abipy.embedding namespace
abipy.embedding.embedding_ifc module
- class abipy.embedding.embedding_ifc.Embedded_phonons(stru_pristine, stru_defect, stru_emb, ifc_emb, nac_params)[source]
Defines a Phonopy object implementing the Interatomic Force Constants embedding method defined in:
- classmethod from_phonopy_instances(phonopy_pristine, phonopy_defect, structure_defect_wo_relax, main_defect_coords_in_pristine, main_defect_coords_in_defect, substitutions_list=None, vacancies_list=None, interstitial_list=None, tol_mapping=0.01, cut_off_mode='auto', rc_1=None, rc_2=None, factor_ifc=1, verbose=0, asr=True)[source]
- Parameters:
phonopy_pristine – Phonopy object of the pristine structure
phonopy_defect – Phonopy object of the defect structure
structure_defect_wo_relax – Supercell structure associated to the defect structure, but without relaxation. Needed for an easier mapping. Should corresponds to order of phonopy_defect structure!
main_defect_coords_in_pristine – Main coordinates of the defect in pristine structure, if defect complex, can be set to the center of mass of the complex
main_defect_coords_in_defect – Main coordinates of the defect in defect structure, if defect complex, can be set to the center of mass of the complex
substitutions_list (
) – List of substitutions infos [index,specie], ex : [[0, “Eu”],[1,”N”]]vacancies_list (
) – List of indices where the vacancies are, ex: [13,14]interstitial_list (
) – List of interstitial infos [specie, cart_coord], ex [[‘Eu’,[0,0,0]],[‘Ce’,’[0,0,3]’]]tol_mapping – Tolerance in angstrom for the mapping between structures
cut_off_mode – Cut off mode for the radii of the sphere centered around the defect (rc_2). if ‘auto’ : the code tries to find the largest sphere inscribed in the defect supercell. If ‘manual’ : rc_1 and rc_2 should be provided.
rc_1 – Radii of the sphere centered around the defect outside which the IFCs are set to zero, allows to get sparse matrix.
rc_2 – Radii of the sphere centered around the defect where the IFCs of the defect computation are included
factor_ifc – Multiply the IFCs inside the sphere of radii rc_2 by factor_ifc, usefull to introduce fictious high-frequency local mode
verbose – Print explicitely all the IFCs replacements
asr – If True, re-enforce acoustic sum rule after IFCs embedding, following eq. (S4) of https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00537
- Return type:
- Returns:
A new phonopy object with the embedded structure and embedded IFCs.
abipy.embedding.utils_ifc module
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.stru_0_1_to_minus_05_05(structure)[source]
translate the structure so that the frac_coords go from [0,1] to [-0.5,0,5]
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.frac_coords_05_to_minus05(stru)[source]
Move atoms that are close to frac_coord = 0.5 to -0.5 Needed for atoms that are at -0.5 in the perfect supercell but move to for instance 0.498 after relaxation
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.center_wrt_defect(structure, defect_coord)[source]
Center the structure around defect_coord. Defect is now at [0,0,0]
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.clean_structure(structure, defect_coord)[source]
Apply successively : center_wrt_defect(), stru_0_1_to_minus_05_05(), frac_coords_05_to_minus05() Usefull to match structures after clean_structure()
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.map_two_structures_coords(stru_1, stru_2, tol=0.1)[source]
Returns a mapping between two structures based on the coordinates, within a given tolerance in Angstrom. stru_1 should be a subset of the superset structure stru_2
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.inverse_participation_ratio(eigenvectors)[source]
Compute equation (10) of https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00537 for a given q-point, eigenvectors shape=(nbands,natoms,3)
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.localization_ratio(eigenvectors)[source]
See equation (10) of https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00537 for a given q-point, eigenvectors shape=(nbands,natoms,3)
- abipy.embedding.utils_ifc.vesta_phonon(eigenvectors, in_path, ibands=None, scale_vector=20, width_vector=0.3, color_vector=[255, 0, 0], centered=True, factor_keep_vectors=0.1, out_path='VESTA_FILES')[source]
Draw the phonons eigenvectors on a vesta file. Inspired from https://github.com/AdityaRoy-1996/Phonopy_VESTA/tree/master
- Parameters:
eigenvectors – phonons eigenvectors for given q-point with shape (nbands,natom,3)
in_path – path where the initial vesta structure in stored, the structure should be consistent
provided. (with the eigenvectors)
ibands – list of indices of the bands to include, if not provided, all the bands
scale_vector – scaling factor of the vector modulus
width_vector – vector width
color_vector – color in rgb format
centered – center the vesta structure around [0,0,0]
factor_keep_vectors – draw only the eigenvectors with magnitude > factor_keep_vectors * max(magnitude)
out_path – path where .vesta files with vector are stored