Source code for abipy.flowtk.qutils

# coding: utf-8
Collection of low-level tools that faciliate the interface with resource managers.

The preferred way of importing this module is:

    import qutils as qu
from monty.string import is_string
from pymatgen.core.units import Time, Memory
from import duck

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def slurm_parse_timestr(s): """ A slurm time parser. Accepts a string in one the following forms: # "days-hours", # "days-hours:minutes", # "days-hours:minutes:seconds". # "minutes", # "minutes:seconds", # "hours:minutes:seconds", Returns: Time in seconds. Raises: `ValueError` if string is not valid. """ days, hours, minutes, seconds = 0, 0, 0, 0 if duck.is_number_like(s): return Time(s, "s") if '-' in s: # "days-hours", # "days-hours:minutes", # "days-hours:minutes:seconds". days, s = s.split("-") days = int(days) if ':' not in s: hours = int(float(s)) elif s.count(':') == 1: hours, minutes = map(int, s.split(':')) elif s.count(':') == 2: hours, minutes, seconds = map(int, s.split(':')) else: raise ValueError("More that 2 ':' in string!") else: # "minutes", # "minutes:seconds", # "hours:minutes:seconds", if ':' not in s: minutes = int(float(s)) elif s.count(':') == 1: minutes, seconds = map(int, s.split(':')) elif s.count(':') == 2: hours, minutes, seconds = map(int, s.split(':')) else: raise ValueError("More than 2 ':' in string!") return Time((days*24 + hours)*3600 + minutes*60 + seconds, "s")
[docs]def time2slurm(timeval, unit="s"): """ Convert a number representing a time value in the given unit (Default: seconds) to a string following the slurm convention: "days-hours:minutes:seconds". >>> assert time2slurm(61) == '0-0:1:1' and time2slurm(60*60+1) == '0-1:0:1' >>> assert time2slurm(0.5, unit="h") == '0-0:30:0' """ d, h, m, s = 24*3600, 3600, 60, 1 timeval = Time(timeval, unit).to("s") days, hours = divmod(timeval, d) hours, minutes = divmod(hours, h) minutes, secs = divmod(minutes, m) return "%d-%d:%d:%d" % (days, hours, minutes, secs)
[docs]def time2pbspro(timeval, unit="s"): """ Convert a number representing a time value in the given unit (Default: seconds) to a string following the PbsPro convention: "hours:minutes:seconds". >>> assert time2pbspro(2, unit="d") == '48:0:0' """ h, m, s = 3600, 60, 1 timeval = Time(timeval, unit).to("s") hours, minutes = divmod(timeval, h) minutes, secs = divmod(minutes, m) return "%d:%d:%d" % (hours, minutes, secs)
[docs]def time2loadlever(timeval, unit="s"): """ Convert a number representing a time value in the given unit (Default: seconds) to a string following the LoadLever convention. format hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) >>> assert time2loadlever(2, unit="d") == '48:00:00' """ h, m, s = 3600, 60, 1 timeval = Time(timeval, unit).to("s") hours, minutes = divmod(timeval, h) minutes, secs = divmod(minutes, m) return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, secs)
[docs]def timelimit_parser(s): """Convert a float or a string into time in seconds.""" try: return Time(float(s), "s") except ValueError: return slurm_parse_timestr(s)
[docs]def any2mb(s): """Convert string or number to memory in megabytes.""" if is_string(s): return int(Memory.from_string(s).to("Mb")) else: return int(s)