Source code for abipy.scripts.abirun

#!/usr/bin/env python
The script allows the user to submit the calculations contained in an AbiPy `Flow`.
It provides a command line interface as well graphical interfaces.
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import os
import argparse
import shlex
import time
import platform
import tempfile
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import as cli

from pprint import pprint
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from socket import gethostname
from monty import termcolor
from monty.functools import prof_main
from monty.termcolor import cprint, colored, get_terminal_size
from monty.string import boxed, make_banner
from import duck
from abipy.flowtk import Status
from abipy.flowtk.flows import Flow

[docs] def straceback() -> str: """Returns a string with the traceback.""" import traceback return traceback.format_exc()
[docs] def parse_strings(s: str): """Parse comma separated values. Return None if s is None.""" return s.split(",") if s is not None else s
[docs] def flowdir_wname_tname(dirname: str): """" Given a initial directory `dirname` containing a node of the `Flow`, this function locates the directory of the flow (e.g. the directory with the pickle file) and returns the name of the work and/or of the node. Return: flowdir, wname, tname where flowdir is the directory containing the pickle file, wname and tname are the basenames of the work/task. If dirname contains the pickle file we have (wname, tname) == (None, None) If dirname is a work --> wname is it's basename and tname is None If dirname is a task --> os.path.join(flowdir, wname, tname) == task.workdir. """ if dirname is None: dirname = os.getcwd() dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, flowtk.Flow.PICKLE_FNAME)): return dirname, None, None # Handle works or tasks. head = dirname wname, tname = None, None for i in range(2): head, tail = os.path.split(head) if i == 0: tail_1 = tail if os.path.exists(os.path.join(head, flowtk.Flow.PICKLE_FNAME)): if i == 0: # We have a work: /root/flow_dir/w[num] wname = tail if i == 1: # We have a task: /root/flow_dir/w[num]/t[num] wname = tail tname = tail_1 #print("wname", wname, "tname", tname) return head, wname, tname raise RuntimeError("Cannot locate flowdir from %s" % dirname)
[docs] def select_nids(flow: Flow, options) -> set: """ Return the set of node ids selected by the user via the command line interface. """ #print("options.nids:", options.nids) task_ids = [task.node_id for task in flow.select_tasks(nids=options.nids, wslice=options.wslice, task_class=options.task_class)] # Have to add the ids of the works containing the tasks. if options.nids is not None: work_ids = [work.node_id for work in flow if work.node_id in options.nids] else: work_ids = [work.node_id for work in flow] return set(work_ids + task_ids)
[docs] def cli_abiopen(options, filepath: str): """Code taken from""" # TODO: One should have a single API but make_and_open_notebook are different so # for the time being we use two different versions. filepath = options.flowdir if filepath is None: raise RuntimeError("filepath must be specified") if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise RuntimeError("%s: no such file" % filepath) if not options.notebook: # Start ipython shell with namespace abifile = abilab.abiopen(filepath) if options.print: if hasattr(abifile, "to_string"): print(abifile.to_string(verbose=options.verbose)) else: print(abifile) return 0 import IPython # Use embed because I don't know how to show a header with start_ipython. IPython.embed(header="The Abinit file is associated to the `abifile` variable.\nTry `print(abifile)`") else: # Call specialized method if the object is a NotebookWriter # else generate simple notebook by calling `make_and_open_notebook` cls = abilab.abifile_subclass_from_filename(filepath) if hasattr(cls, "make_and_open_notebook"): if hasattr(cls, "__exit__"): with abilab.abiopen(filepath) as abifile: return abifile.make_and_open_notebook(foreground=options.foreground) else: abifile = abilab.abiopen(filepath) return abifile.make_and_open_notebook(foreground=options.foreground) else: raise TypeError("Object ot type `%s` does not provide make_and_open_notebook method" % str(cls))
#return make_and_open_notebook(options)
[docs] def flow_debug_reset_tasks(flow: Flow, nids=None, verbose=0) -> None: """ Analyze error files produced by reset tasks for possible error messages Args: nids: List of node identifiers. By defaults all nodes that have been resetted are analyzed. verbose: Verbosity level. """ # TODO: Improve implementation. ntasks = 0 nrows, ncols = get_terminal_size() for task in flow.select_tasks(nids=nids): # See task.reset_from_scratch if task.num_restarts == 0: continue reset_dir = os.path.join(task.workdir, "_reset") reset_file = os.path.join(reset_dir, "_counter") if not os.path.isdir(reset_dir) and not os.path.isfile(reset_file): continue ntasks += 1 with open(reset_file, "rt") as fh: num_reset = int( for i in range(num_reset): #("output_file", "log_file", "stderr_file", "qout_file", "qerr_file", "mpiabort_file") for fname in ("stderr_file", "qerr_file", "mpiabort_file"): path = os.path.join(reset_dir, fname + "_" + str(i)) with open(path, "rt") as fh: s = if not s: continue print(2 * "\n") print(make_banner(os.path.relpath(path), width=ncols, mark="=")) cprint(s, color="red") print(2 * "\n") print("Number of tasks analyzed: %d" % ntasks)
[docs] def flow_watch_status(flow: Flow, delay=5, nids=None, verbose=0, func_name="show_func"): """ Enter an infinite loop and delay execution for the given number of seconds. (default: 5 secs). Args: delay: delay execution for the given number of seconds. (default: 5 secs). nids: List of node identifiers. By defaults all nodes that have been resetted are analyzed. verbose: Verbosity level. func_name: Name of the function used to show the status of the flow. """ cprint("Entering infinite loop (delay: %d s). Only changes are shown\nPress <CTRL+C> to exit" % delay, color="magenta", end="", flush=True) show_func = getattr(flow, func_name) assert callable(show_func) # Total counter and dicts used to detect changes. tot_count = 0 before_task2stat, now_task2stat = {}, {} # Progressbar setup from tqdm import tqdm pbar, pbar_count, pbar_total = None, 0, 100 exit_code = 0 def exit_now(): """ Function used to test if we have to exit from the infinite loop below. Return: != 0 if we must exit. > 0 if some error occurred. """ if flow.all_ok: cprint("Flow reached all_ok", "green") return -1 if any(st.is_critical for st in before_task2stat.values()): cprint(boxed("Found tasks with critical status"), "red") return 1 return 0 try: while True: tot_count += 1 flow.check_status() # Here I test whether there's been some change in the flow # before printing the status table. # Note that the flow in memory could not correspond to the one that # is being executed by the scheduler. This is the reason why we # reload it when we reach pbar_count. if tot_count == 1: for task in flow.iflat_tasks(nids=nids): before_task2stat[task] = task.status else: for task in flow.iflat_tasks(nids=nids): now_task2stat[task] = task.status if (len(before_task2stat) == len(now_task2stat) and all(now_task2stat[t] == before_task2stat[t] for t in now_task2stat)): # In principle this is not needed but ... exit_code = exit_now() if exit_code: break # Progress bar section. if pbar is None: print("No change detected in the flow. Won't print status table till next change...") pbar = tqdm(total=pbar_total) if pbar_count <= pbar_total: pbar_count += 1 pbar.update(1) else: pbar_count = 0 pbar.close() pbar = tqdm(total=pbar_total) flow.reload() time.sleep(delay) continue # copy now --> before before_task2stat = now_task2stat.copy() # Print status table. Exit if success or critical errors. print(2*"\n" + time.asctime() + "\n") show_func(verbose=verbose, nids=nids) # Add summary table to status table. if show_func is flow.show_status: flow.show_summary() exit_code = exit_now() if exit_code: break time.sleep(delay) # Print status table if something bad happened. if exit_code == 1: flow.show_status() except KeyboardInterrupt: cprint("Received KeyboardInterrupt from user\n", "yellow")
[docs] def get_epilog() -> str: usage = """\ Usage example: ########### # Execution ########### FLOWDIR rapid => Keep repeating, stop when no task can be executed. FLOWDIR scheduler => Execute flow with the scheduler. FLOWDIR status => Show status table. FLOWDIR events => Print ABINIT events (Warnings/Errors/Comments) found in log files. FLOWDIR history => Print Task histories. FLOWDIR cancel => Cancel jobs in the queue. FLOWDIR debug => Analyze error files and log files for possible error messages. FLOWDIR corrections => Show AbiPy corrections performed at runtime. FLOWDIR handlers => Show event handlers installed in the flow. ########## # Analysis ########## FLOWDIR inputs => Print input files. FLOWDIR abivars -vn ecut,nband => Print table with these input variables. FLOWDIR structures => Compare input/output structures of the tasks. FLOWDIR ebands -t NscfTask => Print table with electronic properties computed in NscfTask FLOWDIR hist -p => Print table with last iteration in hist files and plot results. FLOWDIR cycles -p => Print (and plot) SCF/relaxation cycles extracted from the output of the tasks. FLOWDIR robot hist => Build robot for HIST files, start ipython shell to interact with the robot. FLOWDIR dims => Print table with dimensions extracted from the output of the tasks. FLOWDIR group -g task_class => Print table with node ids and tasks grouped by class FLOWDIR inspect => Call matplotlib to inspect the tasks. FLOWDIR tail => Use Unix tail to follow the main output files of the flow. FLOWDIR deps => Show task dependencies. FLOWDIR listext GSR SIGRES => Show output files with the given extension(s). FILE abiopen => Open FILE with abiopen. Same interface as ############### # Miscelleanous ############### FLOWDIR ipython => Open flow in ipython terminal. FLOWDIR notebook => Generate jupyter notebook. FLOWDIR networkx => Plot flow graph with networkx. FLOWDIR graphviz => Plot flow graph with graphviz (can also select tasks/works and show files with -d). abibuild => Show ABINIT build information and exit. ############### # Documentation ############### FLOWDIR doc_manager slurm => Document the TaskManager options availabe for Slurm. . doc_manager script => Show the job script that will be produced with the current settings. . doc_scheduler => Document the options available in scheduler.yml. """ notes = """\ Notes: If FLOWDIR is not given, automatically selects the database located within the working directory. An Exception is raised if multiple databases are found. Note, moreover, that one can replace FLOWDIR with the directory of a work/task to make the command operate on this node of the flow without having to specify the node ids with --nids. For example, to have the list of events of the task in `FLOWDIR/w0/t1` use: FLOWDIR/w0/t1 events instead of: FLOWDIR events -n 123 where 123 is the node identifier associated to w0/t1. To start the scheduler with a time interval of 30 seconds, use: nohup FLOWDIR scheduler -s 30 > sched.log 2> sched.err Alternatively one can specify the scheduler options via the `scheduler.yml` file. Remember that AbiPy will first look for `scheduler.yml` and `manager.yml` files in the current working directory and then inside $HOME/.abinit/abipy/ Use ` --help` for help and ` COMMAND --help` to get the documentation for `COMMAND`. Use `-v` to increase verbosity level (can be supplied multiple times e.g -vv). """ developers = """\ ############ # Developers ############ prof ABIRUN_ARGS => to profile tracemalloc ABIRUN_ARGS => to trace memory blocks allocated by Python""" return notes + usage # + developers
[docs] def get_parser(with_epilog=False): def parse_nids(s): """parse nids argument""" if s is None: return s try: if "," in s: return [int(t) for t in s.split(",")] else: # Convert string to slice and return list. s = duck.as_slice(s) if s.stop is None: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("stop must be specified") return list(range(s.start, s.stop, s.step)) except Exception: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "Invalid nids string %s\n Expecting None or int or comma-separated integers or slice sintax" % s) def parse_wslice(s): s = duck.as_slice(s) if s is None: return s if s.stop is None: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("stop must be specified") return s # Parent parser for commands that need to know on which subset of tasks/workflows we have to operate. # wslide and nids are mutually exclusive. flow_selector_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) group = flow_selector_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-n", '--nids', default=None, type=parse_nids, help=( "Node identifier(s) used to select the task. Accept single integer, comma-separated list of integers or python slice.\n" "Use `status` command to get the node ids.\n" "Examples: --nids=12 --nids=12,13,16 --nids=10:12 to select 10 and 11 (slice syntax), --nids=2:5:2 to select 2,4." )) group.add_argument("-w", '--wslice', default=None, type=parse_wslice, help=("Select the list of works to analyze (python syntax for slices): " "Examples: --wslice=1 to select the second workflow, --wslice=:3 for 0,1,2, " "--wslice=-1 for the last workflow, --wslice::2 for even indices.")) group.add_argument("-S", '--task-status', default=None, type=Status.as_status, help="Select only the tasks with the given status. Default: None i.e. ignored. Possible values: %s." % Status.all_status_strings()) group.add_argument("-t", '--task-class', type=str, default=None, help="Select only tasks with the given class e.g. `-t NscfTask`.") # Parent parser for common options. copts_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) copts_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', # -vv --> verbose=2 help='verbose, can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity.') copts_parser.add_argument('--no-colors', default=False, action="store_true", help='Disable ASCII colors.') copts_parser.add_argument('--no-logo', default=False, action="store_true", help='Disable AbiPy logo.') copts_parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default="ERROR", type=str, help="Set the loglevel. Possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR (default), WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.") copts_parser.add_argument('--remove-lock', default=False, action="store_true", help="Remove the lock on the pickle file used to save the status of the flow.") # Build the main parser. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=get_epilog() if with_epilog else "", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('flowdir', nargs="?", help=("File or directory containing the ABINIT flow/work/task. " "If not given, the flow in the current workdir is selected.")) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=abilab.__version__) # Create the parsers for the sub-commands subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help', description="Valid subcommands") # Subparser for single command. p_single = subparsers.add_parser('single', parents=[copts_parser], help="Run single task and exit.") # Subparser for rapid command. p_rapid = subparsers.add_parser('rapid', parents=[copts_parser], help="Run all tasks in rapidfire mode.") p_rapid.add_argument('-m', '--max-nlaunch', default=10, type=int, help="Maximum number of launches. default: 10. Use -1 for no limit.") # Subparser for scheduler command. p_scheduler = subparsers.add_parser('scheduler', parents=[copts_parser], help="Run all tasks with a Python scheduler. Requires scheduler.yml either in $PWD or ~/.abinit/abipy.") p_scheduler.add_argument('-w', '--weeks', default=0, type=int, help="Number of weeks to wait.") p_scheduler.add_argument('-d', '--days', default=0, type=int, help="Number of days to wait.") p_scheduler.add_argument('-hs', '--hours', default=0, type=int, help="Number of hours to wait.") p_scheduler.add_argument('-m', '--minutes', default=0, type=int, help="Number of minutes to wait.") p_scheduler.add_argument('-s', '--seconds', default=0, type=int, help="Number of seconds to wait.") # Subparser for status command. p_status = subparsers.add_parser('status', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show status table.") p_status.add_argument('-d', '--delay', nargs="?", const=5, default=0, type=int, help="Enter an infinite loop and delay execution for the given number of seconds. (default: 5 secs).") p_status.add_argument('-s', '--summary', default=False, action="store_true", help="Print short version with status counters.") # Subparser for set_status command. p_set_status = subparsers.add_parser('set_status', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Change the status of the task. WARNING: Option for developers!") p_set_status.add_argument('new_status', help="New value of status. Possible values: %s." % Status.all_status_strings()) # Subparser for cancel command. p_cancel = subparsers.add_parser('cancel', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Cancel the tasks in the queue. Not available if qtype is shell.") p_cancel.add_argument("-r", "--rmtree", action="store_true", default=False, help="Remove flow directory.") # Subparser for restart command. p_restart = subparsers.add_parser('restart', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help=("Restart the tasks of the flow. By default, only the task whose status==Unconverged are restarted. " "Use -S `status` and/or -n node_ids to select particular tasks.")) # Subparser for reset command. p_reset = subparsers.add_parser('reset', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Reset the tasks of the flow with the specified status.") # Subparser for move command. p_move = subparsers.add_parser('move', parents=[copts_parser], help="Move the flow to a new directory and change the absolute paths.") p_move.add_argument('dest', nargs=1) # Subparser for open command. p_open = subparsers.add_parser('open', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Open files in $EDITOR, type ` FLOWDIR open --help` for help).") p_open.add_argument('what', nargs="?", default="o", choices=["i", "o", "f", "j", "l", "e", "q", "all"], help=r"""\ Specify the files to open. Possible choices: i ==> input_file o ==> output_file f ==> files_file j ==> job_file l ==> log_file e ==> stderr_file q ==> qout_file all ==> all files. Default: o """) # Subparser for abiopen. p_abiopen = subparsers.add_parser('abiopen', parents=[copts_parser], #, flow_selector_parser], help="Open FILE with abiopen. Same interface as") p_abiopen.add_argument('-nb', '--notebook', action='store_true', default=False, help="Open file in jupyter notebook") p_abiopen.add_argument('--foreground', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run jupyter notebook in the foreground.") p_abiopen.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true', default=False, help="Print python object and return.") # Subparser for abibuild p_abibuild = subparsers.add_parser('abibuild', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show ABINIT build information and exit.") # Subparser for doc_scheduler p_docsched = subparsers.add_parser('doc_scheduler', parents=[copts_parser], help="Document the options available in scheduler.yml.") # Subparser for explain_(works|tasks) p_explain_works = subparsers.add_parser('explain_works', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Explain operations performed by Works") p_explain_tasks = subparsers.add_parser('explain_tasks', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Explain operations performed by Tasks") # Subparser for autoparal p_autoparal = subparsers.add_parser('autoparal', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show autoparal configurations and optimal ones.") # Subparser for panel p_panel = subparsers.add_parser('panel', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Interact with the flow in the browser (requires panel package).") p_panel.add_argument("-pnt", "--panel-template", default="FastList", type=str, help="Specify template for panel dasboard." + "Possible values are: FastList, FastGrid, Golden, Bootstrap, Material, React, Vanilla." + "Default: FastList" ) p_panel.add_argument('--no-browser', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Start the bokeh server to serve the panel app " "but don't open the app in the browser.\n" "Use this option to connect remotely from localhost to the machine running the server")) p_panel.add_argument("--port", default=0, type=int, help="Allows specifying a specific port when serving panel app.") # Subparser for new_manager. p_new_manager = subparsers.add_parser('new_manager', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Change the TaskManager.") p_new_manager.add_argument("manager_file", default="", type=str, help="YAML file with the new manager.") # Subparser for tail. p_tail = subparsers.add_parser('tail', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Use unix tail to follow the main output files of the flow.") p_tail.add_argument('what_tail', nargs="?", type=str, default="o", choices=["o", "l", "e"], help="What to follow: `o` for output (default), `l` for logfile, `e` for stderr.") # Subparser for tail. p_timeit = subparsers.add_parser('timeit', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Extract timing data from Abinit output files.") # Subparser for qstat. # TODO: finalize the implementation #p_qstat = subparsers.add_parser('qstat', parents=[copts_parser], help="Show additional info on the jobs in the queue.") # Subparser for deps. p_deps = subparsers.add_parser('deps', parents=[copts_parser], help="Show dependencies.") # Subparser for robot. p_robot = subparsers.add_parser('robot', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Use a robot to analyze the results of multiple tasks (requires ipython).") p_robot.add_argument('robot_ext', nargs="?", type=str, default="GSR", help=("The file extension of the output file (case insensitive). " "Must be in: %s" % str(abilab.Robot.get_supported_extensions()))) p_robot.add_argument('-nb', '--notebook', action='store_true', default=False, help="Generate jupyter notebook.") p_robot.add_argument('--foreground', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run jupyter notebook in the foreground.") p_robot.add_argument('-p', '--print-dataframe', action='store_true', default=False, help="Invoke robot.get_dataframe() and printa table to terminal.") # Subparser for cycles. p_cycles = subparsers.add_parser('cycles', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help=("Print self-consistent/relaxation cycles extracted from the output of the tasks." "Use `-t ScfTask` or `FLOWDIR/w0/` or `FLOWDIR/w0/t1/` to select tasks by class, by work or by workdir.")) p_cycles.add_argument("-wok", "--exclude-ok-tasks", action='store_true', default=False, help="Exclude Tasks that have reached S_OK.") p_cycles.add_argument("-p", "--plot-mode", nargs="?", default=None, const="combiplot", choices=["combiplot", "slideshow"], #"gridplot", help=("Plot multiple cycles on the same figure if arg is specified. Use `-p` for gridplot. " "Use `-p slideshow` to iterate.")) # Subparser for dims. p_dims = subparsers.add_parser('dims', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Print table with dimensions extracted from the output of the tasks.") # Subparser for inspect. p_inspect = subparsers.add_parser('inspect', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Call matplotlib to inspect the tasks (execute task.inspect method)") # Subparser for inputs. p_inputs = subparsers.add_parser('inputs', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show the input files of the tasks.") p_inputs.add_argument("-vn", "--varnames", nargs="?", default=None, type=parse_strings, help="Comma-separated variable names. Can be used to print only these variables.") # Subparser for abivars. p_abivars = subparsers.add_parser('abivars', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show pandas dataframe with Abinit input variables.") p_abivars.add_argument("-vn", "--varnames", required=True, type=parse_strings, help="Comma-separated variable names e.g. `-vn ecut,nband,ngkpt`.") # Subparser for structures command. p_structures = subparsers.add_parser('structures', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Compare input/output structures of the tasks. Print max force and pressure if available.") p_structures.add_argument("--what", type=str, default="io", help="'i' for input structures, 'o' for output, 'io' for both.") # Subparser for ebands command. p_ebands = subparsers.add_parser('ebands', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Compare electronic bands produced by the tasks.") p_ebands.add_argument("-p", "--plot-mode", nargs="?", default=None, const="gridplot", choices=["gridplot", "combiplot", "boxplot", "combiboxplot", "animate"], help="Plot multiple bands if arg is specified. Use -p for gridplot. Supports multiple formats.") # Subparser for hist command. p_hist = subparsers.add_parser('hist', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Compare files produced by the tasks.") p_hist.add_argument("-p", "--plot-mode", nargs="?", default=None, const="combiplot", choices=["gridplot", "combiplot"], help="Plot multiple HIST files if arg is present. Use -p for combiplot. Supports multiple formats.") # Subparser for manager. p_manager = subparsers.add_parser('doc_manager', parents=[copts_parser], help="Document the TaskManager options.") p_manager.add_argument("qtype", nargs="?", default=None, help=("Write job script to terminal if qtype='script' else " "document the qparams for the given QueueAdapter qtype e.g. slurm.")) # Subparser for events. p_events = subparsers.add_parser('events', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show ABINIT events (error messages, warnings, comments).") #p_events.add_argument("-t", "event-type", default=) # Subparser for corrections. p_corrections = subparsers.add_parser('corrections', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show AbiPy corrections performed at runtime.") # Subparser for history. p_history = subparsers.add_parser('history', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Show Node history.") p_history.add_argument("-m", "--metadata", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print history metadata.") p_history.add_argument("-f", "--full-history", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print full history set, including nodes with an empty history.") # Subparser for handlers. p_handlers = subparsers.add_parser('handlers', parents=[copts_parser], help="Show event handlers installed in the flow.") p_handlers.add_argument("-d", "--doc", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show documentation about all the handlers that can be installed.") # Subparser for notebook. p_notebook = subparsers.add_parser('notebook', parents=[copts_parser], help="Create and open an ipython notebook to interact with the flow.") p_notebook.add_argument('--foreground', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run jupyter notebook in the foreground.") # TODO: #parser.add_argument('--classic-notebook', "-cnb", action='store_true', default=False, # help="Use classic jupyter notebook instead of jupyterlab.") #parser.add_argument('--no-browser', action='store_true', default=False, # help=("Start the jupyter server to serve the notebook " # "but don't open the notebook in the browser.\n" # "Use this option to connect remotely from localhost to the machine running the kernel")) #parser.add_argument('--foreground', action='store_true', default=False, # help="Run jupyter notebook in the foreground.") # Subparser for ipython. p_ipython = subparsers.add_parser('ipython', parents=[copts_parser], help="Embed IPython. Useful for advanced operations or debugging purposes.") p_ipython.add_argument('--argv', nargs="?", default="", type=shlex.split, help="Command-line options passed to ipython. Must be enclosed by quotes. " "Example: --argv='--matplotlib=wx'") # Subparser for tar. p_tar = subparsers.add_parser('tar', parents=[copts_parser], help="Create tarball file.") p_tar.add_argument("-s", "--max-filesize", default=None, help="Exclude file whose size > max-filesize bytes. Accept integer or string e.g `1MB`.") p_tar.add_argument("-e", "--exclude-exts", default=None, type=parse_strings, help="Exclude file extensions. Accept string or comma-separated strings. Ex: -eWFK or --exclude-exts=WFK,GSR") p_tar.add_argument("-d", "--exclude-dirs", default=None, type=parse_strings, help="Exclude directories. Accept string or comma-separated strings. Ex: --exlude-dirs=indir,outdir") p_tar.add_argument("-l", "--light", default=False, action="store_true", help="Create light-weight version of the tarball for debugging purposes. Other options are ignored.") # Subparser for tricky. p_tricky = subparsers.add_parser('tricky', parents=[copts_parser], help=("Show tricky tasks i.e. tasks that have been restarted, " "launched more than once or tasks that have been corrected.")) # Subparser for debug. p_debug = subparsers.add_parser('debug', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Analyze error files and log files for possible error messages.") # Subparser for debug_reset. p_debug_reset = subparsers.add_parser('debug_reset', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Analyze error files and log files produced by reset tasks for possible error messages.") # Subparser for reset_jobids. p_reset_jobids = subparsers.add_parser('reset_jobids', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Analyze error files and log files produced by reset tasks for possible error messages.") # Subparser for clone_task. #p_clone_task = subparsers.add_parser('clone_task', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], # help="Clone task, change input variables and add new tasks to the flow. Requires") # Subparser for group. p_group = subparsers.add_parser('group', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Group tasks according to property.") p_group.add_argument("-g", '--groupby', default="status", type=str, choices=["status", "task_class"], help="Select the attribute used to group tasks. Default: status.") # Subparser for diff. p_diff = subparsers.add_parser('diff', parents=[copts_parser, flow_selector_parser], help="Compare files produced by two or three nodes.") p_diff.add_argument('what_diff', nargs="?", type=str, default="i", help="What to diff: `i` for input (default), `o` for output, `l` for logfile, `e` for stderr.") # Subparser for networkx. p_networkx = subparsers.add_parser('networkx', parents=[copts_parser], help="Draw flow and node dependencies with networkx package.") p_networkx.add_argument('--nxmode', default="status", help="Type of network plot. Possible values: `status`, `network`. Default: `status`.") p_networkx.add_argument('--edge-labels', action="store_true", default=False, help="Show edge labels.") # Subparser for graphviz. p_graphviz = subparsers.add_parser('graphviz', parents=[copts_parser], help=("Draw flow and node dependencies with graphviz package. Accept (FLOWDIR|WORKDIR|TASKDIR). " "See")) p_graphviz.add_argument("-e", "--engine", type=str, default="automatic", help=("graphviz engine: ['dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp', 'patchwork', 'osage']. " "Default: automatic i.e. the engine is automatically selected. See " "Use `conda install python-graphviz` or `pip install graphviz` to install the python package.")) p_graphviz.add_argument("-d", '--dirtree', default=False, action="store_true", help='Visualize files and directories in workdir instead of tasks/works.') # Subparser for listext. p_listext = subparsers.add_parser('listext', parents=[copts_parser], help="List all the output files with the given extension that have been produced by the nodes.") p_listext.add_argument('listexts', nargs="*", default=[], help="List of Abinit file extensions. e.g DDB, GSR, WFK etc") return parser
[docs] def serve_kwargs_from_options(options) -> dict: #address = "localhost" if options.no_browser: print(""" Use: ssh -N -f -L localhost:{port}:localhost:{port} username@your_remote_cluster for port forwarding. """) import abipy.panels as mod assets_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), "assets") return dict( debug=options.verbose > 0, show=not options.no_browser, port=options.port, static_dirs={"/assets": assets_path}, #address=address, #websocket_origin="{address}:{port}", )
[docs] @prof_main def main(): def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1): """Display the usage of the script.""" sys.stderr.write(get_epilog()) if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n") sys.exit(error_code) parser = get_parser(with_epilog=True) # Parse command line. try: options = parser.parse_args() except Exception as exc: show_examples_and_exit(error_code=1) if not options.command: show_examples_and_exit(error_code=1) cli.set_loglevel(options.loglevel) if options.verbose > 2: print(options) # Documentation options that do not need a flow. # Print docs and exit immediately. if options.command == "doc_manager": # Document TaskManager options and qparams. qtype = options.qtype if qtype == "script": manager = flowtk.TaskManager.from_user_config() script = manager.qadapter.get_script_str( job_name="job_name", launch_dir="workdir", executable="executable", qout_path="qout_file.path", qerr_path="qerr_file.path", stdin="stdin", stdout="stdout", stderr="stderr") print(script) else: print(flowtk.TaskManager.autodoc()) print("qtype supported: %s" % flowtk.all_qtypes()) print("Use ` . manager slurm` to have the list of qparams for slurm.\n") if qtype is not None: print("QPARAMS for %s" % qtype) flowtk.show_qparams(qtype) return 0 if options.command == "doc_scheduler": print("Options that can be specified in scheduler.yml:") print(flowtk.PyFlowScheduler.autodoc()) return 0 if options.command == "abibuild": abinit_build = flowtk.AbinitBuild() print() print(abinit_build) print() if not options.verbose: print("Use --verbose for additional info") else: print( return 0 # Abiopen does not need a flow if options.command == "abiopen": return cli_abiopen(options, options.flowdir) # After this point we start to operate on the flow. # 0) Print logo # 1) Read flow from pickle file and construct nids set if needed. # 2) Operate on the flow depending on the options specified by the user on the CLI. if options.no_colors: # Disable colors termcolor.enable(False) if not options.no_logo: nrows, ncols = get_terminal_size() if ncols > 100: cprint(abilab.abipy_logo1(), "yellow") system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname() cprint("Running on %s -- system %s -- Python %s -- %s" % ( gethostname(), system, platform.python_version(), "abirun" + "-" + abilab.__version__), 'yellow', attrs=['underline']) wname, tname = None, None if options.flowdir is None: # Will try to figure out the location of the Flow. options.flowdir = os.getcwd() else: # Sometimes one wants to inspect a work or a task by just using ` flow/w0/t0 inspect` # without knowing its node id. flowdir_wname_tname will solve the problem! options.flowdir, wname, tname = flowdir_wname_tname(options.flowdir) # Read the flow from the pickle database. flow = flowtk.Flow.pickle_load(options.flowdir, remove_lock=options.remove_lock) # If we have selected a work/task, we have to convert wname/tname into node ids (nids) if wname or tname: if wname and tname: # Task for w_pos, work in enumerate(flow): if os.path.basename(work.workdir) == wname: break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find work from name: {wname}") for t_pos, task in enumerate(flow[w_pos]): if os.path.basename(task.workdir) == tname: break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find task from name: {tname}") # Create options.nids here options.nids = set([flow[w_pos].node_id, flow[w_pos][t_pos].node_id]) else: # Work for w_pos, work in enumerate(flow): if os.path.basename(work.workdir) == wname: break else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find work from name: {wname}") # Create options.nids here options.nids = set([flow[w_pos].node_id] + [task.node_id for task in flow[w_pos]]) retcode = 0 if options.command == "new_manager": # Read the new manager from file. new_manager = flowtk.TaskManager.from_file(options.manager_file) # Default status for new_manager is QCritical if options.task_status is None: options.task_status = Status.as_status("QCritical") # Change the manager of the errored tasks. print(f"Resetting tasks with status: {options.task_status}") for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): task.reset() task.set_manager(new_manager) # Update the database. return flow.build_and_pickle_dump() elif options.command in ("explain_works", "explain_tasks"): what = options.command.split("_")[1] s = flow.explain(what=what, nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose) print(s) elif options.command == "autoparal": flow.show_autoparal(nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose) elif options.command == "panel": pn = abilab.abipanel() serve_kwargs = serve_kwargs_from_options(options) if options.nids is None: # Start Multipage app for this flow. from abipy.panels.flows import FlowMultiPageApp FlowMultiPageApp(flow, options.panel_template).serve(**serve_kwargs) else: node_list = list(flow.iflat_nodes(nids=select_nids(flow, options))) if len(node_list) > 1: print("Got more than one node in node_list:") print("Only the last node will be shown in the panel dashboard!\n") for node in node_list: print(node) print("") node = node_list[-1] app = node.get_panel(template=options.panel_template) pn.serve(app, **serve_kwargs) return 0 elif options.command == "events": flow.show_events(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)) elif options.command == "corrections": flow.show_corrections(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)) elif options.command == "history": flow.show_history(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options), full_history=options.full_history, metadata=options.metadata) elif options.command == "handlers": if options.doc: flowtk.autodoc_event_handlers() else: flow.show_event_handlers(verbose=options.verbose) elif options.command == "single": cprint(" single is deprecated and will be removed in Abipy v1.0. Use `scheduler`", color="red") nlaunch = flow.single_shot() if nlaunch: flow.show_status() cprint("Number of tasks launched: %d" % nlaunch, "yellow") elif options.command == "rapid": cprint(" rapid is deprecated and will be removed in Abipy v1.0. Use `scheduler`", color="red") nlaunch = flow.rapidfire(max_nlaunch=options.max_nlaunch, max_loops=1, sleep_time=5) if nlaunch: flow.show_status() cprint("Number of tasks launched: %d" % nlaunch, "yellow") elif options.command == "scheduler": # Check that the env on the local machine is properly configured before starting the scheduler. abilab.abicheck() sched_options = {oname: getattr(options, oname) for oname in ("weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds")} if all(v == 0 for v in sched_options.values()): sched = flow.make_scheduler() else: sched = flow.make_scheduler(**sched_options) print(sched) return sched.start() elif options.command == "status": # Select the method to call. show_func = flow.show_status if not options.summary else flow.show_summary if options.delay: flow_watch_status(flow, delay=options.delay, verbose=options.verbose, nids=select_nids(flow, options), func_name=show_func.__name__) else: show_func(verbose=options.verbose, nids=select_nids(flow, options)) if options.verbose and flow.manager.has_queue: print("Total number of jobs in queue: %s" % flow.manager.get_njobs_in_queue()) elif options.command == "set_status": # Default status for reset is QCritical if options.task_status is None: options.task_status = Status.as_status("QCritical") new_status = Status.as_status(options.new_status) print("Will set all tasks with status: ", options.task_status, " to new_status", new_status) count = 0 for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): task.set_status(new_status, msg="Changed by abirun from %s to %s" % (task.status, new_status)) count += 1 print("Number of tasks modified: %s" % count) if count: # update database flow.pickle_dump() elif options.command == "open": flow.open_files(what=options.what, status=None, op="==", nids=select_nids(flow, options)) elif options.command == "cancel": print("Number of jobs cancelled %d" % flow.cancel(nids=select_nids(flow, options))) # Remove directory if options.rmtree: flow.rmtree() elif options.command == "restart": # Default status for restart is Unconverged if no option is provided by the user. if options.task_status is None and options.nids is None: options.task_status = Status.as_status("Unconverged") nlaunch, excs = 0, [] for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): print("Will try to restart %s, with status %s" % (task, task.status)) try: fired = task.restart() if fired: nlaunch += 1 print("\tTask restarted") except Exception: excs.append(straceback()) cprint("Total number of jobs restarted %d" % nlaunch, "blue") if nlaunch: # update database flow.pickle_dump() if excs: print("Exceptions raised\n") pprint(excs) elif options.command == "reset": if options.nids is None and options.task_status is None: # Default status for reset command is QCritical options.task_status = Status.as_status("QCritical") if options.task_status is not None: print("Resetting tasks with status: %s" % options.task_status) else: print("Resetting tasks with node ids: %s" % str(options.nids)) count = 0 for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): print("Resetting task %s... " % task, end="") failed = task.reset() if failed: cprint("[FAILED]", "red") else: cprint("[OK]", "green") count += 1 cprint("%d tasks have been reset" % count, "blue") flow.show_status() g = flow.find_deadlocks() #print("deadlocked:", gdeadlocked, "\nrunnables:", grunnables, "\nrunning:", g.running) if g.deadlocked and not (g.runnables or g.running): cprint("*** Flow is deadlocked ***", "red") flow.pickle_dump() elif options.command == "move": print("Moving flow to: %s ..." % options.dest) flow.chroot(options.dest) flow.move(options.dest) elif options.command == "tail": def get_path(task): """Helper function used to select the files of a task.""" choices = { "o": task.output_file, "l": task.log_file, "e": task.stderr_file, } return getattr(choices[options.what_tail], "path") # Default status for tail is Running if options.task_status is None: options.task_status = Status.as_status("Running") paths = [get_path(task) for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options))] if not paths: cprint("No job is running. Exiting!", "magenta") else: cprint("Press <CTRL+C> to interrupt. Number of output files %d\n" % len(paths), color="magenta", end="", flush=True) try: os.system("tail -f %s" % " ".join(paths)) except KeyboardInterrupt: cprint("Received KeyboardInterrupt from user\n", "yellow") elif options.command == "timeit": flow.check_status() time_parser = flow.parse_timing(nids=select_nids(flow, options)) print(time_parser) df = time_parser.summarize() abilab.print_dataframe(df, title="output of time_parse.summarize():") #elif options.command == "squeue": # for task in flow.select_tasks(nids=options.nids, wslice=options.wslice): # if not task.qjob: continue # print("qjob", task.qjob) # print("info", task.qjob.get_info()) # print("estimated_start-time", task.qjob.estimated_start_time()) # print("qstats", task.qjob.get_stats()) elif options.command == "deps": flow.check_status() flow.show_dependencies() elif options.command == "robot": print("Building robot for file extension:", options.robot_ext, "with task_class:", options.task_class) robot = abilab.Robot.from_flow(flow, outdirs="all", nids=select_nids(flow, options), ext=options.robot_ext) if len(robot) == 0: cprint("Robot couldn't find files", "yellow") return 1 print("\n%s\n" % robot.get_label_files_str()) if options.print_dataframe: # Print dataframe if robot provides get_dataframe method. if hasattr(robot, "get_dataframe"): try: df = robot.get_dataframe() abilab.print_dataframe(df, title="Output of robot.get_dataframe():", precision=4) except Exception as exc: cprint("Exception:\n%s\n\nwhile invoking get_dataframe. Falling back to to_string" % str(exc), "red") print(robot.to_string(verbose=options.verbose)) else: cprint("%s does not provide `get_dataframe` method. Using `to_string`" % ( robot.__class__.__name__), "yellow") print(robot.to_string(verbose=options.verbose)) elif options.notebook: # Create notebook. return robot.make_and_open_notebook(foreground=options.foreground) else: # Start ipython to interact with the robot. import IPython header = robot.get_label_files_str() + "\n\nType `robot` in the terminal and use <TAB> to list its methods." IPython.embed(header=header, robot=robot) elif options.command == "cycles": # Print cycles. from abipy.flowtk.abiinspect import CyclesPlotter cls2plotter = OrderedDict() for task, cycle in flow.get_task_scfcycles(nids=select_nids(flow, options), exclude_ok_tasks=options.exclude_ok_tasks): print() cprint(repr(task), **task.status.color_opts) print("\n", cycle, "\n") label = repr(task) if options.verbose else "{} {}".format(task.__class__.__name__, task.relworkdir) # Could have different kind of cycles e.g. Scf, Relax, DFPT ... # so we group them by building multiple plotters indexed by task class. # Plots are produced outside of the loop. pkey = task.__class__.__name__ if pkey not in cls2plotter: cls2plotter[pkey] = CyclesPlotter() cls2plotter[pkey].add_label_cycle(label, cycle) # Here comes the plot. if options.plot_mode is not None and cls2plotter: for pkey, plotter in cls2plotter.items(): try: getattr(plotter, options.plot_mode)(title="Plotter for %s class" % pkey) except Exception as exc: cprint("Exception while invoking %s method of %s.\n%s" % ( options.plot_mode, plotter.__class__.__name__, str(exc)), "red") elif options.command == "dims": flow.get_dims_dataframe(nids=select_nids(flow, options), printout=True, with_colors=not options.no_colors) elif options.command == "inspect": tasks = flow.select_tasks(nids=select_nids(flow, options)) def plot_graphs(): for task in tasks: if hasattr(task, "inspect"): try: task.inspect() except Exception as exc: cprint("%s: inspect method raised %s " % (task, exc), color="blue") else: cprint("Task %s does not provide an inspect method" % task, color="blue") plot_graphs() elif options.command == "inputs": flow.show_inputs(varnames=options.varnames, nids=select_nids(flow, options)) elif options.command == "abivars": flow.compare_abivars(varnames=options.varnames, nids=select_nids(flow, options), printout=True, with_colors=not options.no_colors) elif options.command == "structures": flow.compare_structures(nids=select_nids(flow, options), what=options.what, verbose=options.verbose, with_spglib=False, printout=True, with_colors=not options.no_colors) elif options.command == "ebands": df, ebands_plotter = flow.compare_ebands( nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose, with_spglib=False, printout=True, with_colors=not options.no_colors) plot_mode = options.plot_mode if plot_mode is not None: plotfunc = getattr(ebands_plotter, plot_mode, None) if plotfunc is None: raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle plot_mode: %s" % plot_mode) plotfunc(tight_layout=True) elif options.command == "hist": df, robot = flow.compare_hist(nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose, with_spglib=False, printout=True, with_colors=not options.no_colors) plot_mode = options.plot_mode if plot_mode is not None: if len(robot) == 1: robot.abifiles[0].plot() else: if plot_mode == "gridplot": for what in robot.what_list: robot.gridplot(what=what) elif plot_mode == "combiplot": robot.combiplot() else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value of plot_mode: {plot_mode}") elif options.command == "notebook": return flow.write_open_notebook(options.foreground) elif options.command == "ipython": import IPython print("Invoking Ipython, `flow` object will be available in the Ipython terminal") IPython.start_ipython(argv=options.argv, user_ns={"flow": flow}) elif options.command == "tar": if not options.light: tarfile = flow.make_tarfile(name=None, max_filesize=options.max_filesize, exclude_exts=options.exclude_exts, exclude_dirs=options.exclude_dirs, verbose=options.verbose) print("Created tarball file %s" % tarfile) else: tarfile = flow.make_light_tarfile() print("Created light tarball file %s" % tarfile) elif options.command == "tricky": flow.show_tricky_tasks(verbose=options.verbose) elif options.command == "debug": flow.debug(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)) elif options.command == "debug_reset": flow_debug_reset_tasks(flow, nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose) elif options.command == "reset_jobids": # Make sure we have slurm. qtype = flow[0][0].manager.qadapter.QTYPE.lower() if qtype != "slurm": cprint("reset_jobids is only available for slurm", color="magenta", end="", flush=True) return 1 # Call squeue to get list of job infos and extract slurm_jobs from abipy.flowtk.qutils import slurm_get_jobs slurm_jobs = slurm_get_jobs() for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): qid = task.queue_id if qid is None: continue if qid not in slurm_jobs and not task.is_completed: print("Task:", task, "seeem to have been killed and will be automatically reset.") task.reset() return flow.build_and_pickle_dump() # TODO #elif options.command == "debug_restart": # flow_debug_restart_tasks(flow, nids=select_nids(flow, options), verbose=options.verbose) elif options.command == "group": d = defaultdict(list) print("\nMapping `%s` ---> List of node identifiers" % options.groupby) for task in flow.iflat_tasks(status=options.task_status, nids=select_nids(flow, options)): if options.groupby == "status": k = task.status elif options.groupby == "task_class": k = task.__class__.__name__ else: raise ValueError("Invalid groupby: `%s`" % options.groupby) d[k].append(task) for k, tasks in d.items(): s = ", ".join([colored(str(task.node_id), **task.status.color_opts) for task in tasks]) print(" ",k, " ---> ", s) elif options.command == "diff": if options.nids is None: raise ValueError("nids must be specified when using diff command") tasks = list(flow.iflat_tasks(nids=select_nids(flow, options))) if len(tasks) not in (2, 3): if len(tasks) == 1: cprint("task == task, returning\n", color="magenta", end="", flush=True) return 0 else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to compare files produced by %d tasks" % len(tasks)) # Build list of lists. Each sub-list contains the files associated to the i-th task. files_for_task = [None] * len(tasks) for i, task in enumerate(tasks): files_for_task[i] = task.select_files(options.what_diff) for diff_files in zip(*files_for_task): print("Comparing", ", ".join(os.path.relpath(p) for p in diff_files)) args = " ".join(os.path.relpath(p) for p in diff_files) # TODO: I should have written a Differ object somewhere! os.system("vimdiff %s" % args) elif options.command == "networkx": flow.plot_networkx(mode=options.nxmode, with_edge_labels=options.edge_labels) elif options.command == "graphviz": # Select node to visualize. node = flow if wname or tname: if wname and tname: # Task node = flow[w_pos][t_pos] else: # Work node = flow[w_pos] directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() print("Producing source files in:", directory) if options.dirtree: graph = node.get_graphviz_dirtree(engine=options.engine) else: graph = node.get_graphviz(engine=options.engine) # Add this liine to print the DOT string. Can be used with e.g. if options.verbose: print(graph) graph.view(directory=directory, cleanup=False) if options.verbose > 1: # Write graph to file in png format. graph.format = "png" graph.attr(dpi=str(300)) path = graph.render("graph", view=False, cleanup=False) print("Saving png file to:", path) elif options.command == "listext": if not options.listexts: print("\nPlease specify the file extension(s), e.g. GSR SIGRES.\nList of available extensions:\n") print(abilab.abiopen_ext2class_table()) return 0 for ext in options.listexts: print("") flow.listext(ext) print("") else: raise ValueError(f"Don't know what to do with command {options.command}!") return retcode
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())