=None) as tmp_dir:
tmp_filepath = os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename)
if verbose:
print("Writing temporary file:", tmp_filepath)
total_size_in_bytes = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0))
progress_bar = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True)
with open(tmp_filepath, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
if total_size_in_bytes != 0 and progress_bar.n != total_size_in_bytes:
raise RuntimeError(f"Something went wrong while donwloading url: {url}")
shutil.unpack_archive(tmp_filepath, extract_dir=tmp_dir)
dirpaths = [os.path.join(tmp_dir, basen) for basen in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if basen != filename]
if len(dirpaths) != 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"Expecting single directory, got {dirpaths}")
if not os.path.isdir(dirpaths[0]):
raise RuntimeError(f"Expecting single directory, got {dirpaths}")
if verbose: print(f"Moving {dirpaths[0]} to {save_dirpath}")
shutil.move(dirpaths[0], save_dirpath)
def md5_for_filepath(filepath: str) -> str:
Compute and return the md5 of a file.
with open(filepath, "rt") as fh:
text = fh.read()
m = hashlib.md5(text.encode("utf-8"))
return m.hexdigest()
def get_repo_from_name(repo_name: str) -> PseudosRepo:
Return a PseudosRepo from its name ``repo_name``.
Raises KeyError if ``repo_name`` is not registered.
for repo in _ALL_REPOS:
if repo.name == repo_name:
return repo
all_names = [repo.name for repo in _ALL_REPOS]
raise KeyError(f"Couldn't find {repo_name} in the list of registered repos:\n{all_names}")
def get_installed_repos_and_root(dirpath: Optional[str] = None) -> tuple[list[PseudosRepo], str]:
Return (all_repos, dirpath)
dirpath = REPOS_ROOT if not dirpath else dirpath
if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath)
dir_basenames = [name for name in os.listdir(dirpath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirpath, name))]
dirname2repo = {repo.name: repo for repo in _ALL_REPOS}
return [dirname2repo[dirname] for dirname in dir_basenames if dirname in dirname2repo], dirpath
class Citation:
def __init__(self, title: str, doi: str):
self.title = title
self.doi = doi
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.title}\ndoi:{self.doi}"
#def __hash__(self) -> int:
# return hash(self.doi)
#def __eq__(self, other):
# return self.doi == other.doi
class PseudosRepo(abc.ABC):
Base abstract class for a Pseudopotential repository that is essentially a collection.
of pseudopotential files with some metadata and some external files that allow us to
construct a PseudoTable object.
#accuracies = ["standard", "stringent"]
def __init__(self, ps_generator: str, xc_name: str, relativity_type: str, project_name: str,
version: str, url: str):
ps_generator: Name of the pseudopotential generator.
xc_name: XC functional.
relativity_type: SR for scalar-relativistic or FR for fully relativistic.
project_name: Name of the project associated to this repository.
version: Version string.
url: URL from which the targz will be taken.
if relativity_type not in {"SR", "FR"}:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {relativity_type=}")
self.ps_generator = ps_generator
self.xc_name = xc_name
self.version = version
self.project_name = project_name
self.relativity_type = relativity_type
self.url = url
def to_rowdict(self, verbose: int = 0) -> dict:
Return dict with metadata, useful to build DataFrames.
row = dict(
if verbose:
return row
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.name
def __str__(self) -> str:
lines = [self.name]
app = lines.append
return "\n".join(lines)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name
def isnc(self) -> bool:
"""True if norm-conserving repo."""
return self.ps_type == "NC"
def ispaw(self) -> bool:
"""True if PAW repo."""
return self.ps_type == "PAW"
def table_names(self) -> list[str]:
List of strings with the name of tables provided by this repository.
if not self.is_installed(): return []
# TODO: Should read table_names from directory
table_names = ["standard", "stringent"]
return table_names
def dirpath(self) -> str:
"""Absolute path to the directory with the pseudopotentials."""
return os.path.join(REPOS_ROOT, self.name)
def is_installed(self) -> bool:
"""True if the repo is already installed in REPOS_ROOT."""
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(REPOS_ROOT, self.name))
def install(self, verbose: int = 0) -> None:
Install the repository in the standard location relative to the `REPOS_ROOT` directory.
print(f"Downloading repository from: {self.url} ...")
print(f"Installing {repr(self)} in: {self.dirpath}")
start = time.time()
if not os.path.exists(REPOS_ROOT): os.mkdir(REPOS_ROOT)
download_repo_from_url(self.url, self.dirpath, verbose=verbose)
print(f"Installation completed successfully in {time.time() - start:.2f} [s]")
# Abstract interface.
def validate_checksums(self, verbose: int) -> None:
"""Validate md5 checksums after download."""
def ps_type(self) -> str:
"""Pseudopotential type e.g. NC or PAW"""
def name(self):
"""The name of repository built from the metadata. Must be unique"""
def get_citations(self) -> list[Citation]:
"""Return list of citations for this repository."""
def get_pseudos(self, table_name: str) -> PseudoTable:
Build and return the PseudoTable associated to the given table_name
class OncvpspRepo(PseudosRepo):
A repo containing ONCVPSP pseudopotentials.
ps_generator, project_name = "ONCVPSP", "PD"
def from_github(cls, xc_name: str, relativity_type: str, version: str) -> OncvpspRepo:
Build an OncvpsRepo from a github repository.
if relativity_type == "FR":
# https://github.com/PseudoDojo/ONCVPSP-PBE-FR-PDv0.4/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
sub_url = f"{cls.ps_generator}-{xc_name}-FR-{cls.project_name}v{version}"
elif relativity_type == "SR":
# https://github.com/PseudoDojo/ONCVPSP-PBE-PDv0.4/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
sub_url = f"{cls.ps_generator}-{xc_name}-{cls.project_name}v{version}"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {relativity_type=}")
url = f"https://github.com/PseudoDojo/{sub_url}/archive/refs/heads/master.zip"
return cls(cls.ps_generator, xc_name, relativity_type, cls.project_name, version, url)
def ps_type(self) -> str:
return "NC"
def name(self) -> str:
# ONCVPSP-PBEsol-PDv0.4/
return f"{self.ps_generator}-{self.xc_name}-{self.relativity_type}-{self.project_name}v{self.version}"
def get_citations(self) -> list[Citation]:
"""List of Citations."""
return [
title="The PseudoDojo: Training and grading a 85 element optimized norm-conserving pseudopotential table",
def validate_checksums(self, verbose: int) -> None:
Compare checksums given in the djson file with the ones computed from file after the donwload.
print(f"\nValidating md5 checksums of {repr(self)}...")
djson_paths = [os.path.join(self.dirpath, jfile) for jfile in ("standard.djson", "stringent.djson")]
seen = set()
errors = []
for djson_path in djson_paths:
with open(djson_path, "rt") as fh:
djson = json.load(fh)
for symbol, d in djson["pseudos_metadata"].items():
bname = d["basename"]
if bname in seen: continue
ref_md5 = d["md5"]
this_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, symbol, bname)
this_md5 = md5_for_filepath(this_path)
if ref_md5 != this_md5:
errors.append(f"Different md5 checksums for {this_path}")
if verbose:
print(f"MD5 checksum for {this_path} is OK")
if errors:
cprint("Checksum test: FAILED", color="red")
errstr = "\n".join(errors)
raise ValueError(f"Checksum test failed for the following pseudos:\n{errstr}\n"
f"Data is corrupted. Try to download {repr(self)} again")
cprint("Checksum test: OK", color="green")
def get_pseudos(self, table_name: str) -> PseudoTable:
Build and return the PseudoTable associated to the given table_name.
Note that we use a per-instance cache to store the results.
djson_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, f"{table_name}.djson")
pseudos = []
with open(djson_path, "rt") as fh:
djson = json.load(fh)
for symbol, d in djson["pseudos_metadata"].items():
bname = d["basename"]
pseudo_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, symbol, bname)
#print(f"Reading pseudo from {pseudo_path}")
# FIXME: Bug if ~ in pseudo_path
pseudo_path = os.path.expanduser(pseudo_path)
pseudo = Pseudo.from_file(pseudo_path)
# Attach a fake dojo_report
# TODO: This part should be rationalized/rewritten
hints = d["hints"]
dojo_report = {"hints": hints}
pseudo.dojo_report = dojo_report
#print(f"pseudo.filepath after {pseudo.filepath}")
return PseudoTable(pseudos)
class JthRepo(PseudosRepo):
A Repo containing JTH PAW pseudos.
ps_generator, project_name = "ATOMPAW", "JTH"
def from_abinit_website(cls, xc_name: str, relativity_type: str, version: str) -> JthRepo:
# https://www.abinit.org/ATOMICDATA/JTH-LDA-atomicdata.tar.gz
#url = f"https://www.abinit.org/ATOMICDATA/JTH-{xc_name}-atomicdata.tar.gz"
url = f"https://abinit.github.io/abinit_web/ATOMICDATA/JTH-{xc_name}-atomicdata.tar.gz" # TODO New url
return cls(cls.ps_generator, xc_name, relativity_type, cls.project_name, version, url)
def ps_type(self) -> str:
return "PAW"
def name(self) -> str:
return f"{self.ps_generator}-{self.xc_name}-{self.project_name}v{self.version}"
def validate_checksums(self, verbose: int) -> None:
print(f"\nValidating md5 checksums of {repr(self)} ...")
cprint("WARNING: JTH-PAW repository does not support md5 checksums!!!", color="red")
def get_pseudos(self, table_name: str) -> PseudoTable:
Build and return the PseudoPotential table associated to the given table_name
if table_name != "standard":
raise ValueError(f"JTH table does not support {table_name=}")
# Read the list of pseudopotential paths (relative to dirpath)
txt_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, f"{table_name}.txt")
with open(txt_path, "rt") as fh:
relpaths = fh.readlines()
relpaths = [l for l in relpaths if l.strip()]
pseudos = []
for rpath in relpaths:
pseudo = Pseudo.from_file(os.path.join(self.dirpath, rpath))
# TODO: Get hints
return PseudoTable(pseudos)
def get_citations(self) -> list[Citation]:
return [
title="Generation of Projector Augmented-Wave atomic data: A 71 element validated table in the XML format",
def repos_from_names(repo_names: list[str]) -> list[PseudosRepo]:
Return list of PP Repos from a list of repo_names
id2repo = {repo.name: repo for repo in _ALL_REPOS}
# This will fail if we have received an invalid repo_name
return [id2repo[repo_name] for repo_name in repo_names]
def repo_from_name(repo_name: str) -> PseudosRepo:
Return PseudosRepo from its name ``repo_name``.
id2repo = {repo.name: repo for repo in _ALL_REPOS}
# This will fail if we have received an invalid repo_name.
return id2repo[repo_name]
def tabulate_repos(repos: list[PseudosRepo], exclude: Optional[list[str]] = None,
with_citations: bool = False, verbose: int = 0) -> str:
Return string with info on a list of PseudosRepo.
repos: List of PseudosRepo
exclude: List of keys to exclude
with_citations: True if citations should be reported.
verbose: Verbosity level.
bool2color = {True: "green", False: "red"}
rows = []
for i, repo in enumerate(repos):
d = repo.to_rowdict(verbose=verbose)
if exclude:
d = {k: d[k] for k in d if k not in exclude}
if i == 0:
headers = list(d.keys())
if "installed" in d:
d["installed"] = colored(d["installed"], bool2color[d["installed"]])
from tabulate import tabulate
s = tabulate(rows, headers)
if not with_citations: return s
lines = [s, ""]
proj2citations = {}
for repo in repos:
proj2citations[repo.project_name] = repo.get_citations()
for projname, citations in proj2citations.items():
lines.append(f"References for the {projname} project:")
for i, citation in enumerate(citations):
lines.append(f"\t- {citation.doi}")
return "\n".join(lines)
# Here we register the repositories and build _ALL_REPOS list
def get_all_registered_repos():
return _ALL_REPOS[:]
_mk_onc = OncvpspRepo.from_github
_mk_onc(xc_name="PBEsol", relativity_type="SR", version="0.4"),
_mk_onc(xc_name="PBEsol", relativity_type="FR", version="0.4"),
_mk_onc(xc_name="PBE", relativity_type="SR", version="0.4"),
#_mk_onc(xc_name="PBE", relativity_type="FR", version="0.4"), FIXME: checksum fails
_mk_onc(xc_name="LDA", relativity_type="SR", version="0.3"), #FIXME: djrepo is not easy to regenerate
_mk_onc(xc_name="LDA", relativity_type="SR", version="0.4"),
#_mk_onc(xc_name="LDA", relativity_type="FR", version="0.4"),
_mk_jth = JthRepo.from_abinit_website
_mk_jth(xc_name="LDA", relativity_type="SR", version="1.1"),
_mk_jth(xc_name="PBE", relativity_type="SR", version="1.1"),
# Make sure repo name is unique.
_repo_names = [_repo.name for _repo in _ALL_REPOS]
if len(set(_repo_names)) != len(_repo_names):
raise RuntimeError(f"Found duplicated repo_names in ALL_REPOS:\nids: {_repo_names}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
pseudos = get_repo_from_name("ONCVPSP-PBE-SR-PDv0.4").get_pseudos("standard")